They still know the difference between good and bad, and they are not idiots!

Su Yang emphasized: “Our initial goal is always to be the number one private higher vocational school in the province!”

Governor Chen Qing exhaled and said, "I understand!"

"My company can recruit many students for employment!" Su Yang knocked on the table lightly and said in a serious tone, "But you must take care of the education thing for me and do it well for me!"

"In addition to professional skills, I also need employees who can communicate, are good at teamwork, are physically and mentally healthy, and preferably have some hobbies!"

Several senior vocational school officials nodded in unison.

"Principal Shen will take the lead in this matter, and other vice principals will assist...Principal Chen, you are responsible for supervision and external communication!"

Chen Qingzhou nodded: "Okay boss!"

"Mr. Kong, how was the training class?"

Kong Lifan said: "We have issued an announcement for the recruitment of training teachers, and are currently preparing for recruitment and store leasing."

"That's good!"

Yanhu education still focuses on childcare, art, music, and dance training.

Nowadays, tutoring is really profitable, but Su Yang is a law-abiding businessman and he wants to be clean!

By doing some training courses, you can make some money and support more employees.

However, Su Yang will definitely not focus on training courses, as the number of employees in this industry is not increasing fast enough.

While Su Yang was having a meeting with the management of Yanhu Education, Cao Feng, who was sitting in front of the computer, suddenly saw a pop-up window that looked like a small advertisement suddenly appearing on the screen.

"Tian Hanxiong (189xxxxx)-Wang Rongrong (187xxxxx)!"

Good guy!

It’s really here!

She quickly took a photo and sent it to Su Yang's mobile phone.

Su Yang: Just say it was arranged by the matchmaking agency, don’t let the secrets out!

Cao Feng: Got it boss!

At the same time, a junior majoring in Internet marketing and live broadcast e-commerce from Yanhu Vocational School is in the QQ group!

Ji Haobin: "The real practice is so fucking disgusting, they are just treating us like donkeys!"

Ji Haobin: "I worked overtime until nine o'clock in the evening yesterday, and it seemed that I could only get an internship salary of 2,000 per month!"

Ji Haobin: "2000 is enough to send a beggar!"

Li Lilian: "It's okay here. We don't work much overtime. It seems to be an outsourcing company owned by Goudong, but the salary is only 2,000!"

Xu Yuan: "Who would want to do an internship if it wasn't for the graduation certificate?"

Xu Yuan: "This crappy company also outsources and can't retain people. People resign every day. But for my crappy job, there are also undergraduates applying for it...I have employment anxiety!"

Wei Xiyuan: “It feels like we are completely treated as e-commerce customers!”

He Chuan: "I'm also a little anxious. It's hard to find a better job now... I won't go into a factory, right?"

Li Lilian: "@龙方gang@天灵: Where are you?"

Ji Haobin: "@龙方gang@tianling: Yes! How is the situation over there?"

Long Fanggang: "I'm afraid that if I say it, you will feel uncomfortable..."

Ji Haobin: “@龙方gang: Don’t be too pretentious, just say it directly!”

Long Fanggang: "The internship salary is 3,500!"

He Chuan: "Damn!"

Ji Haobin: "Grass (plant)!"

Long Fanggang: "In the past few days, Brother Liu, who is a field controller, has taken me to do odd jobs in the live broadcast room. I have tried everything in field control, operation, and editing and promotion. Brother Liu said that I react quickly and get started quickly. Ask Would I like to stay with Spark Media directly?”

Ji Haobin: "Ah?!"

He Chuan: "Envy!"

Li Lilian: "I'm so jealous. I heard that Spark Media is the best-paid mcn in Rongcheng!"

Xu Yuan: “@龙方gang: Didn’t you say that Spark Media doesn’t recruit college students?”

Li Lilian: "That's right! That's right! I heard that Spark Media is very strict in interviewing and prefers to recruit experienced employees. Generally, they don't recruit fresh graduates!"

Long Fanggang: "@Xuyuan: We are an exception. I heard that the boss behind our school is also the boss of Spark Media, so our group of vocational interns have the quota to become full-time students!"

Ji Haobin: "This..."

Li Lilian: "Is that so?"

Long Fanggang: "Jufan Holdings, you can use Qiandu to search and you will know that it is a very strong group company that spans many fields such as catering, food, fitness, law firms, housekeeping, education, and media!"

Long Fanggang: "You may not know that the top students in other majors seem to go to this group subsidiary...the treatment seems to be pretty good!"

