This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 453 What an outrageous setting

"Sharknado" is released and has officially landed in major theaters.

But the Xu Nan promotion and marketing that everyone has been looking forward to has never arrived.

From the time it was announced to its official release, the movie "Sharknado" has been quiet.

That's not to say that there was no publicity, the movie was promoted, but because there wasn't much money for publicity, there wasn't much movement.

Then, the movie came out.

Insiders were puzzled.

"Wait a minute, Sharknado is coming out."

"Yeah, it's released."

"It's so ordinary. If you hadn't told me, I might not have even thought of it."

"Didn't you say that Xu Nan wants to promote and market this movie to make it a big hit?"


"Where's the marketing deal?"

"It seems like this movie doesn't even have any publicity."

People in the industry were confused. There was a marketing frenzy. It was promised that the movie "Sharknado" would detonate the country and sensationalize the entire Internet like "Captain China" and "Spider-Man".

Not at all.

If they weren't all paying attention, they might not even know that the movie "Sharknado" was released.

"It seems that the movie "Sharknado" didn't get much publicity, and not many people knew about it."

"It seems so."

"Xu Nan's first movie after returning to China was a bit too bland."

"This is no longer ordinary, it can be said to be unpopular."

"What's going on?"

People in the industry are puzzled by this situation.

This is not the Xu Nan style they are familiar with.

Xu Nan's movie, let alone being released, will arouse heated discussions even if it is only in the filming stage.

But this "Sharknado" didn't make any noise after it was released.

Someone in the circle spoke up.

"Don't worry, everyone. It's only the first day of release. It takes a full month from the release to the release of a movie. It's still a long time. It's not yet time to make a final decision."

"Yes, I remember Xu Nan's first movie "Along the River on a Sunny Day", the popularity broke out a few days after it was released."

"The same goes for "Captain China". A few days before its release, it received negative reviews across the Internet, and everyone said it was destined to be a hit. But then, as soon as the footwash marketing came out, it became a sensation on the entire Internet, and the box office quickly increased."

"Let the bullets fly for a while."

"Yes, it has just been released, so it is too early to draw conclusions. Let's watch it for a while before talking."

"It's just the first day of release. There's no need to rush."

Although the mediocre release of "Sharknado" surprised many people, Xu Nan's past glorious achievements are there, and no one dares to say that this movie is destined to be a hit.

Everyone is waiting and watching to see how the situation turns out.

A movie theater.

Film critic Tao Heng bought a movie ticket for "Sharknado" and a bucket of popcorn.

He hates Xu Nan very much, and he hates the company Summit Film and Television even more.

But it was because he hated both that he wanted to watch the movie "Sharknado."

In fact, Tao Heng has watched not only "Sharknado" but also all the movies shot by Xu Nan and produced by Summit Films, some of which he has even watched several times.

the reason is simple.

If you want to defeat your opponent, you must know enough about the opponent.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle.

If you don't watch the movie "Sharknado" and understand the shortcomings of this movie, how can you dissuade the audience.

So, Tao Heng came to the cinema.

There weren't many people in the theater because it was the off-season.

Although the Qingming Festival is a holiday, the atmosphere is not very good. Most people choose to go back to their hometowns to worship their ancestors, and not many people have time to watch movies.

Tao Heng entered the screening room with popcorn in his arms and scanned the screening room.

There were not many spectators, and the attendance rate was probably around 40%.


The Qingming Festival stall is not the May Day or Spring Festival stall, so the attendance rate is pretty good.

After waiting for a while, the screening room darkened and the movie officially started.

At the beginning of the movie, there is a familiar Peak Film and Television commercial.

This company has persevered and has been shooting knock-off movies for ten years. Because of its unique style, it can be regarded as accumulating a number of loyal fans.

Tao Heng went undercover to enter the fan base of Summit Film and Television, and knew that there are still a group of people in China who prefer to watch this kind of movie. This also resulted in a fixed audience for every film released by Summit Film and Television.

At the beginning of the movie, a group of tourists are playing on the beach.

After watching it for only ten seconds, many viewers showed knowing smiles.

Tao Heng reached out and took a piece of popcorn from the bucket and put it into his mouth. His expression remained unchanged, but his mouth moved very quickly.

Because a large number of beautiful women with hot bodies appeared on the screen, wearing bikinis and playing on the beach.

Those long legs.

The ever-shaking mountain peaks.


I have to say that the photographer is very good at taking pictures. He takes pictures that the audience wants to see, and he stays there for a long time. It feels like he could go to the island country to work as a full-time photographer for action movies.

The reason why many viewers are fans of Dingfeng Film and Television is because they really understand the audience and give out a lot of benefits for every movie.

