This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 40: Cage (Ten/Ten)

? Whoosh!

Bone spurs out.

The sound of breaking the air suddenly sounded.

The air wave around the bone spur showed a spiral rotation.

It shows that this bone spur is not as simple as just piercing it, but piercing it in a spiral way, which not only increases the ejection speed, but also increases the penetration and power.

Amid the exclamations of the crowd, the tall and wise man suddenly closed his eyes.

"Paper flow."

Like a piece of light paper, the body seems to have lost its weight, and it is actually suspended in the air, spiraling along the air waves.

The bone spurs shot past, but did not hurt the tall and wise man in the slightest.

Fang Yi was stunned, and immediately stopped the rotation of the bone spur.

In the next instant, at the node of the stagnant bone spur, a new bone spur suddenly shot out like a fork in a bamboo.


This stab is absolutely unpredictable.

As long as the reaction is a little slower, it will be penetrated immediately.

However, the tall and wise man escaped.

The way to dodge is very strange, like sensing the airflow, like a thin sheet of paper, it naturally avoids following the airflow.

Fang Yi had already noticed this phenomenon, but after thinking for a while, a dozen slender and sharp bone spurs suddenly grew on the main bone spur that was ejected at first, bending back and forth like a water pipe.

Like a poisonous snake opening its mouth of blood, blocking all wind directions.

Fang Yi waved his hand.

"Bye bye."

All the bone spurs instantly exert force at the same time.

Including the airflow, a balance has been reached. If you continue to float along the airflow of the bone spurs, you will definitely be penetrated by more than three bone spurs!

The first, second, and third bone spurs immediately blew the tall and wise man into the air.

The fourth root, the fifth root, and the sixth root begin to block the airflow route.

And the remaining few bone spurs will run through the tall and wise man!

As if realizing that something was wrong, the tall and wise man suddenly opened his eyes at this moment.

Almost as soon as his eyes opened, the ability of the tall and wise man to be as light as paper disappeared instantly.

Like Newton holding down the coffin board, like returning to the embrace of Mother Earth.

A tall and wise man in midair, his body fell vertically.

At the same time, the palm of the hand suddenly seemed to be holding something and clenched it into a fist.

"Telescopic stick!"


Like flipping a switch.

An iron rod suddenly ejected from the palm of the tall and wise man.

"not good!"

Fang Yigang realized something was wrong.

The tall and wise man over there has already held the iron rod in both hands and swung a sweeping punch.

Click, click, click, click.

The bone spurs used to block and attack were all broken on the spot.

Fang Yi snorted, and blood spilled from the dragon's mouth.

These bone spurs are specially extended in order to block the strange state of dodging according to the airflow of tall and wise men.

To reduce the effect of airflow, calculate the final drop point.

Quality is not as hard as the original main spur.

Unexpectedly, it became a weakness, and was calculated back.

This guy…

Fang Yi looked at the tall and wise man deeply, and there was a familiar feeling from him.

In terms of fighting style, it is a bit similar to an old friend.

Delicate mind and quick response, able to find flaws in the transition between offense and defense and shoot immediately.

This is no longer a problem with potential high-quality teammates, but just like myself, an old monster who entered the new area to pretend to be a newcomer!

Seeing that the tall and wise man is also ready to break his main bone spur.

Fang Yi quickly took it back.

Bone back.

The army of liners behind them cheered excitedly and surrounded them again.

But this time, Fang Yi was calm.

"Brother, I originally wanted to recruit you into my team. Now it seems that my small temple can't accommodate a great **** like you."


The tall and wise man raised his brows, as if he didn't care.

I tried to mutter in my heart: Could it be that it has been exposed? Not so fast?

Just as he was thinking about where the flaws were revealed, Fang Yi on the opposite side had already spoken.

"A great **** like a brother usually has his own team or his own circle, and it is basically impossible to be subservient to others."

"So my solicitation plan is a failure."

"Since there is no way for people to recruit, there is no need for me to continue to show off that little skill and make people laugh."

"So...let's just have a neat showdown."

This is... a rhythm for a heads-up?

The tall and wise are happy.

"Little...Dongmen Zui, if you want to fight one-on-one, then you have to see if the younger brothers around me agree or not."

"They have to agree."


"Because they can't be helped."

The tall and wise man was about to continue his questioning, but saw Fang Yi's body suddenly shrink rapidly, gradually turning into a human form similar to his own.

The tall and wise man was shocked.

The huge dragon body, compressed by the mechanism, twisted into the small human body, the explosive power it possesses will probably be very amazing.

If you really want to fight one-on-one, you will definitely not be able to beat it.

The advantage of one's own identity lies in the group, and it is the correct route to fight against one group.

Immediately, he immediately shouted: "Everyone come here..."

Before the tall and wise man could finish speaking, Fang Yi suddenly pointed at him with his index finger and let out a loud shout.

"Caged bird!"

Caged bird?

What skill is that?

The tall and wise man immediately quickly analyzed this skill in his mind, possibly possessing characteristics and abilities.

Judging from the name alone, it should be a restraint-limited skill.

The estimated range is not too large.

Does he want to...


The ground shook violently.

A burst of metal iron pillars rose from the ground.

Front, back, left and right, in all four directions.

From the visual point of view, the entire space is brought down, just 100 meters!

And the center point is Fang Yi.

"System prompt: Player [Dongmen Zui] uses [Cage Bird], and the coordinates will continue to be exposed until the cage is lifted."

In front of the tall and wise man, a system prompt popped up.

In his mind, the picture of Fang Yi's location appeared directly, and he even saw the back of his head.

it is as expected.

The remaining questions are the generation speed and hardness of the caged bird.

Without stopping for a moment, the tall and wise man rushed forward.


His body turned into scattered drops of water.

When it was condensed and formed again, it was by the iron pillar to the north of the caged bird.

He can't get out.

The cage of the caged bird has appeared.

At that moment, he bumped into the edge of the caged bird, pretending to be an illusory afterimage.

Indicates that the skill has taken effect.

Although the iron pillar has not yet reached its, the role of the iron pillar should only be used to reinforce the cage.

If the function is restricted, it will take effect from the time the skill appears.

At this time, the iron pillars rising from the ground have been raised to a sufficient height, bending at a high altitude and converging at the core point, which is the top of Fang Yi's head.


A birdcage-like phantom appeared, trapping Fang Yi and the tall wise man inside.

In addition, there are more than a dozen robots, but it is not a cause for concern.

The tall and wise man looked back at Fang Yi, with a thump in his heart.

" seems to be over."

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