‘Host, don’t waste your energy on such little people, hurry up’

"Little people? A monk at the Golden Core stage, who killed a corpse of a Golden Core with one punch, are they all small people? Then what should we focus on? And seize the time? What are you doing by seizing the time? What shocking plot does your mental health system have? ! Do you want to contribute to the mental health of mankind in the multiverse? ... System? System! I'm going to die! Who can stand to talk half of the time! What are you doing with your time!"

But there was no response from the system. I don’t know if it was deliberately concealed, or if there was some setting like ‘the host does not have enough authority’.

But Li Fan was really speechless, and his mood was about to collapse. There was actually a lot of hidden information in this system that was not shared. So at this pace, there might be some big conspiracy behind it. If he didn't want to be taken to the ditch, If you go inside, it's best to really improve your realm as soon as possible and unlock more permissions in the system to obtain information!

'Xuan Tian's sword intention said, hurry up and kill the thunder monkey to refine your heart. Host, your true energy in the foundation building period is unstable. The talisman is only effective, and the spiritual energy will dissipate within a stick of incense. ’

Then Kun licked the yellow talisman, jumped up with the talisman in his mouth, and slapped it on Li Fan's back.

Don't interrupt, you two! Huh? Wait...Sword Intent! What kind of talisman did you just draw?

‘Xuan Tian’s sword intention means that it is an eye-blocking talisman, which is a common eye-blocking method among the people. ’

Li Fan was completely stunned. He didn't even have time to think carefully about a lot of incomprehensible words spoken by the system before, because what appeared in front of him at this time, emerging from the bamboo forest in groups, was the eunuch with a clean face and no beard. road! And there are more than a dozen! It was those thunder monkeys that just transformed! No, no, it was Li Fan who regarded monkeys as monsters!

"The blinding method...train the mind..." I understand, use the blinding method to treat monkeys as humans to train the murderous intention. In this way, the psychological barrier will be smaller at the beginning. Once the hands are practiced, when fighting with others, they will no longer As for the kind outlook cultivated in the previous life, he is always hesitant to kill the same kind of people. but……

"This blind trick is too bad!"

Because of the 'monsters' in front of Li Fan, only their faces look like that. From the neck down, they still have Thunder Monkey's muscular body, which can flatten a container with one punch. It's even more disgusting to look at...

'Xuantian Sword Intention means that this spell is specially designed for young children like the host. It is progressively layered. The illusion becomes more real as it goes up. Practice your hands first and become familiar with the sword moves. ’

The sword intention was attached to Kun's head, causing it to flapping its fins and swim to the nearby bamboo leaves to watch the battle.

Well, at least facing this monster with a human face and a monkey body, there's nothing that can't be done with it, just treat it as a VR game.

Li Fan secretly remembered the sword manual, meridian diagram and killing move tips in "Xuan Tian Sword Technique Remastered Edition" in his heart. He took a virtual step forward with his left foot, placed his weight on his right foot and stepped sideways. He held the wooden sword vertically in his right hand, holding the sword vertically. Guichen Sword Qi condensed on the blade, he made a seal with his left hand, and clasped his ring finger to pull the Qi machine. He made his first sword move.

A group of 'monsters' roared and looked at the monkey friend who had just been strangled by the Qiankun Feilong Sword. They patted their big chest muscles and bulged their arms and jumped towards him! This jump actually spanned three feet! And more than a dozen of them pounced together! It's like a battle formation, overwhelming, one after another! The sound of screaming and roaring is very terrifying!

No wonder the disciples in the Qi training stage are now retreating to the cafeteria to drink soup... How can ordinary people defeat such monkeys...

Moreover, there are so many of these enemies, and they form a wide fan. When they are surrounded by the sky and the earth, if you use the Qiankun Feilong Sword, you can only hit a limited width and depth. It is really inconvenient to deal with it, and it is useless to waste too much sword energy. efficiency.

While thinking about it, Li Fan closed his eyes and swept his consciousness, instantly locking the 'demon path' coming toward him. Then he opened his eyes sharply, his pupils were like fast stars pursuing their pursuit, and at the same time, the energy around his body was flowing, and his eyes were The bright light shone brightly, he stepped onto the ground with his right foot, turned his waist and stretched his arms to send the wooden sword in his hand straight forward. At the same moment, he used the fingers of his left hand to press his true energy and flicked it towards the sword body.

This bullet did not interfere with the wooden sword itself, but it disrupted the sword's sharp edge attached to the sword!

