The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 183 Yama's Three-Headed Mastiff, Five Elements Gathering

In the water world, in the center of the earth, in the hollow of the earth's crust.

The red and white spring water merged into the same lake, and the faint light emitted illuminated the dark cave. The red spring water exudes an extremely violent fire-attribute aura, like magma, and the nearby rock walls are burned red by the red spring water. The white spring water exudes a coldness comparable to ten thousand years of black ice, and a layer of snow-white frost has condensed on the surrounding rock walls.

Although the properties of the two springs are completely different, they are peaceful and exist in the same lake at the same time.

This is the small Ice and Fire Eye that Yu Tianming took from the Sunset Forest Ice and Fire Eye spring water and created it in the inner earth cave of the inner world. The amount of water the size of two swimming pools is enclosed in this small cave. It has great power. Not much weaker than the two eyes of ice and fire.

At this time, a graceful body slowly emerged from the red spring water. She was a tall woman with skin as white as snow and red hair as bright as flames. Red water drops slid down her skin like lead and mercury. He fell into the spring silently.

Zhi——, the few remaining drops of red spring water on his body fell on the rocks on the lake shore, and a few wisps of white smoke came out.

"Young Master said that he found a suitable eighth soul ring for me. I will come back soon after I absorb the soul ring." She bent down and picked up the storage rings scattered under the stone wall. Her beautiful figure was outlined A beautiful arc.

At this time, a head also floated in the white spring water. She didn't respond, just looked at the figures in front of her, putting on their clothes one by one.

The eyes of ice and fire are originally extremely cold and extremely hot things in the world. Even if a titled Douluo enters the spring, his whole body will be completely corroded within a few breaths. Only by absorbing the Star Anise Ice Grass and Fiery Apricot Jiaoshu, the two celestial beings associated with the Ice and Fire Eyes, and developing a body that is invulnerable to water and fire, can one be immune to the damage of the Ice and Fire Eyes and swim freely in them.

The Ice and Fire Eye is a treasure land formed when the body of the Water and Fire Dragon King fell into the Douluo Continent. Under the influence of countless years, the energy slowly overflowed. A'Zhu and A'Zi both have dragon-type martial spirits, and their main attributes are water and fire, which exactly correspond to the power type of the Water and Fire Dragon King.

That's why Yu Tianming gave his blood to the two of them and let them enter the small eyes of ice and fire to practice. It seems that it is the effect of the water and fire eyes. During the training period, the connection between the two sisters' martial souls has gradually deepened. It seems that the two sisters, the water and the fire, are completely opposite to each other.

After finishing dressing up, Yu Tianming, who had been watching the world inside his body, thought slightly, and A'Zhu appeared in front of everyone.

He felt the rich fire-attribute aura emanating from the red-haired woman in front of him, as well as the rich dragon bloodline. The three-headed red demon mastiff, the Red King, took a few steps forward and said in a deep voice: "Pure fire attribute, ultimate fire? Such a rich dragon aura, and this seemingly nonexistent spiritual attribute, I will be your soul ring , it’s really suitable.”

Without waiting for A'Zhu to reply, the three-headed dog, which was similar in size to an elephant, lowered its mane-covered head, and the red light around it turned into a stream of light and enveloped Dugu Yan. When the soul ring with three circles of golden patterns appears at the eighth soul ring, A'Zhu's cultivation has reached the realm of Contra.

As Yu Tianming's maid, although she is slightly older than Yu Tianming, she is not over 25 years old now. He has reached the realm of Contra at such a young age. As long as he works harder and reaches the realm of Titled Douluo before the age of 30, he will be able to obtain the divine test granted by the God of Fire.

At this time, both Dugu Yan and A'Zhu accepted the sacrifice and reached the level 80 Contra realm. With a wave of Yu Tianming's sleeves, the two women returned to the water world.

He glanced at the ferocious beasts around him, and finally settled on the rippling Lake of Life, where the injured Silver Dragon King was sleeping.

Although the Silver Dragon King is the half body of the Dragon God, he belongs to a new life. After staying in the Lake of Life for a long time, he lacks a lot of basic common sense. He only focuses on resurrecting the Dragon God without considering improving his own strength. And the Golden Dragon King, who is also half of the Dragon God, can actually absorb energy in the seal, raising his strength to the supreme god.

