The Supreme Being

Chapter 1076 The Immortal Demon God (Second update, please vote for me)

In the fairy world of plain girls, the mist floats, and the meaning of being out of the world is lofty.

In the exquisite room filled with an atmosphere of joy, lotus petals are blooming, greedily absorbing the pink color. The contemporary Bodhisattva of Joy lies on the lotus platform with one hand supporting his cheek, the white gauze clinging to the body, and the endless undulating mountains are so beautiful.

"This is the purpose of the Ten Thousand Worlds Awareness Talisman..." In front of her, Lian Yu Bodhisattva, who creatively came up with the classification of "snacks", said while holding a slightly crude, palm-sized metal sheet in his hand.

The Bodhisattva of Joy retracted her two long legs and lazily changed into a sitting position. The white gauze was swimming, and the spring light appeared occasionally. The male pet standing nearby couldn't move his eyes away, his breathing became heavier, and he wanted to pounce on him.

"Oh, this is not bad." Bodhisattva Huanxi took a picture of the simple Talisman of Universal Knowledge, looked through it for a while, and said with a smile, "As if we are neighbors in the world, there are close friends in the sea. The description in the poem seems to come to us at once. There is no need to commit yourself to a brothel, or travel aimlessly and wait for the chance. With this talisman in hand, you can take the initiative without leaving home, and you can have all the men in the world in your pocket. "

Although Lian Yu Bodhisattva thought the Talisman of Universal Knowledge was good, it was only based on the idea that living beings like novelty. Hearing this, he said doubtfully: "What difference can this make? Doesn't it mean that you have to take the initiative to seduce?"

"Of course there is a difference. Men who have traveled around the world and have some experience or mentors will always be more vigilant when entering a brothel. Even if they are jealous, they will be careful with every move they make. They often need assistance such as incense and drugs. It is easy to Exposed, and now, getting to know each other through the Universal Knowledge Talisman is due to fate. There is a kind of hazy destiny beauty, and the love will naturally come naturally. "Huanxi Bodhisattva has not yet used the Universal Knowledge Talisman, but he already has a clear idea. .

She covered her mouth and smiled, and continued: "And we can meet each other thousands of miles away. Sitting at home is better than a brothel. The convenience is definitely unmatched in the past, and all living beings have the heart to be lazy and find it troublesome. More importantly, Who is more popular, a brothel fan who is admired by thousands of people and a young girl who admires knights? There is no civet cat who can't cheat. This kind of love affair that satisfies vanity and arrogance can make men exciting and exciting. Satisfied, irresistible.”

Lian Yu Bodhisattva's eyes lit up when he heard this: "If I use the simplest universal recognition talisman, without the need for breath and number to form a mark, then I can be a pure girl, a enchanting lady, and a holy nun, haha , even if the official wants a demon fox, I can pretend to be one, which is really a good thing. "

At this point, she frowned again: "But the Universal Awareness Talisman was made by Su Meng, and it is said to be inextricably linked to the causes of his effects. If we use it, aren't we falling into a trap? "

"It doesn't matter, the causes of all effects are connected to all causes and effects. Now how can Su Meng have the ability to read them all, every detail, and can grasp a few key points at most. We only need to use the simplest general knowledge for ordinary people and common people, only Number, without the breath mark, can he still lock us in among hundreds of millions of people?" Happy Bodhisattva's eyes were full of spring, and his cheeks were like peach plums. "Although the simplest universal identification talisman has only basic uses, we can add it ourselves. When the time comes, we may not be able to show off the essence of the ‘Goddess Dance’.”

The expression of Lianyu Bodhisattva became excited: "Now I will practice the 'Bodhisattva Soul-Educing Sound' hard!"

The Bodhisattva Huanxi played with the simple Talisman of Universal Knowledge, and his mind was deep in thoughts, thinking about "grand plans and great undertakings".


Xiniu Hezhou, Eagle Jue Mountains.

King Huang Jing is the real demon king with a powerful force for thousands of miles. He has thirty-six cave demon commanders and seventy-two demon generals under his command. He can be called the earth emperor of this place.

