Things from Another World

Chapter 859: Barlow

"Go to death!"

Just listening to Jiaoyan, Elsa, who was bathed in the holy light, screamed and rushed over, grabbed the tail of a Nazura flying wing fiercely, and slammed it back into the distance. On the ground, followed by her falling suddenly, the chainsaw sword cut off the devil's head neatly, and also cut open its chest!

The green blood burst out, and the smelly internal organs sprang up, and the picture was abnormally bloody!


The green blood that spewed out was blocked by the Holy Light. Elsa didn't care about the demon's dirty blood, and her white arm was inserted directly into the devil's chest. After a moment of exploration, two hearts were pulled out-still beating. .


Elsa crushed the demon's heart, and the struggling demon immediately twitched and lost his breath.

"Here you are."

Elsa kicked the demon's head back to the body with a look of indifference, and then threw the pinched heart out.

Saratimore, lying on her shoulders, jumped out and swallowed her heart, and then he laughed: "Fresh heart, it tastes really good."

Elsa frowned slightly, her face calmly: "Hurry up and come back."

After speaking, she turned to leave, and although she is now used to fighting demons and cruel battlefields, she is still not accustomed to eating demon Saratimore.

"What's so disgusting? Uh ---"

Sarah Tear murmured as he tore the flesh of the devil, "Does not all the meat that humans eat come from killing those animals?"

Elsa stepped down and left quickly.

Really annoying! She has stopped eating meat these days!

The brief contact battle ended in just over ten minutes. None of the prepared teams died, and only a few were injured by the shadow spell. However, after the Templar's treatment, the combat power was restored. The troops acted together.

The contact war killed a total of 6 Nazura demons and consumed 42 magazines, or 1,260 special warheads-this cost is not low, but it is not too expensive.

It can make the gold-level fighters face the master-level and even the extraordinary demons. This price should actually be very low.

Of course, the Templar ’s blessing of the light also contributed, and the power of the light is undoubted for the devil's restraint, otherwise it is difficult to cause deadly damage to them only with assault rifles and special warheads.

After clearing the battlefield (in fact, letting Saratimore eat), the team immediately set off again. After leaving the war zone, the speed of action suddenly increased a lot, and the performance of Harley Motors was fully realized. Even if the Knights of the Templar received the blessing of divine magic, it was difficult to catch up with the speed of Harley-Davidson.

The superiority of the Templars suddenly disappeared.

"So I said it," Hudson complained again. "We should also be equipped with motorcycles ... Our warhorse is also worth a few thousand gold coins, and the cost of feeding is very high. I heard that That motorcycle sold only 500 gold coins on the market. Even if I sold a war horse for a motorcycle, I could save a lot of gold coins, enough for me to chill for a while. "

Reynolds scolded: "Do you have the heart to treat your comrades like this?"

"Comrade in arms?"

Hudson glanced down at the warhorse, and said, "I don't think it's my comrade."

"If it understands you, it will regret being your partner."

Reynolds shook his head. He suddenly hesitated, and immediately became serious: "Good evil breath ... Shut up, we have reached our destination!"

Not far from the front of the team, in a recess in the wasteland, the power of dark shadows has turned the entire recess into a dark field. At the center of the recess is a purple portal about five meters in diameter—at first glance and chaos. The doors are quite similar, but a closer look reveals the difference.

This portal is more purple, and the other side of the portal is not a piece of nothingness and chaos, but a distorted view of the abyss of purgatory.

In addition to the four Euboris demons who maintain the portal, there are many demons who have just stepped out of the portal. They gather here to fight each other, echoing the devil's sharp and screaming sounds everywhere.

When Elsa saw the twisted and corrupted phantom behind Uberis's demon, her face became quite dignified.

Because that's the ugly heartbreaker.

Its power is very similar to Kemala's delusional demon. They are very good at using twisted forces to attack the enemy's mind. If the mind is not firm enough, it will be easily broken. The hobbies of killing each other are different. Ubolis Destroyer prefers to directly crush the mind of the target, so that the target directly loses its soul.

If it is said that he was controlled by Kemala and that he was saved, then there is only one way to go.

At this moment, there was a wave in the portal. A tall figure bent over and tried to pass through the portal. The tightly contracted Devil's Wings were red and covered with flames. Flames were burning on the half body that had passed over. Element of fire flowing on its body ...


Saratimore froze, her face slightly changed: "It's Barlow!"

