This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1915 Big Tease! A tortuous victory

G2 is an amazing team.

In LEC games, they often had a huge lead of 8,000 or 9,000 yuan but were overturned, which made people suspect that they were fixing matches.

If a big advantage cannot end the game, it is mostly due to operational issues.

But it would be wrong to say that G2 cannot operate.

Every season they have some classic runs.

For example, during S9, G2 relied on first-hand operation + resource replacement to make SKT very uncomfortable.

At that time, SKT actually had a small advantage in the early stages of the laning, but they couldn't beat G2 in terms of operation and team fighting, which led to them being sent away by G2 in MSI and the global finals.

Sometimes G2's tactical ideas are really a piece of shit, but sometimes they are extremely clear.

Such as this game.

Finding that the positive disadvantage was too great, G2 began to resolutely implement resource exchanges.

The third dragon is refreshed.

G2 chose to let go of Xiaolong, and Xiaoyang released the pioneer Yasuo on the top lane.

Xiao Hao first pulled out the previous tower, and then continued to advance with the vanguard.

KT is operating in a multi-threaded manner. From the front, people push the outer tower in the middle, and Cuzz Foego goes to beat the dragon.

Knowing that there must be someone in the top half, Rookie's card did not dare to forcefully defend the top lane, so he could only let Yasuo lead the vanguard to demolish the second tower on the top lane.

The extra economy of the second tower on the wing is equivalent to two heads, and Yasuo made up for it a lot in this exchange.

But KT also got Xiaolong and the outer tower in the middle, achieving its tactical purpose.

Both parties continue to operate against each other.

There is a defensive tower advantage in the middle line, and AD equipment is significantly ahead. KT is very good at this kind of operation.

Qinggangying leads the lane alone in the bottom lane. The KT duo grabs the lane in the middle and immediately moves to the upper half of the jungle to cover the cards leading the lane in the top lane.

G2 was also forced to pay more attention to Yasuo on the top lane, with the support and jungler squatting nearby to help with vision.

Both sides didn't care about the bottom lane. Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow single-handedly took down the second tower due to its superior equipment.

The two sides in the upper half are still fighting.

There wasn't a good chance to make a move, and the KT brothers didn't take the lead. They ran up to the top and put a wave of pressure before continuing to push the line back to the center.

After repeated waves, a problem arises.

As the pressure side, KT's eye position is consumed quickly because the opponent Nosuke has been scanning to fill in the real eye.

At 20 minutes, just when the duo was preparing to return to the center again, G2 happened to seize the blue side's offensive vision gap. Jiaoyue and Yasuo followed the Ueno area and caught the card that cleared the line in the ruins of the first tower.

"You can fight! You can fight!"

After discovering that the card was caught, KT immediately directed a counterattack.

The little sheep's bright moon took the lead and the little soldiers came over.

Rookie threw the yellow card to Jiaoyue and then connected with Yongshuang to delay time.

Yasuo's Q troops gather the wind.

Card ran two steps backwards, and King Qin circled the pillar.

The teammates are all rushing up, and all Rookie has to do is drag them.

Yasuo gathered the wind in his hand and slid towards the card.


The card starts a stopwatch and continues to delay time.

Lin Cheng's TP has lit up.

The two G2 brothers immediately chose to pull back.

Luo has arrived to support.

But the Ruined King on the other side has also arrived.

The red side is not too afraid to take on the 3v3 on the open side.

G2 personnel retreated.

"Chase chase chase!"

The cards follow Foyego and press forward.

Qinggangying TP landed.

Luo turned around and tried to lift Foego in the front, but Brother Cuzz turned his head and easily twisted it away.


However, at this moment, the bright moon suddenly turned around and flashed.

The moonlight shines down.

Lin Cheng reacted very quickly and instantly activated Hex's Ultimatum to dodge the impact of Jiao Yue's ultimate move.

Foego, who turned around and walked away, was knocked into the air along with the card.

Yasuo took out R, Breathless Slash.

Qinggangying landed his ultimate move and kicked out the Q precise etiquette, and was immediately seduced by Luo Meimei who opened the gap.