It was almost noon, and the Yellow Eyed King was gnawing on the thighs of other demon clansmen, until his mouth was filled with blood. He watched the banshee dance with bright eyes, and made lewd laughter from time to time.

At this moment, a little demon patrolling the mountain came to report: "Your Majesty, there is a Taoist named 'He Transformed into the God of Freedom' who wants to see you."

"He transformed into the God of Freedom?" King Huang Jing was confused, "Which cave and mountain demon king is he?"

"It looks like a human race." The little demon patrolling the mountain said in surprise.

King Huang Jing's eyes suddenly shone: "Human race? No, if you dare to come to ask for an audience, you should be an immortal. I don't know how long I haven't tasted the delicacies of an immortal! Please, please quickly!"

Demons have plagued the earth for many years. Only a few humans are left alive, and some of the demon gods who dominate the four continents are kept in captivity. As for the gods, they have not been seen for a long time. King Huang Jing only tasted this delicious food when he was young, and now he has long been reduced to relying on food. The rest of the demon clan is content with themselves.

The banshees dispersed, and there was a fire and a cauldron in front of King Huang Eyes. He was waiting with a serious expression for the arrival of "He is the God of Freedom". If he came with bad intentions or had nothing important to do, he would have to have a good meal.

After a while, King Huang Jing saw a handsome Taoist wearing a wet suit and a cloud crown on his head walking towards him. His temples were mottled and his eyes were deep, which made him extraordinary at first glance. He was holding a brocade box tied with silk The sash seems quite precious.

"People from outside the country have seen your Majesty." Meng Qi smiled and saluted.

King Huang Jing coughed: "Why did you come to Ying Jue Ridge?"

The word "ah" has a rising tone, showing a bit of a king's air. If the other party answers incorrectly, he will immediately open his huge mouth.

Meng Qi smiled and said: "Pindao comes from the East China Sea and belongs to the Dragon King clan in the past."

As soon as he finished speaking, pieces of golden scales protruded from his exposed skin, which were solid, immortal and unbreakable. The terrifying aura that existed above all living things swept through the cave, making all the demons, commanders and generals tremble and want to prostrate themselves. The little demons were even more frightened, with demonic expressions on their faces. Even the Yellow-Eyed King himself seemed to have lightning rising from his tailbone, exploding to the point where the pores on the demon body were tightly closed and all the hairs stood on end.

After a long while, King Huang Jing forced himself to smile and said: "It turns out that the Taoist Priest is also a demon clan."

He is still a rare true dragon demon god nowadays!

"The poor Taoist travels to Shenzhou in the east, Buzhou in the south, and Hezhou in the west to visit old friends. However, this place is unfamiliar and I am confused, so I have to ask the king nearby for directions." Meng Qi said deliberately in a formal manner to show the true dragon. The grandeur of the clan, "The thing in my hand is a small gift to thank the king for his answer."

King Huang Jing was initially bored by what he heard, but when he found out that there was a gift, his eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "I don't know what kind of gift it is? I don't know where Chang Yu is looking for it?"

The True Dragon clan has a long heritage and has always been rich and generous. Even if it is a small gift, it must be heavy!

"This treasure?" Meng Qi rubbed the surface of the brocade box and said with a smile, "It is a relic left by the lineage of Pindao's "He Incarnated as God". It is more mellow than wine and more fragrant than food. When encountering gods, he could not sleep at night. Stealing into the mortal world, the evil spirit succeeded. Forget about killing, forget about destruction, forget about seduction and depravity, and indulge in yourself. Your Majesty, do you think it is a treasure? "

King Huang Jing was elated when he heard this and nodded heavily: "Yes! Of course it is!"

A treasure that even gods and demons cannot control!

"I came to Yingjueling because I wanted to inquire about Wuzhuang Temple." After tickling King Huang Jing's heart, Meng Qi changed the topic.

"Wuzhuang Temple?" King Huang Jing's eyes were blank, and he didn't seem to be faking it.

"The king doesn't know?" Meng Qi asked.

King Huang Jing shook his head: "I've never heard of it."

