Things from Another World

Chapter 823: there is only one truth!

In the backyard of Tang En's house, everyone was silent. Only Tang En's voice calmly described the situation about Groma.

"... the kidnapping of Madame Vanilla last year, including today instructing Sarkolo to go against the two Madonnas, are his orders ..."

Testro looked at Sarcolo with a dangerous look. ,

If you lie, you will be killed ... beastly!

Sarkolo nodded with a wry smile: "I thought His Royal Highness only saw the two queens, so ..."

Testro's mood was even worse.

"And he came here today to do something to my family, Elijah."

Tang En pointed to Elijah next to him and said coldly: "Although I don't know why, I think there must be some reason for him to do this, but unfortunately, he encountered Yeye."

Every night? Is this frosty maid with a strange face?

"she was?"

Testerrow glanced at every night, and couldn't believe it was this maid who made his baby boy like this.

What's more, if Groma is really corrupted by chaos and the increase of chaos breath, his strength will be further improved. How could it be so easy to lose?

Even if his son had been corrupted, Tastro was still reluctant to believe that his son would lose to a maid.

Now in this world, even a maid can overthrow the extraordinary peak apocalypse?

Is he crazy or is the world crazy?

"No doubt."

Angus sighed and said, "Ms. Ye Ye is the legendary powerhouse who once participated in the first Chaos Invasion War, saying that she is the predecessor of all of us."

The legendary powerhouse who participated in the first Chaos Invasion War! ?

Sacolo, Testero, and even Coco, who didn't believe it before, took a breath of air. This is not to say that the indifferent maid in front of him is already an old monster living more than a thousand years old! ?

"Ms. Ye Ye ..."

"You are not qualified to call me that."

Every night, coldly interrupted Tastro's words: "Kergel Blood Eye had to kindly call me a big sister's head at first, what do you think you should call?"

Kerger Blood Eye!

Testerlow froze, this mom's generation is going to be overwhelming!

Kerger Bloodeye is the founding emperor who unified the orcs and established the Rennes Empire, and is also the most famous ancestor of the Bloodeye clan. The mountain behind Burkeso is named after him, and even the old ancestors must call With a big head, come to him ...

Shit can't be called!


Tang En slaps her in a bad mood, and suddenly destroys the cold atmosphere created by Ye Ye, ignoring the eyes of Ye Ye Shui, Tang En told Testero: "Ye Ye's identity is Really, I can guarantee that, in addition, you are called mainly to make you understand that the corruption of Groma is irreversible, and the chaotic fallen must be purified. "

"You are going to kill him !?"

Testro's face was quite ugly. No matter who he was, he suddenly heard that someone was going to kill his son, and he was not in a good mood.

As a parent, even if the son is a criminal, he always wants to defend him ...

"Don't kill him, you just wait for Burkeso to be turned into a dead city."

Ye Ye regained an indifferent expression on his face and said, "The fallen man who actively absorbs the chaos breath will be excited by the powerful power brought by chaos at first, thinking that he can master them, but as time goes by, he will You will fall into the darkness without knowing it completely, become a captive of chaos, and eventually lose your mind and fall completely into madness. "

"Now, Prince Groma is clearly on the road to no return."

"When he falls completely into darkness, it will become a huge source of chaotic pollution, and the entire Burkeso will be buried for him."

Staring at Testero every night: "Well, Kelger's descendants, will you kill the family righteously, or will you choose to continue covering him?"

If this is the year, this question is not a multiple choice question at all, because all the souls of Prandall were scared by the invasion of chaos. Once it was determined that it was polluted by chaos and could not be purified, everyone would make the right choice. .

But in times of peace, people have a fluke.

Testro's heart was very struggling: "Is it really not saved? Can't you work harder?"

He can see that these people present were iron-hearted to purify, that is, to kill Groma.

Including Angus and Sharp Teeth.

In fact, these people did not give him the right to choose at all, or in other words, called him just to let him send his son out of the world.

"If corruption is short, purification can save him."

Tang En shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, his corruption began five years ago, and the power of chaos has long been integrated with him. When purifying, he will also kill his life."