KT's other two brothers didn't come down from the air, and their health bars dropped wildly.

He couldn't care less, Lin Cheng immediately took action with EW after the charm was over.

The hook lock was hung on the wall above, and the outer edge of the tactical sweep hit the two of them accurately. Qinggang Shadow's second stage E came back and knocked out the bright moon.

The second stage of AQ dealt real damage, and Jiao Yue's health bottomed out instantly.

The card has been blocked at this time.

But Foego's residual health has not yet fallen.

"Diana! Diana!"

Foyego stabbed the sky spirit with pain and directly killed Jiao Yue, and began to transform and regain blood.

Mr. Dai: "Back off, back off! We are dead."

Beryl: "There are many people on the other side, and they are all here."

At this time, bad news came to the duo.

I don’t know how the two brothers in the bottom lane died. Lin Cheng AQ kicked Yasuo and tried his best to pull back.

Triangle Grass's eye position has already seen Poppy and Callista.

Yasuo slid up.

At this time, Qinggang Shadow God Point + Greed damage was available. Lin Cheng's second-level AQ with high real damage backhand kicked Yasuo, who had half of his health, to lose a large amount of his health.

"You can fight! You can fight!"

Foyego has transformed into the bright moon, and QE uses Luo's displacement to directly cut out R's Painful Sky Spirit.

The little hat E soldier avoided Foyego's ultimate move, but Brother Cuzz still held the flash in his hand.


Foyego decisively used W to flash control Yasuo, and AQA cooperated with Qinggangying to complete the kill instantly.

Foego transformed again.

"Hit, hit, hit! Keep fighting!"

Lin Cheng turned around and took two steps.

Luo W prejudged his move, but Qinggang Ying turned his head and twisted it away.

"Poppy doesn't have a W!"

Foego transformed into Yasuo and went directly to Kalista.

Obviously Foego doesn't have much health, but the wind wall released after Cuzz transforms into Yasuo too limits Kalista's output, and Kalista can only constantly adjust her sliding position.

However, Lin Cheng's prediction was successful, and Qinggang Shadow's second E knocked Kalista unconscious.

I don’t know what kind of magic power Yasuo has. Lin Cheng helped control Kalista. At this time, Brother Cuzz could just kill the spirit directly.

That handsome guy just wanted to come over.

As a result, Poppy's E happened to knock the fake Yasuo into the wall while sliding.

Kalista had a shield and bow, and although her HP wasn't very high when she came over, Lin Cheng's Green Steel Shadow couldn't kick him to death.

Kalista turned back to AQ and threw a spear at Foego who transformed into Yasuo.

Cuzz's ultimate move came out, and Kalista just happened to draw her spear at the same time.

The two died together, and Foego didn't have a chance to recover his soul.

But at the end of the game, Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow was already invincible.

He doesn't have a lot of HP, but the recovery of God's Point and Greed cannot be suppressed by Poppy and Luo alone.

It's a pity that after Qinggangying kicked Half-blood Luo to death, he tried to pursue him but was blocked by Poppy W, so he had no choice but to give up.

In this way, the two sides played a tragic 4 for 4.

"The bright moon flashed back and struck back...Brother Chengzi reacted so quickly! He's about to help the Broken King to kill him...Hey! What does this mean? Why did Cuzz have to E over?"

"Oops! Why did we play 4 for 4 with such a huge advantage?"

Wanwan saw that something was wrong, "KT is losing money this time! The fattest EZ died on the way? How did he die?"

No one expected that with an economic advantage of more than 6,000, KT would have a 50-50 draw with their opponents.

The director will give the replay soon.

The war criminals were caught.

When Lin Cheng TP went on the road, Bobby also TP, but BB teleported to the jungle, and happened to collide with the KT duo.

Kalista was also nearby, and a fight broke out between the two parties.

Poppy's W blocked Titan's Q first move. When Mr. Dai saw Titan throwing his ultimate move to Kalista, he didn't think much about it and went straight for E to deal damage.

As a result, Poppy flashed the wall and knocked EZ unconscious on the wall of the Dalong Pit.

