The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 494 494. Preparation before starting the adventure

Except for Scott and Dumbledore, almost everyone finished their breakfast hastily.

When one of them put down his knife and fork, the others quickly followed suit.

Their eyes were all focused on Dumbledore.

Perhaps it was because everyone had suspicions in their minds, so the atmosphere on the long table was a little heavy at this time.

But Dumbledore did not let this heavy atmosphere last.

He announced what happened the day before in a relaxed tone.

"Just yesterday, Voldemort led his Death Eaters to attack the British Ministry of Magic, and ordered the dark creatures loyal to him to besiege Hogwarts."

Upon hearing the news, although most people present had expected it, they still showed horrified expressions.

Before everyone could marvel, Dumbledore immediately told the outcome of the war.

"Voldemort failed."

"We received the news early that he was about to attack."

"Whether it was at the Ministry of Magic or Hogwarts, all he gained was failure, and in the end he had no choice but to leave."

At this time, Scott heard everyone let out a heavy sigh of relief.

Before anyone could ask any more questions, Dumbledore stood up directly.

"That's all I have to say."

he said with a smile.

"Now, I'm going to visit Madame Maxime."

With that said, he left the table and walked out of the tower.

Scott, who was left behind, had to face the "siege" of everyone.


Fred rushed over and put his arms around Scott's neck tightly.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Roger also asked, "If something like this happened, why did Professor Dumbledore take you with him even though we didn't know about it?"

Cedric didn't even bother to read the letter Qiu wrote to him, and quickly asked, "Is the Ministry of Magic okay? Is Hogwarts okay? The most important thing is... did anyone die?"

Apparently, he was worried about Mr. Diggory, who served at the Ministry of Magic.

Hearing his words, Fred reacted instantly, and his arms around Scott's neck suddenly tightened.

"Any news from my dad?" he asked. "Well, there's Percy too."

Others also started asking questions.

"OK OK!"

Scott forced his arm away from Fred.

"I can't breathe anymore..."

He reached up and rubbed his neck.

"Okay, don't worry, Hogwarts has not been breached at all, but as far as I know, a few Aurors did die at the Ministry of Magic..."

When they heard that someone had sacrificed, everyone became quiet for a while.

"Of course, don't worry too much, Cedric, Fred, and everyone."

he said again.

"Since Dumbledore didn't give any hint, it proves that your family is still fine."

"You're right, Scott." Cedric said happily, "Since Dumbledore didn't mention it, it proves that my dad must be fine."

"I'm not too worried."

Fred said very forcefully.

"My dad is very strong, even if he still has to protect a useless Percy."

Roger patted him on the shoulder, "I have to say, based on past performance in the Duel Club, Percy is stronger than you."

"No, that's just because I didn't give my best."

Fred started bragging.

"If I defeat Percy, I will lose his majesty as the Head Boy. He will definitely cry and write to his mother..."

No one paid attention to his big words. Although Percy had an unpleasant personality, his excellence was obvious to everyone.

At least in the minds of most people, he is much more reliable than the twins who can only do mischief.

Next, Scott briefly recounted the experience of the previous day.

Of course, he made some changes in many places.

He did not reveal that he could remotely monitor the battlefields of Voldemort and the Ministry of Magic, nor did he reveal that he had a special door key.

Although he had personally signed up with Voldemort in the battle to defend Hogwarts, he was still careful not to let Voldemort know that he could use remote monitoring to obtain intelligence.

It's not that Scott can't trust the classmates present, but that if one more person knows, there will be more risks of exposure.

He just mentioned that he happened to be in his room when Dumbledore received the news, so he asked Dumbledore's phoenix to take him back to Hogwarts to participate in the battle.

This of course caused dissatisfaction among the others, especially Fred and Roger.

"You should have called us!"

"Hogwarts was under siege, but we missed it without knowing anything!"

Scott had no explanation and just laughed at Roger.

This guy had previously said that if there was a war at Hogwarts, he would run away, and he even had a dispute with Fred about this.

Now he is as active as Fred and regrets not being able to participate in the war.

But Roger did not admit what he felt in his heart. Instead, he said harshly: "This is because I already know that Hogwarts has not been captured and the enemies are blocked outside the castle by protective magic. That's why I say this..."

"Shut up! Roger Davis!" Caccini glared at him with contempt, "Such words will only make you more embarrassed!"

Roger shut his mouth in embarrassment.

Scott kept what he had done as brief as possible, but still described the battle at Hogwarts in detail.

Especially Voldemort's personal appearance, and everyone's actions of using the Armor Charm to repair the magic barrier.

Of course, he also mentioned the four students who were expelled.

"... This is what happened, and then, early this morning, I came here with Dumbledore."

Scott thought that his "report" should be over, but everyone did not let him go, and kept asking various details.

Especially Voldemort, although everyone was afraid of the Dark Lord, they were also very curious about him.

Since Scott said that there was only a magic barrier between him and Voldemort at the closest time, everyone wanted to ask more information about Voldemort.

From Voldemort's appearance, magic, even the sound of his voice, and even his clothes, they all wanted to find out one by one.

Obviously, most people here have seen the Dark Lord in the Quidditch World Cup final.

Scott was inspired and turned a pile of plates on the table into a large Voldemort figurine.

The lifelike figurine appeared, instantly scaring most of the people present. Several students even left their seats and stepped back.

Scott stretched out his finger and flicked the bald head of "Voldemort".

"Voldemort is like this. You can observe it closely."


Fred was the first to come over.

"Sure enough, I remembered it right. He just has no nose!"

After all, it was just a figurine. Others became bolder and began to comment on "Voldemort".

