This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1543 What comes and goes

Aphelios on the bottom lane was killed, and Mr. Dai's Senna turned into a genuine support. He went home and changed his scanning eyes to the middle lane to compete for vision near the middle lane.

Needless to say, the importance of vision in the early stage of the mid lane. Good vision can not only help one's own mid laner prevent GANK but also gain insight into the opponent's mid laner's roaming direction.

Seeing Senna showing up in the middle to help Enchantress push the lane, Keria's time also moved towards the middle.

Aphelios and Thane were left in the bottom lane for a duel.

Aphelios does not have any means to interrupt Thain's Q charge. Evert only needs to concentrate on clearing the line with his skills. Anyway, it is difficult for Aphelios to pose a threat to Thain alone at this time.

Therefore, the departure of both sides' support actually made Thain's life very comfortable. At least the pressure to take the line was much less than that of 2v2.

Evert's hands suddenly felt itchy, so he walked up to build his Q and wanted to challenge Little Lu Bu for a singles fight.

But in fact, Thain's early-stage numbers that can be used as a pest in a single lane are exaggerated. ADs like Aphelios will lose half of their health if they accidentally hit Q that is charged up and knocked back.

The problem is that walking up and charging Q in front of someone is too much.

Little Lu Bu moved to avoid Thain's Q, and then twisted off Thain's E skill Purple Knife and pulled it through. Evert was hit like a Muggle.

Fortunately, Aphelios has no killing ability at this time and can only consume a little blood.

In 6 minutes, Faker pushed the line and then leaned into the lower half.

Because the yellow jewelry that the Enchantress had just placed near the lower river was blocked by Time's backhand, it was too late for the red team to retreat when they realized that the Ice Girl had placed it.

The line of soldiers entered the tower, and Faker decisively moved his crampons into the field and threw his ultimate move to Senna behind.

Thane charges his Q skill at the ice girl who enters the field.

The time double bomb is given, interrupting Thane's charge.

After Faker finished a set of control and damage, he immediately moved behind the defense tower.

Aphelios' blue knife AQ, cut the white knife and drew A smoothly to take Senna's head.

It just so happened that the Ice Girl came out of the tower after Senna was killed.

Thain's E skill slows down Ice Girl and begins to recharge her Q skill.

Faker decisively dodged Sion's Q.

Then the T1 trio formed a group and prepared to evacuate from below.

Peanut's male gun came closer from the rear line. E shifted and threw smoke bombs in an attempt to slow down, but the smoke bombs were an inch shorter.

Brother Li showed off his favorite gentleman penguin expression.

But, he was too happy too early.

Ice Girl's passive exploded, hurting Thane.

The defense tower was attracted hatred, and charged light bombs were sprayed out.

The ice girl fell to the ground and her head was given to Thane.

Zeyuan: "Haha! Brother Li got a little carried away this time. His expression was very bright when he saw his old teammates, but this passive explosion was a bit inappropriate."

Remember: "T1 actually did a good job with the details of tower jumping. They knew that this wave of three-over-two could only kill Senna, and they executed it very well. Unfortunately, the arrival of Little Peanut in the end forced Faker to follow his teammates from below, and it happened that Ice Girl Passively blasted to Thain"

Wanwan joked: "I told you not to show off your face when you are against Brother Chengzi. Anyone who shows off your face when you are against Brother Chengzi will get into trouble."

A teammate in the bottom lane was passed. Chaowei cleared the line in the middle and ran towards the upper half as soon as possible.

Lin Cheng originally had the advantage of lane rights, but it was not easy for him to attack Ornn under the tower by himself before. He communicated with his teammates and immediately accelerated the lane push.

His teammates went down to do their work, and Oner's prince happened to go out and lean into the upper half, preparing to cover Oner.

Canna, who was only half-healthy, realized in advance that her teammates might not be able to support her. Seeing that her last two soldiers were about to die outside the tower, she started shouting sheep from the Orn Tower.

