Things from Another World

Chapter 924: Fiona's teenage feelings

When Tang En came to the outside of the study, people here were very busy. On the one hand, because of the proximity to the glorious ceremonies, shops in various cities must start preparing for promotional activities, and the publicity offensive has already begun, so Fiona needs to be busy Things are even more.

On the other hand, it is because of the assistance provided by the Datang Chamber of Commerce to New Burkeso. It is very complicated to be responsible for the food and drink of a city. Any failure in any link will cause a series of chain problems. Na had to organize a dedicated team to take care of the new Burkeso.

After they were sorted and filtered, and then summarized the core issues, they would not be fed back to her.

Even so, her workload is unusually large every day.

Fortunately, her strength has already reached the golden peak before, and her mental strength has been greatly strengthened, so that she will not be exhausted in dealing with these matters.

Having said that, as long as she has the opportunity to awaken her field, she will officially enter the ranks of the Grand Master. At that time, whoever sees her will call Arch Fiona.

Tang En waited for a full hour, and Fiona finally finalized some plans for the event. After stretching, she glanced at him: "Is it comfortable to shake the hand and shopkeeper?"

Tang En nodded and said very honestly, "Comfortable."


Fiona snorted and said angrily: "You waited so long by the side, shouldn't it just to see how busy I am? Right, let's say something, the next batch of people is expected to be here soon."

Tang En stunned: "It's not over yet? So busy?"

"What do you think!"

Fiona was struggling for a while, and he was so busy that he lost his head. He didn't know why he was so busy!

"This year's glorious ceremony is different from previous years. After you became the regent, many policies of the Illus Empire have changed in the past six months. It can be said that it has turned the world upside down."

"But because of this, the average income of the residents of the Illus Empire has increased significantly this year, the happiness index of the residents has risen sharply, and they are optimistic about the rise of the Illus Empire."

"I, Princess Aurelia, Queen Olina, and Virgin Elour, four of us have taken the time to sit down and talk together. This year, the number of people who are expected to go to Yalinx to participate in the glorious ceremony may be broken again. new highs."

"Now that there are five days before the glorious ceremony, the number of foreign migrants in Yalinks has exceeded one million. The whole city is bustling. With so many foreigners, it is likely that many criminals took the opportunity to mix in. Do you think Will things be rare? "

"Second, due to the large number of foreign mobile people, the sales of the Great Tang Dynasty during the glorious ceremony are related to the development of the whole year. Although our popularity is high enough, many remote areas have not yet opened up. This time It is an opportunity, we intend to do an activity to give the merchants a more favorable shipping price, and urge them to take our products further afield. "

"Not only that, because your ascension involved a series of unknown things, and considering your image, we have also set up some charities to provide assistance to orphans in slums in various cities, and at the same time give your name They offer free admission to compulsory education, and now you have become a charity ambassador in the community! "

"Although it seems that letting these poor orphans enter the society free of charge has caused us to lose a lot of money, in the long run, this is a very valuable investment. Their sense of belonging to the Datang Chamber of Commerce will be very strong, etc. When they grow up, they can provide us with fresh blood, and I have planned to make this a long-term concern. "

"Besides that, there are also some messy things in New Burkeso. In order to expand our influence there as soon as possible without causing resentment from Her Majesty Tastro, we must carefully plan the activities, and at the same time We must also find ways to increase our cultural output and strive to assimilate them culturally so that they can accept us as soon as possible. "

"For these plans, Xiaoai ran to me every day these days, little girl ... Huh, the big girl was crying anxiously, waiting every day for her brother Tang En to come out to help her, but unfortunately even yours No figures have been seen. "

"But thanks to little love, we also collected a lot of information about the customs and habits of the Rennes empire, so she can avoid many taboos in the event. This time she contributed a lot."

