The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 493 493. Joke Skull Wooden Box

That night, Scott and the others stayed outside the castle for a long time.

We hadn’t seen each other for a while and each of them seemed to have a lot to talk about.

After finishing the topic of Voldemort, they talked about the Triwizard Tournament, Scott's study and life in France, and the new things that happened in Hogwarts in the past period.

During this period, Roger tried to connect to Scott's [Magic Mirror] communication.

George said, "Well, I guess it was because Fred couldn't communicate with you that he found Roger."

Scott originally wanted to hang up and block the call, but he was afraid that something would really happen over there, so he picked up the call.

But as expected, they saw Fred's face next to Roger.

"Damn it!" Fred yelled, "What the hell happened..."

"Okay, they're fine."

Scott decisively hung up the communication and blocked Roger's [Magic Phone].

After that, the few people continued to talk about the topic they had just talked about. It was not until Filch came to them with the magic lamp that they finally returned to the castle.

After saying goodbye to George and returning to the common room, Scott saw Qiu waiting here.

Autumn hands Scott a letter.

"Scott, give it to Cedric for me."

"Oh, I'd be happy to be a messenger."

Scott took the letter and shook it in his hand.

"I think Cedric will be happy that you eat him to death, Cho."

He said in a teasing tone.

"That guy Cedric didn't even invite a partner to the Yule Ball."


Several of Qiu's little sisters held their faces in their hands and started laughing.

Qiu smiled generously, "I didn't know about this until later. I didn't expect... I mean, he asked me before the Christmas dance, and I didn't prohibit him from finding a dance partner."

"You're on the money, Cho. Not only is Cedric a model student, he's a model boyfriend."

Marietta Aikemo even bumped Qiu's shoulder and said with envy.

"Oh, you must have some love secrets, please share them with us!"

The other girls were also envious.

"I don't have that kind of thing..."

Watching a few girls leaving laughing and playing, Eddie touched Scott's arm, "It's really you, and they actually believed it? I didn't expect Cedric to be a cunning guy."

Scott said funnyly: "You think I'm helping him lie? No, I'm telling the truth."

"Are you kidding?" Eddie's eyes widened, "That's the Christmas dance!"

Scott nodded affirmatively.

Eddie was even more surprised, "Oh, he's really good at pretending, I mean Cedric."

"He's just showing loyalty to love." Milton retorted, "I think it's the right thing to do."

"Stop it, Milton." Eddie waved his hand, "That's the Christmas dance! Sitting alone in that kind of event? You will definitely look like a fool!"

Scott, who was sitting on the sofa, heard this and glanced up at him.

"I only did the opening dance," he said. "The rest of the time I sat with Cedric, like two idiots."

"No, you're different, Scott."

Eddie smiled awkwardly.

"After all, your dance partner is Beauxbatons' warrior Fleur Delacour, who is also the most beautiful girl there. That is enough for everyone to envy you."


Scott gave him a standard fake smile and turned to look at the stairs leading to the female students' dormitory.

Luna was walking down holding a beautiful little castle.

“This is the home I made for Seleno.”

She placed the little castle on the table.

Looking at this exquisite and beautiful castle, Scott couldn't help but reflect on whether his approach of putting the "summoned beast" directly into his pocket was too rough?

Luna bent down and called softly.

"Seleno, look who this is?"

A small figure pushed open the door above the castle and appeared on the balcony.

"Squeak, Scott!"

Seleno let out a scream, flapped his transparent wings and flew to Scott, landing in his outstretched hand.

"Long time no see, how are you, Seleno."

Scott said with a gentle smile.

"Oh, I'm fine. I like Luna very much and the house she gave me..."

Seleno said dancing and flying to Luna's side again.

"I like you too, Seleno."

Luna said with a happy smile.

Scott chatted with Seleno and Luna for a while, and then "visited" Seleno's home - which made him feel like he was playing with a little girl in a dollhouse.

Milton also got on speaking terms with Seleno, and he had even written several songs about Seleno.

Only Eddie seemed a bit out of place.

