This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 917 Tragic! DK’s eighth defeat

The Qinggang Shadow ran upwards, and Udyr and the wine barrel pursued him.

Just now, the Hexstone Ultimatum bounced the two of them down far enough, and even when the barrel was empty with a Q, the two of them couldn't catch up immediately.

The wine barrel launches a flesh bomb attack.

But it's too short! Out of reach!

Udyr switched back to bear form again and accelerated, approaching the Qinggang Shadow.

After all, Udyr could only run on his legs, giving Lin Cheng room to pull.

Just when Udyr was about to catch up when he rounded the corner wall of the river, Lin Cheng activated his Q skill, turned around and kicked out.

Precise etiquette will increase the attack range of Qinggang Shadow by 50 yards. When Udyr is only 125 yards long, Qinggang Shadow first uses the passive shield that has cooled down, and at the same time, the divine points are taken back.

Udyr knocked the green steel shadow unconscious.

The brief second of dizziness was only enough for Udyr to break the shield. Just as the wine barrel came up drinking old wine, Lin Cheng stood up just as the E skill had finished cooling down.

Seeing that Udyr was about to cripple the Qinggang Shadow with another slap, the Qinggang Shadow opened the hook lock.

The two of them prepared to pursue the Triangle Grass, but were slowed down by Qinggang Shadow's reflexive tactics sweeping across the outer circle.

After another mouthful of blood, Lin Cheng flashed a naughty expression, turned on the second stage Q to accelerate and continued pulling.

Junri: "Brother Khan's QE is all empty, and Brother Chengzi has a strong desire to survive. He uses his divine Q to regain a mouthful of health and create a shield at the same time. It's very detailed! The wine barrel is also up... The hook is locked! W It’s slowed down, hey! He can’t really run away!”

"We still need to pursue him. The two brothers DK are obviously furious. They will not stop until Qinggang Ying is killed today."

The red Fang Ueno chased Lin Cheng relentlessly.

But just when Udyr saw entering the triangle grass, a bubble fell on the barrel next to him through the wall.

The super powerful Zoe has arrived for support.

Although Chaowei's TP did not cool down well in this wave, Zoe immediately swung her legs to support when the fight started on the road.

Beside the wall, Zoe's support range was far beyond imagination.

Chaowei has fragments of the rocket belt on his body. He jumps back and jumps against the wall to smash out the full flying stars. With the damage of his passive and rocket belt, he directly takes away the wine barrel without any magic resistance.

When Canyon saw this posture, he didn't dare to continue chasing Qinggang Ying, and turned around and ran away in despair.

"Yoho! Zheng Zhixun, I love you! You can survive this for me, haha!"

Lin Cheng burst out laughing.

"Ah~~~What is this person talking about?"

Chaowei was a little speechless at Lin Cheng's shameless words.

I am not male ketone!

The team's voice chat started joking, and teammates all thought that Lin Cheng was being misled by the fencing bosses in his live broadcast room.

Junri: "Hey! Zoe came to the scene to support him, but he really ran away? The flying star was hit... the wine barrel died! Wow! DK's losses have exploded!"

"Two people were caught and killed one after another! The key is that Qinggang Ying is not dead yet, can you believe it? This Qinggang Ying, who has only a dozen drops of blood at least, has been locked up by him!"

Rita tried her best to be as emotional a vase as possible, "DK team member feels like his mentality is about to collapse."

Junri: "The key is that in the first wave, Qinggang Shadow was about to be defeated. Brother Chengzi forced the clockwork to stop, and also used the blood regeneration of God's Point and Qinggang Shadow's own skill mechanism to lock up the blood volume. This is simply outrageous. !”

Rita: "Before, we saw all kinds of parkour from Udyr, but Brother Orange, the green steel shadow, knocked his opponent unconscious."

Junri: "Hmm~~~ It's understandable. After all, Udyr just doesn't move. It's still too difficult to chase a dodge-dark Green Steel Shadow without a turbo alchemy pot at this time. There are three Green Steel Shadows." The skills are either displacement, acceleration, or slowing down the opponent. It’s really flexible.”

