The Whole World Awakened: My Clones Are Everywhere

Chapter 296 The ferocious beast in the lake surrenders

There was a crash.

Under the sunny sky, two figures suddenly emerged from the sea.

The two figures looked exactly the same. They just appeared outside and flew upwards.

After flying to a thousand meters high, the two began to look at the sea, looking for suitable islands.

This place is already thousands of miles away from Donghai City, so there are relatively few islands here.

However, they soon found a suitable island.

Lin Yu said: "I chose this island. It's not big, not small, just right."

Lin Fan nodded and said excitedly: "We are finally going to have a base. I am going to hollow out this island and transform it into a secret base."

Lin Yu ordered: "It's up to you, but we still have to kill monsters as our first mission."

"Now that you know the true identity, don't worry, it won't delay things." Lin Fan assured him, patting his chest.

The two of them moved very quickly, and soon they reached the sky above the island.

Looking down from the air, we can see that this small island is a very standard round island.

It is about 10,000 meters in diameter. In the center of the mountain is a hill with dense forests and many seabirds living here.

Surrounded by beaches, there are tall coconut trees growing on the beaches.

Lin Yu said: "Go down and take a look."

Lin Fan said: "Brother, I'll go first. If you burp, it will be over."

Lin Yu's face darkened, and she laughed and cursed: "A dog can't spit out ivory from its mouth."

Lin Fan chuckled and flew downwards.

On the way down, his puppet bug crawled over from all around.

These puppet bugs are so small that you can't even see them clearly if you don't look carefully.

Lin Fan landed and waited for a while to see the puppet bugs all over the island, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother, there's no danger, come down!"

Lin Yu then descended and came to the beach of the island.

Lin Fan said: "Brother, I just checked. There are many wild beasts on this island, and there is a lake on the top of the mountain. However, there should be ferocious beasts in the lake. Apart from the lake, there is no danger elsewhere."

When Lin Yu heard this, his heart moved and he became interested in the lake on the top of the mountain.

"Let a clone go to the lake to see if there are any dangerous beasts lurking in it." Lin Yu said worriedly.

Then he created a water avatar and asked him to go check out the mountain lake.

Lin Yu attached his consciousness to this clone.

The clone quickly flew over the lake.

Lin Yu controlled the clone and dived into the water.

The water here was very cold and had a faint fishy smell, which made Lin Yu frown.

As he dived deeper, he found that there were no ferocious beasts in this place, not even aquatic plants. It was really strange.


His vision went dark, and his body was hit by something.


The clones collapsed and disappeared.

On the beach.

Lin Yu opened his eyes.

Lin Fan asked: "Brother, how are you doing?"

Lin Yu said solemnly: "There is a big guy in this lake. It should be very strong. The minimum guarantee is level nine. It seems that we need to recall a few clones to get rid of this monster."

Lin Yu murmured to himself, and his men continued to recall a hundred clones.

"Go ahead and kill him!" Lin Yu said coldly.

The clones nodded and flew towards the mountain top lake.

Back in that lake again.

The shadow appears again, but this time there are many clones.

The being in the shadows did not succeed.


A soul-shaking roar sounded.

Even Lin Yu on the beach was frightened when he heard this.

However, the clone has no intelligence and is naturally immune to such psychic shock abilities.


Lin Yu linked to the clone again and shouted.

Sword energy!

One after another sword energy crisscrossed the water, stabbing towards the black figure.


The black shadow roared angrily, but found that the creature on the opposite side was not afraid at all, and it became a little anxious.

Suddenly, it started to get cold all around.


A streak of blue ice energy began to invade the lake.

The lake was freezing rapidly, and it was about to reach the clone.

Lin Yu shouted: "Ancient Buddha Legs!"

His legs were wrapped in golden light, and he hid far away with a Buddha step, and then kicked out.

Suddenly, beautiful lotus flowers appeared in the water, and the lotus flowers rushed towards the black shadow.

As soon as he got close to the black shadow, the lotus petals spread out in all directions, like sharp steel knives, piercing the black shadow.

Dang Dang Dang! ! !

The lotus petals pierced the black shadow, making a sound of gold and iron colliding.

"What a strong defense!"

Lin Yu controlled the clone to retreat a distance and stared at the ferocious beast below.

Unfortunately, the beast was hidden in the darkness, and he could only see its shadow, not the full picture.

"Strong physical defense does not mean that the soul's defense is also strong!" Lin Yu muttered to himself.

He immediately recalled the clones, then separated them again, and cast the Soul Splitting Technique on all the clones, giving them the temporary ability to use soul skills.

Then, let them pass again.

Still in that lake.

When the black shadow saw Lin Yu's clone leaving and returning, he set off a huge wave of anger.

Lin Yu was unmoved and shouted: "Execute the soul-killing technique!"


Silent fluctuations resounded through the water.

A strange invisible soul slash instantly spanned a distance of tens of meters.

Like a sharp knife, it pierced the shadow between the eyebrows.

The black shadow shuddered in fear and quickly dodged away.

It's a pity that this is not one soul-killing technique, but hundreds of them.

It dodged this blow, but could not dodge the other ninety-nine.


The shout from the soul instantly descended into the sea of ​​consciousness of the black shadow.

Hundreds of soul slashes were directed at the soul of the black shadow.


It roared angrily, but faced the soul attack, there was no way to resist it.

One slash after another, it was covered in wounds.


Lin Yu's voice resounded in its mind.

The next moment, hundreds of soul slashes merged into one, turned into a huge sword, and slashed towards the black shadow soul!


The black shadow suddenly knelt on the ground and made a surrender gesture.

Lin Yu finally saw the appearance of this black shadow clearly.

After seeing the black shadow, Lin Yu's heart moved slightly, but the big sword did not fall.

He shouted: "Are you willing to surrender?"

The black shadow kowtows quickly.

"Can you understand what I'm saying?"

The shadow nodded quickly.

Lin Yu was surprised. It seemed that this guy was a ferocious beast with a high IQ, which was quite rare.

You know, there are thousands of ferocious beasts in Blue Star, but there are very few ferocious beasts with high intelligence.

"In this case, I will leave a mark in your consciousness. If you regret it, you will die in an instant!"

The black shadow lay on the ground, shaking slightly.

Given the two choices of death and surrender, it rationally chose the latter.

Seeing its appearance, Lin Yu also began to use restraint.

A thought came to my mind.

The power of the soul in the body crossed a distance of several thousand meters and came to the lake on the top of the mountain.

This is an ability that Lin Yu has understood by himself. It is not a profound skill, but a simple use of the power of the soul.

His soul power entered the black shadow's sea of ​​consciousness.

Suddenly it turned into a round bead, lurking in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

There is a fragment of his soul in this vicious beast's sea of ​​consciousness. Once the opponent resists, the fragment will self-destruct and it will not die but will also be seriously injured.

After exerting the restraint, Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, if you go back on your word, you will definitely die!"

The ferocious beast was lying on the ground, with a look of fear and surrender on its face.

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