The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 30 Immortal Food

Xuantian's sword intention said that if Xuan Niang is pregnant, there is indeed a very small probability that the evil spirit will be hidden in the womb and evade my detection... But this situation is too rare, basically impossible……'

How is this impossible! You haven't seen that Xuan Niang's figure is so delicate and her hip bones are so big! It’s normal to be pregnant from time to time! Cough cough cough! And since the system has ‘determined that Tian Shiro is not dead’, then that’s probably it!

"Then should I get rid of the evil corpse first? After all, I was the one who let him go. If it causes a big disaster..." Li Fan couldn't help but say.

Xuantian's sword circled around impatiently, and hit another bamboo leaf to hit him.

‘Xuantian Sword Intention means, host, you still don’t want to learn a lesson, it’s almost impossible after everything you said! And if you let them run away, let them run away. There are so many demonic cultivators wandering around the world, do they need your foundation-building care?

Don't worry, each sect now has no shortage of geniuses and treasures, but they will still send their disciples to travel around the world just to search for these fish that have slipped through the net.

Moreover, evil corpses are not that difficult to deal with. As long as it is not the corpse king that has been raised in the tomb for hundreds of years, two or three teams of soldiers can capture him alive.

Besides, didn't you say how powerful the policemen in Liguo are? Just let them handle it and it's over! Chop the monkey. After you have rested, seize the time to chop the monkey! ’

"I'm not talking about...Oh, forget it, let's level up first..." Li Fan sighed, and had no choice but to place the responsibility of saving the world on the Li country's police officers. He wiped the blood on the wooden sword with his sleeves, Rushed into the bamboo forest again.

Let's get back to the subject, here are the remaining five sword moves selected from "Xuan Tian Sword Technique. Sword Intent and Kun Remastered Edition".

A chaotic battle in which one enemy has many enemies and is besieged from all sides. The rising and falling style is used to deal with the first attack, which has the advantage of surprise. The shooting style is a dangerous situation of close combat and quick sword exchange.

These three moves are suitable for Li Fan to hunt monkeys in the bamboo forest. He will first rush into the monkey group with a big jump, and then use a flurry of sword attacks to mow the entire field with AOE. If something goes wrong, he will be rushed into the sword circle. Just attack and kill the enemy.

Strictly speaking, these three tricks are all used to torture vegetables, so they are applicable now.

The other two sword moves, one is the Lightning Style and the other is the Gu Ying Style, are both sword skills for one-on-one sword fighting.

As the name suggests, the lightning style is as fast as lightning and as fast as thunder. Either you die or I die. There are only three moves in total. If you can't catch it, you will die. If you can catch it, I will die. There will be no room for emptiness. of.

The Gu Ying style is even more subtle, there is no set move, it is just Gu Ying, how will your sword come, how will I block my sword, change at the last moment, look for opportunities, and attack the enemy later. This is also a move with two swords. The style has very high requirements on the experience, understanding and arm strength of the messenger. After all, you have to be able to block someone else's two-handed sword with one-handed sword first, and then you can defend and counterattack, right?

These two styles are used to deal with opponents who are equally powerful or stronger than themselves. Of course, there is no chance to use it against a thunder monkey like this in the bamboo forest.

And to be honest, these two moves obviously don't focus on moves, but more on experience. Of course, Li Fan didn't master them well. Originally, he wanted to practice sword fighting with the Thunder Monkeys, but who knew that these beasts looked rough and thick-skinned, and their muscles were thick. It exploded so violently that it couldn't stop him at all. The basic sword energy of Zhushan was slashed. The green light of Guichen sword energy flashed, and the bones were broken and the corpse was dismembered. Arterial blood spurted three feet high. The slaughtering scene was so tragic that it was not given to him at all. Room for practice.

In the end, Li Fan didn't even bother to use moves like the Swinging Strike, which moved too far forward, took too long to read, and consumed too much physical energy. He simply jumped out and slashed. Jump over and kill for a while, then jump and jump to chase and kill the courageous monkey who is running for his life. Kun followed behind and drank thunder crystals all the way.

'Xuantian Sword Intention means, hold back the host, don't kill too crazy, don't go up at any time during sword fighting, remember not to chase the enemy, pay attention to the surrounding movements at all times, don't fall into the trap, and pay special attention to the condition of the weapon. , remember to change the sword. ’

"Change the sword?" Li Fan looked at the wooden sword in his hand. Only then did he notice that because it had been attached to the Guichen Sword Qi for too long and he had killed more than thirty monkeys, the wooden sword's blade had become like earth and stone. Like rotten and cracked.