"He...his eyes and skin color are not like those of humans."

"He is not wearing shoes!"

"His clothes don't seem to be ordinary clothes. They seem to be made of black fog."

"So, he is naked and only wears a robe made of magic?"



Just like that, the students of the Hogwarts delegation skipped class collectively that morning.

Scott suddenly felt that such activities were good. After more comments, maybe everyone's fear of Voldemort could be reduced.

At the same time, he suddenly remembered an evil video he had seen in his previous life.

A video of a man dressed up as Voldemort and dancing sexy in women's clothes.

Oh, by the way, the actor who played Harry also danced that kind of dance, which was very eye-catching.

What would be the consequences if Voldemort's "sexy dance" was widely spread in the wizarding world?

For a while, Scott was eager to make trouble.

But he was very afraid of Voldemort's curse.

Voldemort could even curse the position of a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, so it was hard to guarantee that he could not directly curse the person who spread the video.

Forget it, it's better to be safe here.

Scott regretfully gave up this interesting idea.

After lunch, Scott and his classmates came to Beauxbatons Castle.

They found that what happened in Britain the day before had spread to France at this time.

The "Furstenberg Daily" this morning had already reported the war in Britain.

Scott saw this newspaper from his French classmates.

Although the description of the incident in the report was not very detailed, it also summarized the two wars that almost took place in the British Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts.

Under such circumstances, the appearance of Scott and his team undoubtedly attracted the attention of many people. Even the students of the Durmstrang delegation were curious about what happened in the UK.

"Oh damn, we should wait a few days before coming to class." Roger said.

He was obviously uncomfortable with the eyes focused on them for such a reason.

"Are you ashamed?" Fred said, "But this is the current situation in the UK."

Cedric said, "They can't just sit there and watch the show. The war more than ten years ago affected not only the UK."

"But it was mainly in the UK." Fred said again, "After all, the power of the mysterious man is not as strong as that of Grindelwald."

Scott said, "Grindelwald really wants to change the world, and Voldemort is just for himself."

This is a different pattern.

Grindelwald wants to conquer the world on behalf of wizards and let wizards become the masters of this world. This is not an unacceptable proposition.

This is also because he predicted that the war between Muggles might destroy the world.

To be honest, Scott is not disgusted with his ideas.

It's just that wizards are a minority among humans after all, and it is really difficult to achieve such a goal.

Does Voldemort have the courage to do such a thing?

I'm afraid not.

Of course, Scott himself didn't have one either.

In the days that followed, Voldemort fell silent again.

Yaxley Castle on the Isle of Man was still under Scott's surveillance, but the castle had also fallen completely silent.

In this regard, Dumbledore commented, "Voldemort should have realized it."

"The last time he launched a war, he wanted to catch the enemy by surprise, but he didn't expect that we had made certain preparations."

"This is the reason for his failure."

"This means that either we have monitored his movements, or he has an undercover agent among us."

"Voldemort is conceited, and he is extremely confident in his magic."

"He is a master of Legilimency, and he won't believe that anyone of his subordinates can hide from him."

"So, changing to a more hidden residence would be his choice."

Scott asked, "So, we really have an undercover in the Death Eaters? After all, Medea has planted an undercover. Or did you get Mrs. Rowle's cooperation?"

Dumbledore nodded, "For the safety of the undercover personnel, I will not mention the other party's name."

Scott did not ask any more questions.

He took the initiative to say, "Maybe you can tell me the locations of those Death Eaters, I mean, those pure-blood families, so that I can monitor those places and look for Voldemort's traces."

Dumbledore smiled and said, "The addresses of most pure-blood families are secret, and they will only tell people they trust."

Scott did not believe that he did not know, "As far as I know, the Ministry of Magic has checked them more than once in the past."

Mr. Weasley did this, causing old Malfoy to throw out the diary, one of Voldemort's Horcruxes.

Of course, Scott could also reward the answer on [The Book of Prometheus] like he found the address of Malfoy Manor, but he was too lazy to think of ways to earn credits.

Fortunately, Dumbledore did know the addresses of some families, and wrote them down and gave them to Scott.

Scott immediately contacted Rimbaud and cast his net.

Dumbledore was not optimistic about this.

"Voldemort must know this too." He said, "If he wanted to hide for the time being, he would not choose to live in these people's homes."

Scott agreed with this, but he had no other choice.

While helping Dumbledore to find intelligence, he was also preparing for his own adventure.

He did not hide this from Dumbledore.

Because he had to rush to Melann Island before the sun rose on June 21, the summer solstice.

This undoubtedly required Dumbledore's help.

After all, June 24 was the last round of the Triwizard Tournament.

In Scott's plan, he was not prepared to personally enter the so-called tower extending to the center of the earth. The legendary curse was invisible and vicious enough, and he did not have enough means to resist it.

His plan was to let the "summoned beast" go down, and he himself would remotely control the command outside the tower.

This was also the premise that Dumbledore would agree to his action this time.

In order to make this operation go smoothly, Scott has been busy transforming his "summoned beast".

From the legend, the tower extending to the center of the earth is obviously a strange place, and Scott cannot judge whether it is an alien space like Avalon.

If it is, then his remote control of the "summoned beast" will undoubtedly be blocked by the alien space.

For this reason, Scott needs to make more preparations.

Moreover, with the help of Dumbledore and Ravenclaw tutors.

Scott did not directly transform his "summoned beast".

They have been made, and the various magics used by Scott are also balanced on them. If they are changed rashly, this balance may be destroyed, causing them to completely collapse.

Therefore, Scott's idea is not to reprocess them, but to load them with equipment.

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