In an instant, the Guichen Sword Qi released by the sword edge spread out in waves as if blown by the wind. At first glance, it looked like pieces of palm leaves, sweeping out along the path of the sword sent out. Although there was only one sword stabbing, the sword was attached to it. The Gui Chen Sword Qi shone with green light, forming a shadow of the sword on the side. As Li Fan advanced with the steps shown in the sword picture, turning his waist and leaping, rising and falling with his sword dance, the patches of green light also formed a shadow. A sword ball with green light flowing around it, with a green sharp sword thorn attached, as if the whole person suddenly turned into a cactus and rolled over.

It only rolled up the oncoming human-faced monster monkeys in pieces. When they touched, they cut off their limbs and feet, disemboweled them, including their skin and flesh, until they were rolled apart by the light of the sword, and they were crushed out in an instant. A bloody road swept down a large area of ​​bamboo in the forest.

After Li Fan finished his set, he drew back his sword. He turned around and saw a bloody red sprinkling behind him. They were disemboweled and the monkeys with missing limbs fell to the ground. After they died, their faces returned to their monkey shapes. .

True cactus sword technique...

Ahem, I'm joking. In fact, this move is called the "Multiple Attack Style" in "Xuan Tian Sword Technique", which is designed to deal with dangerous situations where swords are clashing from all directions. It is most suitable for dealing with battlefields where such miscellaneous fish come to fight in groups.

However, this kind of jumping, turning, stabbing and dancing, and having to concentrate on using your energy to assist all the time is really tiring. If his physical fitness hadn't been greatly improved after foundation building, he wouldn't have been able to use this move with a huge amount of exercise a few times.

'Xuantian Sword Intent said that the host's movements are still hindered. The right hand sword stabs a little slower, and the sword path is deflected when sweeping to the right. This is all due to the old injury, but it doesn't hinder it. No matter how much movement it takes, Just do some activities to expel the accumulated evil energy. But after all, host, aren't you quite ruthless? You must have overcome some of your inner demons, right? ’

Is not wanting to hurt others considered a demon? But to be honest, once the sword dance started, it turned around, half a circle to the left and half a circle to the right, which made him dizzy. He had to maintain the swordsmanship routine strictly and cooperate with the corresponding meridians to activate Qi, and then according to the eyes. He had already tried so hard to swing his sword in the enemy's position, so he didn't bother to see what he had killed.

‘Xuan Tian’s sword intention means that the time for the talisman is limited, don’t delay, continue! There is another wave a mile to the northwest, kill them! Hurry up! Run! ’

This guy is really a bit like a devil coach...

Li Fan squinted at the series of notifications on the system panel saying "Li Fan's mood increases by 1". At least he knew that this method of practicing exercises to gain points was feasible, so he didn't mind continuing to level up monsters.

He immediately carried his sword and walked quickly, passing through the bamboo forest with a flash of sound. The thick bamboos in front of him passed by his face, and then a bright light shined, and a clearing in the forest suddenly appeared.

At first glance, it is difficult to see clearly due to changes in light, but when you close your eyes, you first use your spiritual consciousness to locate the enemy.

"Ha!" Li Fan followed the sword technique in the sword diagram, which is specially used to defeat the enemy first and attack in a surprise attack. He rose up with the sword and jumped into the sword. He covered the monkeys who were gathering in a group to take a nap with his sword and fell down to strike. cut!

This move is exactly the "rising and falling posture" in the remaining five sword diagrams. To put it simply, it is to use the bamboo-breaking posture to rush out and jump up to chop vertically. The thunder is overwhelming and unstoppable, cutting two with one sword.

Of course, it's just such a sword. It seems to be quite simple. It seems that ordinary people can do it. Similar moves are probably found in most martial arts, but they vary from person to person, and their power is incredible. Different places. Some people may use it and kill the opponent instantly with a jumping knife, while some people may not be able to dodge when they jump up, and may be stabbed to death on the spot by a counter attack.

The reason for this lies in the unique way of moving Qi through specific meridians and acupuncture points during the rising and falling posture, which stimulates the muscles of the hands and feet, and combined with the secret of breathing and exerting force, the power of the first sword is slashed. Speed ​​and accuracy have been improved to the extreme. And these invisible secrets are the key to why different martial arts are criticized as "junk" and "a bit interesting".

At this time, the group of thunder monkeys nibbling bamboo shoots in the forest were completely unaware. They only heard Li Fanqi's angry roar and subconsciously turned around.

Seeing that the sword was about to strike in person, killing the leader of the largest group of monkeys with one blow.

Li Fan's pupils contracted so violently that he shook his hand, tilted his sword, and turned the sword from a midline slash into an oblique deadlift. With one stroke of the sword, he pulled down, against the muscles and bones, and swung most of the Thunder Monkey's shoulders away diagonally. He chopped it until it howled violently, and the other monkeys around him were also frightened half to death.

