This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 39: Back and forth (Nine/Ten)

? "It didn't kill you? The vigilance is too high."

Fang Yi looked at the deck of the aircraft carrier ahead.

There, a large liquid drop of water is gradually taking shape, becoming the appearance of a tall and wise man.

"You are too yin! You thought you were going to die, but suddenly attacked and hit Huanglong?"

Although Ding Li said so, there was a smile on his face.

It's been a long time since I've dealt with this product, it's even more insidious.

Fortunately, I know the basics of this guy's character, otherwise he will be killed.

Bleeding dragon blood, selling flaws, waiting for relaxation, and then a wave of outbreaks.

This set is still very easy to fall into.

Unfortunately, met me.

This time I was not careful, and next time I want to use this trick, it is almost impossible to encounter it.

"Master Wise?!"

"Protect the wise man!"

"Despicable dirty dragon! It's actually playing tricks!"

The other linemen saw this scene, and their hearts almost stopped with fright.

If the wise were killed, it would be no exaggeration for them to apologise to death.

Because of the wise, they have what they are today.

Without the wise, they are nothing.

The robot army immediately separated a large area, surrounded Ding Li, and tightly protected it.

The rest continued to rush towards Fang Yi.

At this moment, the smoke and dust had dissipated, revealing Fang Yi's true face at the moment.

Ding Li looked at it for the first time, but was immediately stunned.

In terms of body size, Fang Yi is one size smaller than before.

But on the back, there are two more wings!

It is not the wings that the dragons grow naturally, but more like deformed wings that are forcibly squeezed out by moving the body structure, bone arrangement, and even skin changes.

The wings on both sides are even asymmetrical at all, and the wings are so large that they cover their backs like a quilt.

Needless to say.

The hurricane just now, the sudden eruption, and the blasting away of the army of robots should be the credit of these wings.

Is this a skill that comes with the character... No, that's not right!

Ding Li narrowed his eyes.

This should be Xiaofang's personal skill.

At present, it is to change the body structure to obtain a pair of wings and provide the ability to fly.

This is only a preliminary conclusion. If Fang Yi has a further demonstration, Ding Li will naturally be able to analyze more information.

Sometimes, the master's trick is to master, analyze, and study the information, and finally find the flaws and win.

Of course, there are also some people who like to disclose false and misleading information and lure others into being fooled, which requires personal ability to judge and observe.

The army of robots surrounded him like a tidal wave again, and the attacks hit Fang Yi's body one after another, splashing a lot of small blood.

It seems that Fang Yi has been completely suppressed, but it is actually a small wound, lacking some fatal wounds.

If this repression is maintained and the battle is prolonged, it must be the victory of the robot army, but this is only an ideal state.

I saw the big wings behind Fang Yi, unfolding them one by one.


The violent elegance immediately charged towards the army of robots.

Just a face-to-face, the robot army suddenly staggered and lost its formation.

Whoosh whoosh!

Fortunately, the attack of the anti-aircraft artillery had also arrived at this time, so Fang Yi had to retreat instead of rushing hard.

Ding Li called out the contact system.

"The satellite team is ready to cooperate, and the army continues to make deposits to support it with long-range firepower! The aircraft carrier is temporarily on standby, wait for my news."

As soon as the voice fell, the sky immediately cast nearly a thousand laser beams.

Fang Yi, who had just avoided the anti-aircraft artillery attack, evaded again.

And in this gap, the robot army has regrouped and is approaching.

This wave cooperated to perfectly resolve Fang Yi's wind pressure offensive.

Fang Yi frowned.


The wind pressure broke out again.

The army of robots that had just condensed spread out again.

Whoosh whoosh!

The attack of the anti-aircraft artillery was immediately connected, and Fang Yi was dodged.

But this time, after Fang Yi dodged the attack, he waved his wings and rushed towards the army of robots that had not yet recovered their formation.


The laser rain fell from the sky, but Fang Yi looked up to the sky with a big mouth and ate it in one bite.


A strange muffled sound came from Fang Yi's mouth, and black smoke slowly came out.


Grim smile.

The wings on his back actually re-arranged at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the layers of skin faded, turning into two rows of sharp bone knives.

Ding Li, who was sitting on the aircraft carrier in the distance, suddenly stood up.

"It's actually this kind of skill?!"

Ding Li had already seen the effect of Fang Yi's skills.

It should be based on the original part of the body, and perform arbitrary deformation operations.

However, this kind of deformation generally imposes a heavy burden on body organs and tissues. If it is not specially strengthened, it is easy to cause internal injuries and other phenomena.

It is estimated that the longer it lasts, the more serious the injury will be.

Ding Li has already simulated dozens of applications of this skill in battle in his mind.

There is a sense of precaution against the physical changes that this skill may have in actual combat.

It's a pity that the two sides are not at the same level, even if they know the effect of the skill, they can't hit the front.

With the physique of the dirty dragon, fighting with the current self, if you don't need skills, I am afraid that it will be a face-to-face encounter, and I will kneel.

Ahead, after Fang Yi's two bone blades were formed, they quickly passed through the army of robots.

Like a straight black streamer, it traverses the army of robots.

Those robot armies, stopped in a split second, started from the first robot, and there was a transformation explosion.

Rumble boom!

The explosion phenomenon, connected into a line, followed Fang Yi's tail all the way, and blasted away.

In this wave, thousands of robots have been blasted.

Although it was still a drop in the ocean, Fang Yi paid a price, but not much.

The robot army immediately adjusted its position, wanting to maintain the previous tactics and conduct a siege.

But it was crossed by Fang Yi again.

Rumble boom!

The explosions sounded one after another, and the flames formed a line.

Although the robot army is large in number, it cannot be easily consumed like this.

Whoosh whoosh.

Auxiliary attack of anti-aircraft guns arrives.


Satellite beams, falling from the sky.

Bang bang bang!

The army of people who were originally separated by lines finally arrived, and they also cooperated to besiege.

Multiple attacks attacked at the same time, but Fang Yi smiled strangely, his body shook, and his wings actually became bigger again. Correspondingly, his body size suddenly shrank by about one-fifth.

The wings squirmed, attached to the flesh, and stroked hard.


Like a jet fighter, it burst out and disappeared in place in an instant.

When it reappeared, it shocked everyone.

It actually appeared directly in front of the tall wise wise man! "

"Lord wise be careful!"

"Lord wise, run away!"

Everyone's faces changed drastically, they were as pale as paper, and they exclaimed.

But it was too late.

Fang Yi's chest collapsed quickly, a bone spur pierced through his chest, and it shot out during the flight!

Target, tall and wise!

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