This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 86 I’m actually fine

Facing the captain, Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow still chose his favorite set of talent runes for storming. The main system is precision: storming, triumph, joy, critical strike, and the secondary system is enlightenment: magic shoes and cookie delivery.

Entering the game, Lin Cheng chose Dolan Shield as his starting outfit. This equipment can make Qinggangying feel much more comfortable when facing the captain.

Qinggangying first stood in the grass in the river on the top road, while his teammates stood parallel to the river to keep an eye on the opponent's position.

Kuro's Rambo covered Bono to insert the accessory eye next to F6 on the opposite side. Bono then retreated to the back to read the return pass and prepare to change the scan. However, when the two were inserting the eye, Li Ge's Galio saw it.

Aiming, on the other hand, used a Q outside the triangle grass on his bottom lane to drive out Varus from the grass on the opposite river.

"Yoho! I hit the Q, but it's a pity that I didn't steal the money rune."

His teammates set up an offensive ward, so Tusin naturally wouldn't run to the opposite river alone. Senna put down the trinket ward next to his F6, then turned around and rushed down from the jungle, preparing to join his AD.

If the opponent also invades to gain vision, this eye position will be the first to notice it.

Aiming was still happily Qing Varus across the river, while Teddy was moving in a spiral to avoid his skills, and his expression was bright, as if to say: You can't hit him, you can't hit him.

Senna and EZ met. Seeing how arrogant Varus was, Tusin also wanted to go up and shoot Varus twice.

However, what Tusin didn't expect was that a Yinbi had already pierced the wall in the dragon pit into the blue square jungle area in advance, and happened to catch Senna touching the triangle grass.

After Senna walked over, Barrel blocked his field of vision and used his E skill to go up the wall to send a signal to his teammates.

Junri: "Tusin! The location has been discovered. Cuzz has an idea. The blue side of this location has no vision. The wine barrel E crosses the wall and waits for the skill CD. There are four people under T1. KT's duo is in danger!"

Corgi: "The captain is also behind. Aiming also used his hands to chase Varus in the river and QQ twice. Didn't he think about why Varus was standing here and letting you Q? It's not like he was moving. train."

Junri: "I haven't realized yet, but people are going to die! The escape route has been blocked, and the captain is here."

Before the two brothers realized the danger, they were stuck in the pass at the corner below the dragon pit, facing Varus on the opposite side.

Aiming still had time to show off: "Am I accurate with my Q? I hit two out of three shots, and the opponent dared to express his emotions. We won at the starting line before even sending troops."

Tusin: "We have long arms and can fight fiercely. We won't be afraid when Tamu comes."

At this time, Tam appeared from behind Varus, accompanied by a captain.

"There are three of them, let's go quickly."

Seeing that the captain had realized something was wrong, the two quickly turned around and tried to escape through the triangular grass.

At this time, a strong man with a big belly suddenly appeared from the triangular grass behind.

Meat bomb impact.


Cuzz decisively stepped out in front of E and bumped into Cena and EZ at the same time.

Tam licked the EZ from a distance, and Varus' evil arrows enveloped the two of them. EZ was almost knocked out of most of its health in just one face-to-face encounter.

This position was slowed down, Aiming stopped dodge, and was killed by the captain with a Q skill.

Senna tried to dodge and wanted to run away, but the opponent just caught up with him. Tahm dodges and slows down with a lick, and the captain hits another precise K-head with his Q skill.

The two brothers who just said they won at the starting line fell at the starting line at the same time.

Junri: "Sena flashed and wanted to run away. It's impossible for you to run away from this opponent. Rambo and the prince were spotted by Brother Li just now. T1 will definitely chase them."

Corgi: "You're still too young! I only saw Galio's vision and didn't know the location of the wine barrel. EZ dared to chase Varus Q."

Junri: "I can only say that Cuzz's maneuver around the back is really smart. Tusin took a quick look at F6. He just came from above and didn't expect the danger behind him. They should have realized something was wrong when they saw the captain in the lower half. But it's too late."

Corgi joked: "It was bad news to suffer a heavy start and lose two lives, but the good news for KT is that Cuzz's E flash has been used. As we all know, Cuzz's barrel can only E flash once in a game."

Junri: "Indeed, Cuzz has not used E Flash more than twice in a game so far. It has now entered the cooldown."

Corgi: "Now here comes the problem. The captain has two heads at the first level. This is a captain who goes out with blue crystal. How can he fight against the blue steel shadow when the light shines on the way back?"

"Level 1 Yaoguang, I don't even know how to play Qinggang Ying."

"Captain Yaoguang is a pervert when he goes out, don't ask me how I know."

"Brother Chengzi: Brothers, I'm cracked!"

"Cuzz has changed. The outflanking of this card's vision is too spiritual."


KT’s team voice is still very lively.

Bono: "Be steady. We won the last round. Let's work harder this round."

Tusin: "Oh! The opposite side is too insidious. How did the wine barrel get around to the back? I didn't even see it when I looked at F6. I made a mistake."

Aiming: "Oh my, my, I shouldn't have gone to Q Varus. I thought the EZ commander couldn't keep me on the opposite side."

Tusin: "It's okay, it's okay! Just fight well. It won't be a big problem to kill two people."

Aiming: "That's right. Our recovery and consumption are very strong. We won't suffer any losses if we play well online."

Lin Cheng listened silently as the duo encouraged each other, almost bursting into tears.

Are these two brothers here to be cute?

Of course you're fine. The guy with two heads is facing me up there.

Why is it that my teammates are having a rough time down there, but it’s me who suffers?

After going online at level 1, seeing the radiance on the captain's body, Lin Cheng hid in the grass nearby and prepared to find an opportunity to recruit troops.

It's not that Lin Cheng is stubborn. If he sees the captain standing forward and doesn't dare to take experience, if the captain directly blocks the line, he will lose a lot of experience in front of him.

And I don’t dare to do last-ditch attacks now. Later, there might be a level 1 Qinggang Shadow Tower that can do last-ditch attacks. The captain on the opposite side is already level 3.

Do you think the captain can't kill you if you are huddled under the tower?

Even if Lin Cheng's last-hitting skills are unparalleled, if the early value is set here when using Dolan Shield, he will definitely miss the tower knife like crazy when the level is low.

In this way, Lin Cheng went up to look for an opportunity to hit the target, and the result was that the captain fired a backhand shot of gunfire, dealing dazzling damage and triggering immortality at the same time.

Qinggangying lost almost one-third of his health.

Lin Cheng almost stopped scolding her, how could I hit him?

After Canna slowly replenished a small soldier beside him, he saw that Qinggangying was still waiting for an opportunity to replenish his troops. After waiting for a while, he negotiated with another shot of gunfire.

Even with Duolan Dun's health recovery, Lin Cheng's health volume had dropped to almost half.

Now the captain rushed up with a knife. Lin Cheng ran back quickly, but was chased by the captain across the line and shot him again. He still had less than half of his health left.

Seeing that his green steel shadow was almost crippled by a few shots from the captain, Lin Cheng sighed.

Bono: "Lin Cheng, can you withstand it?"

Lin Cheng said stiffly, "I'm actually fine."

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