This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1914 Flying dragon riding on the face

"Single kill! Brother Chengzi is in danger, one on two, and his reaction is too fast when he dodges and dodges with E!"

Wanwan's tone was filled with joy and a bit of regret, "What a pity! I almost couldn't avoid Jiaoyue's last Q, otherwise he would have survived."

Wang Duoduo: "But can you believe that Qinggang Shadow counter-attacked Poppy in the lane? Brother Chengzi's use of Hook Lock is simply superb. The original image of Qinggang Shadow being restrained by Poppy has never appeared."

Wanwan: "This is Brother Chengzi! You really can't be superstitious about the hero Counter in front of him, otherwise you will doubt your understanding of the game."

There was thunderous applause.

Lin Cheng's first kill in the match drew enthusiastic cheers from the fans, even though he also died.

Unlike the small venues in the group stage, the enthusiasm of thousands of KT fans in the Busan Convention and Exhibition Center can be felt by the players through their headphones.

This is KT's home court.

Most of the more than 4,000 spectators at the scene were KT fans.

Just now, the audience cheered when Lin Cheng touched his immortality at level 1. It is normal to be excited when witnessing a solo kill.

BB touched her hair and couldn't accept it.

"That's wrong! Why is this Camille different from the one I met?"

In order to prepare his secret weapon against Qinggang Shadow, he practiced many games of Poppy, but even if he didn't play too many games, his Poppy still had a very good effect when facing Qinggang Shadow in the Korean server.

But Lin Cheng's Green Steel Shadow is different from others.

It's really different.

BB actually didn't perform well in this MSI group stage. Even though G2 didn't lose in the group stage, BB often has the advantage of teammates but is at a disadvantage.

G2 also adjusted quickly. On the first day of the game, they were still using Sword Lady for BB, but after that, they were all tank characters like Ornn.

This BB's Poppy actually has the same positioning, but because the hero's own restraint is too obvious, BB plays less cautiously.

After being killed one after another, he finally recognized the reality.

It seems that I really can’t beat him, so let’s have fun!

Anyway, as long as Bobby wants to be stubborn, Qinggang Ying basically has nothing to do with Bobby.

If you can continue to be killed alone, it means there is something wrong with your thinking.

Lin Cheng didn't feel anxious when he discovered that the opponent had adjusted his laning strategy.

Qinggang Shadow's lane tank hero is already very good and will become better and better after two attacks. After two things, Poppy will be reduced to a toy in the lane.

Five and a half minutes later, Rookie glanced at the map.

"I'm almost six, can Foego help push the line?"

As the cards leveled up, it was no longer easy to push Yasuo's line, so Rookie simply asked Brother Cuzz next to him to show up and help push a wave of troops.

Then Foyego leaned up in front of the remaining sight of the opponent's army line, and after the card's backhand cleared the army line, it was promoted to level six.

Finding that the top lane was sent into the tower by Qinggangying, Rookie asked: "Can the top lane be crossed?"

"No, I can't get over it! Bobby is too stubborn and won't pay any more."

As a result, Rookie's cards moved towards the lower half of his jungle area.

The bottom lane of both sides is a flat line, and the cards move to the take-off position to look for opportunities.

Just in time, Beryl Titan flashed out from the grass Hex and hit Kalista with a hook.

The cards took off decisively.

EZ jumps in the face.

Kalista, who didn't dodge, died suddenly.

"The card's first ultimate move did the trick. This KT has a smooth early rhythm!"

"Push the lane from the bottom lane, and Xiaolong can come over and control it."

In more than 6 minutes, KT controlled the first water dragon in the game.

Everything is going in KT's favor.

In 8 minutes, KT already had a lead of more than 2,000 gold. This advantage was very obvious in the early stage.

KT's operation around the Pioneer is also very detailed. Beryl first moved to the middle to help clear the cards. When the Titans reached level 6, Foego had already activated the Pioneer in advance.

The two sides struggled for a while in the middle, but G2 still chose to let go of the vanguard.

Because Bobby on the top lane is stuck and cannot get through, and the G2 man in the middle lane is leaning towards the river. If Titan takes the lead and controls the card, Foego can directly pick up the soul.

Coupled with the AD bot lane of both sides, EZ can also support one more big move, so G2 very wisely let go of the vanguard.

"What did Lin Cheng say? Do you want to release Pioneer to you?"

Brother Cuzz is very discerning and asked Lin Cheng for his opinion before getting the Pioneer.

"Don't worry about it, just help the bottom lane."

"You said you didn't need to help. Brothers, help me testify, lest someone gets caught later and refuses to admit his guilt."

Brother Cuzz is still worried about the pressure Lin Cheng put on him just now.

The teammates were all snickering.

Lin Cheng secretly turned his head and glanced at Cuzz.

it is more than words.

Lin Cheng judged the situation very accurately and did not forcibly kidnap his teammates to expand his advantage.

Although Qinggangying suppressed the knife and rubbed a layer of tower skin on the top lane, BB became very stubborn after being single-killed. It would be difficult for KT to break through with Poppy.

The profit of just using the vanguard to eat two layers of tower skins is too low, but the risk of overcoming Poppy first and then using the vanguard to pull out the tower is too high. It will be dangerous if someone is hammered away when jumping the tower.

I have to say that G2’s Poppy is really a stroke of genius.

Although the counter effect in the lane was not played, it did make KT's card + Qinggang Shadow system difficult to use against the top lane.

If Poppy's three WER skills were used to defend under the tower, he would really be useless.

Of course, the top lane is not completely incapable of attacking, but the benefits are too low to be necessary.

In 10 minutes, after catching the bright moon's position information, Foyego moved down and cooperated with the card's ultimate move to complete a 4-pack of 2 against the bottom lane.

Taking advantage of the trend, the vanguard knocked down a tower on the bottom lane.

KT's economic advantage has reached nearly 4,000.

Wang Duoduo: "KT's rhythm has taken off! Although Caps took the opportunity to eat two layers of tower skin in the middle, the bottom lane has been penetrated. G2 has no rhythm now, the defense tower has also fallen, and they have no fight."

Wanwan: "This advantage is no longer worth playing! KT never had a 10-minute lead of 4,000 and was overturned."

"G2's lineup was actually very powerful in fighting in the early and mid-term, but they never found an opportunity to take the initiative to fight. Jankos was forced to keep farming."

After pushing down the tower, KT immediately executed a lane change tactic, allowing the duo to switch to the top lane.

Qinggang Shadow's short hands make it difficult to take advantage of Poppy, but EZ does not have this problem. The advantage of EZ is that its ability to push the lane is actually better than most ADs.

Because the hands of this thing are too long, once the opponent is pushed, it will be the ultimate torture.

G2 was also very decisive. They did not let the duo go up to connect the line at the first time. Instead, they excited the second dragon first.

KT released Xiaolong and continued to let EZ increase the economy on the top lane.

When the plating disappeared, KT was already five thousand ahead in economy.

The second-generation vanguard is refreshed, and G2 chooses to gather five people to stand on the river in advance to activate the vanguard.

At this time, Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow was leading the lane in the bottom lane, and KT chose to let go of the vanguard and continue to let Lin Cheng lead the lane.

"Although the vanguard has been obtained, the five G2 people working together in front of each other must be at a loss! Brother Chengzi almost lost it when he went down to the second tower."

"KT's operating philosophy is very clear, and they have not adopted a posture of asking for everything. They want to accumulate the economy to a point where it is enough to kill the game and lift G2 away in one wave."

"In fifteen minutes, the financial gap has been 6,000 yuan, and the flying dragon is about to ride on you!" (End of this chapter)

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