'Xuantian Sword Intent said that the wooden magic sword in Zhushan is not bad in workmanship, and the runes and curse seals inside are well made. Now there is an abundance of spiritual materials, and even the material of the wooden sword is good. It can hold up to thirty swords, so it is really a good product. But an ordinary wooden sword may not be able to be used after one or two swords. If it is contaminated by blood and evil energy, ordinary weapons will be useless.

Therefore, it is extremely important for monks to refining a magic weapon that is handy. After reaching the golden elixir stage, a lot of time is spent on refining magic weapons. Therefore, the disciples of the big sect have an extra advantage. After all, the elders help with sword refining, which saves a lot of time in practicing on their own. Mozhushan is still a little behind in this regard.

But host, you don’t have to worry. You can just open the sword box hidden by me in the future and use it. During the foundation building period, you can just buy some low-grade magic weapons. By the way, host, don't you have money? Go buy something you can get. ’

"Then why don't I go wholesale and prepare a hundred and eighty wooden swords?"

Li Fan took out a new wooden sword from the jade pendant and waved it. The sword shape of this eight-sided Han sword was made from the Zhushan basic sword qi that was matched with the rubbing of the Mo sword. The sword qi was directly attached to the blade of the sword. It was exactly the same, and with the improved arm strength after foundation building, he could swing the wooden sword as easily as waving a feather. It was surprisingly smooth, and he was a little reluctant to change it.

Xuantian's sword intention said that there is no need to spare weapons. The wooden sword is only for disciples to practice. Although there are very few opportunities to kill at close range, if someone really cuts him off with an iron sword, he will regret it. It's too late.

By the way, when it comes to the shape and quality of the magical artifacts, the host does not need to covet those ritual artifacts carved from gold, jade and jewelry, they are useless. As for the high-grade Alloy Starfall, it is not a problem. It is too expensive and wasteful to buy this kind of treasure to make soldiers during the foundation building period. A copper coin sword or an iron sword would be better.

oh! Don’t wait any longer, host! Let’s not practice today! Flying, flying, flying! ’

Important things were mentioned three times in a row, and Xuantian Jianyi called the police like this. Li Fan also guessed that a big monster was out, and immediately threw out the flying crane hairpin, put Kun and Jianyi into his sleeves and flew into the sky on the crane.

Sure enough, as soon as Feihe rushed into the clouds, from a distance, he could see a large piece of the bamboo forest crashing and collapsing underneath, as if there was some huge monster in the forest, running rampant like a running bull, very angry.

"Could that be..."

Xuantian's sword intention said, yes, it is the Thunder Monkey King in this forest, who can also be regarded as a great demon in the Golden Core stage. If ordinary Golden Core monks don't have a high-grade flying sword at their side, they may not be able to frighten them. Live it.

Host, you don’t have the Dragon Shepherd Sword now, if you touch it, you will die. Fortunately, I had just taken the time to kill a lot of monkeys and practice them for a while before the beast was alerted. But this kind of beast definitely holds a grudge. I'm afraid he won't have a chance in two days, so just go buy the magic sword. ’

Gee, there is actually a chance of triggering the wild BOSS mechanism, so how can you use Thunder Monkey to level up? System, what is its current status?

‘Li Fan, mood, 114/200, current charging progress 198/200’

Huh? That’s not right! Did he kill a lot of people just now?

‘The system determines that some thunder monkeys have not reached the foundation building stage and will not provide mood points. ’

Hey, this judgment is too harsh! system! We have become so familiar with each other, how about we stop fussing over everything? It’s only 2 o’clock anyway, so let’s round it up and draw a prize?

The system ignored him.

"Tsk, forget it," Li Fan thought, "Let's go eat first, or buy some foundation-building elixirs and take them. Then I can put some energy into the gift bag before talking."

‘Kun agreed. ’

It was easy to fly to the town outside Louguan Tower. On the way, Li Fan had already found the lotus pod magic weapon from Jade Perry. He took a shower and washed away the blood on his head. He changed into plain clothes and remembered the rules. , by the way, he took up the 'faceless' headscarf.

