This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 470 How is it possible that no one invests?

News spread quickly within the circle.

The media soon learned that Xu Nan's new film needed investment and that insiders were not optimistic about it.

A lot of news is out.

"Xu Nan's new film costs 500 million to create the most powerful special effects blockbuster in China." 》

The failure of "The Great Wall" affected Xu Nan's new movie, and investors were not optimistic about Xu Nan. 》

"There is no successful precedent for superhero blockbusters. Can Xu Nan succeed?" 》

"Liu Shishi participated in a movie for the first time, and the investors asked for a change of role. 》

"Xu Nan's new film has an unpopular theme, and no one is paying attention to it, and it may die prematurely because of it. 》

After seeing the news in the media and hearing some gossipy news, the passers-by were fine, and Liu Shishi’s fans, the little lions, were all anxious.

"how so?"

"Xu Nan is not a great director, so why is there a lack of investment?"

"This is Sister Shi Shi's first movie, and she is still waiting for this movie to take off."

"Is there something really wrong?"

The little lion was very anxious and wanted to know the whole story.

Someone started to analyze.

"After all, it costs 500 million. He definitely can't come up with it alone, so he needs to find outsiders to invest."

"This is Shi Shi's first time participating in a movie. Although we all know that Shi Shi is the best in the world, investors don't know that."

"Furthermore, the failure of "The Great Wall," the highest-invested movie in history, dampened the enthusiasm of investors and caused a downturn in film investment overall this year."

"This is Xu Nan's first time shooting a film with such a high cost. There will definitely be people doubting whether he can succeed."

"Superhero movies are indeed rare in China, and the special effects blockbuster "The Great Wall" hit the market."

The more they analyze, the more bleak the future becomes for the little lions.

The future of this movie doesn't seem very good.

Could it be that this movie will die just because it can't find investment?

But don't.

Summit Film and Television.

Xu Nan, who was writing a script, received a call from Liu Yang.

"Mr. Xu, there are many people looking for me, rushing to invest, even if it means spending more money. Some people are trying to trick me with all kinds of sugar-coated bullets."

Xu Nan smiled: "Aren't you happy that others are rushing to give you beautiful girls? What's there to complain about?"

To be honest, Xu Nan has never worried that no one will invest in the movie, because that situation is simply impossible.

Turns out, he was right.

Liu Yang said speechlessly: "I will definitely be happy if others flatter me, but the problem is that I don't have the right to make a decision."

Xu Nan said: "But you have the right to recommend. Don't forget my request. I will take charge of the whole process and cannot dictate the filming of the film."

Liu Yang replied: "Don't worry, Mr. Xu, I will make sure everything is in check and we will definitely negotiate the best terms."

Liu Yang hung up the phone.

Even though he was complaining to Xu Nan on the phone, he was actually in pain and happy.

To be precise, it doesn't hurt at all, just happy.

On the surface, soliciting investment and asking for money is a chore, but in fact, it depends on who is soliciting investment.

When ordinary people seek investment, they are acting like grandsons, begging grandpa and suing grandma.

But Liu Yang was looking for investment for Xu Nan because he was going to be a grandfather, and others were trying to please him.

the reason is simple.

Xu Nan's movies really don't lack investment.

Because he has proven himself through success time and time again, proving that he can make money. Capital is very real. As long as you can make money, let alone making a bad movie, you can make a movie like Nine Turns.

Xu Nan made movies before, because the cost was very low and there was no loss if he lost money, so there was no need to invest, which made countless people sigh.

It doesn't matter if you let me invest in such a profitable movie, even if I spend more money to buy a share.

Part of the reason why Xu Nan's reputation was so bad before was because he only ate alone and did not share the cake, which made people jealous.

Now he is going to make a big-budget movie and finally wants investment, and the industry is going crazy.

Some directors pretend to be grandsons in order to attract investment, but they still fail to attract investment.

Because he has not proven himself, no one dares to invest and everyone is afraid of losing money.

But for a director like Xu Nan who has proven himself, it is too easy to attract investment.

He doesn't even need to go out to look for money, others will rush to give him money.

Even some people who want to give money are not qualified because Xu Nan doesn't want anyone's money.

The most exaggerated thing is that investing money requires conditions.

Xu Nan's conditions are very simple. You can invest, but you can only enjoy box office dividends. All other income belongs to Summit Film and Television, and you can't interfere in the filming of the movie. He has the final say in everything.

This kind of unequal treaty would be ridiculous to anyone else, and capital would definitely not agree to it.

But Xu Nan.

Agree decisively.

I'm afraid Xu Nan won't want their money if it's too late.

These days, Liu Yang was so happy that he almost forgot what year it was.

However, he finally completed the investment task assigned to him by Xu Nan.

Soon, Summit Films established the official Weibo account of the movie "The Staring Man".

"In the superhero movie universe, after "Captain China" and "Spider-Man", Xu Nan's third superhero movie is coming, and filming starts today."

"A solemn reminder that this movie costs 500 million and will be a special effects blockbuster. Please stay tuned."

" @Shi Shi."

