The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2373: Yongye Island

"To be honest, I am very interested in you right now. You have such a way to reach the sky, and you can tame the monster under the ship that you don't know what it looks like, and even the evil spirit that has long disappeared."

Li Zedao said, "Adding that you have the same name as my little brother, you still know each other a little bit, so don't worry, I won't kill you."

"You dare not kill me." Zhou Yan sneered.

What a sinister, hypocritical but terrifying guy.

Obviously he was afraid of death, not only did he find such a clumsy excuse.

Zhou Yan had always thought that he was a master of disguise, but he didn't expect to be beaten up by another master of disguise now, which made him quite want to vomit blood.

"Well, I was discovered by you, I really don't want to die." Li Zedao was really embarrassed when the lie was exposed.

There is still a large group of terrifying demons standing there below, and there is an unknown but no doubt extremely terrifying sea beast below it, dragging the ship not knowing where it leads.

Therefore, Li Zedao was really reluctant to die this guy. If he died, he would naturally have a headache for a while, and he didn't know what to do.

"But you don't want to die, do you? Otherwise, you won't swallow the pill that I gave you so simply. So, have we reached some agreement?" Li Ze asked.

"When I swallowed the pill that you threw over without hesitation, the agreement was reached, didn't it?" Zhou Yan asked with a sneer.

"That's fine."

Li Zedao nodded: "In this way, we can be regarded as people on the same boat. Since we are people on the same boat, should we be more honest with each other?"

"Frank?" Zhou Yan let out an extremely ferocious smile, "Jie Jie Jie... You are a despicable villain with a hidden head and tail, what right do you have to follow me..."

Li Zedao looked at the cold glow of the blade of the long sword in his hand, and said lightly, "I think your other wrist seems to be a bit redundant."

Zhou Yan shut up, his extremely pale face was drawn, and the eyes that looked at Li Zedao looked like a dead person.

Damn, don't let me find a chance, otherwise Lao Tzu will cut off all the meat on your body one by one.

"In order to show my sincerity, I will tell you something first."

Li Zedao looked at Zhou Yan and said with some embarrassment: "Actually, the pill that I gave you just now is poisonous."

The muscles on Zhou Yan's face twitched again, and the round eyes flashed with a hideous light, staring at Li Ze.

"Don't look at me with such eyes." Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders, feeling aggrieved, "You know, I'm just doing something I think I should do."

"You are right." Zhou Yan gritted his teeth. If you are yourself, you will do the same, even more extreme methods.

"What kind of poison is that?" Zhou Yan asked again. I felt the lower body, except for the broken arm, there was no discomfort in other places.

"Poison that makes life worse than death... How come I don't believe you are poisoned?"

"I believe."

"You really should believe it." Li Zedao nodded, "If you count the time, the poison is about to break out. If you get acquainted anyway, I advise you to be prepared for the poison."

"..." Except for silently greeting this guy's family women, Zhou Yan had no idea what to say.

Suddenly, an indescribable pain burst out of Zhou Yan's chest without warning, and then swam all over his body.


This unexpected pain caused Zhou Yan to scream for birth. The sound cut through the night sky, and for a while it completely covered the roar of the sea.


Heart-burning pain.

Zhou Yan felt that his heart was being set on a stove, as if it was being roasted on a slow fire, and then sprinkled a handful of salt and various spices on it, and then continued to grill slowly.

This kind of sharp pain seems to have surpassed the limit of physical pain. It is a sharp pain from the depths of the soul.

Zhou Yan's voice was sharp at first, then hoarse. His body was squirming and shaking violently on this small observation platform.

His extremely white face was completely wet with sweat, and his clothes were still dripping, as if he had just been salvaged from the sea.

Zhou Yan never knew that there would be such pain in the world. The total amount of the pain he had experienced since childhood was not as good as the current pain.

Li Zedao looked at Zhou Yan calmly, but he couldn't produce any ripples in his heart.

There is no fear, no sin, nor the slightest excitement...He is not a pervert, and has no interest in torture.

For some people, if you didn't let them really feel the unforgettable pain, they wouldn't know how to be afraid.

Li Zedao knew that his heart had become hardened and darkened. For example, he could coldly watch those people underneath become a corpse who lost their souls and only knew to kill, and watched this ship become a **** on earth with extreme indifference. Is indifferent

But the deepest part of my heart is still soft.

Some things he still can't see through, such as seeing a bully bullying an unarmed weak woman for no reason, that woman is still very pretty...Of course, it doesn't matter if she is beautiful.

The important thing is that Li Zedao will definitely take action to eliminate evil when encountering this kind of thing, and save the beautiful woman in dire straits.

