This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 918 KT’s Five Sins

Junil: "In this way, let us congratulate KT for defeating DK 2-0 relatively easily. This is also KT's eighth consecutive victory against DK since last year."

"Then the question is, who should we vote for in this round of POG? Sister Tazi, tell me."

Rita: "I think... Brother Chengzi! Qinggang Shadow did a good job of roaming in the lane, and the key to Dragon Soul Group is his E flashing to Samira."

Junri: "But Chaowei also played very well in this round. There was a solo kill in the middle. Every time he pulled in front of the resource group, Zoe used various bubbles and flying stars to hit the opponent until they couldn't take the team fight. Even I think Zoe has a bigger role."

Rita: "Hmm~~~ It's really hard to choose. The first wave of the game was driven by Niutou and Kai'Sa. Including Niutou's ganks after several rounds were very beautiful. I think everyone may have a vote for this POG round. , because everyone played well.”

Junri: "Then what should we say? Are you sure it's Brother Chengzi? It's up to you."

Rita: "Just Brother Chengzi, after all, we are one of our own."

Junri laughed out loud, "Who is dating you? Are you starting to have a relationship?"

Rita: "I mean they are all Chinese and have nothing to do with me."

Junri: "So you are not Chinese?"

Rita: "Hey! You are really looking for trouble, right?"

The Huya barrage started.

"Hahaha! Major, that's too much."

"She's anxious! She's anxious! Looking for trouble, right?"

"Sister Tazi said that it was too difficult to get the money, even if she wanted to use it as a vase. (Funny)"

"Sister Tazi's own live broadcast room is full of flirtatious comments, and she is only being teased in the commentary box."

"Let me tell you, Rita is pretty good-looking in the commentary booth. What kind of monsters are there in the live broadcast room?"

"Sister Tazi is a bit stupid. She didn't grasp the traffic password."

"Cloze, what is Rita's traffic password?"

"Please invite Brother Chengzi to drink War Horse!"

"It's obviously a gaming chair for Brother Chengzi."


Taking off his headphones, Lin Cheng gave a high-five to the teammates next to him to celebrate his victory. Then he sat down again and opened his computer notepad.

Rich √

Khan √

Kill a gossip monster with a knife, and the current progress is 2.

Let’s see who dares to say dirty things in front of Brother Cheng in the future.

Seeing Lin Cheng's operation, the little peanut drinking water next to him had his hands shaking a little.

This is too stingy!

You actually use a small notebook to hold grudges?

Not knowing that he had just shocked the weak minds of his teammates, Lin Cheng closed his notepad and leaned on the gaming chair and stretched.

He turned around and glanced at Little Peanut.

Little Peanut immediately handed over the cup in his hand, "Do you want to drink?"

Lin Cheng: "???"

Since when has this guy been so caring?

"I'm not thirsty, drink it yourself."

At this time, Kang Dongxun walked in happily.

Seeing that Lin Cheng was still sitting, he squeezed Lin Cheng's shoulder.

"Not bad! Keep it up, we are still the strongest team in the world."

"Pinch here too."

Lin Cheng shrugged, and Kang Dongxun immediately adjusted the massage angle.

Little Peanut: He is indeed the boss of the club!

"Zhixun's support just now was great. Today we are more like a team than before."

Lin Cheng waved his hand, "Let me just say that Zhixun actually played very well. It's too much for those guys to say that you are a ground-bending spirit in the middle."

Chaowei is speechless.

Could you please forget about the Earthbound Spirit?

"And Lao Dai, if you maintain this fierce and unwavering confidence today, you will be the most beautiful pilot on the Korean Peninsula."

Mr. Dai immediately launched his death stare, "Can you please stop mentioning this topic? You old pervert."

Lin Cheng: "·····"

The old pervert Mr. Dai refers to is actually translated into Chinese as Lao Se Pi.

Earthbound Spirit, Pilot, and Lao Se Pi are actually the nicknames given to a few people in the early stages of the game.

When the transfer list was announced last year, many people shouted "Galaxy" to KT, but there were also some negative voices, especially T1 fans at the time.

Originally, KT was already at its peak as the world champion last year, so the personnel changes were not actually considered reinforcements in the eyes of most people.

After all, each of Lin Cheng's new teammates is more famous than the last, but there are quite a few problems when you break them down.

It just so happened that at that time, the meme about the seven deadly sins of domestic AD in the LPL region was widely circulated, and some T1 fans in China specially imitated a section to discredit KT.

The full text is roughly as follows:

born! The funniest galactic battleship in history?

Let's take a look at why KT is bound to be destroyed in the new season.

First, there is the little peanut who committed the sin of jealousy.

Because he was jealous of the glory of the champion jungler Uncle Gao, Little Peanut beat his opponent Uncle Gao like a dog in the jungle, thus leading Lao Gan Daddy to replace IG in the World Championship.

However, what is stolen is still stolen.

In the World Championships, if you don’t say that Xiao Peanut played like an actor, then you can say that he drank two kilograms of Erguotou before the game.

Before the World Championship, all LPL viewers were looking forward to Little Peanut following his old godfather to rebuild the glory of his optimistic family.

Winning the semi-finals is a bit too much. Is it possible to break S5’s Lao Gan Daddy World Championship results?

As a result, when the World Championship started, we discovered that we had been fooled!

He's just good at beating up Uncle Tall.

Because of the jealousy of not getting what he wants, Peanut deceived the feelings of the LPL audience by defeating Uncle Gao Er with his explosive performance in the bubble game! Go to the World Championship and embarrass the LPL.

This kind of jungler will definitely be despised by the entire LPL audience.

Later, everyone saw that the little peanut, who was spurned by the LPL, returned to the LCK in despair.

Then, there is Chaowei who commits the sin of arrogance.

Because of his arrogance, he did not choose to trust his teammates in the most critical game of DRX last year.

The key games of the playoffs and bubble games were to bind the spirit in the middle. Although the online CS data was small compared to BDD and Xu Xiu, teammates who could not get support from the middle were already exploding.

Maybe he knew that his teammates were unreliable and wanted to develop himself to take over the game, but as a result, even if his teammates collapsed, he had no power to recover.

This arrogant mid laner lacks trust in his teammates.

Everyone has seen the outcome. He has been without a title for three years since his debut and has played a few tricks.

He is destined to only be famous in the Douyin collection.

Secondly, there is Mr. Day who committed the crime of anger.

At such an old age, he still can't control his anger. He often can't help but attack his opponents when he sees them, and then he turns into a pilot and dies suddenly.

As we get older, our anger grows stronger.

The condition is getting worse year by year, and there are more and more violent deaths.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that this kind of AD is a ticking time bomb.

Then, there was the little Death who committed the crime of laziness.

Because of his laziness, he even inherited Mr. Bang's meditation training method.

Ranking at the bottom of the entire LCK, only Beryl from last year's World Championship could surpass him.

This kind of lazy dog ​​assistance will definitely not go far.

Finally, it was Lin Cheng who committed the crime of lust.

Let’s not talk about the performance on the field.

He had a girlfriend and even flirted with the hot female host after the game.

Flirting with female idols online.

The head is full of black stockings and long legs.

Sooner or later, this kind of old pervert will have his hips stretched out.

The highlight is only temporary. When the body is hollowed out, Lin Cheng will be the best in the world.

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