Things from Another World

Chapter 923: Behind every goddess that makes you linger ...

"On the issue of Oriha Steel, the first batch of materials required for the magic cannon armor will be solved by Sashaglot. What we want to solve now is to further enhance the power of the magic crystal cannon, as well as the armor's protective performance. After the Dixinglong breeding industry matures, we can stably produce Oliha Steel. "

Tang En said: "Furthermore, Sasha Glott felt that the speed of magic siphoning was still not fast enough, so he actively mobilized the magic power into the storage tank of the magic crystal cannon. I think we need to take this factor into account. It may be possible to expand the magic absorption channel of the energy storage bin. "

Yu Stisa showed her eyebrows slightly wrinkled, and said, "But according to calculations, if the magic absorption channel is further enlarged, the stability of the storage tank will be destroyed and it will easily explode."

"With Oriha Steel, don't worry about it."

"I have no problem then."

Tang En nodded and said, "In addition to this, I have an idea. If I can add two magic vents to the tail of the magic crystal cannon, add a pressurized cabin similar to the magic engine, which is a supersaturated magic. By providing a vent, can it prevent an explosion? "

After Angus considered for a moment, he clapped his hands: "This method works."

"Not only that, it's not only used to vent excess magic."

Tang En smiled, his expression was quite strange: "If we add the control valve and let the dragon control the direction of the magic launch itself, and actively activate the reverse injection port, can it provide the dragon with great mobility in an instant, thus achieving What about emergency evasion of enemy attacks? "

A group of people froze and exclaimed after a while: "Look! This is definitely the way!"

The instantaneous acceleration that reverse injection can provide is absolutely beyond imagination. Even a highly mobile dragon will be injured at some time because it can't avoid the attack in time. If the jet acceleration function can be added, the magic artillery armor will definitely be more Be welcomed by them.

"Overall, the change is not big. The only change is to change the one-way emission of the energy storage bin to two-way, and also consider the coexistence of two functions of passive and active release ... 唔 ......"

Croto even immediately began to conceive the changes needed to increase the balance of the injection module: "It's a bit complicated, but it's not impossible. I need time. Where is the design? Get it to me!"

Tang En smiled, the jet dragon bomber can wait and see.

At present, Prandall's air supremacy has been kept in the hands of dragons and flying warcraft. Compared with dragons and flying warcraft, the gold-level magician who masters flying is still too weak in deterrence.

The previous transformation of the Skybreaker gave Tang En the idea of ​​producing an airspace mothership. Based on the Skybreaker, he developed an aerial combat platform carrying a large number of Iron Man ... uh, personal flying armor as air The main source of firepower, among which the control of personal flight armor is a difficult problem-although the armor can be obtained by constant flight, the apocalypse that occupies most of the combat power is the physical department of warriors, knights, rangers, etc. If you are not a magician, it is difficult to master the method of free flight in the air.

So they must develop a set of driving devices for them. The reverse jet engine is obviously a good choice.

Now the situation of the dragon just gives Tang En a chance to try and test his ideas on the dragon. At that time, he only needs to find a way to miniaturize it.

Klotto ran to redesign the drawing, and Tang En told Angus at this time: "In addition, the problem of the second shaping of Oliha Steel was also solved. Sasha Glott taught me a spell The name is called Oriha Steel Shaping. Using this spell can easily reshape Oliha Steel. "

Angus froze, overjoyed, and shouted at Gene: "Look! I know that the Dragons must be hiding their hands! Are you right ?!"

"Yes, yes, you guessed it?"

Jean swaggered and asked, "How difficult is this Oliha Steel Orthopedics? If it is too difficult, it will be troublesome. You will know that all the magicians you recruit will be responsible for the production in the future. , May not be able to master too difficult spells. "

Tang En spread his hand: "The difficulty of casting is equivalent to the fifth-level spell."

"Guru's spell?"

Jean smiled bitterly: "You want a master-level magician to make steel for you? How could anyone agree ..."

"So one of the problems we face is how to simplify this spell."

Tang En nodded and said: "It is not required to achieve the desired shape, as long as it can change the shape of Oliha Steel to a certain extent, and the effective range of the cast can be appropriately reduced."

Gene scratched his messy head and said, "That means reducing spell effects and spell range? If so ... it can be done."