For example, seeing an old man who bought sesame cakes was bullied by a bully, he would also take action to seek dignity for the old man.

After a full stick of incense effort passed, Li Ze Daoist flicked his hand, and an elixir accurately and unmistakably entered Zhou Yan's slightly open, hoarse voice.

"Swallow, the pain will disappear by itself." Li Ze said indifferently.

Before Li Zedao spoke, Zhou Yan, who was so painful that he almost lost his mind, had already swallowed the pill into his stomach.

After a few breaths, the burning pain really disappeared.

Zhou Yan gasped for breath, the big beads of sweat kept dripping down, and the scarlet eyes showed fear.

He was scared, afraid to be tortured once by this kind of pain that seemed to come from the depths of the soul.

"This is the poison pill that I unintentionally refined. I named it, Burning Heart. Because once its poison pill strikes, the poison will suffer the pain of heartburn."

"You should feel lucky, and you should be the first person to take "Heartburn"."

Zhou Yan's body trembled, then humbled her head.

Li Zedao glanced at Zhou Yan, and the fear in the other's eyes made him very satisfied.

Knowing to be afraid is good, knowing to be afraid shows two points. First, the Heart-scorching Poison Pill he refined is quite awesome. Second, this guy cherishes his own life, but if he can survive, he will never die.

Of course, this is a mad dog, a poisonous snake, but whenever you give him a chance, he will definitely rush towards you frantically.

Li Zedao would naturally not give him such an opportunity.

"I naturally have a way to completely remove this poison for you, but before that, do you know what you should do?" Li Zedao asked.

"Know...Know." Zhou Yan took a deep breath and said in a voice that even felt strange to him, "Frank."

"anything else?"

"I am a dog you raised. I will bite whoever you let me bite!" Zhou Yan's voice was even stranger.

"Bite yourself first," Li Ze said.

Zhou Yan fiercely tore a large piece of meat from his arm, blood splattered.

Immediately, his extremely scarlet eyes stared at Li Zedao, chewing the meat in his mouth bit by bit, and swallowing it in.

Li Zedao's one eye shrank slightly.

This guy is more ruthless than he thought.

Below, it seems to have become a **** on earth.

The deck was washed with blood again, the pungent blood smell was extremely strong, there were stumps and broken arms, red and white flesh on it.

Even if the demon corpse was missing an arm, it was the kind of brutality that did not hinder them at all.

Li Zedao knew that apart from himself and the instigator beside him, there was no one living person on this ship.

There are no living people anymore, and the devil's corpse walks on the boat unconsciously, and sometimes even accidentally bumps into each other, like a group of slow-moving headless flies.

The scene looked quite festive, but in fact it was so terrifying that the scalp was constantly numb.

In the sea, the unknown monster still held the boat and galloped forward quickly.

"Destination." Li Zedao raised his head and looked at the **** night in the sky.

"Yongye Island." Zhou Yan said with a glance at Li Zedao.

"Is that an island with only dark night?" Li Zedao glanced at Zhou Yan.

"Yes." Zhou Yan did not hide.

He understands that the other party is so familiar with the evil spirits, and naturally also knows the fatal flaws of the evil spirits.

Li Zedao nodded, he did know that the devil's corpse had a fatal weakness, that is, they could only live in the dark and could not be exposed to the slightest sunlight.

Once exposed to sunlight, their mutated body will rot little by little at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turn into a pool of foul blood.

In addition, even if it is not exposed to sunlight, the demon corpse cannot exist forever.

In about four or five days, the evil spirits on their bodies will disappear on their own, and then they will become horrible corpses.

Therefore, it is said that a long time ago, the corpses mainly appeared on the battlefield. Their speed, immortality and terrible contagiousness that can rival those of the quasi-spiritual mirror powerhouse are enough to make the opponent shiver. I have a headache.

It's just that the evil spirit is still too sinister after all, and it is against heaven and harmony.

Later, it was gradually lost.

In fact, the evil spirit is actually a certain kind of soul pill.

Li Zedao never expected that he would be able to see the terrifying power of the legendary evil spirit, and seeing this terrifying scene, he didn't know whether it was fortunate or unfortunate.

Li Zedao glanced at Zhou Yan, thinking and knowing that this guy had made so many demon corpses, he had a plan.

revenge? Or is it to seize power?

"How long will it take to reach the Yongye Island you said?" Li Ze asked. He decided to visit Yongye Island first.

This was done to stabilize Zhou Yan's mood a little bit. Although he temporarily used the ‘scorching heart’ poison to control this terrible guy, if he was forced to force him too much, I’m afraid it would force him to die.

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