The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 182 Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear, One Missing

This clear female voice sounded again. She did not be polite to Yu Tianming, nor did she say anything else. Instead, she directly asked the key question: "I am the Silver Dragon King. I wonder if I have seen Lord Dragon God? He How is the situation now?"

After hearing such a direct question from Silver Dragon King, Yu Tianming was slightly startled. But the Silver Dragon King was the half body of the Dragon God, and he had no need to hide the Dragon God's situation, so he said directly: "A few years ago, by chance, I was involved in the turbulence of time and space, and happened to enter a small world. There were corpses and remnant souls of dragons everywhere. After traveling for several months, I saw the remnant soul of the Dragon God in the center of the small world..."

"Lord Dragon God, is he sane or crazy, and what kind of favor has he given you?" the Silver Dragon King asked impatiently.

Yu Tianming looked at the bottom of the Lake of Life, where the seriously injured Silver Dragon King was sleeping, sighed quietly, and said slowly: "Maybe it's my dragon bloodline, or the blessing of the Water and Fire Dragon King, or maybe I've practiced the elements. Both in terms of body and soul. At that time, Lord Dragon God’s soul just looked at me and eliminated the Poseidon Shen Kao from my body, and showed me the path of cultivation. It was precisely because of this that I was able to reach less than level 100. His cultivation has entered the realm of gods."

Poseidon's test? Ditian and Biji looked at each other with expressions of disbelief. They didn't expect that Yutian would get the Poseidon's test early tomorrow. When did the gods become so within reach?

"Were you originally the God of Poseidon's choice? You are already excellent, and you will naturally be recognized by Lord Dragon God." Silver Dragon sighed and said slowly: "Maybe it is the aura of the Water and Fire Dragon King in you that saved you from the turbulence of time and space. The location of Lord Dragon God has been introduced. I wonder if you can find Lord Dragon God again? "

Yu Tianming shook his head and said in a deep voice: "If I want to find that small world, I am still somewhat sure, but after Lord Dragon God's soul showed me the way forward, it disappeared. I'm afraid..."

Before he finished speaking, the surrounding ferocious beasts already knew the result, and a sad atmosphere began to spread in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest.

Although these soul beasts are born and grow naturally, who has never heard of the reputation of the Dragon God, the co-leader of soul beasts? Suddenly, the result of the Dragon God's fall was confirmed, and their hearts were filled with mixed feelings.

"Lord Dragon God...I am the incarnation of Lord Dragon God's godhead, the half body of Dragon God. I wanted to wait until I recovered from my injuries and then try to resurrect Lord Dragon God, but I didn't expect that Lord Dragon God actually..." The voice of the Silver Dragon King It was still clear, but anyone could hear her extreme sadness.

Doesn't this expose one's own heel? Yu Tianming thought to himself: Silver Dragon King, you have let me know that you are seriously injured, how can you guarantee that I will not kill you? Or is it too naive to say that you haven't had any contact with humans since you were born?

In fact, not long after the Silver Dragon King was born with spiritual wisdom, he came to the Star Dou Forest of Douluo Star to recuperate, and no one knows how much time has passed since then. Speaking of which, she really hadn't had much contact with humans. It might be for this reason that it took countless years for the Silver Dragon King to fall in love with Tang Wulin, Tang San's son.

Thinking of this, Yu Tianming also felt compassion and said to the Silver Dragon King with a weak voice: "Although you are the half body of the Dragon God, you are also a brand new personality. Instead of trying to resurrect the Dragon God, you can place your wishes on Above the Dragon God, it is better to enhance your own strength..."

"Alas...I know," the Silver Dragon King sighed softly. He seemed not to take Yu Tianming's words to heart, and turned to Mr. Xiong and said, "He is indeed the inheritor of the Dragon Clan. Mr. Xiong, for my sake." For his sake, take the initiative to sacrifice it to him, and keep your soul for a chance to be resurrected later."

At this time, Mr. Xiong's neck had already stopped bleeding, and even without treatment, flesh and blood had grown out of the punctured neck. Different from the Dao injuries suffered by Silver Dragon King, Xiong Jun, as a half-million soul beast, the physical injuries on his body will only weaken his combat effectiveness, but as long as he cultivates peacefully, he can recover quickly.

Mr. Xiong, who was already waiting for death, heard what the Silver Dragon King said, snorted coldly, and said in a low voice: "For the sake of the Silver Dragon King, I will satisfy your request. Otherwise, I will not sacrifice myself even if I blow myself up." …”

It is reckless but not stupid. It naturally knows that the soul can be retained by the sacrifice. But Yu Tianming didn't speak, and it didn't know whether the other party needed his soul ring. If the Silver Dragon King didn't agree, it was also afraid that Yu Tianming would kill him again after the sacrifice. Now that it was alive, it just wanted to be tough and gain some face for itself before the sacrifice.