Li Fan stared, gasping deeply, and the veins on his neck bulged.

He hesitated to take action.

Because the monkey who turned his head turned into the owner of Longmen Inn in an instant! Not only does it have one head, but the whole body is dressed in the same way! Exactly the same as me!

At that time, he was shocked in his heart, and subconsciously he veered off the path of his sword and cut it crookedly!

When he raised his head again, the monkeys around him all changed their appearance, and turned into the same panic-stricken look as those passers-by and drunkards who were killed by the zombies and patrolling guards in the inn. Just like how they died in the inn!

The blinding charm begins to take effect! Refining the heart...this is refining the heart...

‘Xuan Tian’s sword intention expresses the way of life and death! All dogs! There is no one who cannot be killed!

Li Qingyue! If you are stuck at such a basic level as skin, flesh, color, and white lotus!

Even a little bit of obsession is unbreakable! Then don’t talk about cultivation and seeking the truth! ’

Xuantian's sword intent was a blow, bursting out from Li Fan's back like a stream of ice, stinging his scalp immediately.

Without waiting for his reaction, those monkeys, people, or inner demons, just as the sword said, looked ferocious, bared their teeth and claws, and rushed towards Li Fan, who was standing frozen on the spot, like evil ghosts seeking souls from hell. !

Li Fan panicked and subconsciously drew his sword to stab the enemy. However, because the target was a 'person', he was slowed down a moment and was actually caught by the wooden sword. A strange force was instantly transmitted from his wrist! In just a moment, the wooden sword was about to be broken and thrown out of the hand, and the skin on the palm of the hand was scratched!

The stinging pain of broken skin immediately made Li Fan wake up! These are not simple illusions of inner demons! These just look like 'people', but they are all real thunder monkeys! The flesh on that arm is only much more than that of the evil corpse! As long as you let them catch you, you will be torn into pieces in an instant!

‘Xuan Tian’s sword intention indicates, take action! Do you really want to die? You’re a big idiot with a wine bag and a rice bag! ’

"Ahhh!" Li Fan was reminded by Xuantian's sword intention. He roared, exploded his sword energy, and smashed the fingers, arms and head of the person in front of him with his backhand sword. Then he shouted loudly, swung his sword to kill, and subconsciously Memorize the sword diagrams and "shooting styles" that are suitable for close combat and chaos, and use them at will.

There is nothing particularly mysterious or complicated about this sword move. It is simply a fighting technique of getting close to the enemy, intertwining the swords within the sword circle, and killing him at close range. During a sword fight, the movement of the Tao Qi throughout the body is different from the previous two postures. At this time, the shortest is the best. Do not activate the strongest sword Qi in the shortest time to quickly kill the enemy at close range. It even includes some parrying and blocking skills, and even the fighting skills of condensing the sword energy on the fingers and claws, fighting at close quarters, and grabbing weapons and inserting eyes.

At this moment, the 'crowd' was close at hand, and they were attacking one after another, giving Li Fan no chance to breathe. Now he had no chance to be indecisive. He stepped on the three-step step and moved left and right, forward and backward, and at the same time using his sword. Cutting, and the claws of the hand, the sword flew for a moment, the sword swept randomly, and the blood shot into the sky.

In the blink of an eye, no, there was no chance to blink during the entire process. This meant that Li Fan killed dozens of people with his own hands. Each one of them had their heads and arms broken off. He didn't even have time to react in fear and ran away. They were already killed one by one. It was chopped into bloody pieces and fell to the ground, showing the shape of a monkey.

"Huh...huh...huh..." Li Fan was covered in cold sweat, and his head and face were covered with hot springs that couldn't tell whether it was 'human' blood or monkey blood.

'Xuantian Sword Intent said that one talisman has almost been used up. The host should take a rest and see how he feels. ’

So Kun swam over and sucked on the monkey corpses, swallowing all the thunder crystals on their heads.

Li Fan was so angry that he stared at the sword intention left on the treetop, "Bah, what can I do? It's fishy and smelly, and I'm half exhausted. Why, I just practiced it so well that I killed everyone I saw with one sword." , can it be called cultivating immortality? This is called madness!"

"Xuan Tian's sword intention means that the host should not be too arrogant. I am not teaching you to kill people. If you want to kill people, you can kill them with just one breath of sword energy. Why bother to work so hard?" This is to teach you that you must first ensure that you survive before you can have time to talk about other nonsense.

You know, the blinding method is not a big deal. Nowadays, there are many kinds of physical changes, body possession and other demonic methods.

When monks are fighting with swords, life and death can be decided in a matter of seconds. Don't be half-hearted and hesitant just because of a mere set of skins visible to the naked eye like you did just now. If your enemies find out that you don't dare to kill people, what dirty tricks can't you use?