If you don’t like this kind of company, what other company is worthy of being a fan?

Tao Heng was used to seeing scenes like this, which were part of the fixed plot of movies produced by Summit Films.

But even if you get used to it, your body will still feel restless.

Movies were thrown at the show.

The camera first panned over the group of tourists and then across the sea.

Through the lens, the audience can see traces of sharks appearing on the sea.

At this moment, a middle-aged man with an ordinary face but a resolute expression ran to the beach and shouted like crazy.

He told tourists that there were sharks in the sea and asked them not to play in the water.

Immediately a group of people laughed, all laughing at this man.

This is offshore, how can there be sharks?

This beach has been in operation for more than ten years, and no one has ever seen a shark.

The man's warning was simply ignored by the tourists.

Even the beach staff came over and warned the man that if he continued to spread rumors here, he would be asked out.

The man explained to the beach staff that he was a scientist. Through research, the number of sharks in the ocean has increased significantly in recent years, and there have been more and more injuries caused by sharks.

There were no sharks near this beach before, but that doesn't mean there are no sharks now. He discovered through observation a few days ago that a group of sharks will soon appear here. If people are not evacuated immediately, something will happen soon.

Unfortunately, the staff didn't listen to him at all. Seeing that he was still gossiping, they pulled the man and wanted to leave.

The slap in the face came quickly.

Before the staff could pull the man ten meters out, something happened.

A group of tourists encountered a shark in the sea and were hunted by the shark crazily.

Some people were swallowed directly by sharks in the sea.

One leg was bitten off by a shark.

There was also a young couple who were kissing passionately on the beach. A shark swooped over and bit the man to death.

This is a fancy hunting show.

Film critic Tao Heng couldn't help but shake his head.

Because there are too many loopholes in this plot.

The first thing is the shark. You can’t tell it is fake. You can tell it is fake at a glance.

The five cents special effects belong to it.

Then the one who was swallowed by the shark, the sea water was only up to a person's waist, it was a shallow sea, how could it hide a shark as tall as a person.

Tell me where this shark came from. There is no way it can burrow into the ground.

There was also a couple who was bitten to death by a shark during a passionate kiss. They were ten meters away from the sea, and the water was so shallow. How did the shark get here?

These plots look exciting on the surface, but if you think about it carefully, they cannot stand up to scrutiny at all and are all bugs.

But Tao Heng remained calm and even ate some popcorn.

A typical peak film and television style, other film and television dramas, I can't wait to go through my own movie frame by frame, for fear of appearing a confusing scene.

But Summit Film and Television, if a movie does not have cheating scenes and plot loopholes, it would not be normal.

Audiences are used to it, film critics are used to it, Tao Heng is even more used to it.

The plot continues.

The man who had been trying to save people on the beach returned to a crude research center, where a spindly assistant asked him about his experience.

Seeing this, the audience can basically confirm that this man is the male protagonist. As for the assistant with a slim waist, long legs and a hot figure, it is also a standard feature of Summit Film and Television.

At this time, the audience learned the identity of the male protagonist. He is an expert who specializes in shark research.

Through dialogue, the film tells the audience that due to uncontrolled human activities, unscrupulous destruction of the environment has caused great ecological disasters.

Among them, the shark race has mutated due to human destruction, becoming more active and much more aggressive.

Ten years ago, the number of shark attacks on humans was only a few dozen times. But ten years later, the number of shark attacks on humans has increased a hundred times, thousands of times a year, and more than 100,000 humans have been killed or injured because of sharks. Thousands of people.

But all of this has not received human attention.

So far, no one except the male protagonist takes this situation seriously, and no one cares.

According to the male protagonist’s research, the most terrifying thing is not the increase in the number of shark attacks on humans. The most terrifying thing is that when a tornado passes through a sea area with a large number of sharks, it will pick up the sharks in the sea and bring them to the land, causing extremely terrifying ecological disaster.

The male protagonist calls this ecological disaster Sharknado.

Seeing this, Tao Heng no longer knew how to complain.

A shark picked up by a tornado and taken to the city?

What an outrageous setting this is.

Not to mention whether a tornado can pick up a shark or bring it to land across hundreds of kilometers.

Let's just say, what can be scary about sharks on land?

Still a disaster?

Without water, sharks only deliver food on land.

Food delivery in the truest sense of the word.

Shark's fin is a high-end delicacy in China. If one day a tornado brings a large number of sharks down from the sky, the first reaction of the people will definitely not be fear, but joy.

Because you can eat shark fin for free.

Anyway, Tao Heng couldn't think of anything scary about a shark being swept onto land by a tornado.

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