When Xiong Jun saw Yu Tianming turning around, he shuddered suddenly and quickly changed the subject: "You already have 9 soul rings. If you want me to sacrifice to that junior, when should we start sacrificing?"

Yu Tianming glanced at the group of spirit beasts around him and slowly uttered two words:


Immediately, Dugu Yan, dressed in black and tall, appeared in front of the ferocious beasts.

Dugu Yan had already heard from Yu Tianming in the water world that he would accept the sacrifice of the spirit beast, so he entered the state of possession by the martial spirit in advance. In an instant, seven strange things appeared: black, black, black, black and red. The extremely powerful soul ring appeared in the sight of all the ferocious beasts.

The seventh soul ring is naturally dropped by the Titan Ape, while the first six black soul rings are rewards for the Poseidon assessment.

"Is this the descendant I want to sacrifice? I didn't expect that at such a young age, he has the strength of a soul saint, and his soul ring ratio is so weird. This is probably an unprecedented genius among humans. It is not an insult to sacrifice him to you." Xiong Jun looked at Dugu Yan in front of him, crossed his arms and said in a deep voice.

Dugu Yan did not answer, but turned to look at Yu Tianming.

Yu Tianming smiled slightly and explained: "When a soul beast has cultivated for 100,000 years, it can choose to face the test of heavenly tribulation and continue to cultivate in the form of a soul beast, but the test of heavenly tribulation is too difficult, and only one in ten soul beasts can experience two heavenly tribulations. So some soul beasts abandon their long lifespans and choose to transform into humans."

"So, these people around are all soul beasts?"

Yu Tianming nodded and explained to Dugu Yan: "They are all soul beasts with at least 300,000 years of cultivation, and have experienced at least two heavenly tribulations. They are also called fierce beasts because of their strong strength, and they can freely transform into human form."

At this time, the fierce beasts around them all raised their mouths. They were quite proud to be recognized by Yu Tianming.

The bear king took a step forward and said in a deep voice: "I have cultivated for 500,000 years and am the top powerhouse among the fierce beasts. Little girl, you have received my sacrifice, and you are not far from becoming a god."

"In that case, the bear king should sacrifice to Yanyan now."

When the bear king heard Yu Tianming's words, his voice suddenly stagnated, and then he looked at Biji, the most gentle among the fierce beasts, and said embarrassedly: "After I leave, please take care of my people..."

"Don't worry, the bear king, I will take good care of them." Although the fierce beasts usually have bad relations, in the end, the kind-hearted Biji is willing to help him.

Hearing this, the bear king no longer hesitated and showed his original huge body: a dark golden giant bear that is 15 meters tall. The strange thing is that the bear king's arms are extremely long. The 15-meter-tall giant bear has 10-meter-long arms, which can be seen as exaggerated.

The bear king, as tall as a villa, stood in front of Dugu Yan, and his body gradually emitted bursts of golden red light. In just a few breaths, Xiong Jun's whole body was stained with golden red, and the whole bear turned into a stream of light that enveloped Dugu Yan. After a few more breaths, before everyone could react, the golden red light turned into a soul ring and appeared at the position of Dugu Yan's eighth soul ring.

Xiao Wu could sacrifice to Tang San, who was not yet level 60, and Xiong Jun could also sacrifice to Dugu Yan, who was not yet level 80. In addition, it seemed that due to the cultivation level, Xiong Jun's sacrifice scene was much smaller than Xiao Wu's sacrifice, but the speed of the sacrifice was not slow at all. Before Dugu Yan could react, he was promoted to the level of Soul Douluo.

Dugu Yan looked at the red soul ring with five golden patterns on his body and murmured, "What a powerful force. Now I have a soul power of level 86, and the power of the sacrifice of the bear king is gradually infiltrating my body. It will take at most half a year for me to reach level 90. How can a titled Douluo be achieved like this?"

Yu Tianming slightly bent his five fingers and used gravity to grab the soul bone that the bear king prepared for Yu Tianming after the sacrifice - the dark golden left arm bone, which seemed to be made of real dark gold. Not only was it extremely heavy, but there was also a faint sharp aura coming from it. Obviously, the quality was higher than the level of ordinary 100,000-year soul rings.

He did not absorb the soul ring, but turned to look at Dugu Yan, and said in a deep voice: "Yan Yan, what soul skill did the bear king give you?"