"It's enough to be able to downgrade this spell to a fourth-order spell, and we will not lack a gold-level magician in the future."

"It's not impossible to reduce so many words to third-order spells ... wait, why do you say that?"

Jean reacted after he had finished speaking, and Tang En inadvertently uttered something terrible.

"That's the good news I want to tell you."

Tang En smiled, pointed to the direction of Dragon Island, and said, "The dragons agreed to use Dragon Island's specialty to trade magic artillery armor."

"A specialty of Long Island? ... wait! Do you mean--"

Jean and Angus breathed suddenly, eyes widening.


Tang En snapped his fingers: "It's the golden fruit, ambergris, longevity fruit and so on.

"Damn! What kind of ghost soup have you poured into the Dragon King !? He even wants to take out those treasures !?"

Jean was jealous. The golden fruit is a god-level treasure that enhances the magic pool and the affinity of magic. A magician can take one fortunately. As long as it is not a complete fool, promotion to gold is almost a matter of course!

Ambergris can strengthen the physique. Although it is impossible to reach the level of the dragon, it can make the user reach the same level of fighters or even surpass them!

Before being promoted to the honor level, the physique of the mage is relatively weak compared to the soldiers, but after eating the ambergris fruit, he can just face the soldiers before being promoted to the honor level!

The longevity fruit is even more eye-catching. Although this fruit can not enhance its strength, as the name suggests, the user can prolong life! For those who are beginning to age but have not yet broken through, the longevity fruit is the most precious treasure!

These three fruits are the most well-known specialty of Long Island. In addition to these three fruits, there are actually some other rare products that will not be described in detail.

All in all, in this cooperation with Long Island, Tang En can be said to make a lot of money, not only the jet-powered armor tested in advance, but also such a great benefit.

"Speaking of babies, in fact, they are just babies for humans. For dragons, those are just snacks."

Tang En said very helplessly: "People didn't take it seriously."

This is a very helpless reality. It is likely that you are jealous of the treasure you are jealous of, but you have abandoned it in the eyes of others.

Well, there is a more well-known and more vivid statement: Every goddess that makes you lingering in your soul has a man who wants to vomit every day ...

Jean sighed, "People are better than dragons, so mad ..."

Those fruits are the specialty of Long Island because of the temple of order. As the first of the six temples, it is also the temple of order that established the stability of Prandall. It has very magical powers around it. That's why the fruits with strange effects can be born.

If the seeds of those fruits are planted elsewhere, they will not have the same power even if they are alive.

This is the unique competitiveness and advantage that the Dragons have. Others can't grab it ...

Tang En smiled and patted Jean's shoulder and said, "You don't need those fruits now, what do you envy."

"You know what a fart!"

Gene scolded: "If the guys in the Silver City knew that you would have gold sacred fruits available immediately, or even use them as prizes, they would definitely go crazy, and I dare to guarantee the next time , The news will be released, and those who sign up will surely be more crazy than this time. "

Tang En clapped his hands: "Well? You reminded me, if the fruit of the transaction is enough, take it out as a reward."

For him, the precious fruits are completely useless, but if they can stimulate the enthusiasm of those magicians, it is quite good.

Tang En couldn't help feeling a sigh of emotion, and surely it was driven by interests to achieve his goal faster.

"I'll talk about this later. I'll teach you Oriha Steel Shaping now. You two think about how to simplify this spell. I have to do something as soon as possible."

Down then taught Orihan Steel Orthopedics to Jean and Angus.

Gene felt strange afterwards. With their strength, it took a dozen days to learn a new master-level spell, but it was the same as before when learning the magic siphon spell. Tang En only told Orly Harvard plastic surgery, he felt that he had mastered this spell.

After having Tangn take a sample of an Oriha steel and test it, Jean determined that he really had the spell.

This speed of learning is simply incredible.

Jean and Angus looked at each other. They vaguely felt that this extraordinary speed of learning must be related to Tang En (both Tang En was present), but they couldn't say why.

"Take this Oliha Steel experiment. I'll go back to Ellington first. By the way, as soon as possible, although things here are very important, the projects on the research side can't be suspended.

Tang En specifically warned him, and then returned to Ellington.

Today is the tenth day of the celebration, five days away from this year's glorious festival.

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