After the official account was posted on Weibo, it attracted many comments from netizens.

"Superhero cinematic universe?"


"Who do I think this name is mocking?"

"If I remember correctly, Liu Shishi has a nickname."

"Hush, don't say it, don't say it."

The little lions didn't think that much, or they didn't think about it on purpose.

They were simply happy that the film was being developed.


"The movie is about to start shooting, so the money must have been raised."

"Shi Shi is finally going to start acting in movies."

The atmosphere in the circle is very subtle.

Some people couldn't help but speak speechlessly.

"It's not that there is no investment in this movie, why did the project get approved so quickly?"

Soon some knowledgeable people came out to refute the rumors.

"No, how could there be no investment in Xu Nan's movie? "The Beginning" was a huge hit, and all the previous movies were profitable. How could such a successful director lack investment?"

"In fact, some time ago someone said that no one invested in Xu Nan's movie, which I thought was outrageous, but many people believed it."

"I also felt strange at the time, but I didn't really understand what was going on."

"You still can't understand such a simple thing. Someone deliberately set off smoke bombs."

"Yes, some people know in their hearts that this is a hot project, a good project, and there will definitely be competition, so they deliberately look down on the situation and release air balloons to guide some uninformed people to give up investment and reduce competition."

"So insidious."

"This is the reality. There are no people who are stupid enough to believe the nonsense that Xu Nan's movie has no investment."

Seeing this sentence, many fools who naively believed that no one would invest in Xu Nan's film fell silent.

The city is full of routines, I want to go back to the countryside.

In fact, this is the same as buying groceries.

If you really are not interested, you will definitely not even look at it.

On the contrary, the kind of people who are picky and say that the food is not good-looking and stale are the ones who really want to buy food.

The more picky she is, the more she wants to buy it.

Many people have already made up their mind to invest, but they still deliberately say that this project is not feasible and you must not invest, hoping to scare away competitors.

But in fact, many people think so, so there were various voices in the circle that were not optimistic about Xu Nan's new movie.

Only when the project was approved and the investment was in place did everyone discover it.

Co-author: Have I become the fool who was deceived?

October 31st.

The movie "The Great Wall" will be released soon.

"The Beginning" was not released, but continued to play in theaters.

Because this movie has a good reputation and has a certain box office potential. Although there are only a few million box office left every day, mosquitoes are still meat no matter how small they are.

"The Great Wall" is no longer good. Its reputation has been ruined. There is no point in continuing to show it in theaters. It is better to release it early and sell it to video websites.

Although the performance and reputation are not as good as "The Beginning", Zhang Yange has not completely given up.

Because there are overseas markets.

This movie is a Sino-US co-production. In order to take into account the overseas market, Hollywood actor Matt Damon was specially invited to play the protagonist.

Some netizens criticized the movie for being too Westernized in its approach to fantasy, saying it was a Chinese fantasy blockbuster, but it was actually a Western fantasy.

Zhang Yange recognized this, and because he had to take into account the overseas market, he deliberately shot in this area.

When I originally designed it this way, I thought the domestic audience would buy it, but I didn't expect that everyone was very dissatisfied.

But it doesn’t matter, there are overseas markets, and overseas audiences will definitely buy it.

The producer thinks the same way: "Although the domestic box office of our movie is not as good as expected, we can look forward to it in the overseas market."

"We invited Hollywood movie stars for this movie, and the aesthetic style is close to overseas. I believe the film producers can also see that."

Zhang Yange nodded, feeling a little expectant.

He has reached the top domestically, and now what he wants to do is to reach the top overseas as well.

The domestic box office of "The Great Wall" is not as good as "The Beginning", but overseas, it will definitely be better than "The Beginning".

Overseas film producers are here.

But their attitude made Zhang Yange feel cold.

Because the box office share they asked for was very demanding and dominated by them, if Zhang Yange agreed to this condition, it would be like working for the film company.

Zhang Yange was very angry: "This box office share is too low. This is a movie starring Hollywood actor Matt Damon."

The attitude of overseas film producers is very cold: "It is precisely because this film stars Matt Damon that we are willing to take risks to distribute it. In the past, Chinese films could not be sold at high prices overseas. We also took a big risk this time." risks of."

Zhang Yange suppressed his anger: "No matter what, we absolutely cannot accept this share."

The attitude of the overseas film studio was very tough: "It doesn't matter, you can think about it carefully. I have something else to do. I need to go to Summit Film and Television to meet Director Xu Nan."

Zhang Yange noticed the information revealed in the overseas film dealer talk and was immediately shocked.

"Are you going to find Xu Nan?"

The overseas film dealer nodded: "Of course, don't you know that Xu Nan is a well-known director in the United States? His "Area 51" has a box office of over one billion US dollars. His "Titanic 2" is world-famous. I have to get the distribution rights for his new movie.”

The producer next to me slapped my thigh hard.

How could I forget this one?

Xu Nan is more famous overseas than at home.

Zhang Yange was angry and anxious. Not only did I lose to Xu Nan at home, I was also inferior to him overseas, right?

It feels like all these years have been in vain.

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