Things from Another World

Chapter 824: You will be stared at by death!

The Virgin is a banner in any Holy See. Not only does it have a sacred status inferior to that of the Pope, it is also a key factor in consolidating faith.

If the saint is killed or defiled, the blow to the believer is absolutely devastating.

At that time, as long as the evil water is diverted to the east and the dirty water is spilled to other countries, I am afraid that the furious Red Lotus Knights will immediately take the initiative to launch a war of escorts.

This is just an introduction, but it is enough to ignite war.

After Tang En said his speculation, everyone present was silent.

I have to say that this kind of speculation is very likely. If the saint is defiled, the Vulcan court will definitely be chaotic and war will break out.


Shaking his head every night, he said, "When I played against him, he mentioned" Swallowing "and wanted to devour Ilya. I suspect that he has acquired a special ability and can be stronger by devouring others. the power of."

Tang En froze, looking subconsciously at the vanilla.

Vanilla also choked, and the two sisters looked at each other and said suddenly, "Our God has a gift!"

Cocoa and vanilla have very powerful talents. When they join forces, they can trigger a particularly powerful fire talent. As they grow, the power of talent continues to grow, and now the power is even comparable to legendary spells.

If Groma had the ability called "Swallow", after mastering their talents, they might really be able to break through the shield imposed by the sharp teeth and kill Testro, or even directly kill the sharp teeth!

However, how did he know that Ilia's talent was also terrifying?

Tang En was a little puzzled, but didn't want it in a blink of an eye, would a goddess reincarnation be swallowed up? Do not make jokes.

"The truth has surfaced."

Tang En sorted out the whole story: "Marcus came to Burkeso, controlled His Highness Gorma, left the place after tampering with the memory of the people he had contacted, and Prince Gorma got the chaos. Strength, so his strength has grown by leaps and bounds, reaching an extraordinary peak in five years, and then his ambitions began to expand. "

Sharp Teeth thoughtfully: "He was on the throne, but with me, he couldn't hurt Testro, so he planned to devour the two saints and gain their power, but he did not expect an accident in the plan. Under the imperial crown of prince vanilla, he was accidentally abducted into the human kingdom and disappeared. Due to the report of Sarkolo, he thought that the subordinate lord vanilla died, so he set the target on the virgin cocoa and gave up the devouring virgin. In her body was buried a seed of chaos ... "

Angus stared at Groma in the laughter and continued: "Because of the amplification of the talent of the maiden, once the chaos breath erupts in the Temple of Fire, the entire ancient Patrinas mountain will become a terrifying chaos. Door, sharp teeth will definitely sit here, and the strength will be greatly weakened. At this time, Burkeso's interior is empty, and he has a chance to start ... "

Tang En sneered: "Unfortunately, he did not expect that Coco would be taken away by Shamanism on his way to the Temple of Fire. When Coco returned, he found that the vanilla had returned, and after seeing the vanilla again, he had a very strong The thought of devouring them to strengthen themselves, he had lost his mind, and he was unexpectedly hooked, but he did not expect that he would run here because he wanted to devour Ilya, and encountered Yeye ... "

Groma's luck was really running out, or the moment he showed his fangs to Elijah, he was destined to be out of luck.

Who made him hit his mind on Ms. Calamity?

The doom halo is no joke!


After an analysis, everyone was silent. Only Groma continued to laugh wildly there, **** limbs constantly twisted and struggling, black and red blood spilled across the floor.

"and many more!"

Tang En suddenly said: "No! There is still no point!"

Angus frowned. "Where?"

The above reasoning is almost intertwined, completely reasonable, and the clues grasped at the moment can be reasoned to this extent!

"What he just said."

Down stared at Groma, he said verbatim: "He said, everyone must be part of Kaos ..."

"Is this strange?"

Testro closed his eyes and said in pain: "To this day, you guys should give him a happy, I don't want to see him like this!"

"It's weird!"

Tang En glanced around the crowd, and a calm voice struck everyone's heart like the same thunder: "Marcus is the honor of the Dark Serpent, and the object of the Dark Serpent worship is their leader Gassass. Danka Oss ... is a fictional deity worshipped by chaos! "


Angus took a breather: "You mean-Groma not only had contact with Marcus of the Dark Serpent, but also had contact with the Chaos gods !?"