Huya barrage has been maxed out.

"Three people work together, one to die and one to die! Is this all DK?"

"It's so funny! Is this Qinggang Shadow Parkour?"

"Little Tiger Returns to His Hometown 2.0, Brother Cheng Returns to His Hometown."

"Udyr is here today too! What a death!"

"Udyr doesn't actually have much acceleration in his passive form, except for the acceleration in bear form. It's normal for him to be walked by the Qinggang Shadow."

"I have a bold idea: How about Qinggang Ying producing a turbo alchemy pot?"

"Let's get started! I'll give it a try after ranking."

DK's rhythm was a bit broken. The three of them used a lot of summoner skills to attack Lin Cheng, and two of them were counter-killed. Their teammates in the lower half also suffered.

Little Peanut didn't rush to control the refreshed dragon. He showed up immediately and drove away DK's duo, allowing Kai'Sa and Niutou to eat the tapi without any pressure.

With all their teammates on top, Samila and Titan didn't dare to take the line for a long time.

Although the Leopard Girl showed her head and went into the wild area, the red side didn't know whether the Leopard Girl was moving the dragon or ambushing the dragon because the river view was cleared in advance.

The bull's head crossed a tower and looked like it was about to cause trouble at any time. The red team duo did not dare to go up to see the tower and the lower troop lines anyway.

Because of Lin Cheng's first wave of TP bottom lane Kai'Sa, he had eaten a lot of tower skins. In this wave of red square bottom lane, the first tower was almost directly demolished.

Soon, the prompt for Leopard Girl to kill Xiaolong sounded, but the red side still did not dare to go up and take the line.

Because Zoe just leaned down in front of the center field of vision.

There is a large wave of troops in front of the middle tower, and the resurrected Clockwork must return to the middle to defend the line. Zoe leans down to put pressure on the Ghost King, who can only continue to shut himself in.

Soon, the bottom tower was pushed flat by Kasha.

In the 13th minute, Lin Cheng pushed the line and wandered to the middle, and Effort came over from the bottom half.

Xu Xiu got the news of the miss on the top lane and was also preparing for Lin Cheng's sneak attack, so he deliberately positioned himself behind the tower in the lower half.

The result was that Effort Bullhead suddenly appeared from the jungle wall below and Q pushed out the clockwork behind the tower.

Zoe caught the bubble, and the Qinggang Shadow kicked out from behind the F6 wall.

Clockwork was seconds.

KT took the opportunity to suppress another wave of mid-tower bloodline.

Little Peanut took the second vanguard and placed it directly in the middle. The red tower with unhealthy health was destroyed.

As soon as the mid-tower fell, KT started to squeeze out crazy vision.

Before the third dragon was refreshed, Udyr consumed a set of Zoe in the jungle and lost his status. The dragon was easily won by KT.

And before the Dragon Soul team battle, DK was crippled by two people while setting up his vision.

Heroes like Zoe and Leopard Girl are very powerful when they have vision advantages. The DK brothers accidentally ate some flying props while walking in the jungle and were disabled. They couldn't achieve vision at all.

Without good vision, it would be even more dangerous for the red side to walk in the wild area.

This creates a vicious cycle.

But this game was Fire Dragon Soul, and DK didn't dare to release it. He was consumed and crippled by the side and still struggled for a long time. He was directly bypassed by Lin Cheng and E-dodged into the field and drove to Samila.

Niutou flashed and followed up, starting the team battle.

DK was originally in bad shape, but this wave was instantly defeated, and was easily defeated by KT.

After getting the Fire Dragon Soul, KT immediately turned to take down the baron.

At this point, DK is no longer able to fight.

Leopard Girl + Zoe in the Fire Dragon Soul lineup got the Baron BUFF and had an economic lead of more than 8,000. How could they lose this game?

In the end, KT completely defeated their opponents in 24 minutes and flattened DK's base.

At this point, KT has achieved eight consecutive victories against DK.

From DWG to DK, the name change did not bring them good luck.

Sorry, I just finished writing it. Please point out any mistakes.

My eyes hurt. I didn’t have time to check carefully.

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