When he thought that the Silver Dragon King in the original work lacked common sense, in order to learn about human society, he fell in love with Tang San's son, and finally gave birth to a grandson for Tang San, Yu Tianming couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "In this world, strength is respected, as you... The half body of Lord Dragon God has inherited the legacy of Lord Dragon God. As long as you practice hard, you will never be able to become a god king..."

As the words fell, Yu Tianming's figure disappeared from the spot, and the right leg bone that fell after the three-headed Red Demon Mastiff was sacrificed also disappeared.


At the back of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, a tall figure suddenly appeared in the bedroom of the lakeside villa.

This place is located in the back mountain of Landian Bawang Sect, by the lake at the foot of the mountain. There are few pedestrians coming and going, and the environment is extremely quiet. After Yu Tianming had a certain ability to protect himself, Yu Yuanzhen assigned this place to him, but he was away all year round, so Yu Tianming never lived here for a few days throughout the year.

However, the Blue Lightning Overlord clan has a great business, and people often come here to clean it regularly, so there is no accumulation of dust in this unoccupied house.

Yu Tianming opened the door and walked into the spacious living room. With a wave of his hand, several women from the water world appeared in the room.

As soon as Ning Rongrong, who had absorbed the pair of mandarin duck fairy grasses, Qiluo tulip and eight-petal fairy orchid, appeared, the whole room was filled with a faint fragrance. She glanced at Ah Zhu and Ah Zi who had been practicing in the small ice and fire Yin-Yang eyes, and asked Yu Tianming in confusion: "The two sisters are also in the water world, why didn't you tell me? What's the matter with calling us out now?"

Azhu and Ah Zi are maids who have followed Yu Tianming since childhood, and Yu Tianming had seen Ning Rongrong in the Tiandou Palace when he was eight years old. Therefore, although Zhu and Ah Zi spent most of their time practicing after Yu Tianming and Ning Rongrong got together at the age of 17, Ning Rongrong also recognized the two maids who had been following Yu Tianming.

"The water world may undergo a big change next, perhaps a earth-shaking change, so I let you out. Ah Zhu and Ah Zi have been in the water world for so long, it's time to come out and take a breath." Yu Tianming tightly grasped the right leg bone that fell from the Red King and said gently to the girls.

Dugu Yan scanned the surroundings, then looked at the skull in Yu Tianming's hand, and said softly: "Returning to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Sect, are you going to absorb the last soul bone? Do you want me to protect you?"

She joined the Blue Lightning Tyrant Sect with Dugu Bo when she was 6 years old. Not only was she very familiar with the lake view villa of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Sect, but she also knew that after Yu Tianming absorbed the Dark Gold Terror Claw Bear, he already had 5 basic soul bones of more than 100,000 years. As long as he absorbed the last soul bone in his hand, some mysterious changes would occur in his body.

"The process of my replenishing soul bones is not dangerous. You just need to protect these treasures and ensure that they are safe and sound."

Yu Tianming shook his head and waved his sleeves again. Several immortal herbs that were originally planted in the water world and had been picked and consumed appeared in the room with a ball of soil. A dark green, slightly golden, two-meter-high giant Blue Silver Emperor was also among them.

These dozen plants are tall, but they don't take up much space in the living room, while various soul bones occupy most of the living room, and a large number of storage rings are stacked together. Although this is not a low living room in an ordinary house, it can't hold the thousands of soul bones collected by Yu Tianming, so the remaining soul bones are stored in these storage rings.

After clearing out all the valuables in the water world, Yu Tianming's desire to complete the five elements made him unable to wait any longer. He turned the soul bone of the Red King into a stream of light and rubbed it into his right leg, then he sat cross-legged on the ground and absorbed it silently.

At Yu Tianming's level of cultivation, the absorption of soul bones became extremely fast. Even soul bones of 100,000 or 200,000 years can be absorbed within a few breaths.

Feeling the soul bone on his right leg, Yu Tianming thought to himself: Sure enough, although I already have the fire attribute, the soul bone of the Red King gave me a fire attribute control skill. As for the second soul bone skill, Karma Fire Burning Heart, it may be a fire attribute soul skill related to the spirit...

After Yu Tianming absorbed the soul bone of the Red King, he himself had not changed, but the six basic soul bones on his body and the external soul bones left by the Water and Fire Dragon King had undergone extremely bizarre changes.

