This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 89: protector

When evading these firepower, the [Living Liquid] on the surface of the red lightning was still in constant use.

Because once it stops, the opposite side can take the Rainbow Road.

At that time, the off-road vehicle will be directly incinerated, and they will be caught off guard, but will be in danger.

After thinking for a while, Nine Snake poured a bottle of potion and climbed out of the window.

"Du'e, I'll take the firepower under my crotch, drive at full speed as soon as possible!"

"Can you do it?"

"pass it to me…"


The voice stopped abruptly.

The fist, without warning, was directly printed on Nine Snake's face.

She flew straight from the car, fell on the hard ground, rolled over a dozen laps in a row, hit the railing heavily, and finally stopped.

The jaw was directly deformed, and the mouth was full of blood, which looked terrible.

"Nine snakes!"

Xian Sanbu exclaimed and stepped on the brakes.


The man whose speed dropped sharply, but did not throw off the roof.


There was a loud bang from the roof.

The entire roof is partially in the shape of a fist, concave and convex downward.

Xian Sanbu suddenly froze in his heart.

A momentary pause.

dong dong dong dong dong dong!

Continuous grooves appear!

With a final punch.


The roof was punched through.

The huge fist directly hit the driver's position.

If it wasn't for Xian Sanbu's quick reaction, and he shrank his head at that moment, I'm afraid he would have been hit directly.


A soft whimper came from above.

Fist retracted.

A man's face appeared at the crack in the roof.

Without any hesitation, Xian Sanbu directly stepped on the accelerator.

The speed suddenly increased.

A momentary imbalance threw the man out.

But the next moment, the trunk immediately heard the sound of something heavy falling on it.

In this case…

With the steering wheel full, Xian Sanbu directly caused the off-road vehicle he was driving to drift a second time.

A nice big turn that should have thrown most people off.

But the guy in the trunk was not thrown away.

Instead, he firmly grasped the Yueyue car and punched the car shell.

Stepping on the accelerator fully, Xian San Pao drove directly in the opposite direction, driving in the direction of the coming and going.


At this moment, the trunk was punched through by the man.

Xian Sanbu saw the man's appearance clearly at this time.

Mingming's body was covered with dense bandages, as if for the injured, but it gave people a very strong sense of oppression.

The gas pedal was full, and under the impact of the airflow, the bandaged man was obviously affected.

After a while, Xian Sanbu had returned to the place where the nine snakes had fallen.

"Nine snakes!"


Still full of the steering wheel, turning sharply.

The nine snakes that landed on the ground, as if they were already prepared, jumped up and broke the window precisely.

As soon as he raised his head, his fist had already struck again.

"The mice don't show their power, they treat me like a sick cat!?"

Without dodging, without evading, Nine Snakes took off his hair and slammed his head directly into his fist.


The huge collision sound exploded in Xian Sanbu's ear.

Look sideways.

The nine snakes had their bald head like a pipe, and were beaten in half.

And the bandaged man has already taken his cues and put his trembling right hand behind him.

"Okay, there is something."

The bandaged man said lightly, but he did not launch his offensive, but watched the two women vigilantly.

The driver was nothing, it was Dr. Du'e.

At present, it is only a good car skill, which belongs to the auxiliary role, which is not a cause for concern.

Mainly nine snakes...

As a senior thug of the Grey Sect.

A woman who almost squeezed into the senior ranks of the Grey Sect by her combat power, needless to say about her personal strength.

Bandage Man thinks he can beat her.

But not in a short time.

Coupled with the unfavorable terrain, in the opponent's car, it's hard to say whether they can win these two women steadily.

Therefore, the priority is to solve the problem of Dr. Po who is driving...

"The system prompts: You are poisoned."

Bandage man: ? ? ?

He was stunned for a moment, his chest was tight, he actually snorted and spurted blood.

, poisoned? !


I didn't think about it at all, I didn't think about it at all.

So when a dark shadow appeared in front of him, the bandaged man didn't even react.


The bandage was directly cut in half, and blood spurted out.


The bandaged man who had retreated to the trunk covered his bleeding right face, and his heart thumped as he listened to the other party's regretful words.

The ability to react... has dropped a lot!

This is no ordinary poison. The poison is rapidly increasing, which directly affects my judgment!

Can't beat, can't beat!

You must go back to detoxify first!

"Want to go?"

Seemingly seeing the bandaged man's thoughts, the pipe in Nine Snake's head flashed gray light and rushed over again.

The bandaged man just raised his hand to block.

However, he found that his consciousness issued such an order, but his body's reaction nerves reacted a second later.


Nine snakes' hand knife pierced through his chest.

And this time, the bandaged man learned to be obedient, no longer resisting, but just wanted to escape.

Then the force directly separated from their off-road vehicle, fell to the ground, and rolled a dozen times in a row.

Originally, due to the long sword girl's injury, her combat power decreased.

Now he was poisoned and severely wounded, making his scalp numb.

"Could it be that the plan for the eastern half of the city is going to die here before it starts?"

"No! I still have one last kill!"

"It's just a distance..."

The bandaged man gasped.

Nine snakes seemed to want to get out of the car, but because Xian Sanbu suddenly changed the steering wheel in an emergency, the vehicle was unstable, so he couldn't get out of the car.

"Protect Mr. Tie!"

"You can't let them kill Mr. Tie!"

Boom boom boom!

The various firepower support of the Grey Cult fell in a dense manner.

Immediately, the area exploded into smoke.

And in the smoke, a red lightning flashed out.

He directly crossed the gray sect convoys, broke through the Rainbow Road, and entered the gray area.

In front of the red lightning is the bridgehead.

"Mr. Iron!"

Rainbow Road shrunk The remaining members of the Grey Sect rushed to Mr. Tie's side and rescued him back to the car.

"Abandon the car."

As soon as he got in the car, the bandaged man said in a livid tone.

The Grey Sect leader asked with a bitter face, "How many cars."

The bandaged man was injured like this, and he could already foresee the result.

But the bandaged man's answer still surprised him.

"Just keep one, and discard the rest."

After a bit of entanglement, the Grey Sect leader still agreed.

After the personnel were adjusted, the last gray teaching car galloped away.

"That traitor and that woman are about to escape from the dividing bridge."

"I can't escape!"

The bandaged man sneered while receiving treatment.

"I was in front and arranged Dali for them."

As if confirming the words of the bandaged man.


The entire boundary bridge trembled violently.

Looking forward, I just saw the red lightning as if it was slipping, and the front and rear of the car spun together.


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