"Five years ago !? It's impossible! He--"

Testro suddenly froze, seeming to think of something, his expression on the face was cloudy, and after a moment, he couldn't help yelling at Groma and yelled: "Fuck! The lunatic! You let go! You went to see that lunatic in private !? "

"Ha ha ha ha ha-go to die, go to die, you all have to die! No one can stop me! You all have to be part of Kaos, ha ha ha-"

Groma ignored the curses of Testero at all, just giggling with some vicious curses.


Tang En frowned slightly, then looked at Testero very seriously: "What are you talking about? Please tell us one to ten."

"You? Who the **** are you?"

Testro is not stupid. It has been so long here that almost Noble Emperor has been speaking, while others apparently led by him, this is very wrong.

Tang En lifted the transfiguration: "Get to know me again, my name is Tang En, Lord of Ellington, and currently the Regent of the Illus Empire."

Testero was taken aback: "What !? It's you !?"

As the regent of a country, he suddenly went to other kings thousands of miles away. What did he want to do?

"It's me, but the question now is what you just thought about, that's important."

Tang En didn't have time to circle with him, maybe there are more profound factors behind this incident.

Testero's face was cloudy, and after a moment of hesitation, he sighed and said, "Five years ago, Lord Sharptooth helped us to catch a very dangerous enemy."

"Hmm? Is there?"

Sharp teeth: "I don't remember what I did."

"Of course, the guard told me that you personally escorted him to prison."

Testero also staggered: "But on the eve of the execution, the guy escaped silently and silently from the prison. So far we have not figured out how he escaped ... Today I I understand, I'm afraid it was Groma. "

Tang En glanced at Groma. Although it was difficult for the prince to release an important prisoner, the prisoner was not ordinary at all, and Groma provided only a little convenience. It was enough.

"Do you know who that person is?"

Just now Groma mentioned Kaos. Could it be a lunatic of Chaos?

"Since it was arrested by His Excellency Sharp Teeth personally, it must be extraordinary in strength, but I have not seen it with my own eyes. He claims to be Marcus ..."

The dark snake of Nima!

Tang En was as ugly as constipated.

Testro snapped: "What's wrong?"

"I know this person. He is dead."

Tang En said coldly, "But I have to tell you that your memory is also false."

Testro paused: "Ah?"

"Sharp teeth just said that he had no impression about this matter five years ago. Obviously you didn't ask him for confirmation in the meantime, but you are very certain that he arrested him. There is obviously a cognitive bias in the middle . "

Tang En analyzed them: "His sharp tooth is a legendary strongman, his memory cannot be a problem, then the problem will only be with you ... take the liberty to ask, what is your strength level?"

Testro was a little awkward: "Extraordinary first order."

As the King of the Rennes Empire, his strength was indeed too poor.

"I asked five years ago."

Testero is even more embarrassed: "Grand Master Level 5 ..."


Tang En sighed, and said, "Marcus, one of the Dark Serpent lords, known as the Soul of the Soul, is the seventh-ranked Supreme Class. The thing he is best at is mind control. Or the tampering of a memory. "

With a fascination, Tastro suddenly became extremely ugly.

What could be more frightening than the memory being tampered with?

You never know if you were just born at this moment, and everything in your mind has just been instilled into it. You don't even know if everything you are familiar with has been artificially modified ...

"His teeth is legendary, Marcus obviously has no ability to do anything to him, and his goal is you, or Groma."

Tann dissects the truth little by little: "This is his style of action. In the Illus Empire, Her Majesty Victor and Prince Girard died because of him, and when he came to Il Obviously came here before the Rus Empire. "

"He may have been following you at first, but then he found a more suitable object, Prince Groma, young, strong desire, more offensive desire, and more suitable to be controlled by him, so he turned to Groma Started. "

"After doing this, he changed this memory of you, making you think he was captured by Lord Sharptooth and escaped from prison again."

Testro's face was incredible: "But why?"

"For war."

A flash of coldness flashed in Tangen's eyes: "From a time perspective, Marcus began to provoke Prince Gillard to usurp the throne at the beginning of the year. If Groma also succeeds at this time, war is almost inevitable, but this Obviously something unexpected happened, and Prince Groma did not succeed in the throne, because you were not dead. "

Sharp Teeth said suddenly, "Because of my strength, I have always protected Testero, and as long as I live, Testero will not be harmed."

"Yes, so Groma must have enough power to defeat you ... I see!"

Tang En suddenly looked at Vanilla: "—the only truth about his attempt to kidnap Vanilla!"

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