The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 88 088. Follow-up December Weekend

The Duel Club activities have had a significant impact on Hogwarts.

The most obvious thing is that there are more young wizards in the school who are interested in Transfiguration.

In the past, Transfiguration was more complicated than other magic courses, which discouraged many students from studying this subject in depth.

Their goal was often to barely master the classroom teaching content.

But Scott's "demonstration" in the Duel Club seemed to inspire everyone's enthusiasm for Transfiguration.

More than one person has expressed to Scott that using Transfiguration to fight is "really cool".

In short, many people have started to try.

They want to imitate what Scott did in the Duel Club.

But it's not easy.

As more and more people actively ask Scott for advice, he finds that many students in Hogwarts only master Transfiguration to the extent of knowing how to use it.

Apply Transfiguration flexibly in battle?

This is difficult for them.

The point of "turning inanimate objects into living things" has stopped many lower-grade students.

However, those senior students who have mastered this Transfiguration also have their own problems -

The animals that most people transform into are always rather dull, not to mention the flexibility to manipulate one or more Transfiguration products to participate in the battle.

Scott himself has a deep understanding that the more Transfiguration products he manipulates at the same time, the more difficult it is.

In the past, even he could only manipulate three Transfiguration products at most for relatively simple activities.

For example, on the night of "Searching for the Heir of Slytherin", he used Transfiguration to transform three giant eagles to fly with him and the Weasley twins.

That was the best he could do at the time.

Want them to participate in the battle flexibly, or even cooperate with each other?

That's impossible.

He can only manipulate one at most.

Now Scott seems to be able to manipulate three or four, because his Transfiguration has entered a new stage -

Although the Transfiguration products cannot be "fully automatic", they have also achieved "semi-automatic".

Although he needs to use magic perception to guide in battle, it is much easier than before.

In short, Scott felt that although some students were very enthusiastic about learning Transfiguration at present, this enthusiasm would soon fade away when they fully realized the difficulty.

The second impact of the duel club on Hogwarts was that the conflict between Slytherin College and the other three colleges became more and more serious.

This conflict did not seem obvious on the surface, and no one even openly confronted each other.

But in fact, many people could feel that the atmosphere in Hogwarts Castle had quietly changed.

Especially between those extreme pure-blood students and Muggle-born students, the undercurrent was turbulent, and the hostility between them had become more and more obvious.

The professors of the school had to take action.

Dumbledore made a special speech to all the teachers and students in the school one morning.

But Scott felt that his remarks of "love can conquer everything", "Hogwarts is a whole", and "calling on everyone to unite" did not seem to achieve any effective results.

Fortunately, he seemed to have taken two measures.

First, the deans of the four colleges obviously tightened their management of their students.

The number of times they appeared in front of students during their spare time increased significantly.

Secondly, the presidents of the male and female student unions, and the male and female prefects of each grade in each college were also ordered to take action.

They played the role of "extinguishing fires" at all times, and never let any conflicts between students have the opportunity to brew and escalate.

In short, under such a "close-watch mode", even if some students want to do something, they basically can't find an opportunity.

As time passed, the "hot atmosphere on the verge of breaking out" in the school finally cooled down slowly.

A duel club activity had a significant impact on Hogwarts, and Scott, as the party involved in the incident, was of course also greatly affected.

He seemed to become very popular.

Of course, in the other three colleges besides Slytherin.

In particular, many young wizards who wanted to try to fight with Transfiguration began to ask him questions tirelessly.

This annoyed Scott.

The measure he took was to never directly tell others the correct answer to the question, but to give them a list of reference books for them to study on their own.

In the face of Scott's response, only the students of Ravenclaw generally accepted it well.

As for Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, except for studious students like Hermione Granger and Cedric, everyone else was "persuaded to quit".

This successfully gave Scott a lot of peace of mind.

Being too popular is a trouble, being too hostile is another trouble.

After the duel, some pure-blood students in Slytherin began to openly show hostility towards Scott.

Especially Striller and his friends.

The physical injuries Striller suffered in the duel healed quickly, but his injured self-esteem could not be repaired.

After he recovered from his injuries, he was given a confinement punishment package by Snape, the dean of Slytherin.

The reason given by Snape was that "Strier's poor response in the duel was to discredit Slytherin, and losing to a fourth-year student was a tarnishment of the honor of the college."

This made Striller's status in Slytherin plummet.

Some lower-grade Slytherin students no longer respected him.

Of course, this information was provided to Scott by Eddie.

Scott could see that Strillner was obviously very annoyed about this.

He obviously hated him.

Scott certainly had no emotion about this, but he was still secretly alert.

It was the second week of December, and Professor Flitwick asked the prefects to help count the list of students who would stay on campus during the Christmas holidays this year.

Scott and his roommates all chose to go home.

As time passed, this semester was about to end.

There were some festive decorations in Hogwarts Castle - although it was still a while before Christmas, many people couldn't wait.

For example, Professor Flitwick hung some colorful lights on the walls of the Charms classroom.

Scott knew that he had even started to design the decorations for the school auditorium on Christmas Day in advance.

On the last weekend of the semester, Scott and his roommates decided to spend time in Hogsmeade Village near the school and buy some Christmas gifts.

They walked out of the castle in the heavy snow on Saturday morning and came to the school's gate leading to Hogsmeade Village.

There were already quite a few students at this time.

Roger's girlfriend Caccini was also waiting for him here.

But Filch, who was in charge of the door, seemed to have not arrived yet.

While waiting, Scott, Milton and Eddie chose to stand farther away from the couple.

Eddie was complaining that Roger was flirting with his girlfriend in front of them.

Scott began to observe Milton carefully.

"What's wrong?"

Milton raised his head and looked at him inquiringly.

"Have you changed recently?" Scott said uncertainly, "Your magic power is growing very fast."


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