The War of Resistance

Chapter 952: Gunners Showdown (12)

Shang Zhen walked a little further.

But the woods ahead had become denser and smaller.

At this point, he stopped.

Although the leaves haven't grown yet, the small miscellaneous trees are quite dense. If you drill into it and make a "squeaky" sound, whether it's the Japanese army or your own people, if you shoot yourself, you will die too. Injustice!

Come on, I'd better hide myself first, let's sit on the sidelines and wait for the rabbit!

Shang Zhen hid himself among the small miscellaneous trees.

It's just that he had been hiding for a while, when he heard a shout coming from the front.

Now Shang Zhen is a little far away from the sound so he can't hear it clearly.

But after a while, the caller was clearly approaching, and he finally heard it clearly, but the voice shouted: "Northeast guy, where are you?"

If it's just shouting like this, it's fine, then the one who can call "Northeast guy" must be one of our own.

It's just that Shang Zhen listened carefully, and the voice sounded very familiar, but it was Li Qingfeng's voice.

Li Qingfeng was barely considered an adult, and his voice was quite high-pitched.

Oh, this little **** dared to call me "Northeast guy". Shang Zhen was very angry and funny when he heard it.

But then he became worried about Qingfeng Li again, because that Qingfeng Li didn't yell once, but called the "Northeast guy" after a while.

You little brat, you don't have to shout like that even if you're looking for me, right? How can I promise you when you call me that?

Besides, if you yell like that, don't bring the little devil's bullets. You are very skilled, but no matter how skilled you are, you are still afraid of kitchen knives, so don't mention the bullets!

If it was someone else, then 80% would answer Qingfeng Li.

But Shang Zhen didn't know it, Shang Zhen was always cautious, but what he thought in his heart was whether he should go forward to meet him?

But he looked at the densely packed small miscellaneous trees in front of him and thought, let's forget it.

There will be a "crash" sound when climbing over, let alone drilling.

But at this time, Shang Zhen heard Li Qingfeng shout again: "Northeast guy, don't shoot! I pretended to be the two little devils in front!"

What are you throwing? Shang Zhen thought he heard it wrong, but then he heard the shout again: "And me! Wang Xiao, we came here pretending to be Japanese devils, for fear that the Japanese devils will hit us with black guns again!"

This time the voice was not low, but it was Wang Xiaodan's voice.

At this time, Shang Zhen suddenly realized.

What I said, I was close to the two little devils in front of me and far away from my own chasing after me, why did the voices of Li Qingfeng and Wang Xiaodan come over after a while, dare to believe that the two little devils in front are them Two packs.

These two people are the smallest and pretend to be Japanese devils the most.

It seemed that the battle had been won, and these boys reckoned that they would not be able to wipe out all the Japanese devils here.

When they came over, they were afraid that the devil snipers would shoot them coldly, so they acted out this scene of chasing the Japanese army.

Then they drilled into the woods at an appropriate distance, so that even if some Japanese soldiers saw them, they would think that there were also Japanese soldiers who had escaped from their side.

In this way, when they met the Japanese army in the woods, the Japanese army didn't know what was going on, but they knew it. In this way, they also had an additional means of coping.

Thinking of this, Shang Zhen suddenly realized that Qingfeng Li and the others knew how to prevent the little devils from shooting at them. Shouldn't he be more careful, what if the remaining two little devils didn't run away?

While Shang Zhen was thinking about it, he heard Li Qingfeng shouting "Northeast guy" and "Northeast guy" in front of him, and then he shouted again: "You know, we won the fight on the other side, take the little one!" The devils are all gone!"

Amid Shang Zhen's astonishing exclamation, the shout was getting closer and closer. Somehow, it was such a coincidence that Li Qingfeng and the others came to him.

"It was my idea to beat up the little devil, am I good?" Qingfeng Li was still rambling in front.

It's just that maybe he was tired of shouting, so this time his voice was a little softer.

Shang Zhen couldn't hear clearly, so he naturally listened attentively.

But just when he heard clearly what Qingfeng Li said this time, his body suddenly trembled, but he stopped immediately.

It was only because he suddenly heard a "gabai" sound from behind him.

Shang Zhen had been in the woods for a long time, how could he not know what the sound was.

In the woods, there are some twigs and twigs under the big trees, which may not be as thick as human fingers. After a winter, the big tree will not die, but some twigs and twigs will dry up.

When a person accidentally scratches the tree when passing by, there will be a small but very crisp sound of "gabai" when the twigs break.

The sound was really not loud, but in Shang Zhen's ears, it was no less than hearing a thunder in spring, and there was someone behind!

My own people are all in front, and they just came to look for me, so do I need to ask who is behind?

