This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 10 I wanted to refuse

A good story is impactful, especially if it has a pusher effect.

Magic Legend is a magazine with good sales. After internal discussions among the editors, they decided to push forward the new serialization - the authorization, adaptation, and even the announcement were all done, so what else should be considered? Let's start the promotion!

Colleagues are enemies, so there is no need to consider the publication of magazines. However, the front pages of major daily newspapers have been bought by the editorial department for Galleons. Needless to say, radio stations such as Wizards Radio and Voice of Magic, etc. Even the Weird Sisters spent money just for that one line of advertising between performances!

While Andrew was working hard on his transfiguration, Flourish and Blotts Bookstore pulled up a new banner at the door.

"Dumbledore, a Legend" - is being serialized in Magic Legend Magazine!

There is no doubt that the magazine succeeded.

Dumbledore's name is the best slogan, and the story is indeed interesting enough. The flaws in Andrew have been completely transformed into the magical world after digital editing changes, and those things from fairy tales and legends have made wizards who have read it since childhood Believe in the story.

There is nothing wrong with the logic of legendary characters getting legendary things.

Dumbledore soaked in the Fountain of Good Luck, picked up the Elder Wand, obtained the ancient potion formula and practiced it, entered Hogwarts as a genius hat embarrassment, and slapped the Gaunt family who broke off the engagement (Editor: Andrew Even less afraid of curses), he acquired the Gryffindor treasure buried at the bottom of the castle when he was a student at Hogwarts (Andrew originally wrote it and got the approval of the towering spirit of Hogwarts Castle, but it was changed by the editor). Could it be that What's the problem?

No problem!

The biggest problem with this Dumbledore biography is that there are many interesting adventure stories written in the trailer, and the only content released is the part about obtaining the ancient potion formula at the beginning!

When will next month’s Magic Legend be released!

Can't you all follow Lockhart's example and write a complete adventure book in one go?

Amid discussion and abuse among wizards, two more editions of the magical legend were printed - within three days.

At this time, the Lockhart Adventure series of books were all under pressure. There was no way to do it. Magic Legends did not increase the price. It was already a high-selling magazine, and the price/performance ratio was too high.

Unfortunately, Andrew, the instigator of this hot scene, did not know anything about it. Although the increased remuneration and the letter from the editorial department were already on the way, he had just woken up, washed his face, tidied up briefly, and went to the morning. Ran away.

This is a good habit he has developed since he came here - running fast can solve many problems.

If it weren't for the fact that Apparition was too difficult, he would have wished that the first magic he learned was Apparition.

Run, eat, go back and wash some manuscripts, and then you can start studying happily.

After solving Galleon, a puzzle that could solve most of the magic world's problems, he could finally try spells and transfiguration.

As for the potion - the remaining memory of the laboratory rules prevented him from trying to cook the potion in the orphanage with peace of mind. He only had a general understanding of the potion to be brewed and some common herbs and then read the book Let it go.

Although he has not received any notice banning magic, he probably doesn't have much time to freely practice magic - even the speedrun movie guide emphasizes that casting spells is strictly prohibited during the summer vacation. He estimates that he will be able to do it after school starts. There is no such freedom anymore.

"Unlocking spell..."

Andrew carefully read the introduction to this magic that claimed to be able to solve most locks, and guessed what wizards were using them for now (In the 1600s, Esrikel learned this spell from an old African magician and began to Muggle and wizard residences in London were on a burglary spree), and then took out an old lock from a warehouse from a drawer.

Although it is old and almost rusted to death, it should still be able to open with a little pencil lead.

Andrew commented as he lightly clicked the lock with his wand, "The Alaho hole is open!"

The curse recited in a low voice made the lock make a hoarse clicking sound, and then the lock was finally opened under the influence of magic. Obviously, this magic that allowed the wizard to turn on automatic pickup in the Muggle world was Andrew's release was successful.

But whether you can fully master it depends on subsequent diligent practice.

“Another great start to the day…”

Andrew was smiling, but he felt something was not right.

The Transfiguration Technique he has mastered so far is to make a strong needle. The first magic he mastered is to make some small things float, and then it is to make fluorescent flashes of light in the dark. The magic he is currently practicing is to open locks. , and he is still trying his best to make himself good at running.

No matter how you look at it, this is a trend that is making a big leap towards Azkaban.

"By the way, Azkaban..."

He suddenly had an inspiration and wrote on the note (The conspiracy to destroy the original place of Azkaban, but it did not completely stop the evil experiments, causing it to only become a place where dark dementors live.)

"This is the only way to be worthy of the royalties. He will sew everything that needs to be sewed!"

Andrew put down the note and continued to read the information about the lock-picking spell - if you want to fully master the spell, you must be able to release this spell perfectly under any circumstances. Today, make sure you can open this lock perfectly, and then make sure you can open multiple types of locks. After locking, the self-study of this spell can come to an end.


There was a noise next to the window, followed by another noise. When Andrew turned his eyes, he found that it was a snow-white owl knocking on his window.


With doubt, he walked over quickly and let it fly in.


Just taking a look at the letter, Andrew's mouth was a little bit unable to close.

No, is there really someone who is not afraid of death?

If you are looking for death, don't drag me down, bastard!

Who is Dumbledore? Who dares to touch anyone's ass?

The first leader of Britain, he took down a castle of Hogwarts, flattened Grindelwald outside, and eliminated the mysterious man inside. He is the first person in the magic world. He is not an ordinary fighter. I dare not say that his disciples are all over the magic world. At least 98% of the whole UK occupies it. You stay away from me and don't splatter your blood on me!

This Galleon I!!! ! ! ! !

Andrew was stunned, looked at the amount of Gringotts bill, and rubbed his eyes again.

"The editor has his reasons for making such a promise."

"After all, Dumbledore is the best student in Gryffindor, and it's harmless to use his name. As long as there is no smear campaign, the editorial department should be able to handle it."

"What I want to pay attention to is that I will never add any gossip or write a negative image."

"That's right, that's it."

Andrew put away the bill of exchange, which was more than enough to cover his miscellaneous purchases and donations to the orphanage for a year - it was a single month's manuscript fee.

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