There was something wrong with my past life

Chapter 354: Great changes in the world

Ning Ye stretched out her hand, summoned a blanket from the room, and then covered it with her own hands on Xu Chuyan, who was sleeping peacefully on the desk.

His movements were very light and gentle, as if he were holding a beautiful dream that was as fragile as bubbles, and he was afraid of being disturbed and broken by accident.

The sky in the distance has already turned a hint of fish belly white, and the morning light is about to begin.

Ning Ye knew that it was time to leave.

Taking one last look at Xu Chuyan, who was sleeping at the table, he reached out and picked up the "family portrait" photo on the table that she had looked at all night, and gently touched the blank space with his fingers. , the figure of the girl whose existence had been erased reappeared in the photo.

In this way, this family photo is truly complete.

Putting down the photo frame, Ning Ye turned around and walked outside, waving her sleeves so as not to take away half of the clouds.

From the beginning to the end, he never showed up to meet Xu Chuyan, nor did he tell her that there was a remnant soul of a girl named Jiang Jingyi in his body.

I probably feel that sometimes it is better not to see each other than not to see each other.

Ning Ye, who was walking back alone, suddenly stopped, looked up at the boundless sky above her head, and then asked in a low voice: "As a being of heaven, what are you planning?"

Although his voice was very soft, it was as heavy as a thousand words.

The calm sky, which was originally dimly lit by the morning light, also trembled like thunder in response to this question.

But the so-called answer is not...

Ning Ye had no extravagant hope that he could directly get the answer that he had not known until now. After all, if everything was so simple, he would not be standing here like now.

In fact, he has been thinking about this issue since very early on. What does Fang Tiandao want to do and what is he planning?

Because many things are so strange that there is no reasonable explanation at all.

Just like myself who was once a Heavenly Dao, can do the so-called Heavenly Calculation, let alone it is still a Heavenly Dao now.

As it knows everything in the world, if it really wants to stop itself with all its strength, under such a huge disparity in strength, many of its apparent calculations will not succeed at all.

However, it seemed that it had deliberately left itself a glimmer of hope and had not used all means to deal with itself. Otherwise, its current situation would be far less comfortable than it is now.

There were many, many questions, but Ning Ye still couldn't think of the answers. She felt like she was in a huge puzzle.

He even thought about whether the reason why he, who was part of the Supreme Heavenly Dao, separated from the Heavenly Dao and fell into the mortal world and became a brand new individual was a conspiracy that had already been set up.

This was also the time when Ning Ye met Long Aojiao before and asked her if she would wait for him until he finished everything so they could go home together.

The reason why she was asked to wait was because she had already sensed that there was a bigger secret behind all this, and it was far from the end of her peace of mind.


Just when the first ray of morning light was like a spear tearing through the thick black curtain in the sky, there was a sound like something breaking, like some kind of bondage being untied, from the sky.

A clear cracking sound also came from Ning Ye's body.

"Is this trying to stand behind... and seek detachment?"

Ning Ye, who felt the spiritual energy of heaven and earth beginning to surge, seemed to suddenly understand something, her body shook, and she whispered like this.

However, his state of omniscience and omnipotence, connected to the way of heaven, also came to an end at this moment. He closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep, falling towards the ground.

The next time he wakes up, he will still be just Ning Ye. As for the impact of what happened tonight on him, it is not known yet.

Long Aojiao, who had been following him silently, sensed the change in Ning Ye's aura and appeared immediately, taking him into his arms as he fell into a comatose state.

In fact, she felt really uneasy and had been following Ning Ye secretly from a distance. Although she did not deliberately eavesdrop on what he said or did, she still knew who the so-called old friend he said was.

To say that my heart is calm, without any fluctuations, or sore at all, is simply not true.

But her heart was sour, and Long Aojiao had a little understanding of the situation at this moment. He knew that he didn't have much time in this state, so he didn't jump out and say anything as the eldest wife of the palace.

And she also knew that in fact, he had always known that she was hiding silently aside. In the end, it was because she was quietly watching from the side that she was able to close her eyes and fall towards the ground with confidence, because she believed that she would show up to catch him.

To a certain extent, this can be regarded as a kind of fate.

Long Aojiao, holding the man she loves in her arms, as the most powerful person in this world, is naturally able to sense the changes in the aura of heaven and earth more clearly than ordinary practitioners.

She could clearly feel that the spiritual energy in this world was increasing and consolidating with a very fierce momentum. It seemed that there was endless spiritual energy, which was gathering here from all directions from a distant unknown place.

In fact, not only practitioners, but also many ordinary people have felt the changes in heaven and earth.

Although these ordinary people are not skilled in spiritual practice and cannot feel the so-called spiritual energy of heaven and earth, they can clearly feel that the surrounding air has become much fresher, and their bodies feel as if they have just taken a hot bath, feeling very comfortable and light. Many, no matter what they do, they are more energetic than usual.

The most obvious thing is that those who are seriously ill in bed, who originally endured the pain of the disease, seem to have been given a new life at this moment, and their bodies that have been tortured and ravaged by the disease have disappeared.

But at this moment, Long Aojiao, who is the true dragon of China, is not very concerned about this world-shaking change in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and soon stops paying attention to it.

Because she has important things to focus on right now.

She lowered her head, looked at Ning Ye who fell asleep in her arms, and spoke solemnly:

"you are mine!"

These four short words declared the ownership of the man in her arms.

It is estimated that she was also stimulated by Ning Ye's meeting with those two "old friends", so she said such words.

"Remember what you promised me before, I'm not afraid of waiting, but if you cheat on me again, no matter how much you plead for mercy in the future, I will never forgive you again in this life!"

This is Long Aojiao's second sentence.

The so-called "again" naturally refers to the marriage that could not be completed thousands of years ago.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered the most beautiful wedding dress in the world that she had treasured for thousands of years.

She waited for the day when she could wear it again.

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