This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 39: Tianxin Gong

Instead of dying in the hands of the creepy leader-level You Bing, you will die by absorbing the opponent's huge source and being swelled to death!

How can this kind of death be allowed to happen!

No more hesitation, Fang Yi's forehead blue veins throbbing violently, enduring the severe pain and burning, he sat cross-legged.

He... actually wanted to start cultivating the next advanced technique of "Ground Resentment" - "Tianxin Gong" on the spot!

Cultivation of gong method, pay attention to step by step.

Just reaching the realm of perfection, before consolidating the realm, rushing to the next stage will inevitably be accompanied by huge risks.

And even if Fang Yi is familiar with "Tianxin Gong" by heart, he has already deduced it hundreds of times in his heart.

But in practice, that's another story.

If it is in a normal way, practice at a normal pace.

That Fang Yi is sure to minimize the risks, and perfectly overcome every difficulty in the cultivation of "Tianxin Gong", so that he can practice this skill naturally.

But the current situation does not allow him to be meticulous.

The body may explode at any time because it can't bear the huge force.

Therefore, he must complete the "Heavenly Heart Art" in a short period of time and at the fastest speed.

Find an outlet for this force and relieve your own pressure.

The difficulty and pressure are self-evident.

Fang Yi was able to sense how much time was left before his body exploded and died.

Fifteen seconds.

In other words, he must quickly complete a set of advanced exercises within fifteen seconds, and no mistakes are allowed.

Otherwise, it would be easy to go crazy.

In severe cases, they will be killed on the spot.

This difficulty, even Fang Yi felt a little pressured.

Fortunately, the source power that was rampaging in the body was as surging as the sea, and he could let him squander it at will.

Therefore, the method of Fangyi's choice is also very simple and rude.

That is to use the qi to guide this source of power, so that it can directly wash the meridian route of "Tianxin Gong".

In 15 seconds, he walked through nine or nine small Zhoutians and three large Zhoutians in one fell swoop.

The only problem is that with this brand new meridian route, the meridians are blocked and the pipes are small.

If you don't grasp the strength properly, it may cause the meridians to break and burst at any time.

As long as there is such a situation in one of the meridians, there is no hope of completing the "Heavenly Heart Gong".

The homeless, rampant source power will explode his body in a short period of time, with no life.

However, looking forward to the future and wasting time is also inevitable.

Time waits for no one, in just a short moment, Fang Yi thought about the current situation and closed his eyes to practice.

A minute ago.

City Lord's Mansion, West Wing Courtyard.


Among the ruins full of buildings, a big bald head suddenly emerged.

"Cough! Cough! Xuan Se! Xuan Se, are you still alive?"

The bald head waved his hand to disperse the surrounding dust, while calling out someone's name.

"This... here... Mr. Qing... help..."

A weak voice came from the front.

Her face changed slightly, Qing Ran hesitated, and finally, she gritted her teeth, took two steps in three steps, and rushed to the source of the sound.

But what he saw was different from what he thought.

I saw the little monk with a black color, one foot was pressed by a pillar, his expression was in pain, and he couldn't move.


Qing Ran secretly let out a breath.

If you're not entangled by ghosts, then you'll be fine.

To be honest, he was ready to turn around and run away when he heard the sound of black-colored help.

But when he thought of the four walls outside, and the possibility of getting along with Fang Yi through the black color, Qing Ran finally came to the rescue.

For ordinary people, it takes three or five strong men to work together to lift the big column, but Qing Ran lifted it very easily.

Xuan Se crawled out with difficulty, but his right leg was bent unnaturally, most likely already broken.

"Thank you, Mr. Qing, for saving your life."

"It doesn't count, it doesn't count. Those black weeds are coming for me, you're just implicated."

Earlier, Qing Ran made a decision and successfully found Xuan Se.

Unfortunately, it was different from what he thought.

On Xuan Se, there was nothing to save his life at all.

It's just that he was lucky and clever enough to follow Fang Yi's orders after the battle, and he was running outside, so he avoided a lot of danger.

Although it was different from what Qingran thought, he still kept people by his side and took care of him.

It's just a gamble.

If anyone in the entire City Lord's Mansion can create miracles in this desperate situation, then Fang Yi is the only one.

If Fang Yi really has such strength, this kind of favor can be said to be a big profit.

If Fang Yi didn't... Then tonight, no one in the entire City Lord's Mansion can get out alive.

Running away with black color, black weeds will kill them when they appear anytime, anywhere.

However, the black weeds are not controlled at all, and they attack any living creatures around them unconsciously.

So it's not too difficult to deal with... Or, it's not like the strength that You Bing should have.

It's like a place where wild ghosts are infected by the roadside. Although it is troublesome, it is not fatal.

The only problem is that I have a lot of proficiency, so I am a little chaotic to deal with.

It was an oversight just now that caused the black weeds to smash the room and divide the two.

When Qing Ran's secret path was bad and he thought that Xuan Se was sure to die, the black weeds suddenly stopped moving in unison, and fell softly to the ground like dead objects.

Ordinary people may not see what this means.

But how could Qing Ran not understand!

This is... this is the connection between the ghost domain and the great power of the ghost soldier, which was blocked and cut off by something!

"Secret weapon, that lord of your family must have used a super-powerful barrier weapon!

In the ghost realm, the power of the ghost soldier will be improved in all aspects.

Therefore, being able to block the connection between the two in the first step in the will greatly weaken the strength of the powerful soldiers...

In other words, that lord of your family is gaining the upper hand! "

When Xuan Se asked what happened just now, Qing Ran waved his fist excitedly.

Bao did not bet on the wrong person!

To be able to own and use ghosts of this level, one's own strength and background status will definitely not be weak!

However, once this kind of secluded weapon is used, the curse on oneself must be very serious.

It happens that there is a second-class curse remover in the family. Although it is definitely impossible to remove the curse, it is still possible to relieve and suppress the outbreak of the curse to a certain extent.

Through this, they should be able to get closer to Fang Yi again.

Make friends and build friendships with such great people.

Whether it is for his personal prestige in the family, or for the prestige of the family as a whole, it plays a pivotal role.


Looking up and looking into the distance, the four black-haired high walls have all collapsed.

The black-haired giant wall destroyed most of the outer area of ​​the City Lord's Mansion.

But it also means that the blockade of the City Lord's Mansion has been lifted.


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