He looked at Seleno like he was looking at Galleons, and kept whispering to Scott to sell more "toys" like this.

Not surprisingly, he gained the long-lost [Milton's eyes].

Before going back to the dormitory, Luna pulled Scott aside and looked at him quietly for a while.

Looking at the subtle changes in Luna's eyes, Scott understood that her magical eyes seemed to have seen something again.

"You're in for an adventure, Scott."

Luna said softly in an erratic tone.

Scott remembered his plan to go to the Tower of Geocentric Extension on the summer solstice to retrieve the [Heart of the Sacred Tree].


Luna suddenly turned and ran for the stairs.

"What happened?" Eddie turned around and asked, "Did you confess to her?"

"Get lost," Scott said.


Eddie turned his head pretendingly and kept peeking at Scott's reaction.

Scott ignored him.

After a while, Luna ran down the stairs again.

"Here you go."

She pressed a small white animal skull into Scott's hand.

"This is……"

Scott looked at the skull in his hand.

The skull itself was not unusual, but the surface of this skull was unusually smooth, and even faintly emitted a glistening white light.

The weirdest thing is that there are two red beans embedded in the eye sockets of the skull.

"My dad bought this from a Peruvian wizard," Luna said. "The skull of a small alpaca inlaid with large acacia beans. The Peruvian wizard said it can resist curses."

Scott felt it carefully and found that this skull did contain a slight magic power.

But whether it can resist the curse... I can't say.


He put the skull away.

No matter what, it was Luna's kindness.

Just like the harassing siphon, aura thruster, and airship Lee she gave him last time...

It’s hard to say whether it has any effect, but it is indeed a thoughtful gesture.

"This way, your adventure will not be in crisis." Luna nodded, "You will get what you want."

"I guess so," Scott said with a smile.

"Good night then."

Luna waved her hand, ran to the table, picked up Seleno's castle, and ran back to the dormitory again.

"Let's go, let's go back too."

Scott said hello and returned to the long-lost dormitory with Eddie and Milton.

Eddie was very curious about the "gift" Luna gave him, so Scott showed him the weird little alpaca skull with red bean eyes.

"Luna said this is a tool to resist curses?"

Eddie looked at the weird shape of the skull and said with a frown.

"I think that's the curse itself."

Milton also took a closer look, "Although the shape is a bit weird, it doesn't have a bad smell."

Scott shrugged his shoulders, sat down at the desk, took out all four "summoned beasts" and placed them on the table.

"All right."

He whispered to the "summoned beasts".

"Although it won't be as beautiful as Seleno's castle, I decided to make a place for you to stay."

The "summoned beasts" understood his words and all screamed with excitement.

Scott thought for a while and took out a small wooden box from the deformed lizard skin bag.

This wooden box was exactly the one where Lucio placed the four materials when he gave them to him.

"Just in time, there are four grids here, as well as the familiar atmosphere." He muttered in a low voice, "As long as..."

Before he finished speaking, four little guys came closer to the box, and Edgar and Horus flew up.

After a while, they consciously found their own grids and stuffed themselves into them.


Scott watched this scene speechlessly.

"So cute."

"Now it looks like a cute toy box."

Milton and Eddie, who came up behind him, commented.


Scott picked up the small wooden box and poured the four little guys on the table.

"I haven't started the transformation yet."

As he spoke, he took out his wand and began to cast the Traceless Stretching Charm.


Milton lowered his voice like a thief.

"This... it is illegal to use the Traceless Stretching Charm without permission."

"I know."

Scott stuck his wand into the compartment of the box and explored the size.

"But sometimes we do little things that are illegal just for convenience."

If you think about it carefully, he has done countless illegal things. It is said that he has too many debts to bear down...

"Come on."

Eddie said nonchalantly.

"There are so many Death Eaters using the Unforgivable Curse, and the Ministry of Magic didn't imprison them all in Azkaban."

"That makes sense."

Scott said, tearing open another piece of parchment, putting the note into the grid, and picked up the wand again.

This time, he used the Transfiguration Technique to turn the notes into miniature landscapes reduced to equal proportions.

