This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 38: You Bing's End

Swinging that knife, of course, has the bonus of the weapon, but the most important thing is that young man!


The violent wind pressure suddenly appeared at this time, and the entire black cage was imprisoned, blown to pieces, and disintegrated with a bang. !


In the sky and the wood, Miss Xin's body was broken in two and fell to the ground.

The blackness that was spreading recklessly in the entire city lord's mansion was also stagnant at this moment.

As if some kind of connection was briefly cut off, it became still.


The sound of footsteps gradually approached.

A figure was cast on Miss Xin's body.

Reluctantly moving the eyes with only half of the human face half an inch, Miss Xin saw the tragic state of the 'crossbow machine' at the moment.

The left arm seemed to have been drained of water and blood, and only half the size of the arm had shrunk.

The skin is sloppy, and the bones are as thin as firewood, like a slender bamboo pole, which is pressed against the left arm of the person, which is extremely uncoordinated.

As for the right arm, it was bloated and bruised, as thick as the four arms of an ordinary person, and it was cumbersome and heavy.

But it wasn't sturdy, and it wasn't muscle, it was like edema, without strength.

Rising, soft, like a bulging bubble, bursting.

On the surface of the edematous right arm, the dense blood vessels almost broke through the shackles of the skin and burst at any time.

The number of blood vessels has already exceeded the number of normal people several times.

Going further down, the waist is even worse, as if it was bitten by something, and it sags more than half of the area inward. In order to support the half body, it trembles violently.

The legs are okay, but the lengths are different, some pale golden bones are exposed, and the blood keeps spilling out.

It is normal to have a deformed half body.

"Miss Xin, I've been very troubled."

It was obvious that his body was trembling violently, but the boy's voice was very stable, and his emotions did not waver.

As if the deformed body had nothing to do with him.

This calmness, this patience, made Miss Xin moved.

How could a mere human being be able to do this? !

She wanted to open her mouth to ask Fang Yi how troubled he was, and why Fang Yi could be so human.

But the previous knife contained a huge amount of qi that directly hurt her origin.

This one is a special power developed by humans to restrain their ghosts.

No matter how strong the soldiers are, they are ghosts.

It's just that the power level is higher, and the essence is no different from ordinary ghosts.

So at this moment, she can't move at all, and she can't adjust her strength.

It takes time to recover.

As long as she can adjust a little bit of strength, she can use the ghost domain to regain her strength very quickly.

Although it is definitely not as strong as before, but the disabled person in front of him who turned into a deformity after swinging a knife is always much stronger.

"Looking at Miss Xin's expression, you must want to ask me, what am I worrying about?"

The black chain sword has changed from 100 meters in length to its original form.

With the knife just now, Fang Yi compressed all the quiet energy on the eightyth floor of "Earth Resentment" into that knife at one time.

Therefore, the power of that knife is unmatched.

So, he doesn't have the slightest bit of aura now.

This also means that he can't even reach Miss Xin of Earth.

This did not prevent him from talking freely.

"It's okay to tell you. In fact, I've been worrying about what level my strength has reached. Have you heard of the 80th floor exercise?"

Eighty floors? !

Miss Heart was shocked.

She is not an ordinary ghost, and has dealt with humans countless times, so she also has a certain understanding of the human cultivation system.

But she had never heard of any function that could reach the 80th floor!

Generally speaking, there are more than ten levels of human cultivation techniques that have reached their peak.

Before she fell into such a field, most of the human powerhouses she killed were only at the level of ten or twenty layers of cultivation.

Eighty floors…

Miss Xin's heart flashed bitterly.

She never thought that she had just been reborn from the orderer and hit such a wonderful genius.

The most important thing is that after being reborn from the state of the orderer, the strength has still declined, and it has been directly planted in the opponent's hands.

I didn't expect that the dignified Qianmu Youbing would die in a place like this. If it spreads...


The young man in front of him suddenly sat cross-legged, interrupting Miss Xin's thoughts.

Seeing the other party's grinning appearance, Miss Xin's heart suddenly became excited.

She, who had been desperate just now, was suddenly full of urgency and hope.

That guy...that guy can't mobilize his power either! He's out of fuel!

Ecstasy fills the body!

However. The next second, the blood froze instantly.

Because she saw that Fang Yi had just sat down for two seconds, and had already stood up, and her body seemed to have a familiar aura.

"Miss Xin, you seem to be confused? Don't get excited, sit down, and operate the basics. This is a personal experience. The 80th floor of the practice realm, the recovery of quiet energy is very fast."

The deformed and atrophied left hand moved slightly, and pressed his short index finger against his mouth.

Fang Yi smiled and raised his swollen right hand, with a faint trace of air, along his right arm, gradually attaching to the black chain sword on his right arm.

Before waiting for Miss Xin to react, he was already cut down with the sword.


Black breaks, revealing tumbles.

The power that was about to be connected was cut off once again.

Fear rose from Miss Xin's heart for the first time.

Death has never been so close.

She wants to roar, she wants to bewitch, she wants to flatter, she wants to surrender...

Unfortunately, everything was too late.

The dense sword light was the last light she saw in her life.

Through the sword light, one could vaguely see the strange boy's body, like a leaking balloon, with blood gushing out from all parts.

Unfortunately, all this has nothing to do with him.

Consciousness gradually dissipated with the sword lights.

The source power, separated from the body, was attracted by the strange young man's qi, and was sucked into the body.

"Huh? This power...power!"

Fang Yi felt that he was expanding, constantly expanding.

Like a balloon that is about to be blown up, it hurts all over the body, and it may explode at any time!

Even if the anger is running in a hurry, the crazy transformation.

But to absorb the huge breath in, it is simply a drop in the ocean!

The Eighty-First Floor, Eighty-Fifth Floor, Ninety-Seventh Floor of "Earth Resentment"...

The number of layers of Earth Resentment Gong presents a leap-like improvement!

The 100th, 120th floor Great Perfection!

Limit, limit, limit!

The power that Earth Resentment Gong can carry has reached its limit!

All over, dry and hot.

As if there is a furnace, placed in the chest, and wants to burn everything.

I will die... If this goes on like this, I will definitely explode and die!



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