Hou Siting also learned about the head office of Yanhu Vocational School, Jufan Holdings.

She suddenly had a guess about Su Yang's identity.

Since Su Yang is not the principal, and the principal respects him so much, he might be from the head office!

She thought about it and asked in the group: "Can you find the information of the boss of Jufan Holdings?"

Someone immediately replied in the group: "Of course, there is a special query website for this!"

Hou Siting: "Let me see!"

Not long after, a website link appeared in the QQ group.

Hou Siting clicked on the query website, entered Jufan Holdings, and saw the name "Su Yang" appear in the legal representative column!

Hou Siting was surprised and said: "Ah~ It's really him!"

To be honest, she never dreamed that Su Yang would be such a powerful person!

With Su Yang's strong support, Shen Yunxiao was beaming after the Yanhu Education meeting.

The whole person was in high spirits!

On the way back to the office, Song Xiang reported to Su Yang about Xiang Fangting.

Thanks to the instigation of Spark Media, this matter has become quite a big deal now.

It has had an adverse impact on the reputation of Yanhu Vocational School!

Song Xiang asked Spark Media for their opinion and thought it was time to upload the video of Xiang Fangting bullying Kong Xia to the school's official website. Spark Media will try to help the school's clarification video to be on the hot search.

The school will also formally sue Xiang Fangting's father for defamation.

"Okay! You can handle it yourself!"

Su Yang was actually not very interested in this matter.

If Xiang Fangting dropped out of school obediently or apologized to Kong Xia, he might not ask about it.

Not long after arriving at the office, Su Yang received a call from Yu Siying.

"Boss, I received news that Lingyun Media may go bankrupt!"

"What's going on?"

Su Yang naturally remembered Lingyun Media, which was considered a small MCN agency.

It has a self-media blogger named Liu Hailan with more than one million fans.

This company had previously poached a beauty blogger named Zeng Peipei from Su Yang.

"Liu Hailan went to court with Lingyun Media two months ago. Without Liu Hailan, Lingyun Media's performance dropped by 70%!" Yu Siying explained in a low voice, "The boss of Lingyun Media was anxious and wanted to train another Liu Hailan. As a result, he spent a lot of effort to train three Internet celebrities and failed." "Among the three Internet celebrities, Zeng Peipei is not one?" "Well~ Zeng Peipei is the third one. Mr. Xu of Lingyun Media generously invested 800,000 yuan in Zeng Peipei and invested the company's remaining resources. As a result... there is not much improvement!" "Ahem!" Su Yang was a little embarrassed. Lingyun Media really believed in him! This made him feel a little unworthy! Yu Siying: "Now Lingyun Media is in a panic, and many employees have started looking for a new job... Zeng Peipei has also contacted our Xinghuo Media."

Su Yang was surprised and said: "She doesn't want to jump back, does she?"

"Yeah!" Yu Siying smiled, "If the company really goes bankrupt, she wants to come back!"

"How many fans does she have now?"

"Douyin has more than 200,000 fans, and Xiaobaishu has 130,000 fans."

"It's a big increase?"

Su Yang remembered that when Zeng Peipei left Xinghuo Media, Douyin had only 20,000 fans, and Xiaobaishu had just 10,000!

Yu Siying smiled and said: "Lingyun Media's money and resources are still effective!"

"It's not impossible to come back!" Su Yang said indifferently, "But tell her that it's only a cooperation contract with ordinary Internet celebrities, and there won't be many resources, but she will be helped to get some commercial orders and advertisements. The basic salary and benefits she had before will definitely be gone. Come back if you are willing!"

Su Yang has always been particular about making money in harmony, and Xinghuo Media and Zeng Peipei also terminated the contract peacefully.

When Zeng Peipei left, she also brought in 300,000 to 400,000 yuan in revenue for Xinghuo Media.

Now she has more than 200,000 fans on Douyin and 130,000 fans on Xiaobaishu.

She is also qualified to take business orders and help Xinghuo Media make some money.

In this way, Xinghuo Media did not lose money, and Zeng Peipei did not lose money.

Only Lingyun Media was hurt...

And this can also serve as a negative example for other contracted Internet celebrities of the company!

Yu Siying nodded: "Okay!"

Su Yang: "However, Zeng Peipei's incident this time may ruin the reputation of Internet celebrities who left our Xinghuo Media..."

Yu Siying whispered back: "The Internet celebrities who left our Xinghuo Media are already a bit bad in the industry, and now there are fewer and fewer companies poaching our contracted Internet celebrities!"

Su Yang said helplessly: "Don't we still have Ou Li and others to support us?"

Yu Siying: "So it's not very bad... It's just that the local MCN companies have stopped tacitly!"

Su Yang sighed: "I hope Lingyun Media doesn't break Let's produce it!"

Yu Siying: "Uh..."

Su Yang suddenly asked: "By the way, I remember I gave you a list. Lingyun Media still has two talents. You can poach them!"

Yu Siying replied: "I have sent someone to contact them!"

Su Yang nodded: "Well done!"

Yu Siying smiled and said: "The boss has planned it. If I don't execute it well, I will be embarrassed to take this salary!"

Su Yang thought about it, and then told Yu Siying: "Look for management talents. Xinghuo Media may need to establish a branch!"

Yu Siying: "What do you mean?"

"I want to build a new company in the north, and then build one in the coastal city of Shanghai or Shenzhen. We can now consider expanding our business scope!" Su Yang said slowly, "Many talents can be recruited, but they don't want to be too far away from home, and the coastal industry is developed, so we can get more customers."

Su Yang's company will sooner or later develop towards coastal cities.

After all, the economy and industry there are more developed, and there are more opportunities!

Yu Siying: "I understand!"

If she can really open a branch in the north or coastal cities, she is still a little excited!

In the afternoon, Su Yang continued to conduct interviews at Yanhu Vocational School slowly, occasionally looking for partners for employees, or checking relevant information in the tourism industry.

After all, this is the industry he wants to enter, and he still needs to understand the basic knowledge.

Although the number of domestic tourists seems to have increased, the per capita consumption has been downgraded.

Many of those who run homestays in scenic spots are losing money.

Su Yang saw a lot of homestay transfer information on the Internet.

Chapter 311 Parents tired of playing! Clarification video of Yanhu Vocational School!

Many office workers read some novels, pictures, and short videos, and then they began to yearn for poetry and distant places.

They dream of quitting their jobs and opening a homestay in a beautiful and leisurely city.

They can make money easily and enjoy life!

Blue sky, white clouds, green mountains and clear waters.

Girls, encounters, bonfires, folk songs...

They think there is no threshold to opening a homestay, as long as you have money and feelings, and then you step into it without hesitation!

As a result, you may not be eliminated until you are 35 years old.

It only takes one year to be eliminated when opening a homestay!

In the past few years, there was not much competition in opening a homestay, and you could still make money.

However, most of those who have opened a homestay in recent years have failed.

Like many industries in China, the current homestay has a volume.

It is comparable to the catering industry!

Not long after, Su Yang's phone rang, and it was his mother who called.

He walked out of the meeting room, and the interviewer in the corridor made way for him.

Standing downstairs of the Academic Affairs Building, Su Yang answered his mother's call.

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