"Not necessarily ..."

Tang En stared at Groma coldly: "What if he had been in contact with Chaos before he had contacted Marcus?"

It was just said every night that Groma's contact with the power of chaos was not an accidental coincidence, but was prepared in advance, actively absorbing a small amount of chaos, and intending to control the power of chaos-this is entirely possible in Maku What happened before Stacey touched him.

Maybe when Marcus was going to take action against Tastro, he found out that Groma had already plunged into chaos, and he was considered to be his own, so he simply erased his appearance and left.

Or, Groma and Marcus even secretly negotiated the cooperation between the two parties ... Moreover, the reason why Marcus chose to take action on Gillard is likely to be the idea that was influenced by Groma. .

At this moment, even sharp teeth and Testero sweated coldly.

A king, if it was controlled by the dark snake, it would be extenuating, but if he took the initiative to contact the chaos, he would even join one of them ...

Death was not enough to erase the shame on him!

"do not talk!"

Testero was about to collapse, and yelled, "Kill him! Give him a treat!"

If they are really allowed to analyze what is involved between Groma and Chaos Theology, I am afraid that it will not only be Groma, but also the entire Bloodeye clan.

Tang En glanced deeply at Tastro: "... So I understand."

It will allow Tastro to make such a choice, and I am afraid that Tastro is not under a lot of pressure at the moment. He is most worried now that Groma really has something to do with Chaos.

However, Tang En doesn't plan to let go of Groma's soul-after death, to thoroughly purify his soul, at least it will allow him to have a normal reason to answer questions.

Tang En stepped in front of Groma and looked down at the crooked Groma, who couldn't help but sigh: "If you can restrain your urges as before, you can live more A few years, unfortunately ... "

The power of chaos is almost irreversible to the erosion of order creatures, especially creatures such as Groma who actively accept the corruption of chaos. In their unknowing process, they have become lunatics.

If Groma still controls himself as he did not use the power of chaos and maintains his reasoning as much as possible, the power of chaos that has accumulated in his body for many years will not erupt suddenly.

"Let him be relieved."

Testro turned around, his voice filled with helplessness, sadness and pain.

"as you wish."

Tang En raised his palm, and a transparent void fire burst into his palm, and the flames drifted towards Grimma with a sullen face.

"Kill you-all of you will die-die, die, die!"

Groma was struggling hard, the bones of the limbs were creaking, the cut flesh was blurred, and it looked very scary, blocking the sight of Elijah every night.

The moment when the fire of the void met Gromma, he "ignited" his body, saying that it was kind of igniting the body, in fact, it should have ignited the chaos in his body, but because the chaos and his body had already melted into Oneness does not distinguish one another, so even his flesh burns.

Pain doesn't make Groma awake. Crazy roaring and insulting curse has even made Testero feel great shame-Groma is the prince of the blood-eyed clan. Where did he learn this? More cursing words?

With the burning of the Netherfire, Groma's breath became weaker, but due to the reduction of the power of chaos, his sanity also returned to normal, and the madness in his eyes slowly disappeared, but unfortunately, Just before he fully regained his mind, his body could no longer withstand the damage of the Netherfire, and it collapsed completely.

A "click" sounded, and Groma's body suddenly cracked a red ray, a weird rune cracked, and then passed away.

Immediately following Groma, he died.

"It's now!"

When Groma ’s soul drifted from the body and flew to the sky, Tang En sang and shot a void of fire into Groma ’s body to purify the chaotic atmosphere. At the same time, a vortex suddenly appeared in the air, sucking Groma's soul swallowed him directly.

"what is that!?"

Although everyone in the audience could not see the soul of Groma, they could see the vortex that suddenly appeared in the air-it was not unusual to see a vortex, but the amazing magic that emanated from behind the vortex at that moment scared everyone.

The increase in magic power of the Hall of Fame built by countless pieces of star gold has led to a concentration of magic power that is far beyond that of Prandall.

Tang En explained briefly: "My spirit hall, Groma's soul was cut off from the hand of death."

Testro, sharp teeth and others took a deep breath and looked at Tang En in shock: "How dare you intercept the soul of the dead from the death !? Are you crazy !? You will be stared at by the death!"

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