He wants to clear the line!

Lin Cheng responded quickly.

The moment Ornn took out the baby horn from his crotch and blew the horn, Silas moved forward and reached the edge of the defense tower's limit range.

The giant lava sheep ran over the nearby army line, and just as the sheep's head crossed Silas, Lin Cheng handed over the second E.

Sylas's Chain flies faster than Ornn's Sheep.

Canna has already hit the second stage of his ultimate move under the tower.

But before the sheep could be received, Silas' chains arrived first.

The knock-up effect forcibly interrupted Ornn's headbutt, which was about to hit the giant sheep.

Sheep heads whizzed by.

The chain brought Silas into the tower, and Lin Cheng did not bother with his opponent. He turned around and took two steps with W to kill the last minion on the blue side, and at the same time remove the hatred from the defensive tower.

Ornn's ultimate move failed to clear the line, and the line of soldiers entered the tower.

Lin Cheng pressed his position and faced Ornn under the tower.

If Ornn turns on his W Bellows Flame Breath at this time, he will not be able to clear the line of troops.

The powerful Enchantress came out from the side with W Shadow Confusion, copied W with her ultimate move and stepped on Ornn's face, and QE took action.

The Enchantress carried the tower, and Lin Cheng and the damage easily killed Ornn with low health.

Because Ornn hit the tower with his E skill before being imprisoned and knocked away the Enchantress. After successfully jumping the tower, Super Power's health was not very healthy and he quickly activated the second stage of W to return to the Triangle Grass.

Oner's prince arrived at Triangle Grass just in time, and EQ took action.

Chaowei's reaction is also quick. When W returns, he immediately locks onto his character. When he sees the prince's flag coming down, he immediately activates the second stage of R.

The Enchantress returned to the tower and retreated head-on under the cover of Silas.

Zeyuan: "No problem! KT's top lane jumper is very beautiful! Orange Brother's second stage E is very important for Ornn to not knock out the sheep. This wave of troops without artillery vehicles is cleared by Ornn and it is actually not easy to jump."

Remember: "The rhythm of both sides was very intense. In this wave, both sides performed tower jumping operations on the top and bottom lanes. Although Ice Girl made the first move, KT still made the profit in the end."

Wanwan: "Ornn's health is still too low. This is the benefit of the stable advantage on the top lane. T1 can only find ways to regain the field in the second half, but Brother Orange has been suppressing Ornn."

"As long as you dare to take a shot at KT, you can attack him on the top lane. It's not like Canna wants to give it away. The pressure is too much to face Brother Chengzi."

In the early stage, both sides were trying to figure out how to set the pace on their respective strong sides, and Lin Cheng naturally had a clear lead against Ornn.

But Ornn is a hero who is destined to be effective even in team fights with a disadvantage. Canna's current disadvantage is not enough to bring down the team.

In the second half, relying on the kicking cooperation of Thain and Senna, although KT defeated Aphelios once, the double match was still uncomfortable.

Evert was already more than 20 knives behind in 7 minutes. Firstly, because of the three-minute TP support in the top lane, and secondly, Evert himself was not very good at using this kind of short-handed tank to last hits in the bottom lane.

In this game, KT did not establish a clear advantage in the early stage.

The first wave of big rhythm broke out on the field at more than 8 minutes.

At this time, there were four people in the top half of both sides ready to compete for the vanguard. Only Aphelios and Thain were still pushing each other in the bottom lane.

KT has the upper lane advantage and is determined to win this pioneer.

But T1 obviously doesn't want to let go.

Due to the passive existence of time, the T1 duo has reached level 6 at this time, and they have the advantage of key ultimate moves.

There is no obvious equipment gap at this time, so there is no reason not to fight.

"Aphelios, come closer, pay attention."

Evert, who cleared the bottom lane, issued a reminder.

"How long until Sang-ho reaches six?"

"Right away! Once this wave of lines is cleared, there will be six. I can open up and come over."

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