Kalista instantly cooperated with Poppy's two-stage Q to cripple EZ, and Mr. Dai flashed into the dragon pit.

As a result, he inexplicably hit the dragon.

Then Dalong sprayed EZ to death with two mouthfuls of phlegm.

The Titan above did not survive either.

This is the reason why the two KT brothers gave it to them for free.

Wanwan didn't hold back: "Ha! This is too abstract. What does Deft mean by A Baron? No wonder it's so difficult for KT to play with such a huge advantage."

"I wrongly blamed them. After this wave of cards were blocked, it was like 2 versus 5! It's already very difficult."

Barrage explosion.

"F*ck!" Live in Bengbu! This EZ is so abstract》

"E got slapped on the face, then jumped down to find the dragon to commit suicide, top notch!" 》

"Big thrill!" Comedy Huang Mao's performance"

"What happened to Mr. Dai?" This time MSI has been involved in ghost scenes more than once》

"Brother Orange and Grapefruit Thief were 2 on 5 throughout the game. It's good to kill four."

"This wave of Cuzz was already full, but the last E was a bit fucked up by Poppy Bidong"

"Yasuo players are like this, they are happy when they skate"

"Only Brother Chengzi is reliable!" This can be pulled"

This big advantage was tied to 4 for 4, and the KT players were also reflecting on it. Fortunately, Lin Cheng didn't have time to cut the screen just now.

He had no idea what was going on below, otherwise he would have to mock Lao Dai.

G2 is happy to see kills at a big disadvantage. If their Yasuo and Bright Moon equipment can keep up, they will still have a chance in team fights.

In the 22-minute Xiaolong team battle, the two sides collided again.

KT first stood up and got the draw card Wind Dragon, but Bobica's ultimate move from his vision knocked Qinggangying and Titan away, resulting in the front being opened but KT was short of people.

This time it was a 1 for 2, and KT lost again.

But fortunately, the opponent couldn't defeat the baron, but only lost one more head.

Wang Duoduo: "The disadvantaged G2 is really tenacious. They are actively looking for opportunities to bring the situation back bit by bit."

Wanwan: "This lineup is really explosive when started. Once the bright moon is big enough and multiple Yasuos enter the field, it will explode. Caps' equipment is not bad. G2 has been giving him economic changes before."

After losing a wave just now, Beryl turned around and got lost in the jungle and gave away another head. The audience was a little confused.

KT played very well in the early stage, but something went wrong after the 4-for-4 in the first half.

Lin Cheng is still as stable as ever, but Qinggangying's lineup can only take away the outer tower at most. It is impossible for him to take the high ground without full pressure from his teammates.

Unfortunately, my teammates made a lot of mistakes.

Cuzz, who always lost points after 15 minutes in the past, was fine this round, and the two old guys in the bottom lane started again.

There's no old man on the other side, either?

G2 is also very decisive, knowing that the card's ultimate move is on CD, and immediately forces the Baron after catching the Titan.

The four KT players hugged each other and moved forward, looking cautious.

G2 originally lined up their vision and wanted to squat, but seeing how cautious their opponent was, they simply kept their heads down and prepared to beat the baron to the end.

The blue jewelry shines through.

"The dragon is about to fall, follow me and hold down the position."

Lin Cheng immediately went forward to explore.

At this time, G2 wanted to deal with the baron first and not give Foyego a chance to come over and punish him.

Yasuo set up a wind wall to block EZ's consumption.

Poppy hid in the river in advance and fully stocked up on his ultimate moves, and suddenly hit the hammer, pointing directly at Qinggangying and Foyego who were leaning against the dragon pit.

But KT had early warning of Poppy's possible movements, and the newly resurrected Beryl kept reminding him.

"Be careful with Poppy's ultimate move, Don't let Yuzan get knocked away."

With an early warning, Lin Cheng took action with the hook lock in time, and just used the forced E displacement to deflect the hammer flying of Poppy's ultimate move.

Cuzz was also stunned. He used his ultimate move to pierce the sky spirit and slash towards the dragon pit, but he was not hammered away by Bobby.

