This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1542 Alley-oop dunk

Ornn has reached level three, crossing the line and forming a pincer attack with his midfield teammates.

They were not in a hurry, waiting for the Ice Girl to take control first and then they could stably kill.

Canna even gave Lin Cheng a little bee expression.

Did you look very cheerful just now?

"Cheng Bao, stand in the grass and I'll take the first wave of damage. Try not to die."

Little Peanut is ready to sacrifice himself.

Lin Cheng was moved.

What kind of magical teammate is this?

He began to regret not being gentler to his teammates.

I'm such a bad person.

Of course, reflection is only temporary.

How to talk to his teammates in the future? This guy will still remember his original intention.

This wave of little peanuts actually sees it very clearly.

Anyway, his male gun only had the stone man left in the first round, and he died when there was nothing in the jungle.

If you haven’t beaten the male gunman on the upper river crab in this wave, you will definitely not be able to compete. Maybe if you return quickly, you can steal the river crab below?

Since the stable control of Ice Girl + Prince must have someone take the first wave of damage, then why can't it be me?

Peanut's male gun took the initiative to come out from the grass behind to stop the prince and the ice girl.

Covered by smoke bombs, Faker's Ice Girl used her crampons to move in short distances and was able to imprison the male gun with W without flashing. Faker would definitely not flash to target Silas behind him.

Ice Girl's W skill controls the male gun.

The prince's EQ took control and shot down passively.

The overcoming Ornn Q Volcano suddenly took action, and after a moment's pause, he prepared to launch his E Blazing Charge.

Little Peanut handed over his E skill before being pushed forward, using his positional output to stall for time.

"Kill those who help first."

Lin Cheng's Silas Q skill hit two people, and the focus burst slowed down to the prince.


The prince dodges a flat A and almost cripples the male spear.

The little peanut with this amount of health is not ready to cross dodge.

But Lin Cheng's operation bought the male gun some time to survive.

Silas just got in close with the first E, and quickly played the passive, and then the second E interrupted the prince's deadly A-level raise.

At this time, Thain's TP landed.

Just when the fight started, TP lit up on the red soldier.

People with T1 thought it was a witch’s T at first.

Keria found out that Enchantress didn't pay TP in the middle and immediately went to look for someone in the grass where Thain was hiding just now.

However, the two time bombs did not find Thain's location.


He found that the opponent's support was on the scene and knew that the male gun was still flashing. In order to avoid the long night, Meng Duoun simply flashed and shot out the fragile body of the male gun.

Canna gets first blood.

Evert's Thane was charging Q at Peanut's position before the male gunner died.

The opponent's skills that could interrupt were all handed over, and the prince and Ornn were inevitably knocked into the air.

The prince's HP itself was already very low. Silas, who was fully stacked with Conqueror, killed the prince with W Regicide Stab + Passive.

Evert pushed forward, and the two of them wanted to kill Ornn.

However, the ice girl was passively exploded and slowed down. KT's top assistant and two assistants were now more powerful but it was really difficult to catch up.

The two sides finally ended up swapping junglers.

Zeyuan: "This wave of 3v3 in three minutes is pretty acceptable. T1 got first blood, and Brother Chengzi also got a kill."

Remember: "Both sides are really at odds with each other. On the one hand, I know that you are going to catch me, and on the other hand, I know that you know that I am going to catch you. Fortunately, Thain's TP did not cause KT to suffer this wave."

Soon, the director gave the replay.

There are actually a lot of foreshadowings for this wave of fighting.

First of all, Faker Ice Girl's TP timing is very good.

It can be said that most of the ice girls who fight against the enchantress cannot have such lane rights. At least icon's electrocution ice girl was beaten by the enchantress in the early stages of the group stage.

The main reason is that the powerful Enchantress used F6 vision in the early stage.

Although this move found the prince's opening route, it was also when Enchantress was not leading at the top line and turned W to the side to gain vision, resulting in the ice girl stealing three and completely losing the line rights.

Only then did T1's midfielder and jungler take the initiative to attack.

In fact, there was no male gun in T1's field of vision at first. They packed three bags with one gun just to be as safe as possible. They didn't expect that Little Peanut would take the initiative to die for Lin Cheng.

