This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 88: crisis

The voice fell.

The girl with the long sword seemed to have changed her personality, and her fighting style changed instantly.

Wild and arrogant, as if treating this place as a slaughterhouse.

All grey beasts are fish on a chopping board.

And she is the butcher!

That almost irrational way of fighting, even if the bandaged man thinks back now, he still has lingering fears in his heart.

At the beginning of that battle, it was almost a one-sided situation.

It wasn't until he tried desperately to delay time with the giant beast of the night that he barely managed to make a turnaround.

Probably in a few minutes.

It seems that the side effect of the skill has appeared, and her spirit has become very loose and lazy.

His moves were soft, and he looked like he didn't want to move but had to move. He was extremely lazy, and he didn't even bother to respond to the attack on his body.

Rao is so, the bandaged man has already paid for this injury, three night sky behemoths, and a large number of gray beast corpses, only to kill her.

The corpses of the giant beasts in the night sky are recovered naturally, so let the living giant beasts in the night sky bring their corpses back to the main base of the Grey Cult.

Moreover, his injuries were also serious at the time. Although he understood that there must be accomplices in the base of the Grey Beasts, he didn't dare to kill them any more.

Just kidding, a girl with a long knife was about to kill him, and then beat two more people? Isn't this looking for death?

Rather than saying that the bandaged man spared the two at the Grey Beast Base, he was retreating strategically.

After returning, he began to recover from his injuries and investigated the whereabouts of Nine Snakes and Dr. Du'e.

However, as the collapse of the western half of the city draws nearer.

As a 'ferryman', he can only put various plans on the itinerary, and has no time to care about the affairs of those two people, so he has full authority to handle it with others.

I thought that as long as I didn't have myself as a ferryman, even Dr. Du'e wouldn't be able to cross the boundary bridge.

But I didn't expect that in the end, I let them go to the bridge.

Although in the end because of the shrinkage of the Rainbow Bridge, it was the gray gas that engulfed the off-road vehicle they were driving.

A copy of the notice does not appear.

The bandaged man had every reason to believe that neither of them died.

To be able to do such outrageous things, there is no reason not to be a player.

So the bandaged man has always been vigilant in his heart.

It was only after several minutes that I didn't see any response, so I had some self-doubt, whether the judgment was wrong, and I suspected that the two women were simply two NPCs with strange personalities.



The violent sound resounded again.

In the rear-view mirror, red lightning came galloping.

That car can actually move freely in the gray area? !

The bandaged man was shocked and felt incredible.

Taking a closer look, he found that some kind of translucent liquid was sprayed on the surface of the off-road vehicle.

Although he didn't know what the thing was, it was mostly relying on this thing to keep the off-road vehicle active in the gray area.

At this moment, the bandaged man is very sure.

The two women sitting in the car are the players!

"Someone is approaching from behind! Kill them!"


In name, the Grey Cult is still the organization of the head of the Grey Cult.

In fact, the real power in secret has long been passed on to the bandaged man.

For this purpose, he has been operating in the western half of the city for a long time, and he has also faced many dangers.

One of the giant beasts in the night sky, he led the team and captured it at the expense of a large number of members of the Grey Sect.

After he climbed to the top, he used the means to suspend the right of the sect leader.

As the collapse of the western half of the city approached, his identity began to take advantage, and his actions were exceptionally smooth.

Finally completed the conversion of the mastermind behind the scenes.

It is a pity that the collapse of the western half of the city still needs to be solved, otherwise everything that has been worked hard will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

Everything went according to plan, but at the last moment, she met the woman with a long knife, causing her body to suffer.

Although the ferryman's skill has little to do with his physical state, it does have an impact in the end.

The road across the bridge, which should have been smooth, has many variables.

When the order fell, everyone immediately started to act.

At this time, the red lightning has also rushed into the last rainbow road.

Heavy weapons such as rocket launchers and machine guns appeared one after another, shooting continuously at the red lightning.

But when they were about to attack, they all stopped.

"What's wrong? Let's do it!"

The bandaged man roared.

These high-level executives looked at each other in dismay.

Because when they were about to pull the trigger just now, they had already made predictions.

When they launched an attack, the red lightning would immediately escape into the gray area.

As a result, all the attacks immediately fell into a static state after leaving the Rainbow Road, and could not hurt the red lightning at all.

Tell the man with the bandage about this.

But he saw the bandaged man with a dark face, tore off the drip from his body and stood up.

"I asked you to attack, don't you understand!"

He is aware of this Grey Sect's predictive ability.

Say it precisely.

In most cases, it is quite accurate.

But when facing players, it will always fail from time to time.

Bandage Man thinks that the player's thinking is changing too fast, and it is impossible to accurately predict the player's actions with only a small amount of prediction.

And according to the forum bosses.

The power of prophecy, involving cause and effect, is the most perverted.

This kind of direct prediction of the future picture is only a very basic application, and the accuracy rate is not high, but it is easy to be misled, and even counterbalanced by some player skills.

So when facing players, Bandage Man doesn't really trust the power of prophecy of the Grey Cult.

A lot of firepower poured out.

As expected, the red lightning immediately retreated to the outside of Rainbow Road.


Rainbow Road is his own identity skill!

It's his bandaged man, who is controlling Rainbow Road.

So the so-called escape from outside the scope of Rainbow Road did not exist from the beginning!

Although it was very, under the control of the bandaged man, the Rainbow Road immediately deformed, paving a road at once, directly covering the red lightning.

The attack that was supposed to hit the gray area and was static, but also because of this change, it will lead to a complete renovation in the future, becoming unrecognizable, simple and blurry.

A large amount of firepower slanted towards the red lightning, scaring the face of the nine snakes.

Xian Sanbu didn't get much better, but in a panic, he still stepped on the brakes.


The speed dropped sharply, and the red lightning fell behind, barely avoiding the attack.

And the Rainbow Road immediately shrouded again.

All kinds of firepower directly aimed at them.

"Back, back, back again!"

Nine snakes shouted quickly.

But Xian Sanbu gritted his teeth.

"I can't go back! The amount of [Living Liquid] I only made is not enough. If I waste it here, I won't be able to rush to the opposite side!"

"How could it be wasted..."

Subconsciously, Nine Snakes spoke directly.

But soon, she understood what Xian Sanbu meant.


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