After Feihe landed, of course Li Fan first went to Jiangji Trading Company to look for Poria, hoping to find out from her how to purchase magic elixirs.

But unexpectedly, something unexpected happened again, and Jiang Ji Trading Company closed down.

"What's going on?" Li Fan frowned. Today is not a holiday. Other shops are open as usual, but Jiang Ji's shop is closed. There is no one on duty, and there is no treasure ship of Poria in the yard.

Although I know that Fu Ling is busy with some things recently, but all the businesses are closed. Is it really just a small problem?

Not knowing where to find Poria cocos for a moment, Li Fan hesitated, took two steps, and walked around to the door of a restaurant.

Yes, it's Keshanzhai at the door. Maybe you can find out what happened to Jiangji Chamber of Commerce from the regulars here. Although Li Fan has yet to make a painting from here, maybe the limelight has passed...

This Keshan Zhai is as busy as usual, and there is a queue at the door. It seems that the stolen menu has not affected the popularity at all. There seem to be even more people queuing up. What's going on?

Li Fan quietly sneaked in again, relying on his "faceless" skills to block the eyes of others as usual, and jumped in line to rush in. He took a special look at the wall in the cafeteria, where the picture of the goddess was painted before, and he understood.

Now it is not a flying goddess serving food, but a group.

The previous literary and artistic style had changed, and turned into a vulgar picture of fairies bathing. Unfortunately, it was no longer a very realistic fantasy magic weapon such as "objects". It was simply repainted by an artist. But don’t tell me, it’s really lifelike, hazy, seemingly covering up but not covering up, you’re greeted even if you want to lift it up, and you can’t stop coughing, coughing, coughing!

All in all, let’s describe it objectively and without any colored glasses. It’s just a picture of seven fairies bathing in a bathtub and enjoying themselves while eating on a water mat. There’s nothing particularly erotic about it, just a little bit erotic. One after another dinner plates and porcelain dishes with full color, fragrance and fragrance float among the lotus bowls and jade feet. Surrounded by peaks and mountains like mutton-fat jade, at least it is more intuitive and beautiful than the inexplicable dish names before.

Therefore, all diners can be generous and appreciate and appreciate these beautiful and delicious delicacies, ahem!

And what’s even more amazing is that the seven fairies in this painting were all copied from real people.

Well, Li Fan walked in from the door and saw one of the seven fairies. She was half-undressed and her skin was like water. She was smiling half-smiling, knocking most of her legs and sitting at the front door to entertain guests. She didn't even wear a pair of underpants, as if It was as if I had just come out of the bath in the painting to enjoy the cool air. And despite her appearance of drinking, playing, and chatting, she actually has a little bit of foundation in Qi training.

Haha, there is a saying that the three greatest blessings for a middle-aged man are to be promoted, get rich, and die old. Ahem, cough, cough. In short, the owner of the house stares at the ruined wife's portrait at the door all the time, and his life style immediately changes. It's coming.

"Fellow Taoist, you are polite, but do you want to have a meal?" The big bare-legged fairy at the door is not a mortal after all. She can see that the inner disciple of Li Fan who came in wearing a 'faceless' headdress is dressed as a disciple of the inner sect of Li Fan. He didn't bother to talk to him at all. Seeing such a young and handsome man who had established his foundation at such a young age, of course he smiled so much that he came over to greet him.

Li Fan was not polite and looked her up and down. After all, she was wearing something for others to see, so it would be in vain if she didn't look at her. "Well, do you have immortal food for the foundation building period? It's best if it has the attribute of returning to dust. "

In this regard, he had inquired with Fuling. In fact, monks do have the method of fasting grains. After all, the spiritual energy of the human world is mixed. Some monks specialize in a single energy method, and some ingredients are not unclean. If you eat them, you will waste money. When the impurities are eliminated, I simply don’t eat. I usually only drink water and take elixirs. Occasionally, I chew white rice washed with spiritual energy to satisfy my hunger. I puff out clouds and mist as if I don’t eat the fireworks of the world.

It's just that now that the Five Elements Escape Technique has been spread, and the spiritual energy and materials in the world are so abundant, there is no need to practice so hard with a pure heart. There is specially made immortal food, or immortal food, for monks to eat.

Not only is it delicious food, but it also contains various medicinal materials that can increase one's physical strength, nourish essence and blood. Eating it can greatly increase one's cultivation level, and the benefits are endless.