Of course, judging from the ruthlessness of the host, the attack can be considered neat. I am not worried about you fighting with the sword, but I am afraid that in the future, if there is a hidden demon cultivator, you will be soft-hearted and let it go, which will lead to a big disaster. Misfortune, knowing that it was oneself who harmed the common people by mistake is what makes one really want to become a demon.

If you hold too much about right and wrong in your heart, you will easily go astray. I had two disciples back then, both of whom were so poor...'

Li Fan wiped the blood and sweat from his face, frowned and was silent for a while. He was interrupted and killed the monkey for a long time. At this time, he finally took a rest, and then suddenly remembered some hints given by the system before, "Sword Intent, what is Demonic Cultivation? That's it." Demon fetus?"

Xuantian's sword intention shone briefly on Zhushao.

"Xuan Tian's sword intention expressed, demon cultivators, back then our three major sects pointed at each other and called each other demon cultivators, demons, and demons. But now it specifically refers to those monks who have lost control under the influence of the Innate Avenue.

Anyway, I should teach you sooner or later. Generally speaking, from the perspective of practitioners like us, once the moon worship is out of control, or is contaminated by evil spirits, and cannot control the changes in the Tao body, it will not be taken back when the sun rises the next day, even if it is successful. After taking the demonic form and entering the demonic womb, he needs to act decisively and kill him.

But this does not mean that these possessed monks were already dead at that time. Although they cannot control their own power, and most of them have lost their minds due to the alienation of their bodies, this is only temporary. Some of them may still regain their sanity after some time, even three to five hundred years.

There were even some people who, although they had recovered their human form, were actually just grotesque and could not be seen at first glance, and their essence had been completely transformed into demon fetuses and hidden away.

These are the innate demonic cultivators who are now under the Taisu Heavenly Way. ’

Li Fan was stunned for a moment and frowned, "Innate Demonic Cultivator..."

Xuantian's sword intention indicates that innate demon cultivators, not to mention cultivation, even if they breathe out, the existence itself will continue to transform the spiritual energy of the human world into evil energy. If it hurts people and sees blood, it may also turn other living beings into evil energy. Things are also infected. Therefore, we must not allow them to spread and damage the foundation of this human world.

Usually, great monks in the realm of Jindan and Nascent Soul often make earth-shattering Dharma forms and golden bodies. Once they become demons, it is difficult to hide them. The nearby monks also focus on their materials, but they rarely cause trouble.

Among the examples of transforming demon cultivators and hiding demon fetuses, low-level cultivators, such as evil corpses, are the most common. People in the world only think that evil corpses have the word "corpse", which means that the corpse is infected with evil spirits, but this is not the case.

Death is like a lamp going out, leaving nothing but a handful of loess. Evil Qi is not a fly or insect, so how can it control your body to come to life like a puppet on a string?

In fact, those evil corpses, UU Reading www. uukanshu.net It can't be counted as a corpse, but closer to a living person who temporarily pretended to be dead. ’

Li Fan was shocked, "A living person! That vassal king in that tomb!"

'Xuantian Sword Intention said, yes, the evil corpse king in the tomb that day was not suppressed after death, and the corpse was infected by the evil spirit and transformed into a corpse. Instead, they were first infected with evil spirits while alive and became evil corpses, and then were suppressed in the tomb. They continued to be supported by evil spirits and cultivated, so they could never die.

The demon cultivator who had been suppressed for who knows how many years like this would probably cause endless harm if he escaped, and he would be killed anyway. ’

Li Fan felt cold sweat break out on his face, "Then, is the person named Shiro who was in the inn before still alive? By the way, is the person named Xuan Niang infected by the evil spirit..."

'Xuantian Sword Intention means that the host does not need to think too much, and evil corpses cannot be transformed by just anyone who is contaminated with evil energy. What's more, I also scanned that woman with my spiritual consciousness. If it was really a hidden demon fetus, I would have taken action at the beginning. You, the host, can't help it, okay? ’

Li Fan swallowed, "No, but the system clearly said... Sword Intent, please think about it again. Is there any possibility? The evil corpse Shiro I killed with the Qiankun Feilong Sword was not completely dead." , and then resurrected through Xuan Niang, but you didn’t see it at the time?”

Xuantian's sword spirit circled impatiently, cut off a piece of bamboo, and dropped the leaves, causing Li Fan to run away holding his head.

‘Xuantian Sword Intention said, will I make a mistake? I, the dignified master of the Beichen Sword Sect, can't I see the demon fetus? And let it slip from under your nose? ha! The world is so big...oh...um...hiss...it should be no problem, believe me. ’

You are so hesitant, who dares to believe you? !

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