This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 108: Shocking Accident (5/6)

?Revisiting the old place, the girl with a long knife is in a good mood. Hongguang holds the wheelchair, followed the two people in front, and flew down the passage.

Under the leadership of Princess Blue, in the corner of Cell No. 1, Fang Yi saw the body that he lost after entering the dungeon.

He was even thinner than when he was in Ping Qing City, and he was completely a malnourished deformed species.

However, according to the character introduction, before meeting Princess Blue, that body was of normal size.

This really hurts people.

It seemed to hear a sound.

The traitor of the floating city, in the damp and dark cell, opened his eyes in a daze.

After seeing Fang Yi and the three of them, he was startled and crawled back with his hands and feet in fear, huddled by the corner of the wall and didn't look at them at all.

Seeing this tragic situation, Fang Yi couldn't help but slapped his mouth.

It's so pitiful, I'll send you on the road in a moment, guaranteed to be fatal and painless.

Opening the cell door, Fang Yi pouted towards Princess Bilan.

"let's start."

Princess Bilan was reluctant to enter inside, and with the terrified expression on the face of the tall and thin young man, she put the blue earring in his hand.


The severely damaged soul-moving earrings suddenly burst into a dazzling blue light.



Both bodies fell at the same time.

When the blue light gradually fades away.

The tall and thin young man stood up slowly, staring at Fang Yi blankly.

And on his ears, he was already wearing soul-moving earrings.

Crack clap.

Two cracks appeared on the soul-moving earrings, and the damage was even more serious.

"Princess Emerald?"

The long-knife girl looked at the damage to the Soul-moving earrings and asked in confusion.

On the night of her escape from prison, she watched helplessly as Princess Blue was swallowed up by the giant python and digested to the point where not even the **** was left.

At that time, the long knife girl thought that the blue princess was dead.

Unexpectedly, after that night, Lao Lao took a person to the front of the woman with a long knife, calling her Princess Blue.

Under the distrustful gaze of the Long Knife Woman, they talked about the effect of the soul-moving earrings.

However, the soul-moving earrings are fundamentally ineffective for a terrifying body like the Long Knife Girl, and will be backlashed instead, so no experiment was carried out.

Originally, the long-knife girl was also skeptical, but after Princess Bilan personally demonstrated it a few times, she was really sure that she was wearing the soul-moving earrings, which was Princess Bilan herself.

This is easy to recognize, but if you don't know the effect of your soul-moving earrings, you won't understand the connection at all.

But now that the soul-shifting earrings were damaged to such an extent, she wondered whether the effect would be compromised, or would simply fail.

"Red, it's me!"

Seeing that the tall and thin young man changed from an expressionless face to a smile like licking a dog, the long-knife girl confirmed that it was Princess Blue Blue herself.

Chao Fangyi nodded slightly, and the latter said, "It's my turn now."

"and many more!"

The long knife girl pulled Fang Yi's sleeve and lowered her voice: "Captain, do you really want to change your body? This body looks... weak."

"My identity skill has been sealed. I'm wondering if it will take effect if I regain my original body. I plan to give it a try."

"Oh... No wonder, then, then try it."

Under the jealous eyes of Princess Blue, the two ended their whispers.

Staring at Fang Yi angrily, Princess Bilan put the soul-moving earring on Fang Yi's body.

It's feels like it's back! Feeling...wait! How does it feel right?

Fang Yi, whose body was gradually emitting a trace of black energy, found that the soul-moving earrings in his hands were getting brighter and brighter, but after reaching the peak, it suddenly dimmed rapidly.

Princess Bilan's pupils shrank, and her heart thumped.

His expression just showed panic...



The two eyeballs exploded into a **** fog.

"Ah! My eyes! My eyes!"

The blue princess tumbled to the ground, screaming in pain.

A sharp and terrifying voice echoed throughout the cell.

Fang Yi: ? ? ?

Long Knife Woman: ? ? ?

The two were confused.

"Captain, what have you done?"

"No, I didn't do anything."

They were still chatting.

The blue princess who was rolling on the ground was almost going crazy with pain.

This is not an ordinary pain, it is more like a curse of pain, which penetrates deep into my heart and pierces my heart!

"It's backlash! Backlash! I've been backlashed! Momeng! You are shattering me, you dare to shatter me! There is a dark force in me that prevents me from moving my soul!"


Forget about this.

Ghostly breath.

Since the underground village of Pingqing City was transformed by the gate of the virtual world.

Fang Yi has been staying there to practice cultivation.

The skill proficiency of the ghost incarnation is getting higher and higher, and this body seems to be more adaptable to the ghost's qi in the transformation of the subtle transformation, and becomes stronger and stronger.

Later, the ghosts in the underground village were exhausted, so Fang Yi focused on managing the city of Pingqing, and obeyed the management of the rabbit elves—because he was not convinced, he killed them all.

For Ping Qingcheng at that time, it was a living demonstration of the evolution of the survival of the fittest.

The 'inferior' rabbit elves are eliminated, and the 'high-quality' rabbit elves are left behind.

The means are cruel and merciless.

Any rabbit elves with a little bit of rebellion and hostility were beheaded without exception.

This caused a large-scale panic among the rabbit elves in Ping Qingcheng.

However, all who wanted to escape from Ping Qing City were all killed and eaten by Fang Yi.

A reporting mechanism has even been established. As long as it is correct, whoever reports those rebellious rabbit elves will be rewarded.

Under the terrifying and violent rule, the entire Pingqing City was left with only peaceful rabbit elves, and there were no rabbit elves who dared to resist.

Fang Yi doesn't really seem like a peaceful world, where people and rabbits coexist.

Just to improve the strength, killing the rabbit elves to eat meat, and putting on a sacred coat, the effect is always better.

Otherwise, the outside world's evaluation of Ping Qingcheng is probably the city of hell, the land of the devil.

During this period of overeating, the character's strength has once again been explosively improved.

"Magic nuclear power: fifth order."

"Mental power: fifth-order superior."

The strength of the body is enhanced by the ghost The magic qualification is supplemented by the flesh of the rabbit elves that are close to a city.

The superposition of the two has raised Fang Yi's strength to a very exaggerated level.

And Princess Emerald, who changed her body frequently, only had time to recover her strength after staying in Gravity City for two months.

Now it is transferred to the body of the tall and thin young man, thinking that the body of the old man Yi Fangyi is probably enough for soul-moving.

But he didn't realize that Fang Yi was no longer the little old man he used to be, but had grown to a terrifying realm.

The huge gap in strength directly caused the phenomenon of backlash.

Princess Blue felt that her brain was cracking, bursting, and the pain was almost crazy!

In the sight of Fang Yi and the woman with a long knife, the tall and thin young man's head really seemed to be peeled from the middle of his forehead, gradually cracking open, revealing the white bones inside!

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