"As for His Majesty Tastro, I think he has completely succeeded in giving Tina brainwashing. Now I just want to get the agency right of our products as soon as possible. As a regional agent, I earn a lot of money and earn money. In order to promote the product He also recently wrote a lot of proposals for me to give me advice. Even the chaos religion in the Rennes Empire was ignored and left to His Excellency. "

"It's just that because the orcs are different in shape, the shape of the magic cell phone can't perfectly match some of their races, so the magic energy engineering research institute is studying the improvement methods at this time, and their improvement plan should have you glanced over. And as a result, you ran around every day, and in the end all these things were piled up at me for me to deal with. Why do you say I'm so busy? "

Fiona smashed into Tang En's head as soon as he spoke, and immediately made Tang En feel a lot of guilt.

"Tough work for you."

Tang En looked at Fiona's eyes and said very sincerely, "I can achieve what I have now, and I will definitely give you half of the credit."

I'm not rare for any credit!

All I want is your affirmation!

All I want is a word from you!

Come out! Fiona! Speak bravely!

Fiona opened her mouth and froze for a long time, then said dumbly, "It's enough to have you."

Fiona's original intent is that you know my hard work is enough.

She was ashamed of exporting, but she didn't know that she couldn't say the sensational words, but this sentence brought a greater impact to Tang En.

A plain sentence made Tang En's heart tremble.

Almost for a moment, the status of the unshakable Aegwynn shuddered, but after all, Tang En was a tried-and-tested man, but it was not so easy to shake his faith (thinking himself).

Tang En hesitated for a long time, then sighed in his heart, and said to Fiona, "After we've been busy for a while, let's find a place to take a vacation completely and take a few days off."

Is he inviting himself to date?

Fiona Jiao trembled and looked at Tang En with an unbelievable look: "You mean it? I heard you right?"

"of course it's true."

Tang Enxin swears: "After the glorious ritual, after the things on the Dragon side are over, there should be no major issues. We can find a beautiful place to rest for a few days."

Oh my god!

Fiona almost passed out of happiness.

Things that have been looking forward to appear like this! ?

This is really too-wait! ?

Fiona looked at Tang En suspiciously: "In case, just by the way-just the two of us?"


Tang En froze and scratched his head. Of course he wasn't stupid. He knew what the question meant. If he was allowed to say something, he would of course want to bring someone he knew and everyone would go on vacation together.

But seeing Fiona's look of anticipation, think about the journey that has accompanied her all the way ...

Alas, I really don't fit in the role of too innocent ...

Tang En sighed, nodded, and said, "Just the two of us."

The gods can testify. At this moment, I'm afraid Fiona's happiest moment in these two years!

She even shivered with excitement, her mind blank, she didn't know what to do.

But she had a very calm look on her face, and she didn't seem too excited, saying very blandly, "Well, I know, I will arrange the work at hand before that."

I'm afraid no one can see the excitement in Fiona's heart at this moment.

"Well, then I'll go first."

Tang En got up and left the study.

When Tang En closed the door, only Fiona herself was left in the room, and she finally couldn't control her emotions. She jumped up and flew into the air to cheer.

"Yeah! Yeah! Awesome! Awesome! Finally, finally!"

Fiona was cheering, spinning around in the air, the fluttering skirt turned into blooming flowers, and the smile on her face seemed as bright as the sun.

"Hee hee, hey, two people ... dating ... vacation ... great ... this time ... definitely ..."

It seemed that he was too obsessed with the upcoming wonderful holiday, and Fiona was immersed in fantasy, with a sweet smirk on her face from time to time.

Whoever comes in at this moment would be shocked-because no one can believe that at this moment, the woman who is full of happiness and light will be the always calm and capable Fiona Jin Qiangwei.

"I've forgotten my business by interrupting you, I-- uh, Fiona?"

Tang En, who entered the door, looked at Fiona, who was smirking in the sky, and froze.

Tang En's voice dragged Fiona back from the fantasy world. When she saw Tang En returning, she also stayed, followed by "嘭" and fell to the ground, watching stupidly. Tang En, after a moment, she blushed suddenly.

God, God!

Was seen!

All seen!

I was caught in the silly state of my little daughter's mood, all of which were seen by Tang En!

Go and die!


Tang En immediately understood Fiona's mood. He immediately closed the door, blocked the eyes of others, and said solemnly: "It is not a good practice to practice spells during working hours. If you really want to practice flying Maybe some time I will guide you specifically. "

Tang En admired his ability to talk nonsense with his eyes open ...

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