As for other ordinary employees, if they want a salary increase, they must wait until the company makes a slight profit.

Although Su Yang is generous, he will not give employees a salary increase at this stage!

But if they do well, Su Yang will definitely not mind giving more bonuses.

In addition to feeling that they have a lot of work pressure, the reason for giving tour guides a salary increase is that they directly serve tourists, and the service experience they bring to customers is very important, and it is also to stabilize customer resources.

After the financial handover was completed and taken over by the head office, Su Yang transferred another 5 million to Menghai's account to support its development!

As for Menghai's finances, the head office will naturally arrange a trustworthy person to take over.

From the head office to the subsidiary, Su Yang has many financial personnel under his command, and there are also many financial personnel with a loyalty of 90, and he can choose at will.

Seeing the 5 million in the account, Ye Qinghong could only sigh that big companies are rich and powerful!

At the same time, he also determined to work hard in the travel agency.

After Menghai's affairs were slightly dealt with, Shen Yunxiao of Yanhu Vocational School began to arrange a video interview for Su Yang!

Before the video interview, Su Yang took a quick look at the interview materials of those people.

Some of these people are master's and doctoral students studying in China.

Some of them work in human resources, market research, user experience design and other fields in China.

In fact, there are many well-known companies!

There are also psychological counselors from first-class domestic psychological consulting companies, as well as two managers.

There are also people who are working in psychological research institutions abroad, or are also engaged in psychological consulting.

Su Yang couldn't help nodding when looking at these materials.

Shen Yunxiao has a really good network of contacts, and he is also very serious about his work.

From these more than 100 interview materials from "all over the world", it can be seen that Shen Yunxiao has tried his best for his boss!

He has the illusion that Jufan Holdings will go abroad and go to the world!

Because of the time difference between China and abroad, Su Yang first interviewed a group of top students in China, starting with the largest number of graduate students.

He needs to know what level these graduate students are at as a whole, and then recruit talents from them!

After all, he is not familiar with the psychology profession, and he can't dare to tell the interviewee the interview results directly like he did in the recruitment of Xinghuo Media!

Every time he interviewed someone, Su Yang asked very superficial questions.

But he would quickly use his detective ability to record the other party's abilities, talents, moral level, and salary and welfare requirements!

Although he had a photographic memory, it was more convenient for the other party to screen with a form.

His goal was simple.

Recruit a group of relatively excellent counselors and teachers who are good at psychology for Yanhu Vocational School!

He planned to open a psychology major in the school.

He also wanted to recruit a group of research talents in psychology to make use of the school's scientific research buff!

Finally, he recruited talents for his own psychological consulting company!

Overall, the talents recommended by Shen Yunxiao were relatively capable, and only a few were parallel imports.

Su Yang also found two people with scientific research talents, both of whom had three-star scientific research talents.

In the evening, Su Yang interviewed a Chinese who worked in a psychological consulting agency in the United States. The moment he saw him, Su Yang became a little more serious!

Chapter 323 Ivy League graduate! Positive Psychology Center!

Wu Kai, a native of Rongcheng, is a master's student in psychology at the Normal University.

Later, he went to the University of Pennsylvania in the United States to study for a doctorate in psychology.

Now he works as a psychological counselor at the Martin Seligman Positive Psychology Center.

After seeing "University of Pennsylvania" and "Martin Seligman", Su Yang paid more attention to it.

Su Yang still knew the name of the University of Pennsylvania, an Ivy League school.

As for Martin Seligman, he is the top psychologist in the United States and the father of positive psychology.

Positive psychology is probably the discipline that studies human happiness.

It uses scientific methods to study human happiness and positive traits, and is committed to understanding the positivity, meaning and value in human life.

And encourage people to develop their personal potential, pursue a meaningful life, and bring positive changes to individuals and society.

Martin Seligman's research direction is learned helplessness and depression research.

Let's not talk about depression, which is a relatively common psychological problem!

What is learned helplessness?

Learned helplessness refers to the individual's gradual loss of confidence in changing or controlling the situation after suffering from unpredictable or uncontrollable negative events for a long time, and a sense of helplessness.

Individuals experience a series of continuous failures, which may come from different fields such as academics, careers, and interpersonal relationships. The persistence of failure experiences often exacerbates individuals' negative emotions and helplessness.

When Xu Yunxiao analyzed the psychological problems of vocational high school students for Su Yang, she also mentioned learned helplessness.

Because these students have poor foundations, they are prone to learned helplessness when facing academic difficulties or when their grades do not improve after repeated efforts.

They may attribute the reasons for failure to their own unchangeable factors, thus giving up the courage and confidence to continue trying.

In terms of behavior, students may show negative behavior patterns, avoid the environment, and be unwilling or unable to change bad situations.

In terms of emotions, individuals are often accompanied by negative emotions such as pessimism, anxiety, helplessness, and frustration.

Cognitively, individuals may experience cognitive distortion, believing that they cannot change the environment through any effort.

Physiologically, long-term learned helplessness may also lead to insomnia, loss of appetite, headaches, palpitations and other physiological problems.

In fact, Su Yang felt that he had also experienced learned helplessness for a period of time when he worked in an advertising company.

Emmmm... just want to give up!

So, after seeing Wu Kai working as a psychological counselor at the Martin Seligman Positive Psychology Center, he took it a little seriously.

After a little investigation of Wu Kai's skill panel, Su Yang felt that he lived up to his expectations.

Four-star psychology talent, three-star communication talent...

In terms of ability, they are all proficient in depression and learned helplessness treatment, which is indeed a continuation of the same line!

Wu Kai is smiling in the video and looks a little handsome.

He has a gentle temperament and is dressed formally and cleanly, which makes people easily like him at first sight.

Su Yang talked to him and roughly understood Wu Kai's situation!

Wu Kai is 34 years old and has not yet started a family.

Working as a counselor at the Positive Psychology Center, the annual salary is about 100,000.

Converted into the local currency, it is about 700,000!

This is also quite normal. In the ugly country, counselors are also considered middle class.

Counselors in the ugly country serve the middle class and the rich class, and their hourly income can reach about 100~200.

The annual salary of a good job can reach 140,000... The entry-level annual salary can be 90,000.

I can only say that the dog rich have a lot of money!

Su Yang smiled and asked: "Are you interested in coming back?"

Wu Kai said frankly: "I've come for an interview, how can I not be interested!"


Su Yang likes his frankness.

Most Chinese people are ashamed to talk about money... This makes Su Yang, a generous rich man, not very happy!

Just say how much money you want, it's easy for everyone to talk about it.

There are also some master's students and doctoral students who ask for too low a salary.

For example, a master's student, Su Yang is ready to give a monthly salary of 10,000, but he just wants 8,000!

Wu Kai asked, "Boss, do you want to start a psychological consulting company?"

"If it's you, it should be a psychological consulting company!" Su Yang said with a smile, "In addition, you may also have to undertake some consulting work for schools and companies, and you need to train more psychological counselors to serve my employees!"

Psychological consulting abroad is ahead, and there is a complete system for talent training... Su Yang must copy it first.

"Serve employees? But the task seems a bit heavy!"

If it is psychological consulting within the company or school, it cannot be charged by time.

But this also makes Wu Kai more at ease.

If it is external business service customers, he feels that he can't make any money in Rongcheng!

If he charges 1,000 yuan per hour in Rongcheng, it is estimated that customers will have to go around him.

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