Chapter 70 The inflated catering company headquarters! Market development department!

"Do you believe I will sue you too?"


"I will bite you to death!"

The next morning, Chen Li was still tied up by Su Yang and taken to Jiuxiang Catering Company.

In the car, she was still angry.

But after getting off the car, her expression quickly subsided.

She looked more serious.

Looking at Chen Li's slim suit, she looked like a workplace elite.

She walked with a sense of momentum.

Su Yang couldn't help thinking, let her try this outfit one day.

He introduced Chen Li to Ji Guoxiong. When he heard that Chen Li was in charge of finance, Ji Guoxiong breathed a sigh of relief.

He took a quick look at Chen Li and felt that this woman looked more reliable.

In the following time, Ji Guoxiong recommended his old subordinate Mao Yufei as the deputy general manager to manage operations, sales and quality control.

Su Yang also found two other experienced deputy general managers through a headhunting company.

Cheng Haoquan, 40 years old, is responsible for purchasing, engineering, central kitchen and R\u0026D.

Mei Jingshan, 37 years old, is responsible for office, human resources and market development.

Both of them have rich experience in chain restaurant management.

Mei Jingshan happened to be unemployed at home.

Cheng Haoquan was poached by Su Yang from a medium-sized chain restaurant hot pot restaurant.

Su Yang paired them with Ji Guoxiong for business deduction, and they worked well together.

Su Yang offered them an annual salary of 400,000 yuan and gave them 3% of dry shares as an incentive. The three vice presidents were quite satisfied with the annual salary.

Although they didn't think they could get much money from 3% of dry shares, they still saw Su Yang's attitude!

The general manager and deputy general manager were given dry shares because they were experienced.

The company has just started and needs them to take the helm.

As for giving other employees a salary increase and benefits, Su Yang plans to wait and see.

The salary given by Su Yang is already quite good!

He didn't want to pay too much salary at one time, give too many benefits, and spoil the appetite of ordinary employees.

Slowly increase wages and gradually increase benefits, they should have a greater sense of accomplishment and happiness!

Let them grow with the company!

With the addition of Mao Yufei, Cheng Haoquan, and Mei Jingshan, Jiuxiang Catering's recruitment speed has greatly accelerated, and the organizational structure of a formal catering company has been established soon.

However, because Jiuxiang Catering has only one store and three stores under renovation, the number of people in each department of the company is not large, only three or two.

Some departments even have only one lone commander and one manager.

There are more leaders than employees!

But there is no way, if too many people are recruited and no work is arranged.

Su Yang will be deducted by the system instead.

After recruiting the right people, the company began to operate under the leadership of Ji Guoxiong, Mao Yufei, Cheng Haoquan, and Mei Jingshan.

Mao Yufei sent people to register the company's trademark, find a design company to design the company's logo, make a unified style decoration design for Jiuxiang Beef Hot Pot Restaurant, a unified staff clothing design, and register various platform accounts for Jiuxiang Beef Hot Pot Restaurant.

Cheng Haoquan first went to the hot pot restaurant to learn about the hot pot restaurant's procurement channels, counted the various dishes of the hot pot restaurant, prepared to innovate the dishes, and sent people to help Su Yang inspect the decoration work.

In addition to preparing the company's management and assessment system, Mei Jingshan also prepared to train the employees of the original island restaurant.

At the same time, she also began to post recruitment information online, preparing to reserve talents for Su Yang's two hot pot restaurants that were about to open.

Su Yang told Mei Jingshan that he planned to increase the number of employees in the market development department to 20 first.

The main task of these people is to find stores suitable for opening hot pot restaurants, which is also the main factor for Su Yang to establish the company.

In addition, he also plans to put some store managers who are interested in the market development department.

When there are not enough hot pot restaurants in the early stage, let them go out to find suitable stores.

Mei Jingshan is a little worried about the company's funding issues. Twenty new employees cost a lot.

But Su Yang told her not to worry, the funds are fully sufficient!

At this point, Mei Jingshan naturally had no reason to oppose Su Yang, so she increased the recruitment work of the market development department.

In the following two days, Su Yang stuffed nine employees into the market development department.

Six of these nine new employees were recommended by Guo Fang and Xiang Nantian, and all of them had proficient and skilled hot pot restaurant management and operation skills.

The other three were poached by Su Yang from other hot pot restaurants.

Those three hot pot restaurants were half dead.

The three store managers were tempted by Su Yang's high salary and surrendered directly.

However, after asking these nine people a few questions, Mei Jingshan directly suggested to Su Yang that these nine people should take a few days of training courses first.

Because she found that these nine alternate store managers might have good hot pot restaurant management capabilities, but it was a bit too much to ask them to find a suitable hot pot restaurant.

They had too vague a concept of how to find a suitable hot pot restaurant, and there was no clear concept and standard.

Mei Jingshan asked them where it was suitable to open a hot pot restaurant, and they only said that there was a lot of traffic, many restaurants nearby... these specious descriptions.

Mei Jingshan's basic requirement for them is to count the number of people in front of the store from Monday to weekend, and find out the situation of nearby restaurants, including the number of restaurants and their daily turnover.

Find out the number of households in the residential areas, residential buildings, and apartments near the store, and their occupancy rates.

Are there mostly young people or elderly people?

Are there mostly migrant workers or locals...

These intelligence data must be summarized before a relatively preliminary conclusion can be drawn about the store.

Su Yang naturally listened to Mei Jingshan's suggestions.

Ordinary people do not have the skills of "business deduction", so they can only rely on data analysis.

This is also more scientific!

The stores selected in this way cannot be said to be able to open hot pot restaurants, but they can definitely exclude most of the garbage stores.

This is exactly what he wants!

He comforted the nine alternate store managers a little, and all nine store managers expressed their willingness to receive training.

After all, they have all been selected by Su Yang.

Some of the alternate store managers' previous hot pot restaurants were facing bankruptcy due to poor business.

Some are completely unemployed.

Before they had a store, Su Yang gave them a basic salary of 6,000.

They all hope to become store managers and get a salary of tens of thousands!

So, Mei Jingshan opened another training class.

And sent Manager Zhou Yaoxian of the Marketing Department to give them training courses.

After sending the nine alternate store managers to the training class, Su Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the training of the nine alternate store managers is completed and the market development department is expanded, his workload will be greatly reduced in the future!

He must admit that Ji Guoxiong, Mao Yufei, Cheng Haoquan, and Mei Jingshan are all very professional and reliable.

But thinking of the possible losses of Jiuxiang Catering this month, he felt a little numb!

Because the profit of his only hot pot restaurant can never cover the expenses of the headquarters.

When Mei Jingshan recruits another 20 people for market development, the number of employees in the entire Jiuxiang Catering Headquarters will exceed 50.

The monthly salary to be paid will exceed 550,000.

Fortunately, the salary and benefits paid by Su Yang will be returned.

Otherwise, he would never dare to build such a catering chain company structure at this stage, and also invited Ji Guoxiong, Mao Yufei, Cheng Haoquan, and Mei Jingshan, four elites in the industry!

But what makes him feel a little relieved is that the two hot pot restaurants will definitely be opened at the end of the month.

Next month, the entire Jiuxiang Catering Company should not suffer much loss on the surface, and may even have a chance to break even.

For him, breaking even is a big profit!

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