This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 479 Eat plums if you have nothing to do


Liu Shishi's fan group.

"I heard that Shi Shi accepted an advertisement recently?"


"It's true. My sister works in a TV station. She said that an advertisement for charity will be released soon."

“The better Shi Shi’s career is, the better.”

“From north to south, Shi Shi is the most beautiful.”

"Sure enough, gold always shines, and the charity of a kind-hearted person is finally favored by the donor."

"Which TV station and when will it be online? I want to watch it then."

"Very soon, it will be online tomorrow. It seems to be on the blue platform."

"I will definitely watch it then."

"Same as above."

product world.

"It seems that Xu Nan's new advertisement will be launched soon."

"Yes, this time we are cooperating with Xitian Food again. It is an old product that is no longer available for sale."

"The star of the commercial is Liu Shishi, A-lister."

"Whoever can shoot commercials is not a top-notch person. The key is to see the effect."

"Yes, the key still depends on the effect."

Xu Nan had two successful advertisements in a row before, and a lot of products came to Liu Yang, but because Liu Yang quoted a high price, all the companies that wanted to advertise were scared away.

It’s not that they are unwilling to spend money on advertising, the key is to see results.

Asking Xu Nan to do advertising costs too much money, even more than many companies spend to make products. Of course, you must be cautious about spending such a large amount.

So now companies that want to advertise with Xu Nan are all paying attention to Xu Nan's new advertisement. If the advertisement fails, there is nothing to say, and they will go back and forth.

But if the advertising is successful.

Amid everyone's expectations, the advertisement is finally online.

"Are you OK?"

"Are you OK."

"Are you OK."

"Are you OK."

"Are you OK."

"Are you OK."

"It's okay, just eat plums."


A group of people were shocked.

Seeing Liu Shishi asking you are you okay with various expressions and voices on the screen, many people were shocked by Lei.

This ad is too magical.

The key is whether it's ridiculous or not.

Everyone in the circle was shocked.


"This is Xu Nan's new advertisement."

"It's so thunderous. It's really too thunderous."

"Looking at Liu Shishi posing there, to be honest, I just want to laugh."

"Trying to show off?"

"That seems to be the case."

"It's really magical."

"Are you okay upstairs?"

"I'm fine. Are you okay downstairs?"

"I'm fine too."

"So now that everyone is fine, what should we do?"

"Eat plums."

"A good job should be rewarded."

Advertising world.

"Haha, this is another advertisement without any technical content."

"What else does this ad do but make it disgusting?"

"I don't believe this ad is effective."

"Consumers can't be that stupid."

Liu Shishi's fan base.

"Oh my God, I saw something."

"Is Shi Shi okay? How could you accept such an advertisement?"

"Don't make fun of me, this ad is really shocking."

"Indeed, the whole process was about you being okay. I said it a dozen times. At the end, I said, "If you're okay, just eat some plums." It made me so charred on the outside and tender on the inside."

"This advertiser actually allowed our Shi Shi to be so demonic. He deserves to go to hell."

"Who on earth caused Shi to suffer such harm? I want to settle the account with him."

"I just checked and it's a director named Xu Nan."

"It's actually him?"

"Whoever he is, he has caused such harm to us. Let's go and find him to settle the account."

Liu Shishi's fans were all angry after seeing this devilish Liuliumei advertisement.

It's okay if you get hurt, but it's absolutely not okay if your idol is hurt.

They directly found Xu Nan's Weibo and prepared to spray him.

But when they arrived at Xu Nan's Weibo, they discovered that they were already too late because many people who had seen the advertisement were already complaining.

"Are you OK?"

"Are you OK?"

"Are you OK?"

"Why are you filming this kind of commercial when you have nothing to do?"

"The photos are so magical."

"Now all I can think about is Liu Shishi asking me if I have anything else to do."

"I'm speechless. After all, he is a great director, but how can he produce such an unstylish commercial?"

"Instead of making bad movies, you'll make bad commercials instead, right?"

Seeing this scene, Liu Shishi's fans, who were already resentful, followed suit.


"Why should our family Shi Shi be allowed to shoot this kind of advertisement?"

"Why don't you take better pictures?"

"Do you know how much influence this advertisement has had on us?"

The little lions sprayed wildly at Xu Nan.

However, things on the Internet will not affect reality. Xu Nan has been through many trials and tribulations and has long been used to being trolled.

On the Internet, Liu Shishi’s emoticons went viral.

Are you OK?


Chat group.


discussion group.

You can see this magical meme everywhere.

Including Liu Shishi himself, from time to time his friends would send him an emoji like this and ask him a question.

Are you OK?

Liu Shishi was helpless about this.

But if you think about it on the bright side, this means that she is popular, otherwise there wouldn’t be so many people sending her emoticons.

