This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 29: done? (Friday/Thursday)

The people in the conference room covered their ears subconsciously.

But his eyes were still staring at the screen, for fear of missing any detail.

What happened now is related to the life and death of the entire Sanctuary, and no one dared to take it lightly.

Wait until the foul dragon's claws fall.

There was a loud cheer in the conference room.


"It works!"

"The dirty dragon is indeed the dragon that destroys the world! Only this barrier can be broken!"

On the black mirror surface, there is a claw mark that is neither shallow nor deep.

However, when everyone in the conference room was excited, the claw marks on the black mirror actually slowly disappeared.

Mirror, restored as before.

The people who were still excited just now were all stunned.

"how so?!"

"The barrier...recovered automatically?"

"Dirty dragon, keep attacking! Break this barrier!"

Someone even directed the dirty dragon to continue to attack.

However, not only did the dirty dragon not attack, but instead slowly stopped below. Facing the crowd, it rubbed its two claws twice and made a very humane action - asking for money.

Crowd: …

Everyone was speechless for a while, and they even suspected that this dirty dragon was a human in a dragon's skin!

But thinking of the prophecies and the various manifestations of the dirty dragon before, it can only be understood as the characteristics of the dragon race's greed for money.

But money...

Everyone was thinking about whether to give gold or banknotes.

I saw the dirty dragon grabbing the drone next to it and rubbing its claws again.

Give the bomb!


Crowd: …

If you still can't understand this, this IQ is not qualified to step into this conference room.

The meeting room will be scheduled soon.

But before the things arrived, this dirty dragon actually played a strike.

Lying on the ground, scratching the dragon's butt, I don't know what the dragon scales are all about.

This appearance is simply the posture of a greasy middle-aged man lying on the sofa at home, staring at the TV.

If it weren't for the dragon's skin, they would all think that the guy sitting on the ground was a salted fish.

After waiting for a while, a new batch of bombs was transported over.

Unfortunately, the dirty dragon glanced and yawned - continuing to rub the dragon's claws.

Depend on!

What about robbery?

Is this not enough?

The chief's eyelids jumped.

Counting the ones that were served before and the ones that are currently being supplied, the bomb storage in an area was almost emptied.

Although the Sanctuary has more than ten divisions.

But it's not like that.

Looking at the black mirror, and the situation of the person with the lines above his head, the director gritted his teeth.

"Go back three times the weight of the bomb!"

The drone from the reserve point was transported again.

This time, the dirty dragon finally showed a satisfied look.

I didn't care about anyone else, I just ate the bomb one by one.

The benefits of a big mouth are reflected.

After about three or five mouthfuls, Fang Yi ate all the bombs on the ground.

However, it is still far from filling the stomach.

Take short hands and eat soft mouths.

Others are so comfortable and considerate, so Fang Yi can't continue to strike.

Get a big drink.


The dragon claw began to attack the black mirror continuously.


The continuous attack immediately left a large number of traces on the black mirror surface, and even scraped off some kind of black hard substance.

Everyone immediately cheered in unison.

But as Fang Yi continued to attack, they quickly discovered something was wrong.

The black mirror surface has been dug into a distance of more than fifty centimeters.

But it has not been dug up for a long time.

And this distance seems to be the limit.

No matter how the Dirty Dragon waved its claws, it could no longer continue to advance an inch.

Because the recovery speed of the black mirror is too fast.

As soon as the claws dug something, it automatically returned to its original state in the next instant.

And this speed seems to be the limit of the dirty dragon, and there is no point in continuing.

The crowd continued to observe for an hour.

After the filthy dragon was breathing a little, he withdrew.

This just receded, and the black mirror immediately returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened.

The people in the conference room suddenly looked at each other.

The chief frowned.

This is not what they expected.

However... this experiment has indeed proved that the foul dragon has the ability to break the sanctuary barrier.

It's just a temporary lack of strength.

If you can add them together...

The chief has a new idea.

Looking up at the sky.

In the sky, the line people pointed at the sky like a fast-forward.

Obviously, they also saw the previous performance of Dirty Dragon.

The linesmen's expressions were not very obvious, but this time, the director clearly felt the spread of their fear.

Not only because the sanctuary barrier can be destroyed by the foul dragon, but also because of the foul dragon itself!

The Dirty Dragon, the prophesied dragon that destroys the world.

For the linemen, this is the enemy they need to face!

The enemy is so powerful, it naturally gives them great psychological pressure.

Although I didn't see the wise man, I was in trouble when I wanted to come.


hungry! Dinner! Dinner!

The dirty dragon outside started to make trouble again.

The director had no choice but to send armament resources to the past again.

Fortunately, after several exchanges, they found that the foul dragon was not as terrifying as they had imagined. Instead, it was very rational and simply liked to eat.

As long as it is full, it is estimated that there will be no problem.

However, they simply didn't realize how much it would cost to feed Fang Yi.

In the days that followed, the people in the Sanctuary and Fang Yi got along in harmony.

Armed teams cooperated with drones to seal off the scene.

But can't hold back people's curiosity.

Especially when it was discovered that the foul dragon had no appetite for them, more and more people actually watched from a distance.

It is simply curious that the baby sees rare animals, and completely forgets how serious the damage Fang Yi has caused before.

Of course, when others are serving delicious food, and they can steadily increase their strength, Fang Yi naturally won't do anything out of bounds.

There is no benefit at all in killing the people of these sanctuaries, and they can't provide much energy.

On the contrary, the Sanctuary Protection Bureau has abundant resources, and Fang Yi is not ready to leave unless they are drained.

It's not that the Sanctuary Protection Bureau wants to keep the It's the dragons that want to rely on them!

It's delicious and lazy, Fang Yi has nothing to do except cooperate with the researchers of the Sanctuary Protection Bureau to do research on the Sanctuary Barrier.

Anyway, if his strength does not increase, he will only dig more than 50 centimeters at most. Unless there is some way to curb the recovery ability of the Sanctuary Barrier, this situation will not improve.

As for the method, it is naturally the Sanctuary Protection Bureau's idea.

They are now more anxious than Fang Yi how to send this delicious and lazy fat dragon out.

Because in the sky, the speed of social development of the line people has become faster.

Under the pressure of external forces, the speed of technological evolution of Lineman has gone further.

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