"Hundreds of years ago, before the fall of heaven, a man with great supernatural powers established the Wuzhuang Temple in Hezhou, Xiniu. I wanted to find out where its old site was or if any of its descendants were alive." Meng Qi described it in detail.

"I have only lived three hundred years, how can I know what happened more than eight hundred years ago?" King Huang Jing stared at the brocade box, fearing that he would not be able to get the treasure because he could not answer the question.

Meng Qi pondered for a moment and said, "My lord, do you know any great demon or demon god who knows something like this?"

King Huang Jing's expression suddenly changed, and he became a bit inexplicably afraid: "The 'Immortal Demon God' of Tianzhu Mountain may know."

He answered very briefly, for fear of saying another word.

Meng Qi's heart moved, and he smiled and said, "May I ask why the 'Immortal Demon God' knows about similar things?"

King Huang Jing felt that Meng Qi was amiable for no reason, so he subconsciously told the truth: "The 'Immortal Demon God' is not a descendant like us. It often says that it has experienced the events of becoming a god, traveling to the west, and has witnessed the fall of heaven. It is very It’s ancient, so it’s called ‘Immortal’. It has lived for such a long time, so it probably knows about Wuzhuang Temple.”

"That's it." Meng Qi nodded slightly.

If what he said is true, this is an old monster. I don’t know which master who has experienced the Conferred Gods and Journey to the West is now hiding in the world and hiding in Tianzhu Mountain...

"May I ask, Your Majesty, how to get to Tianzhu Mountain?" Meng Qi asked.

King Huang Jing took a breath and said: "The 'Immortal Demon God' doesn't like outsiders to approach Tianzhu Mountain, and he himself has been hiding in it all year round. Apart from asking for offerings from real demon kings and demon gods like us, he has little contact with the outside world. You But don’t be reckless!”

It was always reckless, but it reminded Meng Qi not to be reckless.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the poor Taoist has his own plans." Meng Qi nodded and smiled.

King Huang Jing was too lazy to be verbose and informed the "Lord of the Incarnate God" about the location of Tianzhu Mountain. Finally, he lowered his voice and said: "There is one more thing that Taoist priests need to pay attention to. There are rumors that the 'Immortal Demon God' has participated in During the Lingshan battle, he was the only demon clan to escape apart from the Demon Saint Empress..."

Participated in the Lingshan War? Meng Qi was shocked.

In the battle of Lingshan Mountain in the past, only two people were sure to leave safely, one was the Demon Saint and the other was Ananda. Although I suspected that there were only a few Buddhas or Bodhisattvas who escaped and knew the details of this battle, but There are still no clues, only the initial suspicion of Jin Chanzi, and now we meet another survivor who participated in the Lingshan War?

Lu Ya's mission this time is not easy...

While he was concentrating on thinking, King Huang Jing smiled: "Taoist Master, this treasure, uh, gift..."

Meng Qi laughed loudly when he heard this and handed the brocade box over: "Your Majesty, please accept it."

After saying that, he turned around and walked away, disappearing into Ying Jue Ridge in one step.

King Huang Jing took a deep breath, opened the brocade box, and saw a piece of metal sheet. The pattern and style were indeed beautiful, but there was nothing about it that would make gods, gods, and demons obsessed with it.

At this moment, the metal sheet vibrated and emitted a red light. The Yellow-Eyed King was a real demon and had some insight, so he stretched out his claws and touched the center.

"Hello..." a soul-crushing voice came out.

As soon as he heard this voice, King Huang Jing felt as if he was electrified, his whole body felt numb, his legs suddenly went weak, and his soul flew out of the sky.

Really, really good stuff!


On the way to Tianzhu Mountain, Meng Qi chuckled. The Bodhisattva of the Huanxi lineage was really ignorant. He wanted to use the Ten Thousand Worlds Awareness Talisman in the Su Nu Immortal Realm to hide it from him?

I don’t know that places such as Suv Fairy World and Vacuum Hometown are “special groups”. Will all messages from or leading to these places be automatically screened out?

Somersault clouds rose, and Meng Qi escaped to the horizon.

Who will be the "immortal demon god"?

Second update, please vote for me~

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