After the front-facing replay was completed, the director replayed the bottom shot.

Evert's Thayne was originally hidden in the middle grass on the side lane. When he suddenly needed support on the top lane, Thayne directly flashed into the toilet TP.

The T1 duo knew that Thain was in the bush, so when they found out that Thain was TP, they decisively threw two bombs over it.

It happened that Evert flashed into the toilet in advance without losing his TP.

"Wow! Cheng Zi's status in the team is incredible! Xiao Peanut took the initiative to use skills for him, and Evert came to support him even though he felt uncomfortable."

Zeyuan sighed: "I'm just telling you why Thain didn't dodge. Evert went up to get an assist in order to save Orange Brother DF for the second time. What kind of status in the team does Orange Brother have?"

Remember: "In this crucial round, Thain needs to replenish his troops, and Evert needs to develop. I'll cry to death, okay?"

Wanwan: "I can only say that Evert knows how to win the game."

The two onmyojis laughed out loud.

"Turtle!" Brother Chengzi’s status in this team is too scary”

"The wild-core male gunman comes out to take advantage of his skills. The second company of DF in the bottom lane comes up and forcibly protects Brother Chengzi and takes the head. Brother Chengzi is the king."

"These teammates are good at dealing with each other, and they are really helpful when something happens"

"For comparison, last year Mr. Kuro was already directing the orange seller (funny)"

"Kuro: I can't do it, Lin Cheng, just wait to die!" Don't waste your skills saving him! 》

"You know Kuro"

"Case solved!" No wonder Kuro lost the championship last year (dog head)"

In fact, this wave of KT is overall at a loss. Lin Cheng can still suppress his opponent even if he fails in this wave, but Evert will definitely go to jail after the double summons.

However, the development of things often cannot be measured by conventional thinking.

I originally thought that KT would go to jail in the bottom lane, but in the end, the bottom lane quickly blossomed.

Evert came up to help Lin Cheng push the line and then returned to run down. Thain, who had gained experience on the road, had already reached level three when he went down. It happened that Little Peanut was resurrected to control the river crab.

Seeing that the opposing duo was suppressing Senna in front of the tower, the male gunner launched a GANK on the bottom lane after taking the river crab.

The T1 duo pressed very hard and started to point towers.

But it happened to be a period of vacuum of vision, and they were unprepared for the arrival of the male gun.

Senna's W Endless Soldier is given to the melee minions in front of her.

The ball was successful and Evert dunked in the air.

Thain suddenly used his E skill to kick the minion towards Aphelios.

Little Lu Bu is still greedy for some defensive towers.

The effect of Senna's W is a delayed burst of group imprisonment. Sion's E skill just kicked the minion into Aphelios' face, and the imprisonment effect burst out.

Peanut's male gun rushed out from the flank.


The E skill slides, and the male gun flashes directly, plugs the gun barrel into his mouth, and fires.

The roll of gunpowder rebounded instantly when it touched the wall.

The male gun's explosion was still very high. Little Lu Bu couldn't see the situation in the smoke screen, and relied on the acceleration of time to try to move away.

But before Aphelios could get out of the smoke screen, he was knocked up by Thane's Q.

Little Lu Bu, who was still low on health, didn't dodge anymore.

The male gunman took the head.

Zeyuan: "Oh! Little Lu Bu really picked it up? I've seen Senna's W minion. It's not like the Korean server doesn't have this routine."

Remember: "But there is no way. This move is actually not that easy to defend. It is impossible to cross-dodge when Thain kicks the minions, right? The main reason is that the two brothers in T1 have no vision, so the tower is a bit too much."

Wanwan: "This routine is actually very fun. If you play blackmail with friends, you can try it. However, it's none of my business if you get beaten. The laning ability is still a little weak."

Zeyuan: "Weibo pointed out Lu Xiangxiang's QAQ. If he gets beaten up, go straight to him."

The latest update is very late, please forgive me.

If you don’t ask for leave, it will be updated.

If I didn't ask for leave or update, it just means I failed.

I just don’t have a good brain and don’t know what I wrote.

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