The grid belonging to Siraine is the underwater coral reef, the grid belonging to Golzan is the desert Gobi, the grid belonging to Edgar is the volcanic rock, and the grid belonging to Horus is the dense mountain forest.

After doing all this, Scott reached out to pick up the four little guys, put them into their respective grids, and then leaned over the small wooden box to observe.

Since the grid has been expanded by the Traceless Stretching Charm, the space inside is large enough for a few little guys, and they immediately started having fun as soon as they entered.

Siren filled his grid with water and began to swim freely, Gorzan directly dug into the soil, and both Edgar and Horus were flying around.

Scott found materials and made several mini magic lamps embedded inside the lid of the box, and finally closed the lid.

"Will they be unable to breathe?" Milton asked worriedly.

Scott stood up and stretched.

"Don't worry, the box is not sealed and they are not real creatures."

"Bloody Ministry of Magic."

Eddie stared closely at the small wooden box.

"If they didn't regulate Seamless Stretch Spells, this would be an absolutely profitable business opportunity."

Scott couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard this.

"I went to take a shower."

He found a change of clothes, took the toiletries and left the dormitory.

After taking a shower, Scott couldn't help but sigh comfortably while lying on the familiar bed that he hadn't seen for a long time.

"I think I'll have a good night's sleep..."

He whispered something and fell asleep before he knew it.

I don't know if it was a psychological effect, but that night, he dreamed about the skull.

When he woke up the next day, although he had forgotten the specific content of the dream, a scene in the dream was still fresh in his memory——

It was a deep, pure darkness, just like his dark vision.

That strange skull became the only light in the darkness.

Unlike the real thing, in the dream, the skull turns into transparent crystal, and the whole body emits a warm glow.

It's not a shimmering light, but a more intense, pure white light.

Of course, the eyes of the skull are still red, like some kind of red crystal that can glow.

Sitting on the bed, Scott looked thoughtfully at the skull placed on the bookshelf next to the bed.

He stood up from the bed and put the skull into the deformed lizard skin bag.

After thinking about it, he found another deformed lizard skin bag without the traceless stretching spell, and put the small wooden box containing the "summoned beast" into it.

Finally, he hung two lizard-skin pouches side by side on his belt.

After finishing washing, he said goodbye directly to Milton and Eddie who had not yet gotten up, left Ravenclaw Tower, and came to Dumbledore's office alone.

"Let's go."

Dumbledore was waiting for him.

"We'll go to Beauxbatons and have breakfast with them."

The industrious Phoenix Fox took the two of them to distant France and appeared directly in the lobby on the first floor of the tower.

There was no one in the hall at this time.

"Oh, Professor, I think they must have slept very late last night."

Scott said with a smile and sat down at the long table.

Dumbledore also smiled and nodded, sitting at the head of the table.

The house elves quickly served them breakfast.

When Scott was almost full, others came down from the second floor one after another.

"Oh! Scott!"

"Professor Dumbledore!"

Soon, everyone gathered around the two of them, asking questions.

"I heard you went back to Hogwarts yesterday?"

"In the end what happened?"

"Professor, did you take him back?"

"Oh damn..."

"You should pay for your actions."

Fred and Roger both stared at Scott "viciously".

Scott looked at the dark circles under the eyes of the two people and suddenly laughed.

He ignored them and took Cho's letter out of his pocket and handed it to Cedric.

"Cedric, a letter from Cho."

"Oh, thank you."

Cedric took the letter quickly and couldn't help but reveal a crooked smile on his face.

At this moment, Dumbledore put down the knife and fork in his hand.

"Everyone, please sit down first," he said kindly.

Soon, everyone sat down and looked at him expectantly, waiting for an answer.

"Let's have breakfast first, and then we'll talk later." Dumbledore said with a smile.

The faces of everyone whose expectations were disappointed instantly fell down.

"No!" Fred immediately protested loudly, "We want to know what happened yesterday!"

Dumbledore was still smiling.

"Of course, I will explain it to you after breakfast."

Scott swore he had never seen such a "tough" breakfast.

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