Three hundred years ago, great changes occurred in Blue Star.

The space of all heavens and worlds touches the space of Blue Star.

Countless alien energies appeared, causing the entire solar system to expand rapidly.

The blue star also became a thousand times larger.

The ocean, which once occupied 70 percent, is now larger and more mysterious.

The ocean contains too many secrets that humans can no longer explore.

Most of the information they got was from other tribes.

The human race, the former ruler of Blue Star.

But at this time, their strength can only be considered average. On this land, they have the strength to protect themselves, but if they were in the sea, they might be crushed into dust in an instant.

However, this ocean in front of mankind is called the East China Sea.

The sea water is not as deep as the distant sea, and the sea beasts are not so abnormal.

However, the attack of the deep sea sharks this time seemed to indicate something.

This is because the Abyssal Mermaids live in the deep sea. They are a powerful race that also occupies a place in this endless sea, but they are forced to come to the East China Sea.

All this seems to indicate something.

Lin Yu thought about it for a long time, but only felt confused.

"That's all, I don't want to think about it anymore. When I reach the ninth level, these are just chickens and dogs. Even demigods will challenge me!"

He took out a deep breath, glanced at Lin Fan who was looking around, and said:

"Lin Fan, use the Five Elements Control Pill and go into the sea!"

When Lin Fan heard this, he nodded quickly and said, "Okay, brother, I'll explore the way ahead."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Fan had already taken the first step into the sea.

Lin Yu smiled happily and jumped into the sea.

The water was slightly cooler and the visibility became much lower. After using the Five Elements Pill, he felt like a fish in water.

He could actually control the surrounding seawater. Now that he fell into the water, the seawater was isolated from his body, and he was even freer than on land.

Lin Yu said: "Let's go down!"

Lin Fan nodded quickly and went down first.

As they went deeper, the visibility became even lower. By the time they reached 300 meters, they were at the bottom.

"Hey, this place is close to the mainland and can only be regarded as a shallow sea. Keep going towards the distance. The sea beasts here are still too weak and not worth killing!"

Lin Yu looked around and found that there were so many creatures in the sea.

Moreover, there are groups of sea beasts, schools of fish, and predators. The danger in the sea cannot be compared to that on land.

In the few minutes he spent in the sea, he had already encountered more than a dozen battles with sea beasts.

However, these sea beasts were generally below the fifth level. They were too weak and he was not interested in killing them, so he might as well continue heading deeper.

I swam for a long time.

Suddenly, a deep cliff appeared in front of him.

Lin Fan said: "Brother, we are thousands of miles away from the land now, and it should be considered a deep sea in the East China Sea."

Lin Yu nodded after hearing this.

"It seems that the speed of water escape is still very fast. Let's go and continue."

Lin Fan quickly said: "Brother, please wait here while I go take a look first."

Lin Yu smiled and said: "Let's do this, I will separate some water bodies and let them go with you."

Lin Fan touched the back of his head and chuckled, "That's so embarrassing. Thank you, brother."

"Hurry up, go!" Lin Yu thought and divided into two thousand water avatars.

Water bodies are in the water, so they don't need the Five Elements Control Pill. They are like creatures in the sea, and they are several times more flexible than those who use the Five Elements Control Pill.

The water avatars followed Lin Fan down, while Lin Yu was waiting above.

He looked around and found that this should be a mountain under the sea.

The cliff below is the land leading to the seabed.

A few minutes later, Lin Fan came back.

"Brother, there are too many sea fish down here, we can harvest a wave."

Lin Yu was overjoyed when he heard this and quickly followed.

On the way, he put on several layers of shields for himself, just in case.

After swimming for a while, a huge coral group appeared in front of us.

Countless fish of various colors are swimming leisurely among them.

Some were swimming and suddenly attacked the small fish next to them, and then the melee began.

Everything that was originally peaceful was broken in an instant.

Weak fishes quickly ran away, while powerful fishes began to prey on smaller fishes.

A naked killing began.

Lin Yu sighed: "The big fish eats the small fish, the weak eats the strong."

Suddenly, a ferocious giant fish full of sharp teeth pounced on the distracted Lin Yu.

Lin Yu woke up when he heard the noise, opened his eyes and took a look at the giant fish.

He didn't move, but glared at it contemptuously.

Eat the moon!

next moment!

A pitch black ball appeared in front of the giant fish. Please download the app

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