Things from Another World

Chapter 809: It's been a tough time serving a big brother

The bustling duel between the Red Lotus Knights and the Phoenix Mercenary Corps ended, and in the discussion of the residents of Burkeso, Ulduara left in a humble way.

There is no way, the Red Lotus Knights, which has been claimed to be powerful and invincible, even lost to the human mercenary regiment in the competition, which caused many orc audiences to be hit.

After all, the orcs had long accepted that the Red Lotus Knights were invincible, and it was normal and hard to accept such a blow.

But few orcs have noticed that what really determines the combat effectiveness of the two sides is actually the gap between equipment and economy.

Under the same conditions, the combat effectiveness is of course the better equipped side. If the poor and dead Red Lotus Knights can obtain the Phoenix mercenary regiment, their combat effectiveness will probably be a terrible increase.

However, the heat of this matter was quickly suppressed by another matter.

"What? Miss Vanilla, who disappeared for a year, appeared under the crown !? She was abducted to the human kingdom before !?"

The disappearance of the maiden was abducted by humans. This was a signal of war. It deeply stimulated the orcs. The angry orc believers roared: "Go to war! This is an insult to our Rennes empire! We must go to war! Wash with blood The shame that human beings bring to us! "

"But she is back."

The zealous devotees of Vulcan burst into tears, kneeling on the ground and wept bitterly: "Vulcan is on top! The peaceful return of the maiden's crown must be God's blessing ..."

"This is really not the blessing of Lord Vulcan. It was human beings who rescued the maiden ..."

"What !? She was rescued by humans !?"

Both militants and conservatives are aggressive, and it is not clear whether it should be angry or grateful to humans.

The calm elders took the opportunity to teach the young and energetic guys: "So human beings, like us orcs, have good people and bad people. Don't kill them all with one stick."

"But human beings are so insidious and cunning, they have gone to great lengths to send the maiden back, they must have a plan, we can't carelessly!"

"Yes, how could there be such a good thing in this world."

The elder smiled: "It is a matter of course to give something in return, but it is for this reason that we should treat others with courtesy. We must not let humans despise us, thinking that we are barbarians who only know how to kill."

"... Elder, would you please put your mace down before you talk?"

"Oh, mistake."

Regardless of the reactions of all parties, those who were bought by members of the Phoenix Mercenary Regiment, thanks to Tang En, spread the news smoothly throughout Burkeso, and now the whole King City is discussing the Lady of the Vanilla Things returning under the crown.

Of course, this also includes Testero and his son.

"They came to Burkeso because they were escorting the Madame Vanilla!"

When Tastro heard the news, he couldn't help laughing and laughed: "Good thing, good thing!"

Before sending soldiers to search for so long, there was no news. Tastro had always thought that vanilla had been killed, but he did not expect to be sent back by humans in the end!

The return of the maiden is probably the best news of the Rennes Empire this year!

The groma next to him heard a haze, and the haze flickered in his eyes. He took a step forward and said in a deep voice: "Master Father, under the crown of the Virgin, there has been no news in the human kingdom this year. "

The meaningful blank space in the language contains a space for imagination, but at this moment, how malicious is the intention?

Already bought by humans ...

Has become a human slave ...

Has become someone's RBQ ...

Has become a human spy ...

There are various possibilities, and under normal circumstances this has to be taken seriously.


"To shut up."

Testrow gave Groma a very serious look, and said in a deep voice: "If she has really betrayed Caroma River, there will naturally be a divine punishment to punish her without us intervening."

In other words, if even Vulcan didn't punish her, their involvement would be even more inappropriate.


Groma lowered her head, feeling even worse.

"My father, I'm a bit tired. I'll go back to rest first."

"Go on, stop thinking about it."

Testero waved his hand: "I also have to think about how to reward the mercenary group. After all, the meaning of the prince vanilla for the Rennes empire is priceless."

Priceless? Humph!

Gromm snorted and left the throne silently.

After returning to his mansion, Groma kicked the door open and yelled at the Rabbit Rabbit maid who was standing at the door: "Go and let Sarcolo roll over to the training ground to see me!"

The frightened maid nodded her head and ran away.