Barlow Flame Demon, superior demon, is good at using spells and weapons to fight, using a high-handed two-handed great sword, and the other hand will wield the great sword condensed by the element of fire, even if it is a newborn, it is also a legendary demon!

It can be described as the superior main warlord of the demon camp on the eternal battlefield-this level of main force should not come out of the eternal battlefield to come here!

Get down!

Elsa waved his hand quickly, and everyone quickly put away the motorcycle and lay on the ground. The Templars rolled over and dismounted, but the war horse could not hide.

Reynolds and Hudson were very envious of the space equipment in the hands of the Ellington fighters-but unfortunately they couldn't afford it.

May not be found ...

The hearts of everyone were filled with gladness.

After all, it's Prandall. The breath of humans and all living things is very abundant. The characteristics of humans here will not be as obvious as in the abyss of purgatory.

The Barlow Flame Demon who squeezed out the portal shook his body, stretched out his burning wings, and then slapped the Uberis Demon next to him into ashes, slamming the remaining three Demon Demon Growled.

"... Gi'zoi ... BaGor ... JoPa ..."

Its roar can be heard from a distance, but unfortunately Elsa they do not understand the abyss.

Elsa looked at Saratimore: "What is it talking about?"

"It's cursing those Uberis heartbreakers, because the portals they open are too small for it to come here in its entirety ..."

Having said that, Saratimore breathed a sigh of relief: "Great, it turned out to be projection ..."

Elsa is not so optimistic. Although it is a projection of half strength, Barlow Flame Demon also has the supreme level of strength, not to mention its combat, but it is not restricted to melee or spells. The unreasonable amount of rough violence and the flame talent are its power. Capital.

Elsa frowned slightly, lowering her voice, "You are also a legendary upper devil lord. Why do you look so afraid of it?"

"Can you be afraid of it?"

Saratimore said angrily: "Looking at the whole abyss of purgatory, there are many people who are not afraid of death, but there are not many who can be called fighting lunatics-Barlow Flame Demon is one of the craziest demonic races. Although their strength is legendary, their combat power is more powerful. After all, my power is more inclined to interfere, control and devour, not the type of frontal combat. "

Saratimore is also very helpless. When she meets the lower demons with her strength, she can pretend to be crushed. However, it is a little anxious to meet opponents of the same level, not to mention the most difficult Barlow in the same level. Fire demon.

Fortunately, this time it is only the projection of the Barlow flames—think of it, the barriers of the gods are so strong, and this time it may have just opened a small gap by accident (Tang: A sneeze!), How is it possible? Let such powerful demons pass by? Is that ok?

"Can you fight?"

"It should be supreme now ... try it."

Saratimore didn't have much confidence. When he was in the abyss of purgatory before, he didn't deal with Barlow's Devil. But over the years, the number of victories has been counted. Most of the time, it was the Barlow. The frightened whale fled—if it was going to run, few could stop it.

Extreme ...

Elsa calculated the comparison of combat effectiveness.

Thirty gold-level fighters, after being fully armed, can barely be equivalent to the fifth-level combat power of the Grand Master. Although she only has the gold-level peak now, she benefits from the natural super power and the talent of "Dragon Power". , Barely can be regarded as a grandmaster peak, close to the first-class combat power of the extraordinary.

The members of the Templar Knights are each half silver and gold. They are basically not fighting power. They can only be counted as auxiliary personnel and have obtained their magical auxiliary effects. Counting the Holy Light's suppression of demons, Elsa is here. Together, the fighting power of four can be regarded as four extraordinary fifth-level strong, but-still not as high as the supreme!

Saratimore, currently the only legendary powerhouse here, but unfortunately, this guy's real strength is not on the front battlefield, so she can only count as half a legend.

"I can fight."

After doing some calculations, Elsa said very calmly: "As long as it can't kill us, we can continue to fight. We also have secret weapons that can cause great damage to it, but you must be in front."

"I? I ... okay."

Saratimore wanted to shake her head, but after seeing Elsa's cold eyes, she immediately persuaded.

Saratimore murmured with all his heart that this girl had changed so much from the beginning. Although the battlefield was very sharp, she could have such a calm outlook and courage in only half a month. She must be extraordinary in the future!

—Well, in fact Saratimore just thought of Down, who was standing behind her.

"Ready to fight, let's sneak attack first."

Saratimore thought it was wonderful. It is best at sneak attacks. If it can succeed, the battle will be much easier.


"GARRRR——Sa \ 'ra \' ti \ 'mor! Ba’Gor!-"

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