Things from Another World

Chapter 808: Playing is equipment crushing!

The Red Lotus Knight and the Earth Xinglong seemed to be a whole, burning hot flames all over the body, and rushed to the mercenary regiment hundreds of meters away with imposing momentum.

It makes sense to launch an assault in such a small area of ​​the gladiatorial arena.

Under normal circumstances, the power of the mount can not be fully exerted, and the speed cannot reach the limit, but under the magical gain of the Red Lotus Knight, after the short acceleration distance of the earth traveling dragon, the speed has increased to a quite amazing degree.

A short distance of two hundred meters, I'm afraid I can arrive in a few breaths!

Without escaping the flaming charge of the Red Lotus Knight and Earth Dragon, you will be stepped directly into the meat sauce!

Damn it! Why don't they avoid it! ?

Looking at the closer distance, the hearts of Uldullah and the audience were raised sharply.

This is just a discussion, not a battle of life and death. I just want to separate the winner and lose the blood!


Since you don't avoid it, put it on!

As soon as Uldua gritted his teeth, since the charge of the Red Lotus Knight had been launched, there was no precedent for being interrupted by himself!

Just a second before the two sides were about to collide, Cao suddenly waved a wild laugh, followed by the dissolution of the shield soldiers who formed the shield wall formation, and the team quickly separated from left to right, exposing an empty ground behind.


Ulduar snorted, but was relieved in his heart: "Did you really have the courage to take charge? Want to use this kind of carving technique to ... what !?"

Audullah just wanted to ridicule Cao, but suddenly found out that the Red Lotus knights who had crossed the mercenary defense line suddenly fell into the rock!

The hard rocks turned into traps!

Ulduar's face was incredible: "How is this possible!"

"There is nothing impossible in this world."

Cao smiled proudly: "It's just the combination of fossils and mud."

Uldull blushed: "But there are no casters in your party at all!"

"I'm not a caster either."

Cao let out a hand: "But I can also use flash."

"Constant spells!"

Ulduar was stunned: "They also have magic equipment with constant spells in their hands!"

Cao laughed.

"Damn-let them stop! Earth Xinglong will be suffocated by the quagmire!"

The red lotus knights have already jumped to the safe area next to them, but the dragons in the quagmire itself are very heavy. The more they struggle, the deeper they sink. The red lotus knights nearby have long forgotten that this is a battle, one by one All jumped up and down around their mount partners.

"Relax, you have no intention of killing them."

Cao's proud slammed his finger, and the mercenaries who received the command immediately activated the mud-changing stone magic spell, which temporarily trapped the Earth Dragon in the rocks.

Although they did not kill them, they were considered to have withdrawn from the battle.

Without the Earth Dragon, the Red Lotus Knights will not be able to launch an amazing charge, and can only confront them.

"Then the next step is our mount."

Cao grinned and said, "Brothers, let the guys go!"

There was a sudden flash on the open ground in the gladiatorial field, and there were a lot of cool Harley-Davidson motorcycles.

"What it is!?"

"It's weird! How come there are so many weird things suddenly !?"

"Is it a weapon? It must be a weapon?"

"I see the wheel, it should not be a weapon, can it be a carriage?"

"Where there is such a carriage, it looks strange at first sight!"

The time for Harley-Davidson motorcycles to be put on the market is relatively short. Businessmen have not been able to spread the news here. The orcs here have not seen Harley-Davidson motorcycles yet.

Damn tyrant ...

Audullah's focus is on space equipment.

He didn't expect Tang En to be extravagant enough to arm these mercenaries with space equipment!

They are obviously just mercenaries!

Why use such good equipment?

As for the weird dark thing ...

Ulduar didn't take it seriously.

"Line up! Offensive formation!"

Ulduar yelled, "Don't be afraid without a mount! They lose!"

Soon he was paid for his intentions.

Because the time was too short, they did not master single-player riding combat as Depp and Locke did, but paired them together, one as a driver riding a motorcycle and the other as a combatant to attack and defend.

I didn't expect that this coordinated combat effect was quite good.


After riding the motorcycle, the soldiers' mobility became beyond imagination. The heavy armor and weapons no longer affected the action. Coupled with the amazing mobility of the motorcycle, the gladiatorial court became their performance. Stage.


A dark shadow flashed, and the Red Lotus Knight had not responded yet, and the Iron Sword had already beheaded and chopped down. Fortunately, this was not a battle of life and death, so the opponent's offensive retained a considerable degree of kindness.

"Come off--"


A Red Lotus knight who gave up the chain hammer blocked the attack with a sabre at once, but then something happened that made him smash-his beloved sabre was cut off by the other sword!


