This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 9 A small attempt to earn Galleons

"Legendary Wizard... I think it's feasible."

"Magic Legend... You can try to submit this..."

"Fashion Wizard? It sells a lot, but it's not suitable... Why do second-hand bookstores buy this kind of magazine?"

"Wizard Monthly... You can try..."

"Singing a different tune? The sales are not good... But judging from the content, it should be possible to submit it, so try it..."

"Magic Reader?... This chicken soup is really pure... You can consider going there to drink some, I think I can..."

In the room of the Leaky Cauldron, Andrew was flipping through today's spoils while choosing the place to fly with his owl. The poor worker didn't know that he had to fly one more time for every nod, and he was still foolishly cooing in agreement.

"I have an inspiration, let's try the magic reader first," Andrew was interested, spread out the parchment and wrote with a feather pen not very skillfully, and soon, a fresh manuscript came out.

"There are still some problems with the grammar, but it's almost there..."

After quickly making up a new pen name for himself, Andrew tied the letter to the owl and asked it to deliver the manuscript.

"I'll probably get a reply when I return to the orphanage tomorrow. It shouldn't be a problem to deliver the manuscript."

He patted his owl's head and tied the impromptu manuscript to it - considering that writing about the surrounding magic world would be easily attacked, he changed it to praise the ancient magic world and reflect on the current magic world.

To his surprise, when he was about to go to bed in the evening, his owl came back with eight Sickles, and there was a warm reply inviting his manuscript, indicating that his manuscript would be published in the next issue of Magic Reader, and hinted that if he was willing to write another such excellent article on the education of pure-blood and Muggle wizards, then the manuscript fee could be calculated at double the price according to the word count.

"Forget it, I don't want to be found and cursed..."

Although he earned a day's rent and food, Andrew still didn't plan to continue posting there - there is a real curse here, and it would be terrible if the intention was too obvious...

He even used to cancel the connection between himself and the temporary pen name - this is a spell that facilitates the owl's location, which is of the entry-level difficulty level, and even the content related to the submission in the magazine teaches it. (Because it is too simple, there is not even a special course to teach it. Sirius even blocked his connection with the name without a wand after escaping)

"Well, this money is not easy to make, but at least we have a good start."

Andrew held up his owl and rubbed his head with the thumbs of both hands. "Next, we have to open up the situation from Lockhart's legendary books."

Because it is very expensive, Andrew only did the two best-selling books in the series, and even this almost exceeded his budget.

"I always feel that I am not doing my job properly," he spread out the book, "but there is no way. If the things in Hogwarts Legacy are true, then I must try to master ancient magic. Although the setting requires blood, there are also ways to steal. Taking a step back, ancient magic runes, transfiguration experiments, alchemy experiments, all magic experiments cannot avoid starting funds, do you understand, buddy?"

"Getting some Galleons is like sharpening the knife before chopping wood. Once the initial funds are in hand, I will get something to sort out my memory and try to make myself not distracted by these things next time, buddy." He tapped the owl's forehead and began to read Lockhart's story.

Quite an excellent story - it's a pity that Andrew didn't have time to savor it carefully, and almost ruined it by flipping through it.

"A very realistic background, a very good presentation, a very good character design, and good grammar," he praised, "If it weren't for the novelty of the story, I wouldn't dare to imitate it."


"Levitation spell, three paragraphs."

Looking at the height of the magic stone flying, Gryffindor had a blank expression, with a hint of self-mockery at the corner of his lips. The tightly grasped wand was so strong that the nail pierced the palm, causing a piercing pain.


The way pure-blood families test wizards under the age of eleven is different from other places. They use the levitation spell to make a piece of magic-repelling stone made of special materials float up. The higher the height, the stronger the magic power, and the higher the future growth limit.

“The magic power that I have finally grown up has been completely swallowed up by this wand I chose from Ollivander… Is it really suitable for me?”

“The Helper family, 30 years west of the Thames, 30 years east of the Thames, don’t bully the poor young man!”

“So this is the old wand in the ancient legend?”

Ravenclaw frowned and retreated behind the crowd (Andrew thought about the crossed-out plot at that time… As I said, it’s better not to write if it’s not a glorious image. And a group portrait is not as good as a single main character.)

A week after Andrew returned to the orphanage, such manuscripts were placed on the desks of the editors-in-chief of the magazines he had selected.

Although it was only the first draft of the front part, some classic scenes and characters that were not suitable for application were deleted, and a series of settings such as the old wand, ancient potion formula, and ancient spells were set, and a large number of chapters were deleted to shorten the length, resulting in a deviation in the work, but considering the issue of the times, it is still tempting enough.

So Andrew got a reply soon.

The only rejection came from the Defiant One - it said that the manuscript was too serious, and if it was willing to join the goblin rebellion, integrate the army and other reasonable speculations, it could be used as a good manuscript...

The rest of the offers were different prices. After Andrew picked and chose, he chose Magic Legend - the other party claimed that only the editor needed to do some polishing, and promised not to reveal the author's name, and the manuscript fee was the second highest.

If there was any flaw, it was that the other party had to bear the title of the second author - this was a necessary condition for partial modification rights and concealing the author.

The price was quite appropriate, and Andrew agreed to sign the contract after a little thought.


"Okay, it's done!"

"Although the writing style and market research are a bit poor, the story is legendary enough!"

"Editor-in-chief, do we really want to do that?"

"Why not? We have interview authorization-and compared to that idiot Rita, our changes are harmless."

"That's right, it's okay for Rita to say that, we even did an exclusive interview."

In the editorial department of Magic Legend, something Andrew didn't expect happened-because of the existence of a person who broke the bottom line in the industry, his editor made a subversive change to the story in order to make the story reasonable and the magazine sell well.

"Gryffindor's story is too far away and has no selling points. How can it be compared with Lockhart?"

"Change the protagonist to Dumbledore, and say that it is a legal adaptation of our interview manuscript!!!"

"The name of the story is, Dumbledore, a legend!"

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