Not long after, people began to speak in the group.

Tao Xun: "I asked, and the top ten logistics majors went to Fengyuan Foodstuffs. The internship salary is 3,500. It is really owned by Jufan Holdings!"

Li Lilian: "I also asked about it. Someone from the Medical and Health Care College went to Meijia Housekeeping. The internship salary is also 3,500. It is also a subsidiary of Jufan Holdings. If you perform well, you can directly sign a contract and become a full-time employee!"

Ji Haobin: "The top two majors in cooking and pastry went to Wei Meijia Central Kitchen... It's almost the same. Some people have already signed a contract with Wei Meijia!"

He Chuan: "So, they have found jobs?"

Li Lilian: "Yes, part of it has been found!"

Ji Haobin: "@Hechuan: It's probably like this. The salary at Weimeijia is good, including food and accommodation. The work intensity is a bit intense and the requirements are relatively high, but the salary you get when you go there is 6,000, and there are five insurances and one housing fund... If you do well, it can still rise!”

He Chuan: "The treatment seems pretty good, much better than the treatment in this crappy company like mine!"

Vocational college students don’t have high expectations for their future salary. They never thought that they would earn over 10,000 yuan a month as soon as they enter the society!

Ji Haobin: “ @He Chuan: It must be good! My cousin graduated from college with a monthly salary of 4,000 yuan, and he dared not resign!”

Long Fanggang: “Xinghuo Media is actually not bad. Although the salary after becoming a regular employee is only 5,000 yuan, the bonus is relatively large, and the average monthly bonus is 1,000 or 2,000 yuan more!”

Long Fanggang: “I have met several Xinghuo Media Internet celebrities with good personalities. Today I met a big Internet celebrity named Gong Zihao. When he heard that I was a newcomer, he gave me a bag of beef jerky. The beef jerky... smelled really good!”

Long Fanggang: “It seems that an Internet celebrity broke through a million fans yesterday, and I got a bonus of 300 yuan... Brother Liu said that if I am lucky, I can get more than 1,000 yuan in bonus this month!”

Ji Haobin: “Isn’t that 5,000 yuan?”

Long Fanggang: “It’s possible!”

Tao Xun: “Ahhh~ This is so envious!”

Tian Ling: “Because I want to upgrade from junior college to undergraduate, Xinghuo Media is very popular with Internet celebrities.” The sister from Spark Media arranged a relatively easy job for me. I went to be an intern assistant to a girl named Jiang Yan... I was a little scared at first, because I heard that these Internet celebrities are not easy to approach!"

Tian Ling: "When I poured water for her, she even said thank you!"

Tian Ling: "This is the number one sister of Spark Media. She easily earns a million a year and has a really good personality!"

Tian Ling: "Sister Jiang Yan has a great figure and looks beautiful... I drool when I see her!"

Tian Ling quickly retracted the previous sentence: "Anyway, Spark Media is pretty good, and the atmosphere feels good... If I didn't want to go to college, I would definitely stay!"

Long Fanggang: "Indeed, the atmosphere is very good from top to bottom, and I really want to fit in!"

Li Lilian: "Am I jealous to the point of going crazy?"

He Chuan: "It's so uncomfortable, I also want to go to Spark Media!"

Xu Yuan: " @Tian Ling: How about we switch, you are going to get a bachelor's degree anyway!"

Li Lilian: " @Xu Yuan: Don't be too delusional, Xinghuo Media obviously only wants students who study well and perform well, and you still have disciplinary actions!"

Xu Yuan: "Don't you say that as long as you graduate, it can be revoked and not included in the file!"

Li Lilian: "They are all under Jufan Holdings, do you think they can't find out?"

Tian Ling: " @Xu Yuan: I don't agree, you can ask the counselor!"

Xu Yuan: "Oh~ forget it!"

He Chuan: "Alas~ I should have studied hard earlier?"

Ji Haobin: " @He Chuan: It's too late to regret now! Brothers, let's go to the factory together!"

Chapter 310 Jufan Group is gradually known by vocational college students! Lingyun Media is about to go bankrupt!

Not long after, the news in the QQ group of Internet Marketing and Live E-commerce majors was spread.

Including groups of other junior majors.

And other groups of sophomores and freshmen.

Many students at Yanhu Vocational School know that counselors will recommend internship companies based on students' regular grades and performance!

They also gradually learned that there is a powerful group company "lurking" behind Yanhu Vocational School.

Many students are confused and it is difficult for them to notice the head office behind the school!

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