The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2372: Lord of the Devil

Zhou Yan swallowed his saliva and swept down a few times. Sure enough, a few corpses had already been torn apart and did not stand up again. These people were the ones rowing in the bottom cabin. They were basically not spiritual practitioners. For the strong.

"However, the strength and the terrifying infectiousness are not the most terrifying place of the devil corpse." Li Zedao said again.

"What? What is the most terrifying thing about them?" Zhou Yan couldn't believe what his ears heard.

If this is not terrible, then what is terrible?

"The devil's corpse is extremely obedient and will never betray!" Li Zedao's voice appeared low.

Zhou Yan was taken aback: "What did you say? What do you mean?"

Li Zedao's one eye under the mask flickered inexplicably light: "Although the devil corpse likes to bite the living, it won't take the initiative to attack. They will only obey orders."

", what did you say?" Zhou Yan's eyes widened suddenly, it is hard to imagine that this is true, " mean someone is controlling these terrible corpses?"

Li Zedao nodded: "The person who was poisonous to the devil under the Sutian River is the owner of those devil corpses, and at the same time the owner of the submarine monster who is carrying this big ship!"

"Wait, let me digest and digest first, I'm almost out of breath."

Zhou Yan exhaled loudly, with an expression that couldn't believe what Li Zedao said. Then, his horrified eyes glanced at the dark sea below, and said in an extremely incredible voice: "So, at this time That person is hiding in the sea?"

"How is this possible? How can one stay in the water for a long time?"

There are people who can hide in the sea for a long time and raise such a terrible monster. How terrible is such a person?

The corner of Li Zedao's mouth turned up with an inexplicable range: "I don't think he is in the sea. In my opinion, he has been hidden on this ship a long time ago. Maybe he is hiding in a corner and staring at the two of us now. ?"

Zhou Yan's eyes widened again and asked, "Why are you so sure?"

Li Zedao looked ahead, the one-eye hidden under the mask was shining with an inexplicable light, and his voice was low and said: "Because I am the top student in the college entrance examination."

"Huh?" Zhou Yan looked dazed, the college entrance examination champion? What is that thing?

"Oh, I mean, I'm pretty smart." Li Zedao said.

"..." Zhou Yan was surprised to find that people can be shameless to such an extent.

"If my guess is correct, Su Tianhe did not interrupt his breath after being thrown into the sea by the catkins. After all, the catkins did not kill him. Afterwards, the sea beast that Su Tianhe returned to the sea was still alive when it was thrown out of the sea."

"At this time, everyone took out hidden weapons and threw them at Su Tianhe. One of the hidden weapons nailed to Su Tianhe's body was poisoned by the evil spirit." Li Zedao said that the one-eyed shone with wisdom.

"Brother Li, don't talk about it yet, just say what should we do now?" Zhou Yan cried in fright.

Can't stay here forever? Besides, it will soon become unsafe here.

Seeing that all those people below are about to become demons.

Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and smiled bitterly: "I don't know either."

"Didn't you say you are quite smart?"

"Do you believe that?"


"You should believe it."


"I am not only smart, but also quite knowledgeable." Li Zedao spoke proudly.

"..." Zhou Yan finally understood that this guy was even more shameless than he knew.

At this moment, Zhou Yan's eyes suddenly widened. He pointed to the front and his voice was terrifying: "Brother Li, look at it, then...what is that?"

"What did you see?" Li Zedao's body tightened slightly, and he stared in the direction Zhou Yan was pointing.

Behind him, Zhou Yan's panic-stricken face suddenly became hideous, and his eyes had a palpitating strange smile.

Immediately, he quickly drew out the long sword around his waist and cut it off at the head of Li Zedao who was close at hand.


How about being smart? What about erudition? What can be shameless?

When people die, everything disappears!

"Go to hell!" Zhou Yan roared in his heart, like that raging wave.

The terrifying sword qi swept towards Li Zedao's neck fiercely.

Just between the electric light and flint, a more terrifying sword aura attacked Zhou Yan's arm holding the long sword.

This sword came so weird, so sudden, so fast, just like the thunder on the ground, and like the meteor across the sky, so fast that no one can react at all.

Zhou Yan, naturally did not react! At this moment, his mind was full of the scene where this guy seemed to be terrifying.

His words that seemed to point to something made Zhou Yan's little heart tremble wildly, as if he already knew all this and he knew what he was thinking.

However, this is not important anymore, because he is about to fall to the ground.

The only thing Zhou Yan felt regretful was that he couldn't become his own corpse!