The mercenary exclaimed, and withdrew the sword, but fell off the motorcycle because of too much force and hit a few rolls.

After getting up and glancing at the other side, the mercenary said, "It's so dangerous ..."

Even Cao had a look on his face, staring at the guy fiercely.

Although he really wants to rely on group battles, this guy is too careless!

If he just closed his hands a little bit slower, he would probably have his head on the ground.

"This, how is this possible ..."

The red lotus knight looked at the broken sabre, and looked disappointed: "My beloved red lotus slayer ... It took me all the savings to invite the master to forge a superior quality weapon!"

He raised his head sharply and growled angrily: "How could it have been cut so easily! How could it be!"

"Uh, excellent quality ... no wonder ..."

The mercenary touched his nose and said with a smile: "I am a legendary character in cutting iron swords ..."

Legendary one-handed sword! ?

Not only the Red Lotus Knight, but even Ulduar standing in the back was shocked.

how can that be! ?

Audulla took a subconscious look at Cao, but found that Cao was proudly waving at the outside of the arena. He followed Kao's sight and found that Tang En was standing there watching the battle.

Damn it!

That local tyrant cannot be so rich! ?

Take these legendary weapons to these little soldiers who look like cannon fodder! ?

Is he crazy! ?

"No! This is impossible!"

The red lotus knight of the broken sword pointed at the mercenary: "You are just an ordinary gold swordsman! How could you have legendary weapons!"

After that, he pointed at the others who stopped, and said, "The weapons of those swordsmen are the same as the swords in your hands. Are their weapons all legendary qualities?"

"You're right ..."

The mercenary touched his nose: "It is indeed a legendary weapon."

"What a joke! Do you treat me as an idiot !?"

The Red Lotus Knight said angrily: "When is the legendary weapon so worthless !?"

"I'm not kidding ..."

The mercenary said innocently: "In us Ellington, legendary weapons have long been popular."

Legendary weapons ... has long been popular?

The surrounding Red Lotus Knight almost fainted on the spot after hearing the words.

"He, what he said is true and false !?"

Uldull pursed his lips and looked at Cao incredulously.

Cao asked, "What do you think?"

"Impossible, that is absolutely impossible. Every legendary weapon is a unique gem, which requires the great efforts of the forge master to make, popularize ..."

Uldullah was absolutely unbelievable, but Cao gave out the evidence directly.

He photographed his sabre in front of Uldullah.

This sword ...

At first it may seem inconspicuous, but the more you look at it, the more you will be attracted to it. The simple and exquisite appearance design has no superfluous decorative design, and the structure is designed only for battle ... All the characteristics are explained to him. This is a fighting weapon.

But, more importantly ...

"Their weapons are the same as yours ..."

Uldull looked at Cao with an unbelievable look: "These weapons ... are mass produced !?"

"So say it."

Cao shrugged. "We didn't talk nonsense."

Ulduar took a deep breath ... well, it's hot, come back.

Ulduar took a deep breath and looked at Cao in wonder: "How is this possible! How did you do it !?"

Cao let out a hand: "Confidential."

Ulduar was silent.

Originally thought to rely on the number of gold-level apocalypse and professional advantages to crush them, let them know the power of the Red Lotus Knights.


The equipment level of the Red Lotus Knights is poor, isn't it a little bit better? ?

That's the difference between heaven and earth!

Everyone is armed with legendary weapons!

What about the Red Lotus Knights?

Except for the unlucky guy who forged a long sword with excellent quality, the best equipment of others is only excellent!

"Oh, yes, it's not just the iron sword."

Cao might have felt that he hadn't hit hard enough, and made a stab at it: "The armors worn by the shield soldiers, the shields in their hands, and the bows and arrows used by the rangers are all legendary qualities. Say, you are not wrong. "

Gold level vs. gold level. One side is fully equipped with legendary equipment and the other side is well equipped. ?

Hit with your face! ?

The end of this game is indeed doomed from the beginning ... it is destined to be crushed!

Even his commander only has a legendary hammer "Holy Flame", but what about the other party ...

You lost, you lost from the beginning!

After being silent for a while, Ulduar yelled rudely: "Cunning human! You knew from the beginning that you would win, and you deliberately tricked me into agreeing to this showdown!"

"Are you stupid?"

Cao glanced at Uldula obliquely: "Who would fight without a certain degree of confidence? If there is no certainty of victory, the boss will kill me if he agrees to lose duel."


Uldull looked back at Don on the stage subconsciously.

Norbert Don ...

Who is he?

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