This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 30: New Line of Defense (Six/Thursday)

? Rows of unmanned tanks began to frequently appear in the ring of wise men, spreading out layer by layer around the sanctuary barrier to form a defensive circle.

The sky is also patrolled by drones all the time.

There are even a large number of anti-aircraft guns on the ground, but they are still being deployed. There is a huge technological gap between the technology that should have been pointed out recently and the anti-aircraft guns in the sanctuary.

However, those who have witnessed the technological changes of the Lineman know well that these anti-aircraft guns will be updated and iterated after a short period of time, becoming more compact and more powerful anti-aircraft guns.

These anti-aircraft guns are undoubtedly aimed at the dirty dragon.

After all, with that body type, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is an air attack.

If you step down, the defense line on the ground may not be able to withstand it.

The appearance of the dirty dragon has put a lot of pressure on the lineman society.

All the line people have a feeling of unity, as if they want to resist the coming storm.

However, this is a bit of a concern.

Fang Yiyi really couldn't break the barrier of this sanctuary.

The second is that other people provide food and drink, and sleep every day, and the strength can steadily increase, so there is no need to worry about it.

At the beginning, the experiment was more inclined to cooperate with Fang Yi and the Sanctuary to overcome the Sanctuary barrier.

But as the research progressed, the people in the Sanctuary found that with their technology, they couldn't affect the Sanctuary barrier at all.

The real main force, from beginning to end, is only Fang Yiyilong.

Fortunately, Fang Yi is still working hard, making them feel that they have paid so much for armament resources, and it is not in vain.

Yet that is all.

The progress of the sanctuary barrier is completely stuck, and through command and research, Fang Yi has been asked to try again and again.

Unfortunately, all ended in failure.

It seems that the Dragon of Destruction and the Sanctuary Practice have been found, but they can't break the Sanctuary barrier.

The linemen outside actually felt relieved, not as urgent and panic as they were at the beginning.

Technology has begun to develop steadily again.

The line of defense has increased step by step, from ordinary tanks, anti-aircraft guns, and drones to a combination of different things.

Become a missile launch base, low-efficiency electromagnetic weapons, low-intelligence robots...

The technology of people outside the line is advancing again and again.

The progress in the sanctuary seems to have fallen into a bottleneck.

The Sanctuary Protection Bureau finally realized that if this continued, they would definitely lose.

Panic spread, and feeding Fang Yi became absent-minded.

Can this righteousness endure?

He opened his mouth and called out directly.

Meal is here!


The roar made them a little more diligent.

With the cooperation of these days, simple communication between the two sides is no longer a problem.

Fang Yi knew the concerns of this group of people, and he also understood that the captain of the black team outside was the last trouble.

So the interests of both parties are actually the same.

In this case, there is nothing to say, just to further strengthen cooperation.

The meaning of Fang Yi is very simple.

Let the sanctuary feed all the firepower, and then he will sleep for a long time. When he wakes up again, he should be able to break the barrier of this sanctuary.

To be honest, the people of the Sanctuary Protection Bureau were very excited about this proposal.

However, they have no bottom in their hearts, and they don't have enough trust in Fang Yi.

After all, how to say, this is also the dragon of the prophecy.

With the current size of the World Destruction Dragon, they don't have much confidence in being able to fight against each other.

If it grows further... then in this world, I am afraid that no one can make it.

Fang Yi was not in a hurry, and expressed the meaning, not afraid that they would not submit.

If they really refuse to cooperate, then they have to take a risk and get it done by themselves.

However, Fang Yi really didn't know where the arms of the Sanctuary were stored. If he went to find it himself, I'm afraid a lot of things would be wasted.

It is far less effective than others who voluntarily take it out.

Sanctuary Protection Bureau really can't survive.

In particular, there are live broadcasts of people with lines above their heads. The people's panic and doubts are enough to make them have to respond.

In the periphery of the sanctuary, the missile launch base of the lineman has become a pile of piles. As long as anything comes out of the sanctuary, it will be immediately beaten into a hornet's nest.

Electromagnetic weapons have gradually become the mainstream, and even portable electromagnetic guns are installed on tanks.

Not to mention intelligent robots, which have basically replaced drones and become the main combat position on the battlefield.

The AI ​​intelligent technology of Lineman seems to have developed. The intelligence of combat robots is quite high, and the application is more comprehensive than drones.

These technologies have surpassed the technologies of the Sanctuary in all respects.

Now if the sanctuary barrier is opened, the sanctuary will usher in its demise.

In the beginning, the public demanded the Sanctuary Protection Bureau more and more intensely to quickly release the filthy dragon out to eliminate the linemen.

However, with the more and more exaggerated technological progress of the lineman, the people instead want to be a tortoise, unwilling to break the barrier of the sanctuary, and even issued a call to boycott the dirty dragon and eliminate the dirty dragon.

The Sanctuary Conservation Bureau is naturally impossible to do so.

It's just that with the advancement of science and technology, the more and more terrifying of the lineman, the public's emotions have gradually become intensified and extreme, and even extreme protests such as parade in the street have become angry.

Under internal and external pressure, the Sanctuary Protection Bureau knew that a choice had to be made.

Continue to drag on, just keep escaping.

During this time, the Sanctuary has provided one-tenth of its arms resources to the foul dragon for food.

But not enough, far from enough.

Dirty dragons are like bottomless pits, constantly demanding more food.

And it can be seen from the visual inspection that the size of the foul dragon is increasing day by day.

Of course, the destructive power to the sanctuary barrier is also effectively increasing, from the initial fifty centimeters to seventy centimeters.

But the thickness of the sanctuary barrier is despairing, seventy centimeters are not over yet.

This is simply appalling, no wonder in history, no one has ever broken the sanctuary barrier.

As time passed, there was a day when the sense of oppression became stronger and stronger within the Sanctuary.

They suddenly discovered that the wise man's ring of the lineman actually began to dismantle the project and moved to a place far away from the sanctuary barrier to establish a dam-like line of defense.

Reconnected into a larger ring city, but the middle area seems to be hollowed out and empty.

Even the robots and missile bases guarding the sanctuary barrier have all moved out.

This is a huge project.

It lasted for several months before and after, and even on the Sanctuary side, about two months had passed.

It was also during this period of time that the Sanctuary was given a great chance to breathe and relieved the feeling of oppression that was pressing on his heart at all times.

However, when the migration project was completed, the distance between the Ring of the Wise and the Sanctuary Barrier was far away one night.

For a moment, a huge missile that shone with light rose from the sky and fell toward the barrier of the sanctuary.

Others may not realize do not know what this very large missile represents.

But the moment Fang Yi saw the missile, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he made a sound.


At this moment, the huge missile precisely hit the sanctuary barrier.


Sanctuary, earth shakes!

In the sky, a huge mushroom cloud slowly rose.

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