Groma came to the training ground full of giant iron ore by himself. After taking off his coat, he rushed to the hard ore with a roar, and the sharp claws popped out like sharp blades. .


Groma flew up and kicked a few tons of ore into the air with his kick-although he himself fell into the ground because of the explosive power, but this could not stop him.

He kicked hard at his feet, and the strength of blood flew suddenly. Grumma's entire shell blasted into the sky, and his claws were inserted into the ore several meters in diameter. Shengsheng torn in half!

"Hmm ..."

There was a sudden applause, and a smiling brown-haired male orc applauded as he walked this way: "His Highness Groma has become stronger again, really-uh!"

The moment Gromma hit the male orc, he stared at him with murderous eyes: "Sacolo, do you know why I asked you to come?"

The Leopard Leopard male named Sarkolo lowered his head: "His Royal Highness, is it because of the matter under the crown of the Lady of the Vanilla?"

"It seems you are very clear ..."

Groma popped up a sharp nail and gently slid it across Sarkolo's neck. The sharp nail easily pierced his skin.

"It was you who reported to me that she was dead ... now, give me a reason not to kill you."

"His Royal Highness, please listen to my explanation."

Sacolo said unhurriedly: "We did encounter an accident at that time. We attacked the princeess vanilla with the props you provided, and she did faint, including the accompanying guards, but it was unexpected. Yes, after the maiden's coma, we were about to remove her, but her body suddenly turned into a terrible vortex of fire, and that vortex completely evacuated our power. We did n’t even have a chance to escape All collapsed on the ground and became a waste. "

"Meaning that something happened next?"

"No, although we were paralyzed, but because the location we chose was relatively hidden, we were normal until we resumed our basic mobility. After we restored our basic mobility, we took the Madame Vanilla and detoured to the agreed place , But just then ... "

"I met a gang of human slaves," Sarkolo said helplessly.

"Human slaves? Near Burkeso? What's your joke?"

"No, Your Highness, I am not kidding. It is indeed human, but I am not sure if it is not a slave trap."

Sarkolo said in a deep voice: "They dare to penetrate the hinterland of the Rennes Empire. They are obviously a group of veterans, and their strength is not ordinary. All of them have gold level. Even if we are completely normal, they are not necessarily their opponents. , Not to mention that we are already very weak. As soon as we fought, we were seriously injured. You know, I was seriously injured that time. "

"I seriously fainted before seeing the undercover queen of the vanilla and also being seriously injured. This meant that they did not deliberately protect the undercover maiden of the vanilla when they started working, so I suspect they were not arrested. Slaves. "

"All of them are gold, and they have the power to be used as slaves? No matter how they think, they are incredible, so I think those humans must have come here for another purpose, but they just happened to run into them. They, then, tried to wipe out the witnesses, so I'm sure that under the crown of Lady Vanilla must have been killed. "

"So you report that vanilla is dead?"

"Is such that."

"Let's just persuade me."

Groma withdrew her claws and said indignantly, "But you should know what to do next?"


Sacolo said without hesitation: "Please rest assured that we will send the two maidens to your side as soon as possible. It will be your blessing to be seen by you."

Groma sneered and said, "If this thing is known to others ..."

"I will choose to exercise my own arrogance, and it will never involve His Highness."

"Very well, take action. After the vanilla return, these two days should go to the Temple of Fire for prayer and return baptism. When she returns, it is a good opportunity.


"This take is stronger than last time. Even if the two saints are together, they can't resist it."

Groma took a black-purple ball from her arms and handed it to Sarkolo.

Sacolo, who had received the ball, was full of fear, and carefully retracted his head and silently retreated.

"... hum, after doing this ..."

Groma's cold eyes watched Sarcolo leave, and then he continued to frantically refine the flesh.

After leaving Grome's house, Sarkolo's tense body suddenly fell loose.

"Huh ... almost died inside ..."

Sarkolo got into the dragon car, wiped his cold sweat, and muttered in a low voice: "It's obviously from the Usad tribe, why do you like the Kate tribe? And it's still under the crown of the maiden ... 唉"In the first sentence, I broke my leg below. If something goes wrong, I still have to carry the pot. I have a hard time serving the big brothers ..."

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