This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 107: Former Body (4/6)

? Having said that, the long-knife woman is ready to do it directly.

But the blue princess was frightened.

She never thought that the Red King would actually do it when he said he would do it, and he was not at all sympathetic.

This, this is the Red King I know.

Why is the Red King, who used to be so gentle to him, suddenly so cruel and ruthless to him... Fortunately, I rescued her from the underground cell!

"Enemies? No! Red King, wake up, I'm not an enemy!"

The word player is automatically replaced by the system as an enemy.

As an NPC, the blue princess felt that she couldn't understand everything in front of her.

Red King, you want to kill me for a foreigner?

Is this a dream? Absolutely a nightmare, right?

Princess Granblue doesn't believe there is such a thing.

But as the three beams became tighter and tighter, Princess Bilang finally panicked.

"Wait! She's not the enemy, Wu Yan, let her go."

The NPC was replaced with an enemy again, listening to what the old man in front of him said.

The blue princess only felt that there was a gas block in her chest.

Because after the old man's voice fell, the scarlet beam that bound her actually dissipated instantly.

"Why... why did Hong listen to you, what did you do to her! Momeng! You are Momeng, right? Why did you come to Gravity City? Are you here to seek revenge? Or come to me to get my body back? Answer me! Answer me!"

Breaking free, Princess Bilan rushed up and grabbed Fang Yi's collar with her white hands, panting and glaring furiously.

No wonder she reacted this way.

Because it's so incredible.

Since using the soul-moving earrings, Princess Blue has never encountered a reunion with her former body and persecuted soul.

In the end times, no one is safe.

In the apocalypse, those who can be moved by their own souls are all weak, and no one can survive.

But what this means right now...seems to be an exception.

Soul-moving earrings can only move souls to weaker objects, and they must be mentally crushed.

This means that the objects of Princess Bilan's soul-moving are generally very weak, or through some means, make them 'weak', and then have the opportunity to move their souls.

Unless... Princess Blue's own strength is improved, then she can move the soul of a slightly stronger object.

The highest record, that is, the soul-moving rabbit spirit that has no strength.

The former captain's wife of the patrol bureau in Gravity City was the limit of Princess Blue's ability to move her soul at that time.

You must know that the strength of the captain's wife is basically the bottom of the bottom.

The perennial life of a lady made it accustomed to letting servants do everything.

You only need to enjoy the benefits. It is rumored that sometimes the captain's wife has not used magic for a month.

That's it, Princess Granblue needs to be put into a coma.

In order not to leave traces on the appearance, use magic to carry out nightmare torture in sleep, reduce his mental power continuously, and his mental strength is haggard, and finally has the opportunity to take advantage of it.

And Fang Yi's body, which once moved his soul.

It was just a tiny human body, weak and improvised.

As for the body of the old man occupied by Fang Yiqian, it was even more of an ordinary old man's level.

From the point of view of Princess Bilan, that kind of physical quality, in the environment of that pet store, is simply a desperate situation, and it is impossible to survive.

But now, the man who got the body of his former old man after moving his soul has traveled all the way to Gravity City and stood in front of him again.

It's...nearly impossible...impossible.

Princess Bilan was in a trance, staring at Fang Yi in front of her.

She has been waiting for the person Long Sword Girl is waiting for.

But I didn't expect that it would be this man who was waiting.

"haven't seen you for a long time…"


Fang Yi casually patted off Princess Bilan's restraints and glanced at the soul-moving earring on Princess Bilan's right ear, with a smile that was not a smile.

"Princess Blue."

It was a wonderful reunion scene.

The woman who once took away my body, now sees the body that was taken away, and reappeared in front of her. What kind of mood would that be?

With her pupils shrunk, Princess Bilan subconsciously took a step back and looked at Fang Yi in amazement.

"It really is you... it's really you... how could it be possible... how could it be possible..."

Fang Yi patted her on the shoulder and whispered in his ear: "Facts are good for eloquence. I am standing here now and become the city owner of Pingqing City. This is the truth. No matter how you want to deny it, it is escapism. By the way, Princess Bilan , where did my body go? Shouldn't it be broken by you?"

original body?

The body of the tall and thin young man brought from Ping Qing City?

If Fang Yi hadn't mentioned it, Princess Bilan would have already forgotten about this person.

Thinking back, she immediately remembered.

In order to sneak into the underground prison, a member of the Light Industry Team of Floating City was transferred to the soul.

So that body is now that of the light industry member.

At that time, in order to be in a hurry, she just knocked people unconscious, and hurried to the underground cell.

After that, too many things happened. When the dust settled, I just heard that my subordinates mentioned that they had caught a suspicious tall and thin young man, and was imprisoned in the cell and never dealt with it.

Most of them are still locked up.

"You, do you want to get your original body back?"

"Well... I'm not sure if I want to take it back, but take me to see it first. By the way, which one is my body wearing now?"

"...A traitor in the floating city."

"Traitor? Forget it, it doesn't matter. If you don't mind, take me there now. By the way, Wuyan, tell me to go down and help me arrange my people to stay."

"pass it to me!"

The long knife girl responded positively immediately.

This reaction made Princess Bilan look at Fang Yi, sour and jealous.

Obviously I know the Red King...

It’s the first time we meet, it’s the first time to go shopping, it’s the first time to see flowers…

It's all mine first.

Why, why is this happening now...

Where did this man fascinate you, and when did he fascinate you...

It shouldn't be like There should be room for recovery!

Red, I want to get your heart back!

The long-knife woman's voice rang out, and then spread to the guard captain's ears.

The captain of the guard looked at the blue princess, and after the princess nodded, he immediately went down to make arrangements.

Princess Bilan wanted to drive Fang Yi out.

But under the threatening eyes of the red king beside him, he could only endure and lead the way forward in silence.

Underground Prison.

The place where the Red King and other terrorist prisoners were originally held.

Now it is used to imprison the rabbit elves and the remnants of the floating city.

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