However, serious immortal meals certainly have requirements for the purity of spiritual energy. There is naturally a huge difference between the immortal meals at the Qi training stage and the immortal meals at the Nascent Soul stage, and the production cycle and cost are also different.

But isn't this the only way Shanzhai, which serves monks, is to make money?

"I have recorded the immortal meal that I returned to the dust during the foundation building period. Fellow Taoist, please come with me to sit in the elegant room."

The bare-legged maid led Li Fan upstairs. Upstairs was the plum garden that Li Fan had entered once in the scroll. However, it was not an illusion. Instead, she used magic to create a residence for gatherings and banquets in the pavilion. Next to it is the bathing pool where the Seven Fairies bathe. At this time, there are also three maids bathing in the pool. They shuttle back and forth with laughter like golden carps. From time to time, they hold the delicacies and jade plates, smiling and covering their waists, stepping on the water of the lotus pond. Zhu Lingqi twisted her waist and stood up to serve food to the banquet nearby. She sat down on the guest's lap, which was so wet and slippery. She held the delicacies between her fingertips and stuffed them into the guests' mouths, feeding them one bite at a time.

Well, there was a group of monks around, eating wine, playing around the pond, and admiring the 'swimming fish' in the flower pond.

Hiss... I can play, I can play, I can play... Good! When in town, do as the Romans do!

So Li Fan was also very interested. He found a seat with a good view and sat down. He took a look at the recipe of the Guichen Immortal Meal served by the maid.

Hi, I still don’t know what they are, but luckily there are prices. But to be honest, a dish costing thousands is too expensive. It usually costs twenty kilo... Choose two cheap ones...

"Just this Sophora japonica jade plate... and this Suet Fat Crispy Qiong Ye." Li Fan was not polite at all, and directly ordered the cheapest two, twenty-one and five each, twenty-five in total... nonsense Already...

The maid's face visibly stiffened, but she was obviously worried that this boy was an inner sect foundation disciple and could not afford to offend her, so she had no choice but to say nothing and withdrew with a smile.

Then Li Fan kept staring at the fish in the pond, ahem, mainly because he wanted to see when his food would be served.

He didn't wait long. After a while, a crew member with a flat head came over carrying a dinner plate and said, "Guest, the Sophora taotai jade plate and mutton fat crispy Qiong leaves you ordered."

Li Fan looked at him expressionlessly, at the dishes on the 'Youyu' over there, and then lowered his head to look at the things on his desk.

A plate of green cold noodles, no soup, no juice, no mixed vegetables, UU Kanshu is pure, simple, plain and simple. A plate of green cold noodles only costs about two taels. There is also a bunch of fried white steamed buns with a small plate of sauce on the side. They are considerate enough to cut the steamed buns for you, dividing them into five pieces in total.

‘Li Fan’s mood dropped by 1 point. ’

Li Fan turned his head and glared at the guy.

The waiter said expressionlessly, "Your dishes are ready, Chenghui has twenty-five pieces."

‘Li Fan’s mood dropped by 1 point. ’

‘Li Fan, mood, 112/200, current charging progress 200/200’

‘The host can now conduct lottery’

But Li Fan doesn't want to draw a lottery now.

"...Tell me again, how much is it?" Li Fan gritted his teeth and stared at him. Okay, he also sent a foundation builder over to prevent him from eating the Overlord's meal, right?

The flat-headed waiter still had no expression on his face, and he opened the menu and pointed it out to him, "Sophora pagoda and jade plate, twenty guan, mutton fat crisp Qiong Ye, five guan. The fairy meal used in the foundation period is genuine, and it is worth it." bully."

"What about that one?" Li Fan pointed to the maid next to him who was sitting on the guest's lap and feeding him wine. It seemed that the guest thought the wine was too cold, so she obeyed and had to warm it with her tongue and moisturize it before feeding...

The flat-headed waiter looked at Li Fan and said with an expressionless face, "Guest, if you name me like this, I can help you..."

"Hiss..." Li Fan gasped and was about to leave.

Kun jumped out of his arms, took a bite of steamed buns, and swallowed another noodle.

‘Kun said, it’s just average, not as delicious as the one made with Poria. ’

Li Fan and his crew just stared at Kun.

The waiter coughed and said, "Guest, it's hard to leave now..."

‘Li Fan’s mood dropped by 1 point. ’

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