Things from Another World

Chapter 860: Magic Change Technology

Not good!

There was no chance for Sarah Tilmo to attack, and the screams of Barlow's screams were close at hand!

Saratimore's face changed drastically, and he instantly changed his shape, and returned to the original form and rushed into the sky—following the Barlow flames, he laughed and fell from the sky, waving two burning swords and whistling and chopping down!


Steel and flames hit the dark shield, sparks splattered, and heavy blows knocked Saratimore back to the ground!

"Get out of here!"

Saratimore hurriedly blocked the Barlowian's strike: "It found us long ago!"

"——Gi’zoijopaba’gor! ——"

The Barlow flames opened a flame with a corrosive force, and the flame passed Saratimore and sprayed them at Elsa!

At this moment, Reynolds rushed to Elsa's side, holding up his shield and roaring, "—the shield of light !!!"

The dazzling light centered on him, covering all his comrades in an instant!

The fiery flames scraped from the Light Shield, and the powerful Light Shield shattered in a blink of an eye, but the sprayed flame also fell around, and the solid earth became a flowing lava in a blink of an eye.

Hudson rushed over quickly and helped the shaky Reynolds: "Captain Reynolds!"

"The Aegis of Light has consumed all my power!"

Saratimore growled and rushed back into the sky, taking the initiative to meet the projection of Barlow's flames-dense shadow arrows ejected from around his body, locking the Barlow's whole body, "Boom", Shadow All arrows hit!


The Barlow Flame Devil laughed and resisted all the Shadow Arrows. The strong impact of the spell explosion made the earth tremble.

Reynolds was very pale: "This guy is so powerful! We can't beat it!"

"That may not be so!"

Elsa raised her chainsaw sword and pointed at Barlow. "The" Light Cavalry "will be in place immediately! Reload Frost II and enter standby mode! The gunner is ready to launch the" Black Hole One! "

Hussar? gunner?

Hudson's face was confused, but the next moment he changed his color in horror, exclaiming: "How is that possible?"

Elsa just ordered, and all the entourage immediately took out the prepared weapons from the space equipment-the portable missile launcher and the mobile array missile launcher "hussar".

The portable missile launcher is RPG, and the mobile array missile launcher "Light Cavalry" is a modified version of the shipborne array missile launcher. It has been improved in volume, and a lot of floating stones have been added to reduce its weight. Then, Transplanted to experimental vehicles, which increased some mobility.

Although the volume has been reduced, they all launch the same 80 mm caliber missiles, which can fire 12 at a time, and the explosive power is extremely terrible at the moment. Don't say that the Barlow flame at this moment is only a projection of half power, even if it is his deity Coming, if you look down on these weapons, you will be seriously injured.

Frost No. 1 carries a second-order spell Frost Nova, Frost No. 2 is an upgraded version of Frost One, and carries a fourth-order spell Frost Cold outbreak, although the projection lethality in the face of Barlow inflammation is slightly Insufficient, but the frost cold outbreak can just restrain the flames of the Barlow flames-quality ratio, but we have quantity!

Not to mention the assistance of Heidong No. 1, this operation is completely feasible!

But before that, you have to complete the tasks in this line.

The sudden explosion of the Baloyan Demon alarmed the rest of the demons. They also found Elsa and others hiding here. The demons screamed and rushed over. The overwhelming spells screamed, and the Templars opened instantly. The Shield of Light is on top!

The three Uberis demoralizers stopped calling when they heard the movement, and came to this side.

"It's now!"

Elsa shouted, "Aim at the portal-Black Hole One is launched!"

"Who is aiming for ?!"

The gunners who resisted RPG thought they heard it wrong.

"Portal-our mission here is to close the portal!"

Elsa repeated, and she had rushed forward, intending to intercept Juboris' heartbreaker.


A round of missiles shouted and shot at the portal. At this time, Ubolis destroyed the demon and noticed their target. They tried to intercept the missile with magic spells, but the missile's instantaneous explosion speed was extremely horrible. The spells released by the demons couldn't catch up. Barely some of the spells caught up, but when they came in contact with the missiles, those spells suddenly collapsed on their own-these black hole-1 missiles were filled with dust from eliminator stones, which were originally spell nemesis, spells Isn't it funny to stop?