What does it feel like when someone points a gun at you from behind, or puts a sharp knife to your waist?

The moment he heard that voice, Shang Zhen felt that the back of his neck became stiff.

It is said that people need to take deep breaths when they are nervous, but this time Shang Zhen didn't even take deep breaths, but he was afraid that if he panted loudly, if he moved slightly, he would shake the branches and dead leaves of the small miscellaneous trees above his head. Touch again!

Shang Zhen, who was originally squatting, lowered his head and slowly twisted his neck to glance back and down. Behind him were still the trunks of miscellaneous trees as thick as eggs, and branches as thick as thumbs, and there were a few trees standing on the ground. dead grass.

But at this time, he was surprised to find that there were tender green grasses protruding from the withered grass!

But what's the use of that, he's not the kind of literati who sheds tears when he sees the wind, flowers, snow and moon, what he cares about is not the wild fire that burns endlessly and the spring wind blows again!

At this time, Shang Zhen didn't dare to lie down, because he also "squeezed" into this small miscellaneous tree before, and the dense miscellaneous tree was like a large wormwood. If he dared to stretch his head forward It will touch the small tree in front of it.

So what's next?

The following Shang Zhen was like a prisoner who was kowtowing and pleading guilty. He was still squatting like that, holding his head to the ground with one hand, so he changed from squatting to pouting again!

In fact, it is not so accurate to say that it is pouted, the **** of the person who is poking must be at the highest point, but does Shang Zhen dare to poke his **** up now? He dare not!

So, in the end, in the Northeast dialect, he turned himself into an egg!

When Shang Zhen pressed the top of his head to the ground, his upside-down eyes finally saw a pair of yellow suede leather shoes in the gap between the trees behind him, and on top of the big leather shoes were tied circles. Leggings, that's a person's calf.

As for going up, I can't see it anymore, it's blocked.

Conscience of heaven and earth, although Shang Zhen only saw those calves, he can be sure that these are the legs of the Japanese invaders.

It's just because, not to mention those old soldiers who are blushing or just recruits under his command, even veterans like him have never wrapped their leggings so straightly!

Only the kind of Japanese beaters who are said to have strict and almost perverted military discipline can make it so strict!

The so-called "one glimpse shows the whole picture".

It is said that there is a shoe seller who can guess the size of the shoe buyer's shoes by seeing the size of the shoe buyer's hand.

It is said that a womanizer can tell if a young woman is a virgin by the way she walks.

It is said that there are folk experts who know how many dung eggs they can pull out (lá) when they open their mouths!

As for Shang Zhen, although he only saw the part below the calf of an invader, he also guessed that the invader was walking forward with his buttocks in a ready-to-shoot posture with a gun in his hand.

It is impossible for him to wait any longer, now is not the summer when the branches and leaves are whirling, and it is impossible to see people without removing the leaves that are close at hand.

Now the Japanese army behind can find themselves at any time, and then press the muzzle and pull the trigger.

So Shang was shocked, he reached out to touch his pocket but didn't stand up, but with a wave of his hand, he threw something backward from his hiding place!

"***", Shang Zhen heard the Japanese shouting, although he couldn't understand, he could still guess what the other party was shouting. The other party's shout was either "grenade" or "lie down"!

And in the exclamation of the Japanese, the people behind got down, but Shang Zhen turned around, stood up with his gun and pulled the trigger!

Thank you for those small trees that are still standing like weaves even though they have no branches and leaves. The first Japanese soldier who was shot by Shang Zhen was slow after all.

At this moment, the rifle in Shang Zhen's hand, who had already stood up, was pointed at another Japanese soldier who was five or six meters away from that Japanese soldier.

But at this moment, Shang Zhen saw the other party lying on the ground, and at the same time saw the muzzle of the other party's gun raised towards him!

In this fleeting moment, another surprise happened. Shang Zhen sat down with a bang, and a bullet flew past his scalp.

And the rifle in Shang Zhen's hand, who just sat on the ground, rang And in Shang Zhen's second shot, he saw the second Japanese soldier hanging down in the gap between the small miscellaneous trees. gone head.

"Northeast guy, are you okay?"

When the "crash" sounded and Li Qingfeng and Wang Xiaodan, who were wearing Japanese army uniforms, rushed over, they saw Shang Zhen covering his buttocks with his hands. It was because Shang Zhen's buttocks were stabbed by grass roots when he sat down.

They also saw two Japanese soldiers who were killed, all of them were shot in the head, and there was already a big puddle of blood flowing out.

Oh, by the way, they were surprised to find that there was a broken sweet potato between the two Japanese soldiers.

"Do little devils eat sweet potatoes?" For this reason, Qingfeng Li asked in surprise.

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