"It was a waste of Lao Tzu's feelings." Zhou Yan's heart was filled with hideousness.


The sound of something being cut off sounded, and then a muffled sound was heard, but a long sword fell, and there was a broken arm on the hilt of the long sword that was tightly holding the hilt. .

Even because the nerves were not dead, the broken arm was still twitching.

Zhou Yan's big pie face with a hideous and weird smile just now had all solidified into a ball and became extremely pale, big beads of sweat appeared from his forehead, and there was a lot of blood from it. It sprayed out from his broken arm.

His eyes were round, and an unprecedented wave was set off in his heart, and he couldn't believe it was true.

"" His throat squirmed desperately, but he couldn't say a whole thing.

Li Zedao was holding a long sword in his hand. At this time, a weird drop of red blood dripped down the sharp blade, and as the wind blew, it directly patted Zhou Yan's white and twisted face.

"Although you don't seem to believe it, I'm really smart and knowledgeable." Li Zedao turned around and said lightly, "Even, I'm smarter than you think, and even more than you think. Great."

Zhou Yan sat down on the ground, gasping for breath, his hand clung to his broken arm, trying to stop the blood.

If he continues to let the blood flow like this, he is afraid that he will die.

Li Zedao took out a pill and threw it in front of Zhou Yan: "Eating it will be enough to save your life."

Zhou Yan raised his head, the scarlet eyes gave Li Zedao a vicious look, and then the **** hand stretched out to pick up the pill, and swallowed it directly without thinking about it.

Now, he has no choice, and he already knows that this is indeed a very smart person, and a smart person would not dare to kill him.

Not long after the pill was swallowed, the **** wound seemed to be suddenly wrapped in a thick layer of bandage, and the blood couldn't flow out.

Zhou Yan heaved a sigh of relief, and indeed saved his life.

"Why did you know it was me?" Zhou Yan raised his head and snarled, like a wounded snake. The scarlet eyes showed an extremely incomprehensible emotion.

I thought he was a **** who was in control of everything behind the scenes, but in the end he found out that he was a clown at all. This huge contrast really made him want to vomit blood.

What made him even more unexpected was the opponent's cultivation base, the power of that sword just now, the suppression of the aura of an instant powerhouse, he was afraid that he was a powerhouse above the top level of the spiritual **** realm?

A person with such a terrifying cultivation base has deliberately suppressed his cultivation to get into this boat. What is his ulterior motive?

"In the beginning, I just speculated that the person behind the scenes was on this ship, but I was not sure that it was you, but when I brought you to this watchtower, I was surprised to find that the demon corpse hadn't attacked for so long. ..."

In fact, as soon as Li Zedao got on the watchtower, he immediately set about setting up the soul formation.

In these days, Li Zedao also studied the defensive soul formation, and he was quite knowledgeable, and it was no problem to arrange a first-level defensive soul formation in a short time.

But what Li Zedao didn't expect was that he waited left and right, waiting to see the power of the defensive soul formation he had arranged, but the demon corpses were not coming up.

Not only that, some people wanted to escape to this observatory, but they were all at once dragged down by the demon corpse.

Zhou Yan's eyes widened slightly. It seemed that he knew more about this demon corpse than he had imagined.

Li Zedao said, "Why didn't the devil corpse attack? It's really because it's too far away from the deck? Obviously not. What's the reason? Anyway, there is only one reason I can think of, and that is, their master is here."

"Their master is not me, so it can only be you."

To be honest, Li Zedao was also quite surprised by such a result.

The main reason was that Zhou Yan's fear did not seem to be pretending at all, even he was scared to pee.

It can only be said that this guy has a high level of acting skills, as high as Mount Everest, and he is also quite dedicated.

More importantly, his face with its own purity attributes does not look like a guy who can create such a horrible scene.

Zhou Yan smiled, with a rather ferocious smile: "Jie Jie Jie... I didn’t expect that I was exposed in this way. I thought you suspected me a long time ago, so I pulled me up to the observation deck. To control me."

"Not so." Li Zedao shook his head.

"Why do you want to do this? Why do you want to save me? Don't talk to me about acquaintance, let alone tell me that you are kind." Zhou Yan's voice became hideous, "If you are kind, you won't just pull I came up alone!"

Li Zedao raised his head and glanced at the **** crescent moon in the sky, and his voice became grim: "It's just because you are also called Zhou Yan...Of course, the same name is nothing. The key is that you still know him a little bit."

Zhou Yan froze: "She? Your love?"

"... Nima! It's my little brother!" Li Zedao almost couldn't hold back another sword.

Can't this guy be more pure?

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