Ten rounds of black holes blasted on the portal. Just when a demon was about to pass through the portal, they were pushed directly back to the abyss of purgatory by the missiles. The other missiles were smashed into the magic circle that maintained the portals. At the same time as the explosion, the dust of the magic stone was lifted up, and a temporary magic forbidden area was immediately formed. The portal immediately declared a collapse.


Seeing that the portal was destroyed, Uberis screamed frantically, their voices were sharp and piercing, and they were still far away, but the soldiers on the side of Elsa felt dizzy. Brain expansion, the brain is about to explode.

Especially as they approached, an unusually cold breath gradually approached them. Not only thinking, but everyone's actions also became much slower. At this speed, Nazura's flying wing monsters swept away. , The stabbing of the bones of Nazula's killing demon, the assault of the bones of Nazula's spike will be a deadly threat!

"Beware of their mental attacks!"

Hudson yelled and placed Reynolds behind him. The surging rays of light shone around his comrades-in-arms, and the warm rays of light restored the soldiers' ability to move.


In the near future, the soldiers avoided the attacks of the demons and faced the demons with their heads and faces covered. The soldiers had to raise the chainsaw sword in their hands and give them the most fierce counterattack!

"Blessing of the Holy Light!"

The chain saw sword that received the blessing of the light cut the devil's body, the broken flesh flew down, the smelly green blood wet the ground, and the devil's claws tore the warriors' bodies, but the sting on the body instead Let the soldiers attack more crazy!


Elsa wielded the chain saw sword in one hand, clenched the magic pistol in one hand, and fired several ice arrows in succession, slowing down the speed of Nazura's flying wing demon, and the chain saw sword severely cut off its wings.

Then she stepped on the quack-screaming Nazura flying wing demon. The demon could pistol to Pyroblast, thrust it into his mouth, and blasted his head with a shot!

Then the chainsaw sword swept down, slitting the wings of the flying wing demon, exposing its heart in front of Elsa-and then she broke everything into pieces!

"Good job!"

Elsa was so murderous: "Kill them all!"

"Roger that!"

The next moment, Elsa activated Flash, rushed to the back of the demon, and greeted the three Yuboris devastators!

Although Elsa was not affected so strongly, she could feel a little uncomfortable. When she noticed the situation of her comrade-in-arms, she immediately realized how bad the situation was.

Their interference is too serious, they must be killed!

"Praise my lord!"

"For the Holy Light!"

"Evil will die!"

The Templars shouted their prayers, one by one, as lighthouses in the dark, dispelled the surrounding shadows and coldness for the soldiers, and restored their courage.


Elsa shouted, spanning a distance of thirty meters in an instant, the chainsaw sword whistled and chopped to the forefront of Yuboris!

"Blessing of the Holy Light!"

In a timely manner, Hudson re-applied the blessing of light to Elsa and her weapon, and the light of the chain saw sword that cut to the heart of Juboris was more intense, just like the dark sword!


The chain saw sword with the divine power easily tore the shadow tentacle summoned by Ubolis Demon Demon, but when cutting into the Devil Devil's body, its body was strangely twisted, and then "banged" With a blast, the body suddenly swelled several times and turned into an inexplicable twisted form-it looked like a freak of various purgatory demons' body organs assembled inexplicably, making people The creepy appearance is just crazy at first glance.

Rao is Elsa's nervous personality, and she can't help but stagnate for a moment.

"Well !!!"

The tentacles suddenly appeared on Elsa's abdomen, and the girl fell out with a cry, and the other two devastators floated left and right, and a pair of white arms stretched out under the rotting robe. Trying to invade Elsa's mind--

"Get out of me!"

Sharp shadow claws screamed, and the arm outstretched by the devastator broke off, followed by Saratimore and flung them out.

Before Elsa had time to say thanks, she was dumped by Saratimore!


Laughing Barlow Enchanter withdrew the Great Sword, took a step forward, and chopped it down again!



Saratimore's shadow shield refreshed quickly, miserable.

With her strength, there is no need to worry about the consumption of the shield, but the short board of attack power makes it unable to defeat Barlow, and can only be beaten and beaten.

If it ’s not Barlow, but another superior demon, it ’s not impossible to fight with Saratimore ’s power, but for Sarattimore, the fighting mad Barlow Is the most troublesome enemy.


Saratimore jumped out and took a deep breath. The terrible power swept away the magic around her, and then it sprayed a dark pillar of light!

The Barlow Flame Demon crossed two giant swords, and immediately formed a flaming flame shield in front of him. The beam of light lasing on the flame shield failed to penetrate it!

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