The Liuliumei advertisement is extremely popular and even explodes in popularity.

Now everyone knows it.

If you have nothing to do, eat plums.

Xitian Group.

Food manager Huang Xishan was crazy with joy.

After the Liuliumei advertisement was aired, the product quickly became popular, and the number of products piled up in the warehouse decreased rapidly.

The factory also received a notice to step up production to prevent products from falling behind.

Sure enough, it was a very correct choice to ask Xu Nan to shoot advertisements.

The news of Liuliumei's success soon spread to the industry.

All the companies that were still hesitating about whether to pay high prices for advertising with Xu Nan could no longer sit still and tried to contact Liu Yang again and ask Xu Nan for advertising.

But what Liu Yang didn't expect was that the highest bidder was actually the Lele Group, and they were the most sincere.

Liu Yang told Xu Nan about this.

Xu Nan was very calm: "Since Lele Food has the highest bid, then accept it. Don't fight with anyone because of money."

"By the way, what product are they asking me to advertise for?,"

"A drink, it seems to be a kind of milk tea, it was just developed not long ago."

"No problem, pick up."

Xu Nan said decisively.

Drink advertising is so good that it’s not a problem at all.

"By the way, is this the only company looking for me? Since my advertising effect is so good, there should be many companies looking for me."

"There are indeed many companies, but they still think the price is too high and want to bargain. The only one who bids higher is not very good."

"Why isn't it good?"

"They sell adult products."


"Those are adult products, Mr. Xu." Liu Yang on the other side of the phone was stunned.

If Mr. Xu is so unscrupulous, why would he even accept adult products?

"According to the request."

Adult Products?

What’s wrong with adult products? Adult products can’t be advertised?

The mind must be healthy. It is normal for adults to use some adult products.

It can be used by a single person to relieve loneliness.

Couples can also use it to be more harmonious.

What a great thing, what happened to some advertising?

Liu Yang had nothing to say.

He could only follow Xu Nan's request and place the two highest-priced ads.

The first is the advertisement of Lele Food.

A milk tea called Ale milk tea.

Ale milk tea is somewhat similar to the Assam milk tea in the previous life, with an extremely unique taste.

It is very difficult for this kind of new product to stand out in the fierce market competition.

Every year, major food companies launch hundreds of products, but only one or two products survive, which shows the fierce competition.

The reason why Lele Food is willing to pay a high price for Xu Nan to advertise is because they have high hopes for this milk tea product.

How to advertise Ale milk tea?

Xu Nan immediately thought of the Xiangpiaopiao milk tea in his previous life, and wanted to put that milk tea advertisement on Ale Milk Tea's head.

But when I think about it carefully, it doesn’t seem appropriate.

That milk tea is instant milk tea, just milk tea, but this Ale milk tea is a beverage with a similar name, but it actually has nothing to do with it.

The design of the drink Ale Milk Tea did refer to the milk tea sold on the street, but this does not mean that advertisements for street milk tea can be used for bottled drinks.

After thinking for a while, Xu Nan suddenly had an idea.

A few days later, Jiang Bo, the advertising director of Lele Food, accepted the advertisement sent by Xu Nan.

This ad is not long, only about ten seconds.

In fact, advertising time is generally not very long. In this fast-paced era, you must make consumers remember it in the shortest possible time, otherwise you will fail.

The content of the advertisement is very simple, even crude.

In the woods, the tiger, the king of beasts, is hunting.

What it preys on is no one else, but a weak and weak woman.

The tiger chased wildly, and the weak woman ran away wildly.


Advertising director Jiang Bo was so excited that he didn't dare to take a breath because the tiger in the camera was so oppressive.

The title of King of Beasts is no joke.

Human beings are instinctively afraid of such beasts.

Finally, the weak woman was caught up.

When she was about to die, she couldn't help but ask: "Why are you chasing me?"

Tiger said, "I want Ale milk tea."

Jiang Bo was stunned.

Can it still be like this?

Can commercials still be shot like this?

A ferocious and cruel tiger is chasing after a person, but it’s for a bottle of milk tea?

That's ridiculous.

But while it was ridiculous, he was immediately impressed by the milk tea.

A drink that can stop a tiger in his tracks, just ask if you want to try it.

It's actually very simple to get consumers to buy something, just let them remember you.

As long as you remember a drink, sales cannot be bad.

Not to mention the unique taste of Ale milk tea.

Jiang Bo sighed, "As expected of Xu Nan, this advertisement was so impressive."

If it weren't for the damn Vice President Luo, Lele Food would have been the second company to cooperate with Xu Nan in advertising.

It's a bit of a pity.

But it doesn’t matter, good things come hard. This time Lele Food and Xu Nan cooperate, they will definitely succeed.

Jiang Bo had a hunch that this advertisement would have a sensational impact after it was released.

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