In ancient Chinese legends, the positions of the five sacred beasts are: the Azure Dragon in the East, the White Tiger in the West, the Vermillion Bird in the South, the Black Tortoise in the North, and the Kirin in the center. The five attribute soul bones on Yu Tianming's body also imply the reason: the soul bone of the Mountain Dragon King, which represents stability and earth elements, is located in the middle of the body, the wood attribute Azure Bull Python is located on the right arm representing the east, and the Dark Gold Terror Claw Bear is located on the left arm...

[Skull, Tianmeng Ice Silkworm] Mental stability/mental power

[Trunk, Mountain Dragon King] Earth attribute control/dead space

[Left arm, Dark Gold Terror Claw Bear] Gold attribute control/Dark Gold Claw Attack

[Right arm, Azure Bull Python] Wood attribute control/Azure Divine Thunder

[Left leg, Deep Sea Demon Whale King] Water attribute control/time and space shattering

[Right leg, three-headed red demon mastiff] Fire attribute control/karma burning heart

[External attachment, dragon god wings] Driving clouds and chasing the moon/pulling the wind and attracting the clouds

When the red king soul bone was absorbed, the seven soul bones that had been integrated with Yu Tianming's own bones were stripped out again, the skull of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, the trunk bone of Mountain Dragon King, the left arm bone of Bear King, the right arm bone of Sky Blue Bull Python... and the external soul bones and dragon god wings behind him were all linked together at this moment.

Yu Tianming, who was originally sitting cross-legged on the ground, also slowly flew up. When his feet left the ground, a pair of huge golden wings behind him suddenly opened, and a sacred breath suddenly emanated.

Yu Tianming had never released his divine power recklessly, and the people around him only thought he was a genius with unfathomable strength. Now, a group of women felt the gap between gods and mortals at such a close distance, and they couldn't help but raise admiration in their eyes.

Perhaps they knew the power of the gods, and Dugu Yan and Zhu Zi, who had seen the power of the Sea God, showed even more respect when they saw the usually gentle Yu Tianming exuding such divine power.

As if to welcome the breakthrough of Yu Tianming, the god, various strange phenomena began to appear in the back mountain of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Clan. Thousands of feet of rosy clouds rose from the ground, and colorful clouds descended from the sky, filling the entire mountain.

Just as Yu Tianming had already vaguely noticed, earth produces gold, gold produces water, water produces wood, wood produces fire, and fire produces earth. The five elements of Yu Tianming's soul bones really began an endless cycle. With the establishment of the cycle, several soul bones with a cultivation level of up to 1 million years and as low as 100,000 years gradually reached a certain balance, and the age fluctuated to about 300,000 years. It seems that due to the mutual generation of the five elements, the age of several soul bones is also slowly increasing. Perhaps one day, these soul bones can be increased to a million years.

God armor!

Feeling the changes in his body, Yu Tianming immediately thought of something that every powerful god should have in the original work - God armor, an armor composed of 100,000-year soul bones on his body, similar to the battle armor in the last few miles of Douluo, both have a great effect of increasing the combat effectiveness of a god.

But what is different is that Yu Tianming did not experience the pain of bone peeling like Tang San. After the soul bones were peeled off, they formed a god armor in the outside world and returned to his body again. The soul bone on Yu Tianming's body just separated from his own skeleton, and then connected together, and then turned into soul bone again and merged with his own skeleton. Although there was no armor to protect himself, Yu Tianming's physical strength began to increase dramatically.

At this time, he suddenly had an epiphany: as an invincible existence in the flesh, the Dragon God himself is the hardest object, what can be his armor to protect it? Perhaps it is the wrong path to be like Tang San and the various gods in the God Realm, or in other words, the divine armor is just a means for the weak to protect themselves.

As the soul bone was internalized into his body and completely merged with Yu Tianming, his cultivation broke through level 100 and truly reached the realm of a priest.

In Douluo Continent, levels 100 to 110 are priests, levels 110 to 120 are third-level gods, levels 120 to 130 are second-level gods, levels 130 to 140 are first-level gods, and levels 140 to 150 are god kings like Shura God. The chosen gods of Douluo Continent, after inheriting a fixed god position and ascending to the God Realm, will rapidly improve their strength to the corresponding level as if they had suddenly realized something.

Yu Tianming is different. He did not inherit any god position. If he wants to improve his cultivation, he must rely on his own practice. The Dragon God only pointed out the future path for him, so that after countless years of practice, he could reach the height that the Dragon God once reached - the God of Creation who broke through level 150.

After the fusion of the soul bones, the water world in Yu Tianming's body also underwent earth-shaking changes.

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