"Dark Gold Claw, an extremely powerful attack soul skill, suitable for armor breaking and sudden attacks. The damage of a soul skill of 500,000 years has probably reached an extremely terrifying level. Frenzy, exerting far more power than oneself in a short period of time. Although I have not used this skill, I have a hunch that the power of this skill must be far more powerful than ordinary amplification soul skills, and it has the effect of turning defeat into victory."

Yu Tianming did not ask any more questions, and looked at the dark gold claw bear soul bone in his hand. This soul bone was not big, but he could deeply feel the powerful soul in it, as well as the soul of the bear king that remained in it.

Without thinking too much, Yu Tianming directly pressed it on his left arm. In an instant, the physical soul bone turned into a dark golden light and merged with Yu Tianming's arm.

Feeling the soul energy contained in the soul bone, Yu Tianming showed a strange expression.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, or the influence of the characteristics of the martial soul, or the legacy of the Dragon God's inheritance made it easier for him to control the elemental attributes. As expected, the Dark Gold Terror Claw Bear gave Yu Tianming the magical skill of gold attribute control.

At this time, whether it was the free gold elements in the air or the fixed metals buried deep underground, they were all reflected in Yu Tianming's mind. As long as he had a thought, these gold elements could be used by him. Unlike those who manipulated metals indirectly by manipulating electromagnetics. Yu Tianming directly established a connection with the gold elements like manipulating flames and lightning, and could directly control the gold elements.

The second soul skill is the famous skill of the Dark Gold Terror Claw Bear - Dark Gold Terror Claw. Unlike the Dark Gold Terror Claw soul skill obtained by Huo Yuhao, Huo Yuhao obtained the Dark Gold Terror Claw from the external soul bone, and the release method was to eject 5 sharp claws. Yu Tianming's Dark Gold Terror Claw directly pointed to the root of the Dark Gold Terror Claw, directly condensed the ultimate gold attribute at the fingertips, and could release the Dark Gold Terror Claw with a wave of his hand.

It can be used for close combat and surprise attacks. It can also swing its claws and attack enemies from a distance. The 500,000-year-old beast soul skill has brought the sharpness of the gold attribute to the extreme, and the attack power is terrifying. In Yu Tianming's hands, weak gods can hardly withstand this move.

Yu Tian's gold-attributed soul bone Dark Gold Claw is on his left hand, while his wood-attributed soul bone Sky Blue Divine Thunder is on his right hand. Although gold and thunder are both top-notch attack attributes, the 400,000-year cultivation gap between Sky Blue Bull Python and Xiong Jun also creates a damage gap between the two soul skills. Compared to the Dark Gold Terror Claw, the Azure God Thunder is probably only easy to attack in groups.

At this time, Yu Tianming already has six soul bones, including the external soul bones, which are:

[Skull, Tianmeng Ice Silkworm] Mental stability/mental power

[Torso, Mountain Dragon King] Earth attribute control/dead space

[Left arm, Dark Gold Terror Claw Bear] Gold attribute control/Dark Gold Terror Claw

[Right arm, Azure Bull Python] Wood attribute control/Azure God Thunder

[Left leg, Deep Sea Demon Whale King] Water attribute control/time and space fragmentation

[External attachment, Dragon God Wings] Driving clouds to chase the moon/pulling wind and attracting clouds

In addition to the spiritual skull that has a balance between the physical body and the power of the elements, gold, wood, water, fire and earth, the five elements have been controlled. The location of these soul bones also implies the way of mutual generation and mutual restraint.

Although the martial soul itself comes with the three attributes of wind, fire and thunder, it includes the fire attribute.

But without a fire attribute soul bone, the elements between the soul bones have been unable to reach a balance. On the contrary, before reaching a balance, when only one soul beast was missing, Yu Tianming felt a strong sense of incompleteness. He was originally calm and not easily affected by the outside world, but he began to desire from the bottom of his heart to obtain a fire attribute soul bone as soon as possible to balance everything.

At this time, Yu Tianming turned his head and looked at the Red King beside him.

And the Red King also turned into his original form. Although it has a strong dragon bloodline, it looks like a three-headed mastiff with a length of more than five meters. The Red King was born extremely majestic, with three identical big heads between the flame-like mane. Each head has a diameter of more than one meter, and the terrifying canine teeth release a red-gold luster.

In fact, the Yama Three-Headed Mastiff Red King has three heads and carries a strong dragon bloodline. It is more suitable as Yu Tianming's soul ring. However, as a fierce beast, it has been absorbing the power of the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm under the Lake of Life. Yu Tianming had no chance to kill it among the fierce beasts before absorbing the ninth soul ring.

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