G2 chose to let Bobby hammer people away, which shows that the dragon's health is already very low.

In fact, when Foyego entered the dragon pit, he found that the big dragon only had more than a thousand health points.


A punishment sound effect sounded.

The blue side grabs the baron.

"Poppy was preparing his ultimate move and didn't want to steal the dragon from Foego... He reacted so quickly! He wasn't hammered away... He got it! Wow! Cuzz!!!"

"G2 is working!"

This wave of grabbing the dragon was just the beginning. The hook lock defeated Poppy's ultimate move and brought Qinggangying to the entrance of the dragon pit.


Without saying a word, Lin Cheng flashed into the Dragon Pit and kicked Yasuo with AQ.

Seeing the two people face to face, Jiao Yue fired her ultimate move.


Foego flashed his stopwatch.

Qinggangying used Hex's Ultimatum to avoid Bright Moon's ultimate move.

Luo held down his position and knocked away the green steel shadow that landed on the ground.

Yasuo takes over.

At this time, KT Double C made an extremely radical move.

Rookie flashed to the entrance of Longkeng and gave him a yellow card.

EZ jump face output.

Yasuo's wind wall has long since disappeared, and they all understand that they must help Foyego pick up the soul for this wave of fighting.

Although Luo immediately used his ultimate to limit KT's double C with Poppy, EZ and the card still dealt considerable damage instantly.

Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow was very fat, but it was not directly destroyed by Yasuo's ultimate move.

A kick from the ground crippled Yasuo.


Lin Cheng turned on the stopwatch.

The most intuitive manifestation of the economic lead is the lead in life-saving items. Without giving the opponent a chance, Qinggangying turned into a golden man.

And Foego, who was in the scorched earth, stabbed Yasuo to death with a sword.

Foego begins to transform.

You must know that the strongest point of the G2 lineup in team battles is the cooperation of Yasuo + Haoyue. The two brothers KT Ueno and Jungle came in and took turns using skills and stopwatches to avoid the explosion. G2 has lost its biggest reliance.

Brother Cuzz, who transformed into Yasuo, used his backhand to erect a wall of wind next to Qinggangying.

Lin Cheng stood up and the two brothers fought side by side.

Kalista was very embarrassed. Facing the wind wall, she could only turn around and follow her assistant to output the cards at the entrance of the dragon pit.

But the card already has a golden body, and it can still delay time.

But Mr. Dai's lead was weak. Seeing Kalista turn around to deal damage to himself, he was directly weak and defeated his opponent.

The red side simply cannot reduce KT's numbers right away.

And Jiao Yue was killed in the dragon pit.

Foego transformed again.

G2 is completely unbeatable in team battles.

With a huge economic disadvantage, if Yasuo and Jiaoyue didn't put their two ultimate moves in place, it was already doomed that the red side's output would be insufficient.

You know, the red side was not in very good shape when fighting the dragon, and its resistance was also reduced a lot. After Foego transformed, he almost killed one at a time.

In the end, with Cuzz's three kills and Lin Cheng's blood lock, KT4 defeated the opponent in five groups.

"Wow!!! 4 on 5, a big victory! KT's team battle was so beautiful!"

"Is this still the same KT from before?"

Barrage explosion.

"F*ck!" Can you win this? 》

"came back! This wave of team battles are back》

"Everyone looks great this time!" Pinch mom! This KT is too strong if he doesn’t get sick》

"Only one handsome boy is still on the way"

"Mr. Dai: What I did just now was all just pretending!" I'm showing off my cards"

"Rookie this flash forward!" In tears! 》

"People of Incheon gather! 》

"When KT team fights and other people's voices are no louder than Brother Chengzi's, KT is invincible."

With this huge victory, the audience was completely excited.

This is the KT they want to see.

Dare to fight and show off.

It's not that you dare to fight and you dare to give away.

After this wave, the economic gap was directly stretched to more than 10,000, and KT did not give their opponents any chance after that.

Amid the cheers of the audience, KT relied on steady operations to kill the game in a team battle in 26 minutes. (End of chapter)

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