The War of Resistance

Chapter 953: saved 1 person

One day later in the afternoon, Shang Zhen and the others had already hid on a hill, and all the rifles in their hands were aimed at a path between the hills.

There was a person running towards them desperately on the road.

"No matter how many Japanese devils he comes this time, we will definitely let them go and never return!" Li Daming said proudly.

Li Da understands that of course there is a reason for pride, just because now half of the more than 30 of them are using sniper rifles!

Just the day before yesterday, they fought with the Japanese squad. Although they killed nearly half of them, they managed to wipe out the Japanese squad with excellent marksmanship. The rifles naturally became their trophies.

For those motley crews who have been mostly made in Hanyang, now that they have a 38-type rifle, and there is still a small telescope on it, one can imagine the pride in their hearts.

It's all nonsense to say "no pride in victory and no discouragement in defeat". The whole ly area is already filled with gunpowder smoke, and none of them know whether they will see the sun tomorrow, so let's be happy if they can be happy.

"You can brag!" Seeing that Li Da understood and understood again, Lao Qiuzi habitually belittled him again.

"That's right, who knows how many little devils are chasing after him." Lu Yifei also said.

"Didn't Lu Yichun and Lao Zhu make gestures just now? Little Japan doesn't come here much." Ma Erpao also said.

Starting from this morning, after a day of rest, Shang Zhen and the others continued to head towards the south, which is the direction of Ly City, and now according to veterans like Lao Qiuzi, they are only more than forty miles away from Ly City.

Of course they dared not and could not walk on the main road, because they could see the marching Japanese army brigade like a long snake from a distance even without binoculars.

Ma Erpao, who has become a little ignorant because of the victory, also suggested, let's go to the highway to fight the little devil's ambush!

It's just that after Ma Erpao said this, except for the old stupid who said "OK", everyone else looked at him with the same eyes as the second fool.

Ma Erpao also said, am I wrong?

Shang Zhen just replied "We are not death squads", and then rejected Ma Erpao's suggestion of how high the sky is and how thick the earth is.

Because of this, Shang Zhen and the others could only choose small paths on the way to Ly City, and even walked in the fields where no one had walked. There was even a time when Shang Zhen heard the fierce gunfire in front of him. Take the 30 or so people around them and go away!

Ma Erpao said, in fact, we should go to help.

Shang Zhen asked back, aren't you afraid of splashing your own blood? going to you.

Then, Shang Zhen continued to make a detour, and then Ma Erpao remained silent, regardless of veterans and recruits, they all followed silently, including Ma Erpao naturally.

This shows what? This shows that these soldiers really recognized Shang Zhen as their commander in such a silent way, they would never go west when the commander went east, and they would never chase chickens when the commander went to tease the dog!

It's just that as they get closer and closer to that success, it's not something that Shang Zhen will be able to avoid if he wants to avoid the battle.

Isn't it? Just when they entered the hilly area to the north of lyn, they first heard sporadic gunshots ahead, and then Lu Yichun and Zhu Yuliang, who were the vanguard in front, gestured in front of them. They encountered the Japanese army, so Shang Zhen and the others hid On top of this hill.

That man was getting too close, at this time Shang Zhen and the others could already see clearly that he was really a Chinese soldier with a rifle in his hand, but at this time the Japanese soldiers behind him also showed their heads.

"How to fight?" A recruit asked Li Qingfeng in a low voice.

The reason why he asked this question was because Qingfeng Li really commanded another group of Japanese snipers the day before yesterday.

Of course, they killed a few Japanese snipers, but those behind were killed by the veterans who went around.

"Hit as you like, isn't the officer here?" Li Qingfeng replied.

The recruit fell silent, yes, isn't Chief Shang Zhen here?

Shang Zhen has already told these soldiers who are determined to tell him, don't call yourself "sir" which sounds awkward, just call yourself by his real name.

But the soldiers refused, saying that it's your responsibility now, and they can't call you "company commander" or something, so they can only be called "sir".

"Sir, can I ask you a question?" Li Qingfeng finished dismissing the recruit, but he had another question.

At this time, the soldier who was running away on the small road in front had already run to the bottom of the hill where Shang Zhen and the others were, and began to go around the hill, but the Japanese soldiers behind were still appearing one by one, and now the old man has already lowered his head. The sound counted to fifteen, but there were more behind.

"You took us to hide when you heard the gunfire in the morning, so why didn't you hide this time?" Li Qingfeng saw that Shang Zhen was silent but still asked.

Li Qingfeng has been with Shang Zhen for a long time, and he found that Shang Zhen has a very good temper. He was not angry at all when he called "Northeast guy" all over the place, so he just asked now if he didn't understand.

"It was flat in the morning, but now there are mountains." Shang Zhen replied without turning his head.

"I'm so stupid." Li Qingfeng suddenly realized, and then fell silent.

While talking, the soldier who was chased by the Japanese army went around the hill.

That soldier was also rushed by the Japanese army, and he couldn't run anymore. He knew that if he let the Japanese army chase him down like this again, he would definitely be kicked out and vomit blood!

So he just lay down on the foot of the **** and started to press the bullets into the rifle. His thoughts were that he couldn't run anymore. If he could kill one or two Japanese devils before he died, that would be enough. up.

It's just that he didn't know that Shang Zhen was already laying out a battle plan in a low voice right above his head.

"Put away the guns with the spyglasses.

You all just lie down here and nobody shoots.

I'll kill the two little devils first, and hook the little devils behind to come over. After they come over, you will shoot together!

This time the little devils are similar to us, let's try to keep them all! "

All the Japanese soldiers had already run up this path, and Shang Zhen felt relieved when he saw that there were no more Japanese soldiers behind him.

It's just that what the Japanese army chased after was like **** on a thread, dripping and pulling.

Shang Zhen knew that with the marksmanship of his group now, if he didn't bring the Japanese army closer to fight, at least half of the Japanese army would have to run away!

But how can the Japanese army be gathered together? Of course, it is better to "hook up" the Japanese army with a few shots and let the Japanese army gather together.

The Japanese army was four to five hundred meters away from the soldier who had already hid at the foot of the mountain. If the distance was closer, with the Japanese army's marksmanship, it is estimated that the soldier would not be alive today.

After Shang Zhen finished speaking, he retracted his head and retreated to the mountainside by himself.

And when Shang Zhen ran to the halfway up the gentle hillside, the soldier who had finished suppressing the bullets and was about to fight the Japanese army for the last time heard movement above his head.

When he looked up, he saw Shang Zhen running down with a gun in one hand, and when he looked up to the top of the mountain, he saw the backs of a group of people lying on the top of the mountain. Aren't they all our own people?

oops! The soldier was really overjoyed!

And the battle that followed was exactly as Shang Zhen planned.

He shot at and wounded a Japanese soldier first, you must know that the Japanese soldier was actually wounded by him on purpose.

He fired a total of four shots, but only wounded one Japanese soldier, which is called showing weakness to the enemy.

And then the Japanese army saw that the Chinese soldiers they were chasing and killing had average marksmanship, so they attacked forward.

Just when the Japanese army rushed to the bottom of the hill, Shang Zhen ordered to shoot. As a result of shooting at such close range, most of the Japanese army was directly knocked down.

The rest of the Japanese army retreated and were knocked down by Shang Zhen and the others. The last few Japanese soldiers were knocked down by Zhu Yuliang and Lu Yicun who were the vanguard in front.

In the end, only three Japanese soldiers escaped Shang Zhen's ambush.

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