This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 85 What’s going on with this BP?

After a short break, the deciding game began.

This time KT BAN first on the blue side and T1 on the red side.

As soon as the blue side comes up, BAN the first-hand excavator first, respect Brother Cuzz’s ancestral excavator.

I don’t know if it’s powerful or not, but it’s pretty scary anyway, everyone is in the BAN.

The red team BAN Seti first. They were beaten by the boxing champion in the last game. This game makes no sense. Except for a few special ones, the LCK coaches usually choose to BAN them if they can't beat them.

The two banned heroes after KT are wet nurse and female gun.

T1's last two hands disabled Aphelios and Ornn.

The main reason is that KT’s blue hand bans the wet nurse, which is a bit like a short-handed laner. Heroes like Sett and Ornn are very difficult to beat the wet nurse in the top lane. T1 simply bans Ornn together. These two are the current top laners. The shorthand laner with the highest appearance rate in the LCK version.

But what they don't know is that the reason why KT banned Wet Nurse is purely because Lin Cheng doesn't play this hero, and it has nothing to do with whether he has long hands or short hands.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Lin Cheng can't play the nanny top laner at all. Now even if he wants to play the nanny Kang Dongxun, he won't do it. KT needs Lin Cheng to play more aggressively, so forget about heroes like the nanny.

Starting to select players, blue side KT locked Senna on the first floor.

Corgi: "Senna, I just don't know if this is AD Senna or auxiliary Senna. After this hero comes out, due to his passive nature, more LCK teams will use him as a support."

Junri: "Yes, when Senna is partnered with a hard support, you can give up the supply of troops and let your support eat the troops. This way the support's economy will increase quickly, which is basically equivalent to having two top laners in the team."

Seeing that the opponent chose Sena, the red side T1 directly locked Tahm Kench on the first floor, dismantling the opponent's Tahm Kench combination.

The current favorite hero in the LCK to partner with Senna is Tahm Kench.

Tahm Kench's tankiness improves rapidly when he takes last hits and eats economy. He can act as a frontline in team battles, and the protection and support capabilities of this duo will make the team's fault tolerance rate very high.

Immediately afterwards, Varus was displayed on the second floor of T1, and then changed to EZ, but it was not locked for a long time.

Corgi: "It's no problem for T1 to steal Tahm. It not only breaks the opponent's Tamsena combination, but also allows Tahm to drive to find opportunities in the mid-term. However, AD's choice of T1 seems to be still entangled."

Junri: "EZ? No! I think if Tahm wants to move, he still needs to cooperate with heroes like Varus or Ice. Only in this way can he put real pressure on the sideline. Who is afraid of Tahm driving an EZ? You? But it will be completely different if you bring Varus with you."

Corky: "Yes! And there is another advantage to choosing this way. Verusgatam is very strong in the bottom lane and poses a great threat to Senna, whether he is assisting Senna or AD Senna."

Before he finished speaking, T1 still locked Varus.

The blue side KT continued to lock the prince with a backhand on the second floor, and then selected EZ on the third floor.

Junri: "EZ Senna, these two heroes are very powerful in the bottom lane, but they definitely can't produce anything. The tone of KT has been set, and we still have to fight around the top half."

Corgi: "Yes, Cheng was in such good shape in the first game. KT is obviously planning to continue to fight around the top lane. Although Sett was banned, he can still be so C with Sett. His hero pool must be There are other carry heroes."

Junil: "It can be seen that the whole KT team trusts this new teammate. Even if it is your first time playing a game, as long as you are in good condition, then let you come to C and we will play around you."

Corgi suddenly laughed and said: "We have been talking here for a long time about playing around the top lane. Will KT suddenly choose Thain top laner and Lulu mid laner? Get four guarantees and one EZ?"

Junri was also happy: "Forget it, KT coach is not Brother Mai. If you tell me that Brother Mai has a five-guaranteed lineup, I will believe it. Most of the other LCK coaches are relatively normal."

The red party third floor took out the barrel, and Cuzz, the beer man's Jinchuuriki, had to prove himself this time.

In the second round of banning people, T1 bans Enchantress and Sword Girl on the red side.

The purpose of banning Enchantress was to reduce KT's collision intensity in the upper half, while banning KT was aimed at Lin Cheng. After all, he is best known to Korean netizens for his performance in the SKY Cup.

Of course, it is also possible that Kuro secretly practiced a single-handed sword girl and was discovered by T1 people.

In the last two moves, KT banned Zoe and the card, preventing Brother Li from moving.

In the last game, Lin Cheng's Seti was really fat too early, so Zoe couldn't go up to find Seti, but Faker's Zoe did hold the lane right in the middle for a long time.

In the second round of selection, the fourth floor of T1 locked up Captain Tiger Oil first.

KT backhandedly selected Qinggangying and Rambo.

Junri: "Green Steel Shadow! Sure enough, KT will play around the top half, but it's a bit weird to play Green Steel Shadow against Tahm. In fact, no one uses Green Steel Shadow in the current version of LCK."

Corgi: "It depends on the player's preferences. This hero is indeed Cheng's signature hero. In his RANK record, Camille is used a lot."

Junri: "This mid laner Rambo is obviously well prepared. As soon as the combination of Prince and Garambo comes out, Tahm and Varus will tremble."

Seeing the opponent's lineup selected, T1 locked Galio in the last move.

The lineups of both sides are selected.

Blue square KT:

Top road: Cheng (Qinggangying, Camille)

Jungler: Bonno (Prince of Demacia, Jarvan IV)

Middle: Kuro (Mechanical Enemy, Rambo)

Bottom lane: Aiming (explorer, Ezreal)

Auxiliary: Tusin (soul-purifying holy spear, Senna)

Red square T1:

Top lane: Canna (Ocean Scourge, Gangplank)

Jungler: Cuzz (Barrel, Gragas)

Mid lane: Faker (Colossus of Justice, Galio)

Bottom lane: Teddy (Arrow of Punishment, Varus)

Support: Effort (River King, Tahm Kench)

Keji: "The lineups of both sides have been decided. Li Ge's last move, Galio, was very good. Tamu and Galio will make Qinggang Ying very uncomfortable on the wing, but since KT wants to take Rambo, they can't win in the second round. BAN Galio was a bit unexpected."

Junri: “The T1 lineup is very fast in support. Galio and Tahm Kench are not only great at grabbing the edge, but they are also very restrained from Qinggang Shadow’s team-up.

No, what's going on with KT's BP? I originally wanted to take care of the top lane, but why do I feel that after selecting Qinggangying in the lineup, it is difficult to perform? "

"I don't dare to lead the line. I can't join the team. This Qinggangying must be too embarrassed."

"KT's BP is outrageous. You've already banned all the cards and you're not willing to ban Galio?"

"President Li Galio! The strongest mixed beast is here, Aite RNG."

"Woo~~~ Galeo once sent away five Chinese people with his own hands, and today he is also going to give LCK's Chinese foreign aid a critical blow?"

"Don't push me! I'll explain the game you don't know how to play, and I, Brother Chengzi, will teach you."

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